Seeing Qi Cheng's awkward smile, Jiang Mian took a deep breath. Just when she decided to kick her breath first, no matter how much she wanted, a scream like a tide suddenly came from a distance.

The sudden change made Jiang Mian endure the kick for a while, and there were many people running forward, almost all of them girls.

"Quickly, Brother Qin is here!"

"I must see Brother Qin this time!"

"Oh my God, how could he come."

"I don't know, it came all of a sudden, and there was no reminder. I received a message from my friend saying that Brother Qin came to know."

"Me too, let's not talk about that much, run fast and try to get us to meet."


Qi Cheng stared blankly at the grand event ahead. The first time he saw him, he was like a dumpling entering the city, and asked Jiang Mian dumbfounded: "Sister Jiang, who is Brother Qin? They are all going to see that. Brother Qin? That's crazy, right."

Not only the people around were running forward, screaming louder than ever, but even the reporter who had been following Jiang Mian also screamed and ran forward. The appearance of running wildly wanted to grow four legs, and she looked Qi Chengzhi tongue.

Suddenly, the people around the playground, except for the "athletes" and staff participating in the event, 70% of the onlookers rushed to the place where Qin Jingrun haunted ahead, and the remaining 30%, almost all It's a boy.

Qi Cheng glanced around, swallowed, and became more curious: "Who is this? Is it famous? I have never heard of it. Sister Jiang, is he a student in our school? "

Jiang Mian's brain was tumbling. She didn't expect that the actor father would suddenly appear in the film academy. Wasn't he filming in the crew? A few days ago, she also sent a message to her that the location shooting in the desert had ended.

Subconsciously took out the phone, did not receive the news from the actor father.

She was still thinking about what was going on, but Qi Cheng kept buzzing in her ears like a bee, and she couldn't bear to yell at him: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

"But the mouth is long to speak." Qi Cheng said aggrieved.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Well, whether he is a cat or a dog, I won't ask." Although Qi Cheng didn't understand where she angered Sister Jiang, as a man, he must admit his mistakes and--

"Sister Jiang, let's go to the infirmary first. Look at your feet, they are swollen." He pointed to Jiang Mian's exposed ankles and said distressedly that there were already signs of redness and swelling there.

He thought that this sentence would no longer make Jiang Mian angry, so he didn't think that as soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Mian coldly: "Who do you think is a cat or a dog?"

The desire to survive in his heart made Qi Cheng laugh silly, and did not dare to take this sentence.

Seeing that a large number of people are coming in this direction, I don't know what way the actor father will come to see him.

Jiang Mian looked down at her feet. If the actor father saw that she was injured, she would definitely have to worry again. She drank to Qi Cheng: "Don't follow."

She left quickly, ready to go back to the dormitory first-the next project is to throw shot puts, it must start in the afternoon and have time.

How could Qi Cheng let her leave alone and immediately follow.

Jiang Mian killed him with a look, and noticed that the murderous Qi Cheng's scalp was numb, and he stopped, watching Jiang Mian disappear in front of him.

Her foot was still hurting, Qi Cheng's forehead was sweating, and she had to follow Jiang Mian far behind to see if she was going to the infirmary. It turned out that she did not go to the infirmary at all, but in the direction of the dormitory.

He decided to buy medicine first, and then think of a way to deliver the medicine to Jiang Mian.

as well as--

He had to find out how sacred this brother Qin was, and could cause so many girls to go crazy, even sister Jiang spoke for him.

After Qi Cheng entered the three words "Qin Ge" in the search box, he looked at the searched news for a while, then slid the searched photos, and made a sour "cut" sound: "It's just normal. , Are so old."

On the road surrounded by the crowd, a black car was slowly driving, with Qin Jingrun sitting in the back seat. Of course, he came to the school to watch his baby daughter participate in the sports meeting.

The play is in its late stages, and the crew moved to a shooting location in Kyoto.

Until now, the filming of the film has not missed a vacation. Both the actors and the staff are exhausted, so the crew took this opportunity and decided to take two days off.

If it was the past, Qin Jingrun would stay on the crew even if he was on vacation. Now, naturally, he would go to see her baby girl.

When I contacted Jiang Mian a few days ago, I learned that my baby girl was going to participate in the sports meeting. The two days of the holiday happened to be the sports meeting, so he decided to come to the film school.

I wanted to tell my baby girl in advance, and then he came in in disguise and quietly cheered on his daughter in the crowd, but after he said this plan, he was strongly prevented.

--Too dangerous.

Most of the people in the film school knew Qin Jingrun. Once he was recognized, he was found hiding in the crowd sneakily. Then he didn't know how the media would report.

It's better to go to the film school openly and see Jiang Mian through normal channels.

Qin Jingrun compromised.

In order to give the baby girl a big surprise, he did not notify Jiang Mian in advance.

Lin Xi couldn't help saying: "I finally knew that Mianmian came to the desert to find you quietly without telling you, who learned this behavior from."


With the window ajar, Qin Jingrun smiled at the excited female student and said warmly, "Everyone, pay attention to safety."

