The word "no" is very powerful. Everyone calmed down-taking the murder every day, watching live blood films, suspense films, thrillers, action films, etc., after work, watch a love literary film to edify Emotion, relaxation is also possible.

Tang Xiaoshu and Zhou Sirui sat next to each other. The latter glanced at Lian Feng, who was looking at the screen seriously, and bit her ears: "Your mind turns fast on weekdays. What does the company mean?"

Tang Xiaoshu hugged popcorn and stuffed it in his mouth, looking at the beginning attentively, and whispered: "You'll find out later."

Because of Tang Xiaotian, Tang Xiaoshu knew that Jiang Mian was an actor, and also knew that the movie Lian Feng asked them to watch was starring Jiang Mian.

But other people don't know, who is going to pay attention to entertainment news, including Zhou Sirui, who is busy every day.

Hearing Tang Xiaoshu's answer, he had to silently reach into the popcorn bucket and cast his eyes on the screen.

At the beginning of the film, there was a melodious sound of music. A few seconds later, the dim screen lit up, revealing a stretch of mountains.

Then there was an out-of-picture sound, which was a soft and melodious female voice: "When you were young, did you ever like someone and give up the kind of heart-to-heart."

"Xiao Shu, did you hear it? This voice is a bit familiar." Zhou Sirui poked Tang Xiaoshu.

Zhou Sirui has a specialty. His hearing is particularly good, and he can distinguish the timbre. If he listens to a person's voice several times in a row, he can pick out the voice from the crowd without hesitation.

His specialty sometimes plays a big role in some cases-he follows Lian Feng, once Lian Feng and Yuan Jinfei are promoted or transferred, he is fully capable of taking over as the next criminal investigation captain. .

So he immediately heard that the female voice was familiar, but because it was a video broadcast, the voice was inevitably distorted after multiple processing, and he didn't lean on Jiang Mian for a while.

Tang Xiaoshu didn't speak, and in the next second, surprised voices sounded one after another:


"I go."

"Isn't this girl the company's niece?"

"The company's niece is a star, why don't I know at all?"

"Don't ask me, I only know now."

Zhou Sirui quickly turned to the screen and saw Jiang Mian appear, dressed in rustic clothes, with two braids hanging in front of him, holding a sheep whip in his hand, and yelling at the distant flock with a clear voice.

Under the dazzling sunshine, half of a pale and delicate face was revealed, which was pure and innocent.

Zhou Sirui:! ! !

He has always known that Jiang Mian is good-looking, but because Jiang Mian has always called him Uncle Zhou, the name "Uncle" has given him the consciousness of his elders. Naturally, he feels different when he looks at the younger ones with his elders.

Watching Jiang Mian in the movie now, I suddenly realized that this girl is also beautiful.

Not only him, but the elders present were amazed by Jiang Mian's appearance in the film.

Tang Xiaoshu stunned Zhou Sirui: "Pay attention to your image, don't be silly, be careful that the company will give you a punch."

Zhou Sirui came back to his senses: "It's great for the company to hide it."

But Lian Feng in their mouths slowly raised his eyebrows at this moment, because after Jiang Mian appeared with such a beautiful side, he fell into the ditch immediately after a slip.

When he fell down, he fell onto the male lead played by Yu Ran. Yu Ran held her firmly in his arms. The two looked at each other. After a while, Jiang Mian blushed and started from him: "Who are you?" Why are you here! I tell you, if you want to do bad things, I, I will let my sheep bite you!"

Yu Ran fumbled and put on her broken eyes. She didn't mind her rudeness, but rather a little funny. He said, "Hello, my name is Song Yunan, I am the teacher who came to support the teaching."

He raised his head and glanced at the mountain road above, smiling: "I was passing by, and you suddenly fell down and hit me, and you broke my glasses, why did you give it a go?"


Halfway through watching, Lian Feng glanced at his phone——

Some time ago, the **** stick didn't know which of the tendons didn't make the right way, and actually built a group and pulled a few of them in.

The four of them tacitly didn't pull Jiang Mian in.

"Green Onion" was released. Jiang Mian is still following the roadshow with the crew. Among the four dads, Qin Jingrun is the most depressed. Because of his identity, he could not support the premiere and had to give up.

Han Xu is the most proud-Lian Feng invited the entire criminal investigation team to watch the movie theater, Han Xu directly issued the order, as long as the employees of Han's enterprise can get free tickets to the movie theater.

As for Zuo Xingping, he didn't understand these things, and he never went to the cinema to see a movie, but this is the first film released by the baby girl, and he has to watch it as a father.

But he didn't know anything about this. Coincidentally, his employer who took the order had a 15-year-old daughter. After the order was completed, the little girl had the courage to ask the master with a sad face.

Zuo Xingping immediately told the little girl about the problems he encountered, and the little girl taught him how to buy tickets on WeChat with his mobile phone. After buying, he rushed to the cinema, showed the payment code to pick up the tickets, and then entered with the tickets.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

He has been confused by the operation of the little girl's scientific notation, so you can get the ticket by scanning the code on the ticket machine. What is that?

