Facing the attacking fist, Qi Yanshu only made one move-even the person with the chair moved to the side, and then reached out to intercept Qin Jingrun's hand, and whispered, "Mr. Qin, you have misunderstood."

After such interruption, Qin Jingrun calmed down. No matter how stupid Qi Yanshu was, it was impossible for Qi Yanshu to act on his daughter under such circumstances.

"Dad." Just as Jiang Mian was about to speak, Qin Jingrun interrupted her, with the right apology on her face, and said to Qi Yan, "I'm really sorry, I was impulsive."

"It's okay." Seeing Qin Jingrun's suppressed anger, Qi Yanshu glanced at Jiang Mian's feet again, and he had recovered. He said, "I have something to do, don't bother."

After nodding, he turned around and left calmly.

"Goodbye Uncle Qi." Jiang Mian walked a few steps before Qi Yanshu sent out the door, somewhat annoyed.

Turning his head to face the actor father with his arms around: "Baby, what is going on?"

Jiang Mian pinched her eyebrows and looked at her phone again. She just hung up the call from the local tyrant father. She sighed, sat on the chair, and raised her feet: "Dad, you don't need to be so nervous. Uncle Qi is an elder. He was looking at my foot just now, and my foot was accidentally twisted."

"Except for you, can't I get closer to other men? Dad, don't you take precautions against the men who appear next to me like thieves."

Qin Jingrun put her baby girl's feet on her body and carefully checked: "Is the ankle twisted? How did it twist?"

Jiang Mian did not answer this question, but looked into the eyes of the actor father, and said seriously: "Dad, I am no longer a child, you should believe that I can take care of yourself."

Qin Jingrun was slightly startled.

My baby girl suddenly said this because of his attitude towards Qi Yanshu? Is she upset?

His heart sank, but his expression remained unchanged. He only looked down at Jiang Mian's ankle and said, "It was my father that was wrong. You shouldn't do it without asking. But Mian Mian, we don't allow you to have a relationship with men. , I'm just worried that you are a girl and you are easily taken advantage of by those stinky men."

"If you want to fall in love, you have to find a guy who is kind to you and knows everything." Qin Jingrun said, "The one you drove away before will not work."

Jiang Mian was curious for a while: "Why?"

"Last time I went to the airport to pick you up, was he the one who took you to the bar at night? As a mature man, he can do things like taking a little girl to the bar in the early morning? He even sneaked into the girls’ dormitory to find you. I don’t want to think about it, if it’s discovered, how will the media tell you about your relationship?"

"I owe my mind to doing things, except that the face can barely get into the eye, there are no other advantages, how can I be worthy of my baby."

The actor's father banned Qi Cheng for nothing.

Jiang Mian suppressed his laugh, and the actor's father summed it up very well.

Jiang Mian himself didn't like Qi Cheng's character, he acted too freely and would not think too much. This is probably because he is the young master of the Qi family. He has a top-notch family background, and he can do whatever he wants, just like a child who has not grown up. He is pure and stupid.

She gave a lot of tolerance to Qi Cheng, but because of his performance in the original book, at least because of him, the original owner felt warm after the accident.

It is precisely because of his almost stupid character that he can't match Shen Shiqing and Gu Qiwen and cannot help the original owner.

Therefore, even if Qi Cheng was annoying, Jiang Mian was just impatient with him, not annoying.

"As for Qi Yanshu..." Qin Jingrun watched her baby girl's reaction calmly, "He is good in all aspects, only a little bit older."

Jiang Mian understood the hidden meaning of the actor's father, she said helplessly: "Dad, Uncle Qi is an elder."

Qin Jingrun thought: It is because you treat him as an elder that is more dangerous.

Everything is a routine!

How long has it been before the kidnapped baby girl speaks for him, which shows that this person's heart is deep.

Who knows what he thinks about his baby girl.

and many more--

Qin Jingrun suddenly realized a problem. Qi Yanshu had negotiations with himself, Han Xu, and Zuo Xing on average. Does he already know that his daughter has more than one father?

Then I thought about it, knowing what's going on, who doesn't have a few godfathers yet.

At this time, Qin Jingrun was always worried that her baby girl would be abducted by Qi Yanshu, until Lian Feng came back, Zuo Xingping fiddled with a group and pulled them all in.

Inadvertently, through Lian Feng and Zuo Xingping, Qin Jingrun and Han Xu learned that their previous defense was completely wrong.

They thought that Qi Yanshu wanted to turn Jiang Mian into a girlfriend, but now they know that he actually wants to turn Jiang Mian into a daughter!


Qin Jingrun planned to stay in the dormitory with Jiang Mian, but Lin Xi’s phone call forced him to leave. Then Jiang Mian explained a few words about hanging up the phone with the local tyrant on WeChat, and threw away the unfinished takeaway. After falling, Jiang Mian returned to the playground.

Qi Cheng is probably a dog. Not long after she arrived at the playground, he didn't know where to touch it, but this time, he honestly didn't get close, and Jiang Mian ignored him.

She didn't know that Qi Cheng was truly "intimidated" - and the target of the intimidation came from Qi Yanshu.

He was shut outside by Jiang Mian, so he stood stupidly all the time, so he had to go downstairs again, without knowing where to go. He swayed around the dormitory, swaying, and suddenly saw Qi Yanshu silently. Appeared behind him.