The sound is low and mellow, and it sounds good to make the ear pregnant.

The crowd screamed again, and countless girls were immersed in the gentle smile of the male god, especially the girl closest to Qin Jingrun.

One of them squeezed to the window, his face flushed with excitement, and stretched out his hand: "Brother Qin, can I shake my hand with you?"

"Sorry, no." The answer was Lin Xi, he and the bodyguards and security guards maintained order to avoid accidents.

At this time, it is time for him to come forward and be a villain.

After the trouble of shaking hands was resolved, Qin Jingrun asked casually: "Are you holding a sports meeting? I just heard very excited cheers. The game is fierce, right."

"Yes, yes, yes." The girls babbled and answered, still the girl who wanted to shake hands with Qin Jingrun. In order to win the attention of the male god, she had an idea and said excitedly, "Brother Qin, do you remember that with you? Does it look a bit like Jiang Mian?"

Qin Jingrun was thoughtful, and after a moment, he nodded: "I am impressed, what's wrong with her?"

With a natural tone that would not make anyone doubt, Lin Xi secretly gave a thumbs up to her boss.

The girl recalled Jiang Mian’s jump, and her face showed a sincere exclamation: “She took part in the high jump event, jumped three meters, broke the record, it’s like flying, it’s incredible, super awesome.”

After she finished speaking, many people agreed with her. These were the people who watched Jiang Mian jump three meters.

The girl was afraid that the male **** would not believe it, so she clicked on the video she made, and said to Qin Jingrun: "Look, Brother Qin."

The car was moving, and the people were also moving, driving the phone to shake. Qin Jingrun couldn't really see it at all. He could only see a figure running, then rising, overturning, and landing.

He almost blurted out "pass me the video", but fortunately held back, he gave a light cough and said, "This is three meters?"

The girl nodded frantically.

Qin Jingrun: "She just jumped over?"

"Yes." The girl became more excited when seeing the sudden look on the male god's face, she really attracted all the male god's attention, "swish and it passed."

Thinking of her delicate and tender baby girl, Qin Jingrun was shocked: Three meters, how did the baby skip three meters? This is unreasonable!

In order to film this movie, he had specially trained in the army before. One of the fixed training items every day was to go to the wall, which was also three meters high.

However, when he goes up the wall, his feet can borrow force from the wall, and there is a rope beside him.

He still trained for several days before he could barely get on the wall.

If Jiang Mian would go to the wall, he wouldn't be so surprised-after all, there is a continuous front, if he teaches his baby girl these normal things privately.

But there is no leverage in the high jump, three meters, how did she get past? !

"That's amazing." Qin Jingrun smiled again, "Is she still there? I really want to ask her how to do it."

Girl: "She left after the dance. I don't know where she went."

"Brother Qin, do you want to see Jiang Mian, we can help you find her."

"No." Qin Jingrun shook his head, "I'm here to find the principal. You all go and play, don't let the principal wait for me for too long."

As soon as the voice fell, the people in front retreated a lot, the road became wider, and the driver slowly increased his speed.

Lin Xi got on the car and listened to Qin Jingrun's instructions: "You go to Principal Dong."

"Aren't you going?" Lin Xi was slightly surprised.

Qin Jingrun has contacted Jiang Mian on WeChat and said, "I'm going to find the baby."

Lin Xi: "..."

Jiang Mian returned to the dormitory, but the other three were not there, which was just a convenience for her.

She sprained her right foot. She sat on a chair, took off her shoes, and found that her foot was swollen.

She sighed, fumbled and twisted her foot, a sharp sting came.

It doesn't seem to work. I have to go to the infirmary and let the professionals see. Don't twist and twist by herself. One accidentally twisted.

Just about to put on the shoes, the phone rang, and when I saw it, the actor father sent me: [Baby, dad is here, where are you, dad is looking for you. 】

My father still wanted to see, she looked at her feet and could only pretend.

[Jiang Mian: Dad, I'm in the dormitory now, let me see you, did you go to Uncle Xia's father last time? 】

[Daddy of the actor: I can't go there anymore, so let's wait for Dad to come over in the dorm. 】

[Jiang Mian:? ? ? Dad, are you coming to the dormitory? 】

[Daddy actor: The most dangerous place is the safest place, don't worry, listen to Dad, no problem. 】

Jiang Mian hadn't thought of a good meeting place yet, the actor father said again: [Dad has come downstairs in your dormitory, waiting for Dad to come up. 】

So fast?

Jiang Mian couldn't, so he had to find a pair of stockings to put on, then opened the door, and looked to the corridor-this floor lived in sophomores, almost all of them went to the sports meeting.

Some people who did not participate in sports either went out to play or were in the dormitory. The corridors were empty and very quiet.

The dormitory was directly opposite the stairs. Open the door to see if anyone came up. After a while, she saw a girl with long hair walking upstairs and looked back.

No, she stiffened, and slowly raised her head—

The girl plucked her long hair and revealed a familiar face: "Baby."

Jiang Mian:! ! !