In fact, Qi Cheng was discharged from the hospital the day before yesterday. He sneaked out of the hospital. Because of the assassination, the Qi family took it seriously and sent a group of bodyguards to guard the hospital.

He bribed one and the other, and finally managed to escape from the hospital with Qi Menghan's help.

When he left the hospital, he immediately wanted to find Jiang Mian and said that he would give her a surprise. Qi Menghan rolled his eyes and said directly: "You might as well add her WeChat."

"That's not okay." Qi Cheng shook her head at her sister, "It's so insincere to add WeChat, I have to find her personally, if it weren't for her, your brother and I would have been sleeping underground now."

"You still know." Qi Menghan was not angry, and looked at the fool with her brother's gaze. "It's so good that the scar is forgotten, so you are not afraid that the person who wants you to die will send a murderer to kill you? You Mei is here to save you big bear."

"How do you say it, no big or small, your brother, I am a handsome boy, which is a bear." Qi Orange tapped on Qi Menghan's head, and said with a rippling face, "My dear sister, you help Your brother, how about introducing my classmate to meet you next time?"

Qi Menghan gave him an unbearable punch, and finally signed some treaties with Qi Cheng, and then roughly said some news about Jiang Mian, the most important thing is the sports meeting.

When Qi Cheng heard it, her eyes brightened.

Unexpectedly, Sister Jiang would actually participate in the sports meeting honestly, giving him a sense of excitement as a boss pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Jiang Mian's identity is not simple, don't mess around."

"I know it in my heart, don't worry."

Qi Menghan still had to deal with her own affairs. When she turned and left, she suddenly asked Qi Cheng: "Brother, do you really treat me as your sister."

"My brain has a fever, ask some fart questions." Qi Cheng said with an expression of "Are you stupid?"

Don't look at Qi Cheng's various behaviors that look like sand sculptures. He is a real schoolmaster. He went to university abroad, skipped a few grades in middle and high school, and got a very good double degree at a young age.

Father Qi hopes that he will enter his own company. The Qi family is a big family, and every Qi family has a small heart. Qi father wants him to win the power of the Qi family after Qi Cheng enters the company. to make.

But Qi Cheng has always been cold to these things, especially hate business intrigue. She just ignored his father's words and likes to wave around, which is a bit like Nishizawa.

When he was recuperating in the hospital bed, Qi's father gave him an ultimatum. After he recovered, he had to enter the family business. How could Qi Cheng obey honestly, thinking that his younger sister and Jiang’s sister were both in the film school, he turned his head around. Thought.

If he becomes a teacher at the film school, wouldn't he be able to see sister Jiang often? This must be a big surprise.

Just do what he said, Qi Cheng found a friend of a friend who was the wife of a director of the Film Academy's teaching department. In short, she was a trusting relationship, and she became a special assistant of the Film Academy.

He endured not having to go to Jiang Mian for the first time. First, he learned about Jiang Mian's "legendary history" through the school's forum, and thus learned the **** plot between her and Gu Guan.

Tong Jin also learned why she knew Qi Menghan and told him that she was not familiar with Qi Menghan.

It turned out that the two were fighting for a man, and that man liked another woman. After understanding, his angry brain suddenly burst.

Then I thought about it, when everyone was young and frivolous and confused, fortunately Sister Jiang got out in time and did a beautiful job.

Now that the school is here, it's time to make surprises.

Go straight to Sister Jiang and say that he has become a school teacher?

It's too rigid.

Have an unexpected encounter in the classroom?

Too uncreative.

He denied several thoughts in a row, and suddenly thought that there would be an announcer to announce the sports meeting. He could use this opportunity to have a creative and surprising "reunion".


At this moment, the lounge under the sports platform of the playground was temporarily transformed into a broadcasting room. The members of the broadcasting station stared at Qi Cheng sitting behind the console in amazement, and watched him screaming "Sister Jiang" there.

He read three non-repetitive propaganda drafts in a row, all of which were written to Jiang Mian. The problem is-they didn't see that he had propaganda drafts in hand.

"Who wrote this to Jiang Mian."

"I guess it's probably an admirer."

"Does this assistant teacher Qi memorize the son?"

"Cut in, listen, he has a good line skills."


Qi Cheng turned off the broadcast button and turned back and smiled and said to the "colleagues": "Classmates, did the teacher read it well?"

Everyone: "..."

Qi Cheng didn't mind their silence: "Well, I'll take a rest. When it comes to the shot throwing project, you will inform me."

A female announcer blurted out: "Teacher Qi, will you continue to read the publicity draft about Jiang Mian later?"

"Of course not." Qi Cheng shook his head and said, "This is a publicity draft. I don't have much attention. You can cheer by broadcasting. How can I go to the scene to cheer and shout more powerfully, right? You, I will go to the scene to help out."

Everyone who said something was stunned, and when they recovered, the assistant teacher was no longer visible.

