"Xue, senior sister, this joke is not funny." Lu Yixiu only felt a cold breath rising from the soles of his feet, and instantly reached his scalp, and his goose bumps came out of excitement.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Mian wanted to tease him more. She knocked on the table and deliberately lowered her voice: "Think about it, why she refuses to meet you again, why does she want to live in the murder house alone? Even if it is her elder The house, the online upload is like this, is she not afraid at all?"

"Moreover, when a person comes back to live in the old house, even if the courageous boy will get hairy, she is a little girl, too courageous."

Lu Yixiu's brain suddenly brightened: "Senior sister, if you are allowed to live in a haunted house alone, are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of." Jiang Mian shook his head reflexively.

"That's not enough." Lu Yixiu slapped her thigh and raised her voice to embolden herself, "You dare to live in a murderous house alone, which means that there are other girls who dare to live in a murderous house. So Yueyue dares to live alone in a murderous house, which shows that she is brave."

Jiang Mian: "Then you are still worried about whether she lives alone or not."

Lu Yixiu: "She is courageous, and I worry about whether she is afraid or not are two different things."

"In this case, go find her by yourself." Jiang Mian got up and prepared to leave.

Lu Yixiu hurriedly grabbed her and said miserably: "But I'm afraid."

Jiang Mian's advice: "When you get to her house, call her and ask her to come down and pick you up."

"She didn't promise to meet with me. I rushed to find her. If I get angry, she won't answer my phone or come down to pick me up. I, I..."

"You turn around and leave, can you." Jiang Mian pulled away the dog's paws, "Don't move your hands."

Lu Yixiu said honestly: "I'm afraid at that time, I was already scared and dizzy."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Where is that place."

Lu Yixiu was overjoyed. The senior sister said so, which meant it had been loosened, and she panicked to show Jiang Mian the news found on the Internet.

Lu Yixiu has been afraid of this since he was a child, and even afraid of hearing that word. On the one hand, he doesn't believe that there is that thing in the world, but on the other hand, he is particularly afraid. After all, it is psychological.

He wanted to see Tong Yue, but he was too afraid of rumors on the Internet, and worried about Tong Yue. But if someone is with him, it's different.

The important thing is that this person who accompanies him can't be an ordinary person. He has carefully screened and the other three in the dormitory are not good and insecure.

His brother... would never agree to accompany him to do this kind of thing, and he has no other friends.

The reason why I asked Jiang Mian to accompany him, subconsciously felt that as long as the senior sister was with him, it was safer than anyone else to go with him. He didn't know why he had such an idea. The name of Jiang Mian came up in his mind the first time. .

Anyway, in Lu Yixiu's mind, Senior Sister is a powerful and versatile brick, and she needs to move wherever she is.

Of course, he never dared to let the senior sister know such a thought.

The place where Tong Yue lives is called Beishan Garden. This is a group of villas. There was a big fire accident many years ago. Except for Tong Yue's house, other villas were burned and many people died.

Later, this area was rebuilt, but there were always various accidents, which led to the unsuccessful reconstruction, and finally gave up this area altogether, so the entire Beishan Garden was left with only one villa, which is the murderous house rumored online.

According to Tong Yue told Lu Yixiu, although her home was not affected, they were the only ones left in Beishan Garden. There were few people and it was uncomfortable.

There was no problem with the house. The family lived for a few years after the fire. Later, the family moved abroad. The house was vacant and it was not rented out.

As for why it was rumored to be a murderous house, according to online reports, there is a courageous young man who likes to play around with excitement and also likes to broadcast live.

He will specifically find some very distinctive places to broadcast live, specifically for some daring and curious people to watch, and then, he found Tong Yue's house.

Online upload, this young dead man had an accident while he was broadcasting live in the villa. The live broadcast stopped midway. When the live broadcast was resumed, the dead young man screamed in horror at the camera, and the live broadcast was interrupted.

This live broadcast has become popular on some platforms on the Internet, attracting many special fans, and it is called adventure. As a result, every time someone goes to this villa, it becomes strange.

One pass two, two pass three... just like that, the name of the murder house came out.

However, some people came out to clarify that these people had collected the script and money, and deliberately made such a show in order to attract people to come in to like and watch, and arouse everyone's attention.

Therefore, no one knows whether it is true or not.

"It's interesting." After reading the description on the Internet, and watching a few videos that netizens called weird, the smile on Jiang Mian's face thickened.

Lu Yixiu didn't understand why she laughed, and his back got cold when he laughed.

Jiang Mian pointed to a video and said: "This is obviously edited. It's bluffing you to play."


Lu Yixiu's heart was raised, and before Jiang Mian could say something, her mobile phone suddenly rang, which was actually a call from Heavenly Master.

"Mianmian, are you busy now"

"Not busy, what's the matter Dad?"

Lu Yixiu immediately sat down right after hearing a call from the senior sister's father.

Zuo Xingping rubbed his hands and stated his purpose without confidence: "Can I come over to pick you up from school in the afternoon?"

