The audition location for "Dad Rush Forward" was in a hotel conference room. When Jiang Mian arrived, she found that there were already ungirl artists there.

Jiang Mian is not very familiar with these, and Tang Anan is familiar with these things: "I heard that there are a lot of big coffees, even Yu Sizhu has come. She is Brother Qin's number one admirer, and this can catch up. Given her age, how can she act Jibao, I don’t know what she thinks."

"That is the national girl Feng Qianyi. You should know her. She is from your school. She has been filming since she was four years old. She has worked with many big guys. I heard that she almost worked with Brother Qin in a movie. , I missed it only because the schedule was not up."

Qin Jingrun has made so many movies, many of which are fathers, but his children are played by very small actors. In "Dad Rush Forward", the daughter's role is no longer a child. This opportunity is a very precious and rare opportunity for the younger generation of young actors.

Jiang Mian met Feng Qianyi only once at a sports meeting. At that time, the other party was wearing cheerleading uniforms and brought a group of young and beautiful girls to cheer for Gu Xingchen.

Jibao's image in the play is quirky, perhaps to get close to the character, she is very cute, her hair is specially cut short, her bangs have become Qi bangs, very youthful and lively.

She and Yu Sizhu stood together and they were talking.

Tang Anan couldn't help gossip: "Mianmian, Feng Qianyi has played Yu Sizhu's daughter before, so they are closer together. As a result, now the'mother and daughter' are fighting for the same role, which is really interesting."

"It can only mean that my father, young and old, informed."

Tang Anan choked and looked at Jiang Mian's profile: How can he tease his own father like this?

When Jiang Mian walked in, it was impossible not to attract attention. Even if these artists knew her, they would treat it as if they didn't know her-they had to show her posture.

However, every corner of the eye is looking at this young girl who has been so popular recently and is known as a genius actor without leaving a trace.

She dresses very casually, with a clean face, and her long hair is naturally scattered behind her. Compared with the bright light in the room, she looks like a fresh gardenia that has just blossomed and a blooming hook. The white roses are so beautiful that people can't look away for a while.

Yu Sizhu stopped talking with Feng Qianyi. She looked at Jiang Mian, her eyes changed instantly.

Of course she recognized Jiang Mian. In fact, when Jiang Mian was searching for a long portrait with Qin Jingrun, she recognized Jiang Mian through online news.

——When Qin Jingrun took Jiang Mian to a cocktail party for the first time, Yu Sizhu also participated. Since then, she has been guessing what the relationship is between the two.

No one else knows that Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun know each other, and they are close, only she knows, and the two people know each other, but they have to pretend not to know each other, so she can't help thinking about it.

But when she learned that Qin Jingrun had taken "Dad Forward" and saw Jiang Mian coming to audition, she couldn't guess. If the relationship between Qin Jingrun and Jiang Mian was the kind of relationship she had for her, with Qin Jingrun's position, it would not be difficult to make Jiang Mian fall in love with him in a movie with him.

Why do you want to take on such a family relationship, in the play is the relationship between father and daughter?

Too strange.

"Teacher Yu?" Feng Qianyi shouted several times, and Yu Sizhu suddenly recovered, nodded to her, and then walked straight to Jiang Mian.

Feng Qianyi was very confused.

Yu Sizhu is a big figure standing on the upper level of the pyramid among the female artists in the circle, and even the predecessor of the younger generation of actors. It stands to reason that young actors should come to her to greet her politely. Why the other way around?

"The last time I met, you haven't entered the circle. By the time of goodbye, you already have a work and achieved very beautiful results. Congratulations." Yu Sizhu stopped one meter in front of Jiang Mian, speaking softly, as if They are old friends for many years.

Other people: They know?

Jiang Mian didn't expect that Yu Sizhu would take the initiative to come over to talk. Does she want to tell the public what she knew with the actor father?

It should not be so stupid... She raised her eyebrows slightly: "Thank you, Teacher Yu, you are younger than when we met last time."

Yu Sizhu didn't think about telling Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun knew each other. Only by her one-sided words, if she really said it, she would only scold her. She smiled softly, like a confidant big sister: "Oh yes, I didn’t know you were behind me last time about the Xingyue column. I’m really sorry for making you wait for a long time."

Jiang Mian said politely: "How can you be blamed for this incident, and the story has been turned over, please don't take it to your heart, Teacher Yu."

Yu Sizhu asked her assistant to give her the ticket number, and then transferred it to Jiang Mian. Her position was ranked first-the artists who came to audition were all sorted out, and Jiang Mian was the fifth audition.

