In fact, the person lying on the ground and knocked out by Jiang Mian was a reporter. He came to this hot pot restaurant for dinner with his friends. The reporter's unique perception made him think that there was news to capture, so he squeezed over.

Jiang Mian saw him, and didn’t want him to disturb the detective father, so he tried a little bit to lead him away, but this guy did well. He felt that Jiang Mian was familiar, so he wanted to sneak into the box to avoid unnecessary trouble. Jiang Mian had to do it. Let him sleep quietly.

Of course, these details do not have to be told to the detective father. Jiang Mian said, "Dad, why did the murderer kill that girl?"

Seeing her thinking about it all the time, Lian Feng glanced at the still tumbling soup pot and the dishes that had hardly been touched, knowing that Jiang Mian had not eaten it when he was waiting for him.

Raised his hand to touch her daughter's hair, picked up the coat on the chair and the surroundings: "Let's go, eat in another place."

Jiang Mian had to follow the detective father to leave the hot pot restaurant. On the way, Lian Feng briefly explained the previous case.

The murderer is a girl's admirer. The girl is very beautiful and has no feeling for the murderer. She rejected the murderer. After the murderer was rejected, she held a grudge and followed the girl.

After the girl's accident, her friend rushed to her-she and her friend agreed to go out to eat hot pot, but because the friend suddenly had to work overtime, the girl had already set a position and didn't want to waste it, so she ate hot pot alone.

All this was seen by the murderer who secretly followed him, and then the murderer sneaked into the box and confessed his love to the girl again in the box. After being rejected, the old and new hatreds were added together, and the hot pot soup was poured on the girl. , And then quickly use chopsticks as a murder weapon.

She suffered continuous fatal injuries, so that the girl couldn't even make a sound, and she fell into the last moment of her life.

The murderer panicked after killing someone and escaped from the box. If he just ran away like this, it would take a little longer to catch him, but he ran and suddenly wanted to see the girl's tragic situation again.

Don't you pretend that you are beautiful and dislike me because I have no money or status?

So noble, he didn't end up at his feet in the end, it looked like it was not at all beautiful.

Thinking about it this way, the fear and panic in my heart faded like a tide, and replaced by a kind of pleasure that cannot be described in words.

He wanted more people to see her miserable situation, so he returned, just as the waiter pushed aside the box, and screamed when he saw the situation inside, and he still pretended to be a kind person to help.

Until the appearance of Lian Feng-he did not expect that there would be a policeman eating next door, he tried to hide his strangeness, and comforted himself, what happened to the police, and he didn't see him as the murderer, how could he know that he was the murderer? .

And he also specifically learned that the camera in the corridor of this store is broken and has not been replaced.

So as long as he finishes watching the play and then passes away calmly, no one will find him.

As a result, within a few minutes, the policeman took him out, and before he could react, he was handcuffed in cold handcuffs.


Lian Feng tried to speak about the case in a calm and objective tone.

In the social environment, women are at a disadvantage when facing men due to physical factors and other reasons.

As a criminal policeman, he comes into contact with all kinds of murders, including love killings, vendettas, indiscriminate killings, violent killings, etc., almost every day.

The sudden case Lian Feng received in the morning was that a few young people were stabbed in the street. They did nothing. They laughed and discussed what to buy, and a sudden knife took their lives.

Three girls, one boy, and the boy died on the spot while fighting the murderer in order to protect the three girls. The other three girls were on their way to the hospital. Two died of serious injuries and one was still rescued.

When Lian Feng rushed over, the murderer was on the scene, holding a knife and wanted to continue looking for the target. The people around him dared not approach him. Lian Feng shot him.


After Lian Feng finished speaking, the car calmed down, and the sound of music playing outside the mall in the distance floated in.

He glanced at Jiang Mian, she lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Mianmian." Lian Feng said, "Are there many people chasing you at school?"

Jiang Mian was surprised that some accidental detective father would actually ask this, she shook her head.

What she said is the truth. Although she has fans on the Internet and the school forum also has iron fans, so far, apart from Ran Xi confessing to her, no one has ever pursued her.

Lian Feng nodded and said: "If someone confesses to you, you must tell me his basic information."

"Also." Lian Feng glanced at her sideways, "Your job is the same as your father Qin. You are destined to have more fans in the future, but at the same time you will also encounter unnecessarily resentment and negative voices. Remember, Don't charge anything from fans."

"In public, don't accept food from unknown sources, be vigilant at any time, let alone trust others, understand."

