After Jiang Mian ran a lap, it suddenly occurred to him that Gu Xingchen had a small scene in the book—because of the fact that there were too few scenes, she didn't even pay attention, and then suddenly came out of her mind.

In the middle and late stages of the book, Guan Xin and Gu Xingchen almost collaborated on a play, but they were rejected by Gu Xingchen for unknown reasons. At that time, Gu Xiwen had already risen, and there were reports on the Internet that both Gu Xingchen and Gu Xiwen were Gu. It doesn't matter what it is, it's rumored to be rigorous.

Later, Gu Xingchen issued a statement saying that he and Gu Qiwen had no relationship at all, that is, Gu Xingchen's name was mentioned several times here, and then nothing else.

As I was thinking, a loud male voice suddenly sounded in the sound of cheering: "Senior sister, come on, Jiang Mian, come on!!!"

Jiang Mian shuddered at his feet and almost fell on the ground, looking in the direction where the sound was made, and saw Lu Yixiu shouting with a trumpet. There were a few teenagers standing beside him, who should be his roommate, shouting with him.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Lu Yixiu noticed that Jiang Mian had seen him and waved with a grin.

Since he was beaten by Gu Qiwen, he disliked the surname "Gu" very much, and found that all the female voices around were cheering for Gu Xingchen. He didn't know Gu Xingchen, but-why did the senior sister run and no one called Come on, so many people named Gu Xingchen shouted.

He said to his roommate: "Go harder, shout! Can't be compared to girls!"

It's almost an instinct to follow the trend. As long as one person yells, others will join in slowly, so that when you get behind, the roar of refueling outside the runway splits into two.

One is: Come on Xing Shen, you are the most handsome.

One is: Come on Jiang Mian, you are the most beautiful.

Because of the growing momentum, many people passing by were attracted, thinking that something terrible had happened, and when they came in, they were speechless.

"As for it, it's just a running training."

"I also think it's too fussy and it affects other trainees."

"But to be honest, although I don't think it will be so, but watching them run together, I am inexplicably excited."

"Damn, don't tell me, it really is."


At some point, the other training students on the track stopped, leaving only Jiang Mian and Gu Xingchen.

Jiang Mian wanted to leave, but the boys roared enthusiastically. If she didn't run away suddenly, it was not good, so she could only continue to run calmly.

She and Gu Xingchen had always been half a circle away, and they were later caught up by Gu Xingchen. When the two crossed, they quickly exchanged a few words:

Gu Xingchen: "Hey, are you still running?"

Jiang Mian: "Aren't you running all the time."

Gu Xing replied calmly: "I don't think you stop, my fans are cheering, so how am I embarrassed to stop."

Jiang Mian: "Stop together."

Gu Xingchen: "Okay."

The two ran for another lap. Gu Xingchen asked Jiang Mian to stop first, and then waved to the fans: "This is the end of today's training, thank you everyone."

Jiang Mian just walked towards Lu Yixiu, Lu Yixiu's face was full of excitement, and his excited face was red: "Senior sister, you have run eight laps! One lap is 400 meters, eight laps are 3,200 meters, why are you so good? what."

"I'm jogging." Jiang Mian breathed slowly.

"Jogging is great!" Lu Yixiu pointed to the other three, "Senior sister, they are my roommates."

"Sister-in-law is good." The three of them stood at attention, and they were about to march.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Thank you, you are all tired, go back to the dormitory." Sending away Lu Yixiu, Jiang Mian was going to buy water-running three kilometers at a time, sweating a lot, and the legs are still a little soft, so I need to add water .

Just a few steps, a voice sounded behind him: "Hey."

Looking back, it was Gu Xingchen carrying a bottle of water. He glanced at Jiang Mian up and down, and tweeted unclearly, "Your fans are careless enough. They didn't prepare a bottle of water."

After speaking, he shook his head, turned and left.

Jiang Mian looked at his back and thought about it carefully. It was true that he had never interacted with this person. So, where did his hostility to her come from?

Is it because she stole the limelight of this child star from a hot search last week?

Jiang Mian took out his mobile phone and was about to contact Qi Yanshu. A bottle of water that was unscrewed appeared in front of him. When he turned his head, his eyes lit up: "Master, why did you come in? When did you come?"

Qi Yanshu arrived ten minutes ago and found an unobtrusive location. He said: "Just arrived."

He took out a clean handkerchief: "Wipe the sweat."

The two walked out of the school together, Qi Yan wrote, "Tomorrow I will move back to Qi's house."

Jiang Mian frowned subconsciously: "Why?"

She didn't know that Qi Yanshu was the master. Now that she knew it, when she heard that he was going back to Qi's house, the first thought in her heart was unwilling.

Qi Yanshu: "My father's health is getting worse, so I should go back."

Jiang Mian was a little embarrassed, she had forgotten this, Master had family.

Since knowing that Qi Yanshu is the master, she could not help but divide them into two people.