Yu Sizhu gave her number plate to Jiang Mian, which meant giving Jiang Mian the first chance to audition.

The first audition has a great advantage.

This move by Yu Sizhu does seem to be kind, and it also shows the care of her seniors for her juniors. However, she is a senior in the circle. If Jiang Mian really accepts her kindness, it will only attract countless scolds.

Jiang Mian smiled and directly pointed out: "Teacher Yu is too polite, you are a senior, if I take your number plate and your fans know it, then you can't eat me."

Without waiting for Yu Sizhu's reaction, Jiang Mian took out his mobile phone: "I'm sorry, Teacher Yu, I'll answer the call."

Tang An'an followed her to the other side of the secluded side. The actor father called and asked if it went well.

Jiang Mian sighed: "Father, everything is going well, but I admire you for too many peach blossoms, and my son can't stand it."

The coughing of the actor father came from the other end of the phone, and a few seconds later: "My father is exhausted, let me know if there is good news."

Hung up the phone.

Jiang Mianle couldn't do it. He looked back and met Tang An'an's gaze, and said, "What is your expression?"

"It turns out that Brother Qin in private is like this." Tang An'an held his heart and muttered with envy, "Mianmian, I'm starting to be jealous of you."

Next, Jiang Mian didn't care about anything. He kept his ears off the window and played games with a tablet in the corner. Tang Anan admired her Buddhist behavior.

This meeting room is where the artists wait, and the other meeting room is the real audition spot. After some time, the staff called Jiang Mian's name.

Jiang Mian stuffed the tablet to Tang An'an and followed the staff. Feng Qianyi opened the door and glanced at her: "Good luck." She said a word, and then brushed past Jiang Mian without expression.

Entering the meeting room, Jiang Mian shouted politely.

Xu Wenle and Pei Haosi sat in the middle, and their gazes were burning after Jiang Mian entered, it looked like...

Jiang Mian couldn't think of a suitable word to describe it.

Xu Wenle and Pei Haosi looked at each other, the former said: "Let's start."

Xia Qi hurried over to help Jiang Mian, but there was a traffic jam on the road. When he arrived, Jiang Mian just finished the audition and came out of the conference room.

In many eyes, Xia Qi calmly led Jiang Mian away.

"Okay, my task is to send you home safely." Xia Qi didn't ask her about the audition results, anyway, he already knew the inside story.

Jiang Mian suddenly remembered: "Uncle Xia, Dad said that you will also participate in "Dad Rush Forward". Which role do you play?"

Xia Qi: "..."

Jiang Mian: "?"

In response to the little girl's shining gaze, Xia Qi stretched out her hand and rubbed her head: "Well, this... you'll know it by then."

Jiang Mian thoughtfully did not ask.

Later, she knew that the reason Xia Qi would participate in this play was because his father was stuffed in to play a second-generation role of the rich and dude who was beaten up by Jichuan.

Xia Qi entered the entertainment industry mostly because of his father, and he and Qin Jingrun have known each other for many years. What he wants to do most is to play a role that completely crushes Qin Jingrun in the play. However, he has been unsuccessful and has been played by Qin Jingrun from beginning to end. The role of blood abuse.

Halfway through, Xia Qi's mobile phone rang, he glanced at it, frowned and hung up. After a few seconds, the phone rang again and he hung up again.

Jiang Mian glanced at it. The caller ID was a girl's name. She said, "Uncle Xia, why don't you answer it."

"I don't want to pick it up." Xia Qi frowned and said to Jiang Mian after a while, "It would be nice if all the girls were as cute and sensible as you."

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry: "Did you have a conflict with your girlfriend?"

Xia Qi glanced at her: "The little girl who has never been in love is not qualified to say this. Okay, here it is, come back."

He obviously didn't want to say more, and Jiang Mian couldn't help asking more. Watching Xia Qi's car disappear before his eyes, he remembered the ending about him in the original book. Fortunately, the plot has changed, and Xia Qi's ending will also change.

Three days later, Jiang Mian signed the contract. At the same time, the play announced the starring lineup. As soon as the news came out, Jiang Mian’s fans exploded first, followed by Qin Jingrun’s fans.

Since the news of Qin Jingrun's role in "Dad Go Forward" came out, Qin fans have been speculating about who will win the female number one and play father and daughter with the male god.

Among them, Feng Qianyi got the most votes. It is an internal matter for many celebrities headed by Yu Sizhu to audition, and fans will naturally not know.

