When Jiang Mian saw Heavenly Master Father, he squatted on the ground, holding a ten-yuan paper ticket in it, and looked down, not even paying attention to her coming.

After she approached, she realized that the paper ticket was wet. The Master Tian was trying to air dry the paper ticket. She said, "Dad."

"Mianmian." Zuo Xingping stood up in surprise, then looked behind her, and said cautiously, "I won't be seen."

Jiang Mian took his hand and said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if you see it."

Zuo Xingping carefully put the half-dry paper ticket into the robes, never mentioning that he ran two streets in order to chase the ten yuan that was swept away by the wind, and finally recovered in a ditch.

"Mianmian, are you hungry?" After asking, I felt that what I was asking was nonsense. Even if the baby girl answered "hungry", he would not have the money to buy her food.

When Jiang Mian saw the dilapidated and worn-out shared bicycle, he knew that Master Tian came from the hospital by bicycle. It took an hour to drive and at least three hours to ride a bicycle. Counting the time, I was afraid that Master Tian would leave after calling her at noon.

"I'm hungry, Dad, you accompany me to eat, let's go to Beishanyuan after eating." Jiang Mian directly said to accompany her to eat, otherwise, she guessed that Tianshi Dad would not agree.

Zuo Xingping hesitated, and he asked, "Where is your junior."

Jiang Mian: "I told him to come back later."

Zuo Xingping didn't want to spoil his baby girl, so he nodded. He could only follow Jiang Mian when he had no money, and secretly hoped that his baby girl would not choose expensive places.

The restaurants around the school are not cheap. Jiang Mian drove a bike, but Tian Shifu insisted on riding a bicycle. The bike was too broken and Zuo Xingping did not dare to carry Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, I will follow, it’s okay. of."

He is really worried that if he gets in a taxi, he will be able to break the car inexplicably, and he will need to pay compensation at that time, but he can't afford it, so he can get help from his baby daughter.

There is no such thing as a father, so he is determined not to take a taxi.

Jiang Mian couldn't do this by himself and his father was chasing after him on a bicycle. He simply found a shared bicycle and the father and daughter rode together.

There is a Snack City that never sleeps three streets away from the Film Academy. Zuo Xingping had not found it before. Taking into account the Tianshi Daddy, Jiang Mian took the Tianshi Daddy into the Snacks City, relying on the 16 yuan in the hands of the Tianshi Daddy. Five, I bought two beef patties, two cups of soy milk, and two tea eggs.

"Look, father, so many."

Seeing the excited little face of the baby girl, Zuo Xingping was a little unhappy.

It stands to reason that you can't buy a cup of milk tea for $16 or five. He should be happy to be able to buy these things, but he thought of buying fried meatballs for his baby girl, which would hurt her stomach.

Although the baby daughter has always emphasized that she will not eat bad belly, but he knows that her daughter knows that he has no money, this is to understand him.

It is even more uncomfortable to think about it this way.

"Mianmian..." Zuo Xingping wanted to persuade him again. He had known that he would not come to pick up his baby girl. Now she is still wronged.

Jiang Mian could see at a glance what Tianshi Dad was thinking. After thinking about it, she said, "Dad, the last time I had a barbecue with even Dad, nothing happened after eating. Don’t be too squeamish. Trust me."

"Just like I believe that Dad is very powerful, you can avoid even such a big snake." Jiang Mian opened his hand exaggeratedly and said with a look of admiration.

Zuo Xingping was a little embarrassed when she was praised by her baby girl, and then carefully pondered Jiang Mian's words and decided to obey her baby girl. She said what she said.

So the father and daughter happily finished the pie, and in the middle Zuo Xingping also divided half of the lotus leaf egg to the silver fox.

Under Jiang Mian's gaze, the silver fox resignedly ate it.

Lu Yixiu decided to borrow his brother's car and contact Jiang Mian. After learning that she was in the snack city, he drove to the snack city and waited anxiously.

He felt a little more nervous when he thought of the senior sister’s father going with them. Then he thought of Jiang Mian saying that her father is a Taoist priest. He started to struggle. When he saw someone, he would call uncle or shout. long.

Although she was surprised that the senior sister's father was a Taoist priest, Lu Yixiu felt more at ease when he heard the news deep in his heart.

He finally understands why he feels safe with his senior sister, and it must be for this reason.

While thinking about it, the car window was knocked, but he saw the person who shocked him-the girl he liked, Tong Yue.

"Yueyue, you, why are you here?" Lu Yixiu got out of the car in a hurry, and his eyes fell cramped to Tongyue. He felt a little guilty in his heart, and there was also a little bit of joy and bad habits from seeing his sweetheart. People are standing on the ground, but they are floating in the clouds.

He had been asking her to meet for the past two days, but she refused, so she decided to go to her house to find her today. Now people suddenly appeared in front of him, and she was confused.

Tong Yue is a petite and exquisite girl. She wears a ponytail and a light blue dress. She smiles slightly and reveals two pears, which is very cute.

She said, "Don't you want to meet me? I just returned to China. I haven't lived in my home for a long time. I have accumulated a lot of dust. The cleaners are unwilling to come to my house to clean up. I have been busy these days after I separated from you and went home on Saturday. As I clean up the house, I’m so ashamed that I really don’t have time to meet you."

