A bad premonition rose in Jiang Mian's heart. Qin Jingrun was thinking of the person outside the door calling her baby girl "Sister Jiang". His voice sounded familiar, and he didn't speak for a while.

Qi Cheng's voice was quickly cut off, and the next second, a familiar voice sounded: "Mianmian, open the door."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Qin Jingrun's brows wrinkled: Why is there another man here?

"Dad, I'll open the door." Jiang Mian looked away, not daring to look at the actor father.

Thinking of his identity, Qin Jingrun had to go to the balcony with a calm face, Jiang Mian opened the door, and immediately met Qi Yanshu's gaze.

He wore a rare formal attire, and his posture was upright, with a faint detachment and coldness between his brows and feathers, which was exactly the same as the manner in which the master was angry and taught her.

Jiang Mian straightened his back subconsciously, and smiled innocently and flatteringly at Qi Yanshu.

This smile was received by Qi Cheng next to him. He opened his mouth, but made no sound. He swallowed what he wanted to say.

When Sister Jiang saw him, she was always impatient. How could she have smiled at him like this.

For the time being, he chose to wait and see quietly, and then he looked at Qi Yanshu-the man who suddenly appeared, only one look made him afraid to speak.

Who is he?

What is his relationship with Sister Jiang?

How did he get into the girls' dormitory?

Qi Cheng's brain was spinning fast, and suddenly heard Jiang Mian's voice: "Uncle Qi, go to the room."

Qi Yan's gaze shifted down to Jiang Mian's feet. Jiang Mian winked at him quickly, telling him not to speak out.

Seeing Qi Yanshu entered the dormitory, Qi Cheng wanted to follow up immediately, and Jiang Mian said coldly, "Can you stop doing stupid things, do you want to be a female dormitory? Come here if you want? Also, we are not familiar , Leave quickly."

Qi Cheng said quickly: "Sister Jiang, although we are unfamiliar, you saved my life and you are my savior. I must..."

He didn't finish speaking, but was interrupted by Qi Yanshu: "What help?"

Qi Cheng was asking, but Jiang Mian was looking at it.

At the same time, Qin Jingrun, who was standing on the balcony, finally remembered why Qi Cheng's voice sounded familiar.

The night when the baby girl visited his class, she never got home. A boy who claimed to be his daughter's friend talked to him. Isn't he the person outside.

I found the girls’ dormitory here.

He wanted to see what it looked like, so he stopped hiding, walked in from the balcony, and saw Qi Yanshu who had entered the door.

Qin Jingrun didn't recognize Qi Yanshu for the first time, and his mind was taken away by Qi Cheng's words.

Qi Cheng saw Qin Jingrun who suddenly appeared, her eyes widened: There is a man in the room? !

Wait, this person is familiar...

Faced with the doubts of the actor father, the master's condensation, and Qi Cheng's unknown, Jiang Mian made a decisive decision, slammed the door shut, and blocked Qi Cheng outside.

Before the actor father spoke, Jiang Mian pointed to Qi Yanshu and prompted: "Dad, he is Uncle Qi, you know. That time I accompanied you to the reception and accidentally broke his wrist."

Qin Jingrun's attention immediately turned from Qi Cheng to Qi Yanshu. Of course he remembered Qi Yanshu. He also knew that the Han family and Qi family were rivals, but--

When did the baby get so close to Qi Yanshu?

Although he hadn't seen the whole process just now, the short scene he saw after he came out can directly see the difference between Jiang Mian's treatment of Qi Yanshu and Qi Cheng.

Qin Jingrun's heart tightened, his father's intuition made him feel an inexplicable crisis——

The baby girl has never shown such obvious affection and familiarity with any man except the four dads.

——The actor father still doesn't know about Jiang Mian's previous affairs with Gu Qiwen.

Qin Jingrun interrupted Qi Yanshu calmly. The latter let him look, glanced at Jiang Mian, and stretched out his hand first: "Mr. Qin."

"Mr. Qi's eyes are healed? Congratulations." Qin Jingrun shook his hand back and looked directly at his eyes, "Mianmian accidentally injured your wrist last time. I always wanted to find a chance to invite you to eat and make amends, but I didn't have time. Choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, so let’s make arrangements now, and forget that Mr. Qi can show his face."

"Mr. Qin is polite, don't take it to heart. I am not careful about Mianmian." Qi Yanshu said indifferently, "I heard that Mianmian was participating in the sports meeting and happened to be passing by, so I came in to see her by the way. "

Take the initiative to explain why he suddenly appeared.

Jiang Mian couldn't intervene just now, for fear that Qi Yan's book might be unraveled. At this moment, after listening to him, he relaxed immediately.

"Thank you for your concern." Seeing that the baby girl was standing very close to Qi Yanshu, Qin Jingrun stepped forward and brought Jiang Mian to her. Qi Yanshu's eyes slid over her feet, and his eyebrows were twisted.

"Mianmian, don't thank you Uncle Qi for coming to see you during his busy schedule."

"You don't have to look outside like this." Before Jiang Mian could speak, Qi Yan wrote, "I actually came here to see Mianmian if something happened. Mr. Qin, I want to take a step to talk to her. Is it convenient for you?"