The little girl probably saw that even if the master had a big beard, she couldn't stop the confusion, she had to say: "It's okay, if you don't understand, you go to the cinema and let the waiter there help you. "

Yes indeed.

Zuo Xingping's eyes lit up. He didn't expect this to happen, so he asked the waiter to help.

He said goodbye to his employer's house and found the movie theater where he bought the tickets-it was late, and when he arrived, the movie had already started for an hour.

He had no choice but to wait for the next one, and finally entered the projection hall with great difficulty, flicking around and looking at the novelty, seeing what he was happy with, and still giving a speech in the group.

Under normal circumstances, no one among the four groups would take the initiative to speak. Generally, Zuo Xingping would take the initiative to speak.

Naturally, he would not be so stupid to say that Jiang Mian was going to kill the ghosts with him. He would post some intimate photos of the two of them, and he would also say what they ate and where they went to play.

One sentence summary: He established this group to show off to them.

Originally, he was the only one in the group muttering, nothing more than praising the baby girl, until he saw the "kissing scene" of borrowing.

Zuo Xingping rubbed his eyes, almost thinking that he was wrong.

Slowly straightening his back, Zuo Xingping stared at Yu Ran's face on the screen. In the previous scenes, he looked pretty pleasing to the eye, but how unpleasant to look at this moment.

Because his back was too straight, the spectators behind were blocked by his head, and he reached out and knocked on his backrest, beckoning him to hang his neck down, so as not to affect others' viewing of the movie.

Zuo Xingping had to leaned back angrily.


"There was actually a kiss scene." Zhou Sirui bit her ears with Tang Xiaoshu in a low voice, and muttered, "Look, although it's filming, it's not true, but this kiss, the little girl suffers a lot."

"People are dedicating themselves to art. It's nasty when it comes to your mouth."

Zhou Sirui signaled Lian Feng's direction to him: "Look, I feel that if the actor appeared in front of the company, he would have been killed countless times by the company's eyes."

Tang Xiaoshu followed his words and glanced quietly: The corners of the company's mouth that had been raised just now were now in a straight line, and the surrounding temperature was even colder.

At the end of the film, the criminal investigation team spoke to Lian Feng's complimenting Jiang Mian, saying that she played very well.

Except for a few policewomen who finally cried when they saw it, there were also a few old men who had red eyes.

Yuan Jinfei glanced at Lian Feng and said, "Lao Lian, this little pepper of yours is really powerful. It can be literate and martial, has a good appearance, and is very sensible after changing sex. A good girl, maybe how many people are thinking about her."

"I heard that many actors in the entertainment industry will take advantage of actresses by taking advantage of filming, and ah, not only kiss scenes, but also **** scenes in some scenes. You have to be careful not to let the little girl. Being taken advantage of by those men."

Lian Feng did not speak.

Yuan Jinfei thought for a while, and then said: "But these men who are stars are not bad in length. Anyway, for the sake of their faces, it's not a waste..."

Before the last word was spoken, Yuan Jinfei closed his mouth and made a zipper action to the cold gaze that Shang Lianfeng swept over.

Seeing Lian Feng's expressionless face, brother for many years, he didn't know what Lian Feng thought, I'm afraid this guy is now full of his daughter being taken advantage of.

"Isn't it just a kiss scene? Little Chili is an actor. This is their job and responsibility. It's nothing. Why take it to heart." Yuan Jinfei hit him on the shoulder. "They are all dozens of years old, middle-aged greasy men. , Your daughter has grown up, and she will fall in love, get married and have children in the future. Now that she can't stand a kiss scene, what should we do afterwards, is it possible to prevent her from marrying?"

After a while, Lian Feng said, "I can raise her for a lifetime."

"Oh, hello." Yuan Jinfei rubbed his arms as if he couldn't bear it. "Would you like, is your baby girl willing? Relax, there will be another man next to her in the future, younger than you, handsomer than you, richer... Dad’s love for his daughter and his boyfriend’s love for his girlfriend are different, see."

Lian Feng said coldly: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Jiang Mian just finished today's roadshow and returned to the hotel where he was temporarily staying with the staff.

Since Jiang Mian returned to campus, Tang Anan signed another artiste. During Jiang Mian's road show, she could not come over. Qin Jingrun wanted to arrange another assistant for her, but Jiang Mian refused.

Anyway, the crew will show up here.

The roadshow is very exhausting. At the end of the day, it is as strong as Jiang Mian, and now I feel a lot of fatigue.

She smashed herself into bed, and was about to take a break, when the mobile phone prompts, Tianshida pulled her into a group.

The group’s name is: [Baby Mianmian]

When I clicked it on, the four fathers were actually inside.

This is a group of four dads? When was it built? Or is she thinking about it, and the group was built today?

After thinking about it, she said: [Dad, what are you doing? 】

Two seconds later:

[Han Xu: Mianmian, why did you come in? ! 】

[Qin Jingrun:? ? ? 】

[Lian Feng: Zuo Xingping. 】

[Zuo Xingping: Oh, I made a mistake. 】

The next second, Jiang Mian received a system message that he was removed from the group chat.

She looked at the screen confusedly, what did the four dads do? ? ?