In the past, my baby girl never wanted him to take him to school, thinking that he would shame her when he went to school. These days, he lived in the hospital with good food and drink, and his body slowly recovered.

Although there is a place to live and something to eat, he is flustered.

When I went to the bathroom today, he fell twice inexplicably, choked three times while drinking water, and was smashed to the foot with an apple-if he didn't find something to do, he would be even more miserable if he "enjoyed" in the hospital.

But he didn't have a list to pick up for the time being, and he only had a total of more than a dozen yuan on him-the thirty thousand that Jiang Mian had won back for him, he didn't dare to ask the monk to come back for the time being, worried that it would be gone if he did.

After thinking about it, it suddenly occurred to him that he could go to school to pick up his baby girl from school.

But he didn't dare to go to the school directly, so he called to make an appointment in advance.

"Of course."

Jiang Mian talked about her time for school, and then talked about her training for running, and finally agreed to a good time with Master Tian. Lu Yixiu listened to the general idea-the senior sister's father is coming to the school to pick her up, what about him.

He lip-shaped anxiously, madly pointing at himself, staring at Jiang Mian eagerly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

I almost forgot about him.

With a move in her heart, she said: "Dad, just right, I promised a schoolboy, tonight we will go to a murder house to find someone, and you can go with us."

"Haunted house?!" Zuo Xingping jumped up directly.

Knowing what Heavenly Master was going to say, Jiang Mian hurriedly said before he could speak: "With my father by my side, I am not afraid."

Lu Yixiu stared at Jiang Mian, whose face had changed, feeling that the current senior sister and the senior sister who had just spoken to him were not alone.

Now this one is too soft and cute.

Zuo Xingping was blocked and went back, thinking and thinking, anyway, my baby girl has seen Song Ziyi, he said: "Well, where is that place, let me see first."

Jiang Mian quickly sent the address to Master Tian, ​​and after a few more words, the father and daughter ended the call. Looking back, she snapped her fingers to Shang Lu Yixiu's dumb face: "Check out." Then floated. go.

Lu Yixiu hurriedly settled the bill and went to chase Jiang Mian: "Senior sister, your father is going with us."

"have opinions?"

Lu Yixiu was a little reluctant: "This..."

His purpose is only to meet the girl he likes, to have an adult, or to take an adult to make trouble.

Jiang Mian glanced at him and said, "My father is a Taoist priest."

Lu Yixiu's jaw dropped: "???"

Zuo Xing received the "Edict" from his precious daughter, and excitedly turned out his equipment. These days, he was wearing a hospital gown for the purpose of setting up patients.

Go to pick up the baby girl from school. He plans to change to normal clothes. However, he does not have normal clothes in the hospital. His clothes are in Lianfeng's daughter's bedroom.

After Yinhu learned of his embarrassment, he bought him normal clothes out of his pocket.

As a result, as soon as Zuo Xingping changed his clothes, the threads of his clothes broke automatically for several times. Washing his hands could hang a large piece of the clothes on the back. A brand-new set of clothes became tattered within half an hour, and the silver fox was amazed. .

No way, he has been too "rich" these days.

Zuo Xingping resigned his fate to put a yellow robe on the tattered clothes jacket, asked the nurse to take some paper to him, and cut out a stack of small paper figures-in the forbidden area, his small paper figures had been used up.

He carried the silver fox out of the hospital, and it took almost an hour to find a very old shared bicycle.

He dare not use shared electric cars.

Finding a plastic bag and hanging the silver fox plug on the front of the car, Zuo Xingping stepped on a bicycle and went to the film academy.

When he met the traffic lights, his look attracted a lot of attention. There was a man riding an electric bike with a dog in the front frame, whimpering at the silver fox.

The silver fox grouped in a plastic bag: "..."

Damn, an ordinary dog ​​can do better than him.

Zuo Xingping rode to the film academy for three and a half hours. He watched the time and agreed with his baby girl for half an hour. He knew that the baby girl was now a star, so he didn't dare to wait at the door.

He found a relatively inconspicuous trail around, then took a picture and sent it to Jiang Mian.

Stopped the car, Zuo Xingping did not lock the car, and let Silver Fox guard him, strolling around the school, thinking about buying something for her baby girl to eat.

You have to buy clean ones. At first glance, the surrounding shops are tall and expensive, and the shy Tianshi father he chose to choose. When he saw a milk tea shop, his eyes brightened.

A cup of milk tea shouldn't cost much.

"Hello, welcome." The clerk was shocked by Zuo Xingping's appearance, but did not show any strange emotions.

Zuo Xingping looked at the densely packed milk tea varieties in front of him, and asked: "What is the cheapest thing here?"

"The cheapest thing is lemon tea."

"How much does it cost?"



After waiting for a few seconds, the clerk asked: "Sir, do you want it?"

Zuo Xingping glanced at the sixteen five dollars in his hand and shook his head silently.