The kitchen paper was gone. Jiang Mian came out to take the paper. Seeing Master standing in front of the fish tank, she didn’t hear the soft question he just asked, and said casually: “That’s from Dad Han, even Dad gave me two. A little rabbit, when Father Han knew, he had to give me other things, as well as cats and dogs. I asked Liu Ma to take her home."

"If it weren't for Dad to stop him, I must have become a zoo." She shook her head helplessly, and turned back to the kitchen to continue her busy schedule.

Qi Yanshu's eyes paused slightly, and he looked at the big crab, with a faint smile on his lips.

Jiang Mian made four dishes and one soup, she rarely cooks, usually for a few dads, and the number of times is limited. After setting it up, she took a photo, thinking that she hadn't posted it on Weibo for a long time, and posted it by the way.

Qi Yanshu suddenly asked: "When did you learn to cook?"

Jiang Mian's typing fingers paused. She learned to cook naturally during the five years she became a mortal in the world of cultivating immortals. For the first half of the time, she was lying in bed, and after numerous pains, she stood up again.

There is no need to let the master know this, she said without looking up: "It is such an easy task to cook, how can it be rare for me to stay."

"That's right, Master." Jiang Mian suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly posted the edited Weibo, "When you didn't restore your memory before, after Lingqing Guan solved the curse, you asked Luo Jiale to find me and say me I can help you, how did you know that I could help you?"

At that time, Qi Yanshu's blood flow continued. After Jiang Mian arrived, through an old Chinese doctor's remote WeChat guidance, she started a needle to stop Qi Yanshu's bleeding and saved him.

And she knows acupuncture, which is taught by doctors so that she can get needles for herself.

Qi Yanshu said lightly: "Intuition."

The master said it was intuition, it must be intuition, Jiang Mian believed it without hesitation, and this matter sank deep in her memory again.

"Don't play with your mobile phone for dinner." Qi Yanshu gently tapped on the desktop.

Jiang Mian put down the phone obediently: "I follow the instructions of the teacher."

Qi Yan smiled.

After the meal, the master and apprentice went for a walk downstairs. After the break, the Qi family came to pick up Qi Yanshu's car. It turned out that Old Man Qi knew that Qi Yanshu was going back, so he couldn't wait for tomorrow, so he came to pick him up in person.

Qi Yanshu temporarily didn't want Jiang Mian to enter the Qi family's field of vision, and did not let Jiang Mian send it. Jiang Mian had to go back by herself. After thinking about it, she entered the home of Qi Yanshu opposite.

When the master left, she said that the right to use this house also belongs to her, and the password and key were given to her.

She didn't know why she entered this room, anyway she entered, so just take a look.

Although the room has a complete set of electricity, there are very few things that belong to Qi Yan's book. The only thing with a little more is the study room, which is deserted and not decent.

There was a piece of drawing paper on the desk with half a person painted on it. She picked up the drawing and looked carefully. If she looked at her clothes, she drew a girl, but she didn’t draw a face, and she didn’t know who the master wanted to draw.

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up: Does the master want to draw his sweetheart?

In the previous life, the master devoted himself to cultivating, and with her such a drag bottle, he has never found a Taoist companion.

At that time, there were many female monks who fell in love with Master, and there were even powerful female monks who wanted to take Master as a priest.

Now the world is peaceful, and the master’s family background is very good. I don’t have to worry about finding a wife who is the right one. The four dads refuse to find her stepmother for fear that she will be wronged.

The master is different, but she is very much looking forward to the master can find her a wife.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mian took a picture of the painting, and then sent it to Qi Yan: [Master, when will I have a wife? 】

An appropriate emoticon was followed.

[Qi Yanshu: Don't think about it, it's late, take a good rest. 】

After reading this news several times, Jiang Mian sighed, Master must be embarrassed. Blame her too, she shouldn't be so reckless to post the photo, and to tear down Master at once, she would definitely not admit it.

Speaking of looking for a wife, Jiang Mian once almost sold her master, but she was severely trained by the master and fined her not to eat for three days and three nights.

In fact, she can't be blamed. After getting acquainted with the master, she slowly released her nature - once she became a Rén, in addition to working hard to practice, she was curious about various other things.

Later, I met a pair of brothers and sisters occasionally. That younger sister liked to take Jiang Mian to play around. Can Jiang Mian not like her? Later, I learned that my sister admired the master—she didn't know what admiration was at that time.

The younger sister asked her to lie to Master to a place, saying that she would give Master a surprise, and she agreed without hesitation.

She obeyed her sister, hid far away, ran to look at the lantern, and fell asleep by the river. When I woke up, I saw Master's murderous face, and then she was picked up by Master.

She had never seen Master Sheng so angry, she didn't dare to take a breath, and honestly didn't eat anything for three days. After three days, they parted ways with the brother and sister. Later, any female monk who wanted to go with them was rejected by the master.


She didn't understand at that time, but now thinking about it, the point that Master is angry is because she is good at advocating and deceived him to go where he shouldn't go, so -

Jiang Mian glanced at the painting. Even if she knew that Master had a sweetheart, she couldn't mess around without knowing who it was, otherwise it was very likely that she would make her angry, and then all the masters who came to her mouth would run away.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mian put the painting back carefully.