Jiang Mian nodded obediently. She knew that the sudden incident at the hot pot restaurant made the detective father worry about her.

These days, it is also dangerous for girls to look beautiful.

Looking at his daughter's white face, Lian Feng was still worried. He knew that his daughter was good at her skill and had something from a magic stick. Few people could get close to her.

However, if one person wants to harm another, force is usually the lowest level of practice.

High-tech crimes with high intelligence, killing without seeing blood, are impossible to prevent.

Thinking of this, in order to attract her daughter's attention, Lian Feng said, "Do you know what kind of fatal mistake your father Qin made."

Jiang Mian straightened her back—most of the scenes of her childhood in the original owner’s memory were very vague, but after the age of twelve, she moved out to live by herself, barely getting along with her four dads.

Therefore, there are very few memories of the four dads, let alone the things the four dads have experienced before.

The detective father aroused all Jiang Mian's curiosity with a single sentence, glanced at her eagerly, Lian Feng laughed for a moment, and briefly explained the situation.

When Xiao Jiangmian was one and a half years old, Qin Jingrun had a major accident. His assistant was bought out and put sleeping pills in his usual cups for the purpose of making him sleepy at the event site and messing up the event.

He trusts the assistant very much and has never doubted it.

As a result, I don't know whether it was because the assistant put too little, or Qin Jingrun was in good health and had drug resistance inside. After all, after drinking water, not only did he not feel sleepy at all, but he was very energetic and performed well at the event.

If this is the case, the matter will be over, and the assistant will not be found out-but Qin Jingrun drank the remaining water and the assistant did not come to deal with it. Qin Jingrun took the cup home, and it was his turn to bring Xiao Jiang. sleep.

Then, by mistake, Xiao Jiangmian drank water with sleeping pills. What would happen to a one-and-a-half-year-old baby, drinking water with sleeping pills?

Qin Jingrun didn't think much about it at first. He held his soft little daughter and watched her sleep with her eyes closed, so cute that he couldn't see enough.

If it weren't for the money to support her, he could not wait to take her at home every day without receiving notices.

He sat on the sofa, kissed his daughter's little face for a while, fiddled with her long eyelashes, and pulled her hands and feet... He wanted to wake her up and play with him.

After a while, he found something was wrong.

Usually when he does this, even if the daughter doesn't wake up, she will frown and move her little hand. Why is it so quiet today.

Then, he found that his daughter couldn't wake up no matter how noisy it was, so he didn't dare to delay, so he immediately called Han Xu and sent Xiao Jiang Mian to Han's Hospital.

After some testing, we know what the reason is.

That time, the four fathers gathered at the Han's Hospital, and Qin Jingrun was punched by Han Xu. If Lian Feng didn't stop him, the two would have to fight.

Fortunately, Xiao Jiang Mian didn't drink much, and after some tossing, he was finally safe, but he suffered a lot of sin.

There are too many people who have access to Qin Jingrun's water cup. There is no way to find out who prescribed the medicine, but Lian Feng found it out.

He spent two days with Qin Jingrun, and the last person who fixed the drug was Qin Jingrun's assistant. At the same time, he followed the assistant to find out who was dealing with the assistant.

As a policeman, he was not easy to use his hands. In the end, Han Xu found someone, and only half of his life was left to beat him up.


Lian Feng said to Jiang Mian that the purpose of this incident was to alert Jiang Mian. After the latter heard it, there was only one feeling: She was able to grow up safely when she was a child, and it was also a big life.

She remembered - no wonder the actor father would have three personal nutritionists, and he would bring one to the crew. There was a reason.

"Don't worry, Dad, I won't let this happen to me." Jiang Mian decided to say good news and shifted these slightly heavy topics, "Oh, yes, my movie will be released on January 1st. ."

Lian Feng: "There are still seven days."

Jiang Mian nodded. She received a WeChat message from Director Zhang on her mobile phone. What it meant was: If there is plenty of time these days, she has to go to promote her as the first woman.

On the day of the show on January 1st, when everyone was busy, the company as the captain invited dozens of people from the criminal investigation team to watch the movie.

See it in a private room.

The big guy was very happy at first. It is rare that the company invited them to watch a movie. Once I invited so many people, there happened to be a movie about the crime-solving theme that was more suitable for them to watch. They agreed that the company invited them to watch this movie. .

It turned out that when I arrived at the cinema--

The company actually invited them to watch a love literary film?

A detective said: "Company, did we go to the wrong set?"

Sitting in the position, Lian Feng answered very calmly: "No."