Of course Qi Cheng went to the high jump event to find Jiang Mian and be beaten up. Oh no, come on.

He thinks Sister Jiang must be very happy!

After Qi Cheng's publicity draft was read, there was a strange silence at the point of the high jump project centered on Jiang Mian, three meters in diameter.

A few seconds later, there was a burst of laughter.

But soon, their laughter turned into surprise—because Jiang Mian actually proposed to cross the lowest eighty centimeters and start directly from two meters.

The referee was dumbfounded: "Are you sure?"

Jiang Mian nodded.

"I think she wanted to pretend to be an x... I really thought two meters would be so good. If it's smashed, that would be a shame."

"I don't think that there is the media. She knows very well that if she is smashed, she will definitely lose face. She chooses to start at two meters, indicating that she is confident that she can jump over."

"She's not self-confidence, she's arrogant, isn't it okay to take her time, she has to show her, look, she must roll over."

Jiang Mian ignored the whispers around him, and under the eyes of everyone, his toes dropped a little to the ground and easily crossed the height of two meters.

In an instant, the surroundings fell silent, not because she had crossed two meters, but because Jiang Mian didn't run up at all, she just turned over on the spot.

Before everyone recovered, Jiang Mian said to the referee in a calm tone: "Teacher, please rise to three meters."

Everyone: "!!!"

The referee confirmed again: "Are you sure? Three meters and two meters are not the same."

He motioned to Jiang Mian to look at the reporter, fearing that the girl wouldn't be able to get back after playing a big deal, and it wouldn't be nice to be embarrassed then.

Seeing Jiang Mian's insistence, the referee had no choice but to agree. Then, he rubbed his eyes, and he was not the only one who did this action.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, Jiang Mian crossed the three-meter bar and stood firmly on the foam bed on the other side.


"Did she study gymnastics!"

"How did she turn over, do you see clearly?"

"No, I just saw it swish."


The referee's waist was slightly bent and straightened involuntarily, because Jiang Mian smiled and said, "Teacher, trouble rise to four meters."

Three meters has broken the record, counting the boys, the highest score is only three meters, causing countless people to scream, four meters, how is it possible.

You can see Jiang Mian's calm and indifferent appearance, as if saying silently: "Is four meters high?"

The referee took a deep breath and asked the students to set the bar to four meters. He shouted: "Everyone stand further and make the field free." Then he stared wide-eyed to see how Jiang Mian broke through four meters.

This time Jiang Mian made a run.

Everyone watched Jiang Mian rise from the ground lightly. When she reached a height of about three meters, she made an action that shocked everyone-she was actually in the air with her toes in the air. With this action, the whole person was once again Pull up high, then turn over the bar.

"Wow! Great!!!" At this exciting moment, everyone held their breaths, no one squeaked, so it seemed that the sudden sound was very harsh.

——At the critical moment, Qi Cheng finally arrived. Seeing sister Jiang's movement into the air, she jumped up excitedly without thinking.

At this time, Jiang Mian had already turned over the crossbar, not even a strand of clothing touched the crossbar, but she heard Qi Orange's voice, and listened to the sound to distinguish her position.

In an instant, she slightly changed her posture when she fell to the ground, and then moved her toes and threw her shoes away with force-the target was Qi Orange, who had just jumped out of the crowd and exposed her head.

Qi Cheng was excited, suddenly a shoe came to face him, the people around only had time to cover his face with his hand, and the shoe flew out with the hair on his side.

At the same time, Jiang Mian landed.

However, she wore a shoe on one foot and not on the other, and added some attention to Qi Cheng-she just wanted to scare him and teach him a lesson, but didn't want to hit him with a shoe.

As a result, when she fell, her two feet made a mistake, and the foot without shoes clicked and twisted.

A tingling pain came immediately, causing her to shake before standing still.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Amidst the exclamation and cheers, Jiang Mian couldn't help grinding his teeth while looking at Qi Cheng in the distance.

It's really been a long time since I had such a strong idea of ​​beating someone, the last time I faced Shen Shiqing.

Qi Cheng realized that he hadn't been hit, and didn't realize that it was Jiang Mian's "greet". He immediately picked up the shoes and ran over with joy: "Miss Jiang... Jiang Mian, your shoes."

Then he whispered quickly: "Sister Jiang, your shoes can fly over and almost hit me. What does this mean? It means that we are destined."

Jiang Mian said silently: Don't care about fools.

She took the shoes from Qi Cheng's hand and put them on without any abnormalities, preparing to find a free place to see if she could straighten her bones so that she would not have to go to the hospital.

Qi Cheng scratched his head, how did he feel that Sister Jiang was not surprised, on the contrary, he disliked him very much. Did he do something wrong?

He rubbed his hands, but he didn't think of the answer when he wanted to do it, his legs thought ahead of his head, and he followed up.

After walking two steps, he stopped again, looking at Jiang Mian's back: Why did it feel something was wrong.