However, there are also a few people who choose Jiang Mian. After all, Jiang Mian and the male **** are somewhat alike, and the male **** himself confessed it on Weibo.

If they act together as father and daughter, a proper father and daughter look.

However, despite Jiang Mian's popularity with "Lover on the Green", he was still not as popular as the popular child star Feng Qianyi in terms of fans, and was torn apart.

As soon as the official announcement came out, the Jiang fans who got the news were even more excited than the master. As for the Qin fans-the male gods and the female artists in the play couple cp they all recognized, and now they are in the father and daughter cp with female artists. , Even more ignorant.

Furthermore, the famous up master specially edited the intersection between Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun before.

For example, fans initially thought Jiang Mian looked like Qin Jingrun, and the latter came out on Weibo to admit it.

For example, in the crew hotel, Jiang Mian was almost injured because of Qin Jingrun's fans, and Qin Jingrun rescued her.

For example, at the Film Academy Games, Qin Jingrun also cheered Jiang Mian.

I don't know if I don't cut it, I discovered that the two have a lot of connections, and now it's fate to be able to work together to form a father and daughter.

As soon as this video came out, it was pushed to the hot search. When Qin Fan and Jiang Fan watched this video, they were inexplicably excited when they thought that they were going to form a father and daughter. The rare Qin Fan was very gentle with Jiang Fan, and the two homes were harmonious. The knocked up father and daughter cp.

"My god, it feels so much, I look forward to the TV series coming out soon, let us knock the real father and daughter CP"

"It's really poisonous! I used to think that they are like husband and wife, but now they look more like father and daughter!"

"I don't know what Yazi my male **** will be if I have a baby in the future."

"Unexpectedly, one day, I would actually knock on Jiang Mian for the sake of a male god? I really like Jiang Mian's face."

"Damn! Who brainwashed me, my male **** is not old, how come you say that he looks so like an old father???"


Even before Jiang Mian joined the group, the internet about father-daughter CP had already warmed up. Many marketing accounts helped forward it, and Jiang Mian was a little confused.

She sent a message to the actor father: [Dad, did you buy the navy? 】

Qin Jingrun: [The baby is so smart. 】

Jiang Mian:=_=

She just asked casually, but she didn't expect it to be true.

"Dad Rushing Forward" entered the group one and a half months later. After the new semester started, Jiang Mian returned to school and took classes for one and a half months before taking a long vacation.

When I was asking for leave, I met Jiang Xunian again. Jiang Mian felt his scalp numb when he thought of his homework. He took the leave form and pretended not to see him, so he swished away.

Jiang Xunian: "..."

He looked at her back, for a long while, and smiled bitterly.

Just when Jiang Mian was about to join the group, she suddenly received a call from Luo Jiale, very surprised.

During this time, she had to attend classes, and she had to be familiar with the script, and she had to pick up orders with Tianshi father, and she would also have time to accompany the remaining local tyrants and detective fathers.

——She and the actor father are going to be filming together, the other three fathers know about it. The three-month filming cycle means that Qin Jingrun can occupy the baby girl alone for three months.

In this regard, Qin Jingrun often stimulates them in the group.

It's okay for Tianshida, anyway, he is free and can visit the class anytime.

The local tyrant is so sour that he can't wait to tie his baby girl to his side directly, but knows that he is busy with work, even if his daughter is there, he can't accompany her in childhood.

Interpol father is the same, but he is much calmer than Han Xu. When Qin Jingrun shows off in the group, he will taunt the past quietly. The two clashed with each other.

At this time, Master Tian will quietly forward the screenshot to Jiang Mian for live broadcast on the spot.

In order to balance, Jiang Mian had to spare time to spend time with the two fathers and smooth the hair for them. She had a very fulfilling life every day. At first, she often contacted Qi Yanshu, but later found that Master was very busy.

The Qi family has such a big family business, just like the local tyrant father, so he rarely disturbs him intimately.

"Miss Jiang, do you have time? If you have time, can you come to see Mr.?" Luo Jiale's voice was cautious.

"Master...what's wrong with Uncle Qi?" Putting down the bite of the apple, Jiang Mian wrinkled his brows deeply. Could it be a curse?

Jiang Mian's heart jumped.

"Mr. is not very good." Luo Jiale's voice was difficult. "He didn't allow me to tell you that I called you secretly. I always feel that something bad is about to happen."

"He confessed a lot of things to me, all related to you. It feels and feels like he is confessing funeral affairs." His voice was a little panicked, "I don't know why he did this, I think it's something Must tell you."

Jiang Mian stood up fiercely: "I'll come over right away."