Scared Qi Cheng looked at Qi Yanshu's feet: there is a shadow, it is alive.

He didn't say anything, just glanced at Qi Cheng lightly, and then left.

Qi Cheng felt that she had died countless times in this look, even if she was standing under the sun, she felt cold air rising from the soles of her feet.

He is not stupid, he knows what Qi Yanshu wants to express-stay away from Jiang Mian.


In the afternoon, Jiang Mian was involved in shot throwing and long jump. The high jump in the morning was already a sensation. This time Jiang Mian controlled it within the normal range and took first place.

On the second day, Jiang Mian’s project was 400 meters in the morning and 5,000 meters in the afternoon. This time, the audience around the audience was filled with unprecedented crowds.

Because the person sitting in the middle is the principal and other leaders, and-Qin Jingrun.

Countless people are wondering why Qin Jingrun came to the playground to watch the games. Doubts turned to doubts. The arrival of Qin Jingrun undoubtedly brought this games to a climax.

Listening to the discussion about the actor's father, Jiang Mian took out his mobile phone and saw the message sent to her by the actor's father above:

[Come on, baby. 】

[If you really can't run, don't run, don't force it. 】

[After running, Dad will take you to a fun place. 】

Jiang Mian put down her mobile phone and started to move her body. She was the only person in the class who ran five kilometers. At the same time, five kilometers was the last event in the sports meeting.

At this moment, the whole class surrounded her, and a few boys said loudly that if she was too tired to run, they would run with her to cheer her on.

The girls do well in logistics, so that the whole class is united and harmonious at a time.

Not far away suddenly came over a dozen girls wearing exactly the same short skirts, holding colored **** in their hands, and began to perform a great cheering dance.

After a while, a boy who had understood the situation ran over to explain the situation: "I'm going. It's a cheerleader dedicated to Gu Xingchen. The leader is the national girl Feng Qianyi."

Feng Qianyi and Gu Xingchen are both very well-known child stars. The two have known each other since childhood and have collaborated in many plays. They are recognized as childhood sweethearts in the entertainment circle and have a very good relationship.

The two had a scandal about being together for a while, but they both came forward to explain that they had a proper relationship between brother and sister.

Jiang Mian suddenly remembered why Gu Xingchen would be hostile to her—Feng Qianyi also went to try the scene in the movie "Love in the Green", but was not selected.

"Gu Xingchen won first place in the 100-meter sprint and long jump, but his performance in the long jump is not as good as our sleep."

"Looking at his appearance, I want to compete for the first place in five kilometers."

"I think he wants to compare Jiang Mian."

Everyone was talking about it, and it took a long time to think of the master, Meng Yuwen first asked: "Mianmian, what do you think?"

Jiang Mian's strength in the sports meet has already made the girls in the class treat her like a great god.

Meng Yuwen's implicit meaning is: kill Gu Xingchen and win first place.

Not only her, but everyone else in the class thought so.

Jiang Mian tied his shoelaces and said slowly: "Friendship first, competition second, everyone calm down."

Everyone: "..."

The five-kilometer race was about to begin. At this time, the radio screamed again, and Jiang Mian frowned: He thought Qi Cheng had another moth.

However, what came out of the radio was a sweet and soft voice: "I am Qin Jingrun. The students who ran five kilometers are paying attention. If you feel unwell in the middle, don't force it, stop and rest immediately. Here, your body comes first. , Friendship is second, competition is third."

"In the five-kilometer long-distance running project, only one girl named Jiang Mian participated. Jiang Mian's courage is worth encouraging. Come on."

With such an appearance, Jiang Mian became the focus of everyone present. In the end, she ran third, with Gu Xingchen in the first place, but no matter how she compared it, Gu Xingchen lost to Jiang Mian.

The school has a celebrity list, and Jiang Mian directly rises to the top of the list through this sports meeting, with a lot of iron fans.

After the sports meeting, Jiang Mian started to take classes honestly. In his free time, he followed the heavenly master to pick up orders, earn spiritual power, and occasionally contact several other fathers and masters.

At the end of the month, the detective father who was on the task finally came back. Jiang Mian, who received the news, immediately ran to the police station. After confirming that the detective father was not injured, he was relieved.

The detective father came back this time and brought her a keychain. The pendant was a wooden sculpture with Jiang Mian carved in it.

When Lian Feng was doing the task, he met a master engraver, learned a few hands, and then carved it himself.

Jiang Mian asked him to teach her, so he engraved an ugly detective father to Lian Feng.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed in a hurry.

This weekend, Jiang Mian was in the apartment and rarely went out. Chen Xu suddenly came to the door. He came to give Jiang Mian the script.

Jiang Mian took the script blankly.

"According to the plan, your father will have to rest for at least three months after the movie is finalized. But he accidentally saw the script and took it."

Still hiding from him, Chen Xu continued blankly: "Let's take a look at the script first, oh yes, I received the exact news that "Lover on the Green" will be released on January 1st."

Chen Xu finished speaking in a hurry, then left in a hurry, leaving a sentence: "Lao Qin tried to make you call his father in front of everyone in an open and honest manner."

Jiang Mian:? ? ?

She opened the script, and it read a few big words: "Dad Charges Forward"