In the next few days, Jiang Mian went back and forth between the school and the Han's Hospital. He stayed with Master Tian at the hospital for two days on weekends. Tuhao fathers only found time to come over on Saturday night and had a meal with Jiang Mian and borrowed the hospital kitchen. Cooked meals.

By the way, Jiang Mian used these two days to fight with the great monk on the Internet, and has already won back 30,000 yuan in reward. For Master Yu Tian, ​​this is a great happy event.

When Jiang Mian was fighting with the great monk, Zuo Xingping was beside Jiang Mian braiding Jiang Mian and changing the braid.

He used to braid Xiao Jiangmian, but he was clumsy at the time, and there was nowhere for him to learn to braid Xiao Jiangmian. He staggered and braided Xiao Jiangmian, and she had a headache.

He didn't know at first, and Xiao Jiang Mian didn't know what to say, but he didn't know how to say it, until Xiao Jiang Mian was really painful, clutching his hair, and tearfully said to him: "Dad, Mianmian hurts."

Zuo Xingping felt distressed and blamed himself. He no longer dared to braid Xiao Jiang Mian. Later, when Xiao Jiang Mian grew up, he also learned the most common braid braiding method. However, Xiao Jiang Mian did not kiss him anymore. There is no chance to braid her daughter.

Now he not only learns the common weaving method, but also finds other weaving methods on the Internet. When he lives in the hospital, he experimented with silver fox fur, and he learned it well.

So when Jiang Mian came, he carefully picked up the long hair of his baby girl and made it up with joy.

Jiang Mian originally intended to refuse, but he did not say what he refused. He saw the headband prepared by Master Tian-Yinhu said he sneaked out of the hospital to buy it. Yinhu was not allowed to tell her that he had left the hospital. .

When Jiang Mian reached his mouth, he swallowed it back, and resignedly handed over the handling of the hair to Master Tian, ​​so that when she went to school on Monday, Jiang Mian wore the styling made by Master Tian.

Surprisingly, her hair style was praised by many girls in the class, and a wave of trend was set off for a while. The next day, many girls wore the same hairstyle as Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Instantly raised respect to the heavenly master.

The sports meeting lasts for two days. On Thursday, Friday, Monday to Wednesday, when Jiang Mian is training and running after school in the afternoon, he can meet Gu Xingchen when he returns.

One of the two is a child star, the other is a new star, and Hikari is talking about information together, so that the hot posts on the school forum are all about them.

"It's obvious that someone did this deliberately behind the scenes, just to compare the two of you." At noon on Sunday, Lu Yixiu invited Jiang Mian to drink milk tea at noon. He first talked about gossip and then condemned Gu Xingchen, "My senior sister. How powerful is Gu Xingchen than you."

Jiang Mian listened to him chatting for a long time, and he drank a cup of milk tea. This guy hasn't entered the subject yet. She was about to finish her patience and interrupted him impatiently: "Okay, what's the matter with me? I'm leaving."

"Don't don't don't." Lu Yixiu immediately grabbed Jiang Mian. He hesitated and squeezed for a long time before whispering, "Senior sister, Yueyue is back home."

"Good thing, you can meet now." Jiang Mian rolled his eyes vaguely.

Lu Yixiu said with a rippling look: "Actually...we saw it last weekend."


"I took her hand, she didn't shake it away, but—" Lu Yixiu's face collapsed, "I have talked to her these few days, and made an appointment to meet with her again, but she did not agree, senior sister, you What does she mean by that."

"Since she is willing to let me hold hands, it means that she also likes me. I was too nervous when I met on the weekend, and I forgot to confirm the relationship with her when I was nervous, so I wanted to make an appointment next time.

He looked at Jiang Mian eagerly: "Senior Sister, you are all girls. Please help me think about what she thinks."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Senior sister, elder sister, you are my relatives." Lu Yixiu had a dog's tail swaying at Jiang Mian from behind.

Jiang Mian poked the head of the dog he had approached: "First, you are in love, not me. Second, I am not her, how do I know what she thinks. Third, she disagrees once, you Don’t you know how many appointments? Or go to her residence in person to find her? She will always have a place to live when she returns to China. Don’t you know where she lives."

Lu Yixiu rubbed his hands: "I know where she lives, but I dare not go to her house alone."

Jiang Mian: "?"

"Senior sister, I'll be honest with you." Lu Yixiu put down his drink, lowered his voice, and said solemnly, "I checked the address Yueyue gave me. It is a famous murder house in Kyoto."

Jiang Mian gave an unfamiliar "Oh".

"Really." Lu Yixiu said, "Yueyue said that the house was her old house, and the family moved abroad. The house was vacant and no one lived. I don't know which wicked ghost is spreading it, it is not said on the Internet. It’s like that. But what is said on the Internet is rigorous, as well as pictures and videos, which are very true. I was scared once when I was a child, and I was particularly afraid of this."

Jiang Mian looked at him: "So..."

Lu Yixiu hehe to please laughter, and said his ultimate goal: "Senior sister, can you go with me."

At the end, he said: "Yueyue came back alone this time, so she is not afraid to live alone."

Jiang Mian said slowly: "Maybe she is not human."