Lu Yixiu said anxiously: "Then you can tell me, I will clean up with you."

"Your heart is not good, and my home is like that on the Internet... I thought you would be scared, but I didn't tell you." The girl pulled the corner of her clothes and said softly, "My house is finished today, and there is nothing else to do, so Come to your school and give you a surprise."

"I remember you said that you like to eat hot and sour things. There should be some in Snack City. Just come over and have a look. I didn't expect to see you." Tong Yue's cheeks rose with a faint red cheek and moved away shyly He didn't dare to look at Lu Yixiu.

Lu Yixiu's eyes straightened. It turned out that Yueyue didn't agree to meet him because he was too busy. For no other reason, he opened his mouth to speak, and a familiar voice sounded behind him: "Lu Yixiu."

Looking back, it was Senior Sister. Next to Senior Sister was... Lu Yixiu's body became stiff, with a shocked expression on his face. This bearded man is Senior Sister's father?

In fact, when Tong Yue appeared and Lu Yixiu got out of the car to talk to her, Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping saw it, and they were silent for the time being.

Zuo Xingping didn't say a word, because the baby girl didn't say a word, and Jiang Mian didn't say a word, because she found that Tong Yue's breath was a little strange.

There is no doubt that she is indeed human.

But the breath was hard to say, and subconsciously thought it was a bit weird. Jiang Mian asked the Heavenly Master in a low voice: "Dad, is that girl normal?"

Master Tian returned to her: "Normal."

Jiang Mian believed her feelings, so she approached and interrupted Lu Yixiu.

"Yueyue, she is the senior sister I mentioned to you, I treat her as a relative." Lu Yixiu scratched his head and said hehe.

"Senior sister, hello." Tong Yue first stretched out his hand, "I am Tong Yue, you can call me Yue Yue just like Yi Xiu."

Jiang Mian shook her hand and moved away when she touched it. Then she looked at Zuo Xingping, seeming to be stunned, something flashed across her eyes, and then her expression changed: "Yixiu, you are..."

Before Lu Yixiu could react, Tong Yue suddenly said, "You also think my house is not clean, so do you invite a Taoist priest?"

"Do not……"

Lu Yixiu was interrupted by Tong Yue before she could say anything. Her eyes instantly turned red: "I thought you were different from them, so you are the same."

When the words fell, she turned around and ran. She was running very fast. Lu Yixiu was stunned. Jiang Mian kicked him: "What are you trying to do? Go chase."

Lu Yixiu woke up like a dream, and immediately got in the car to chase.

Silver Fox said: "It seems you don't need to go to the murder house tonight."

Jiang Mian ignored him, Zuo Xingping was inexplicable: "Mianmian, I didn't say anything."

Why did the two young lovers quarrel?

"Dad, that girl deliberately." Jiang Mian said, "Don't you see it, she just doesn't want Lu Yixiu to go to her house. Lu Yixiu catches up, she will take this opportunity to make Lu Yixiu feel guilty and make him forever Put an end to the idea of ​​going to Beishanyuan."

Zuo Xing fainted, and whispered: "The little girl now has so many hearts." It's better to be his own baby daughter.

He thought it was his own pretense that frightened the girl just now—he thought he wouldn't.

Jiang Mian added another sentence: "Dad, if nothing happens, she will come to you."

Zuo Xingping was panicked: "What did she come to do with me, I don't know her."

Jiang Mian was amused by the reaction of the straight boy of the heavenly master. Sure enough, she hadn't said anything to sleep. Within a few minutes, she received news from Lu Yixiu that she could not go to Beishanyuan.

Then, Jiang Mian received a strange call from Tong Yue, but her words made Jiang Mian a little bit more surprised.

Tong Yue’s voice was cautious and begging: "Senior Sister, I’m Tong Yue, can I give the phone to Master Wuzhen? I want to talk to him."

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows, knowing the Taoist name of Heavenly Master Father, it was not easy.

Zuo Xingping is close to Jiang Mian. Hearing what she said, he poked the hands-free and said, "Say it."

Tong Yue took a deep breath and said tremblingly: "Master Wuzhen, I have a million-dollar business here. Would you like to take it?"

Zuo Xingping said two words categorically: "No answer."

It seemed that he didn't expect to be rejected so directly, Tong Yue stagnated, and then choked up and asked, "Why?"

Zuo Xingping is very honest: "The highest remuneration I have received is only 100,000, and now I am given a one-million dollar bill. I am afraid that I will not get it."

Jiang Mian didn't listen to it.

The sound of rapid breathing came from there. It was the first time I encountered someone who felt too much money. After a while, Tong Yue said: "Then how can you be willing to accept this order? "

Thinking of the empty pockets and looking at his baby girl again, Zuo Xingping began to ponder. If the matter is resolved, it should be no problem to order a proper reward at that time.

Jiang Mian suddenly said: "A million is a million, no less."

She clutched the receiver, and said to Master Chaotian: "Dad, I'll take it with you, okay, I will take nine and you will take one, how about?"

Heavenly Master: "Huh???"