Qin Jingrun: "..."

He immediately turned his head to look at the baby girl next to him, and found that she was smiling silly, and the alarm bell suddenly sounded. However, Qi Yanshu was polite and polite, and he had no reason to disagree.

"Of course." Qin Jingrun went to the balcony and closed the balcony door politely-since he agreed to take a step to speak, if he couldn't even do this, wouldn't he look too petty.

Qin Jingrun looked at his watch and decided to give Qi Yan a book for five minutes. If he hadn't finished the "talk" after five minutes, he would knock on the door to remind him.

Still feeling uneasy in her heart, after thinking about it, Qin Jingrun clicked on WeChat, poked out Han Xu's head, and sent a message.

Han Xu answered quickly: 【If you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart, let it go. 】

Qin Jingrun was lazy and asked directly: [How much do you know about Qi Yanshu? 】

Han Xu: [Ask what this does? 】

Qin Jingrun said bluntly: [Mianmian is too close to him, I ask. 】

I was waiting for Han Xu to answer, but I didn't want Han Xu to call directly, and said the first sentence: "Narcissist, how do you know Mianmian and Qi Yanshu are close?"

Qin Jingrun grasped the key point: "You knew it a long time ago? Why didn't you tell me about Mianmian approaching a man?!"

Han Xu raised his voice: "I'm asking you."

Qin Jingrun: "I am asking you now."

The two didn't agree, and they quarreled through their mobile phones, while in the room, Jiang Mian sat on a stool and looked at the balcony from time to time, for fear that the actor father suddenly opened the door and came in.

Qi Yanshu put her feet on her legs and took off her stockings by herself. When she saw the red and swollen right foot, Qi Yanshu's hands were slightly forced, caught off guard, Jiang Mian took a breath.

"Do you know it hurts?" Qi Yanshu's long eyelashes closed, covering all the exposed emotions, his tone sounded flat and straightforward.

Jiang Mian hurriedly laughed, and blocked him with words: "Master, compared to the injury on your waist, I am not injured. Besides, it is only a little bit painful, and I can bear it."

This pain was completely within Jiang Mian's tolerance.

"The most painful thing is Soul Devouring Gu. That thing happened. Compared with this sprain, it's not..." As he said, Jiang Mian shut his mouth abruptly, and he slipped away inadvertently.

Qi Yan's hand trembled and raised his head, saying, "Soul Eater Gu?"

Facing Master's sight, Jiang Mian lowered his gaze and said, "Master, this is all the matter of the previous life, haven't you said it, everything is over, we won't mention it."

To blame or to blame herself, which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted, a sprain only mentions the attack of poison.

But remembering this thing is nothing more than mentioning it. When you mention it, it will naturally be recalled.

Jiang Mianming in the world of cultivating immortals improves his cultivation base, one is to ascend to the immortal realm as soon as possible, and the other is to kill his enemies with his hands. She keeps exploring everywhere, looking for spirit treasures and gaining opportunities.

Once by chance, she got the qualification to enter an ancient secret realm, but she met Gu King inside. The other party's cultivation base was low, but she didn't even know when she hit the other party's Gu.

Didn't know until Gufa.

If it were not for good luck that time, she would have died in the hands of King Gu. Although she had survived, she had suffered a lot of sins.

Soul Eater Gu, as the name suggests, she really didn't want to recall that taste at all.

However, if it hadn't been for the pain of the Soul Devouring Gu, she had exercised her ability to withstand pain.

Later, the whole body was broken, and the pain was connected little by little, and she couldn't hold on.

The so-called interdependence of misfortune and blessing, the causes planted in the past, I know that it will not bear good results later.


Qi Yanshu put his hand on Jiang Mian's feet and suddenly shouted, "Jiang'er."

Surprised that Qi Yanshu called out her name in the world of Xiuxian again, Jiang Mian raised his head, and at this moment, Qi Yanshu twisted his hand hard and the misplaced bone straightened back.

Jiang Mian's body tightened for a moment, and then relaxed, she moved her ankle: "It doesn't hurt at all."

Qi Yanshu did not speak, Jiang Mian had to shut up and let Qi Yanshu rub her ankles, the redness and swelling disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Qin Jingrun on the balcony has hung up Han Xu's phone. The two people just decided on the phone to "talk peacefully" through WeChat.

Otherwise you yell, I'll give it a shout, let alone exchange information, normal communication is impossible.

In this way, the two sides communicated with each other. Han Xu knew that Qi Yanshu had come to the school to find his precious daughter, and Qin Jingrun knew that Qi Yanshu was Zuo Xingping's senior, and soon he saved Zuo Xingping from the injury.

How come there is him everywhere.

Qin Jingrun frowned.

[Han Xu: Have they finished talking? Five minutes have passed. Go in and see. 】

[Qin Jingrun: Don’t you know to call Mianmian! 】

The two fathers hurriedly ended the conversation, one made a call and the other opened the balcony door.

"What are you doing to my daughter?!" Seeing the baby girl’s small, tender feet on Qi Yanshu’s legs, the latter’s hands were still on her daughter’s feet, and he kept groping back and forth. With a buzz in his head, he punched Qi Yanshu on the face without thinking.