That's good, in this world, both of their master and apprentice have families.

Get in the car, Qi Yanshu handed out a black card: "You hold this card."

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry: "Master, I have two black cards."

"So stop being a teacher?"

"No." Jiang Mian had to take the black card and put it in the bag, "I can make money myself."

She suddenly laughed: "Master, do you remember the time I spent all your spirit stones? I want to give you a surprise, but I didn't want to buy a fake."

In the world of cultivating immortals, the currency unit is the Lingshi. Jiang Mian went out to practice and was accompanied by the master. All her food and clothing were handled by the master.

The master would also give her the Lingshi as pocket money.

Once passing by an auction house, the boss let out a message saying that there was a fairy sword auction. In general auction houses, there are two types of auction methods: one, spirit stone, and two, exchange of goods.

Jiang Mian knew that Master's birthday was approaching, and wanted to buy him a birthday gift. She thought this fairy sword was the best gift.

So she sneaked into the auction house without telling her Master, and even took the master's storage bag-she herself had little pitiful spirits, and she could only use Master's.

In the end, she took out all the spiritual stones of the master and took pictures of the fairy sword. She was robbed and killed on the way back. Fortunately, the master arrived in time.

Regardless of her injury, she gave the fairy sword to the master like a treasure, but the sword was fake.

She was dumbfounded, and then thought that she had consumed all the Lingshi. She only felt that she was a prodigal, very depressed and sad.

Then the master took her to find the auction house to kick the hall, and finally took back all the spirit stones she was deceived.


Qi Yanshu obviously also thought of this incident. The corners of his mouth rose, uncontrollably, and he raised his hand to touch her hair: "At that time, you were hiding behind me and making faces at them, very proud."

Jiang Mian chuckled.

She didn't see the deep pain and sorrow that passed by Qi Yanshu's eyes.

If he hadn't died, if he had been protecting her, she wouldn't have been so hard to avenge him afterwards.

Everyone said Qing Yi Daojun loved his little disciple most, but in the end it was because of him... Qi Yanshu closed his eyes fiercely.

When I opened it again, all the emotions in my eyes disappeared and he recovered his calm.

Jiang Mian looked down at the phone and didn't notice it—the message was sent to her by Master Tian, ​​and he sent her a picture.

The celestial master made countless braids for the silver fox's hair, and the silver fox's face was unlovable.

Then he sent a voice, Jiang Mian clicked on: "Mianmian, do you think my craft is good?"

Jiang Mian praised it against his will: "Dad, you made up very well."

Master Tian: "When you come over, I will make up for you."


Jiang Mian couldn't laugh anymore.

She decided to ignore the news and pretended not to see it.

Zuo Xingping guarded his cell phone, waiting for her baby daughter to reply, but did not wait for a long time.

He wanted to call the video, but he was afraid that his baby girl would be busy and disturb her.

Turning his head to look at the silver fox, looking from left to right, he felt that the knitting was not good, so he planned to disassemble and re-knit. He had to practice his skills well. He couldn't buy beautiful skirts, but he could braid beautiful braids for the baby girl.

"What do you want to eat?" Qi Yanshu asked when waiting for the traffic light.

"You are going back to Qi's house tomorrow." Jiang Mian thought for a while and said, "Let's buy vegetables and make them ourselves."

"it is good."

I found a shopping mall nearby, Qi Yanshu parked the car, Jiang Mian pulled out his hat and buckled it, and entered the underground supermarket of the mall with Qi Yanshu.

Qi Yan book cart, Jiang Mian chooses things, thinking of Master’s injury, Jiang Mian picks nutritious dishes. He just picked up a box of beef and looked back, Master was gone.


After a few seconds, Qi Yanshu came out from the shelf next to him. There were two young girls who came out with him. The faces of the two girls were flushed. Then you pulled me and I led you and ran away.

Jiang Mian: "???"

"Don't want to be crooked." Qi Yan said in the book, "They are taking pictures, I asked them to delete the photos."

Jiang Mian had to pull back his thoughts that had almost been crooked.

Jiang Mian continued to walk in front. Qi Yanshu walked behind while pushing the car. He took out his mobile phone and showed a photo on it.

The girl bends down to take the vegetable, the man's gaze has been focused on her, that gaze... Qi Yanshu's heart was stagnant, and there was a faint blood passing by in his eyes. After a while, sliding his finger to delete the photo.

Returning to Tianjingyuan, Jiang Mian went to the kitchen to be busy, Qi Yanshu wanted to come in and help, but she was pushed out forcibly because of injuries, so she sat down.

Qi Yanshu didn't insist, he first went to see Xiao Mi in the cat litter, Xiao Mi yelled at him softly, and then rubbed his head against him.

He got up, walked to the front of the fish tank, tapped his fingertips on the glass, and the fish swam chaotically, swimming in waves, while the big crab at the bottom of the tank was motionless like an old monk.

"Mianmian, why raise a crab?" he asked softly.