When Qi Yanshu returned to the Qi family, he did not live in the Qi family’s old house, but the villa in the Blue Garden. Jiang Mian knew the address when he contacted Qi Yanshu before.

She drove the parked sports car out of the garage and rushed to the Blue Park as quickly as possible.

Luo Jiale said that Master was sleeping at the moment.

Since last week, Qi Yanshu would fall asleep for a period of time every day. Luo Jiale was worried about his body. When he was asleep, he called a doctor to check it. As a result, when the doctor approached Qi Yanshu, the latter suddenly opened his eyes.

Facing Qi Yanshu's gaze, the doctor was taken aback, and then Qi Yanshu gave the doctor a reward and asked the doctor to leave.

He did not speak, but cast his indifferent gaze towards Luo Jiale.

Luo Jiale's back was sweating cold, and he dared not to speak.

"Fine." Qi Yanshu said, "Don't worry, but there is no next time."

Luo Jiale nodded heavily, but the more Qi Yanshu was like this, the deeper his anxiety was.


Jiang Mian arrived in the Blue Garden soon, and Luo Jiale came out to introduce her. On the way, Luo Jiale nervously said to Jiang Mian: "Miss Jiang, sir, when you wake up and see you, don't say that I called you. If he came here, if he knew that I was good at advocating, he would definitely resign me."

In fact, Qi Yanshu had planned to quit him before and gave him a very generous salary.

Luo Jiale didn't agree, and Qi Yanshu didn't force him.

"I know." Jiang Mian nodded.

Qi Yanshu’s bedroom is on the second floor. Jiang Mian unscrewed the door. The first thing he saw was not the Qi Yanshu lying on the bed, but the wooden sword she gave to Master on the Chinese New Year. .

When he walked to the bed, Jiang Mian frowned.

Qi Yanshu lay quietly, his face ruddy, unlike the appearance of being ill, only one clue was revealed-pale lips without the slightest blood, contrast with the ruddy face, it looked strange.

That's the problem. In addition to Qi Yanshu's expression, Jiang Mian didn't see any problems. She sat on the edge of the bed and gently put her hand on Qi Yanshu's hand. The latter's eyelashes suddenly trembled.

Jiang Mian thought he would wake up, but there was nothing, as if what she had just seen was an illusion.

Jiang Mian actually knew that since the master recovered her memory, she had concealed a lot of things from her. She didn't mind, everyone had a secret, and the four fathers still concealed things about her life.

Furthermore, they are now opening a new life in this mortal world written in books.

She has family and friends, and so does the master. The past is not important anymore. She just needs to live the present.

The Master said the same to her, and now she realized that Master wanted her to live well in the present, but he didn't seem to think so.

Jiang Mian pursed his lips, and the furrow of his eyebrows became deeper.

She has never understood Master. In the world of cultivating immortals, Master has been protecting her, teaching her cultivation, and teaching her how to be a human being.

The only thing she can do is to avenge him desperately after his fall.

A trance passed by Jiang Mian's eyes: In order to fight against the sky and fate, every cultivator tried his best to practice, only to ascend, so that he could live with the sky and the earth.

Although the master in the world of cultivating immortals is very strong, she did not feel the master's desire to ascend.

He is always indifferent, she doesn't know what he is thinking, she can't understand, even now she still can't understand.

"Master." Jiang Mian sighed and wanted to say something, when the light suddenly passed over the wall on one side.

She stood up and walked over. There was a faint special symbol on the wall, crooked, like a little man dancing.

Jiang Mian was stunned, this symbol... was created by her in the world of cultivating immortals.

When she went out to practice with her master, one day she had a dream. In the dream she kept chasing, as if she was looking for something, and she seemed to have lost something important. Her heart was so panic that she woke up with fear. Tears on the face.

The master came from the next room, and after listening to the content of her dream, she said nothing, but calmed her softly, stayed beside her, and let her fall asleep again.

Jiang Mian remembered that at that time she pulled Master's sleeve and said: "Master, will you not want me in the future?"

She was afraid that the master would discover that she was not the original Xiao Jiang Mian, and fear that he would know the truth, thinking that she killed the original Xiao Jiang Mian, and hated her.

The master touched her hair, her eyes were filled with emotions she couldn't understand, only that he smiled softly: "No, never."

On the second day, she had a whim and created a pattern childishly, indicating that if the master does not want her in the future, she would take out the pattern and signal the master to say the words.

Jiang Mian was ten years old that year and had just arrived in the world of Xiuxian for two years.

From carp essence to Rén, two years.

In other words, she was only two years old when she became a human.


Jiang Mian had almost forgotten this pattern. At this moment, seeing the memories buried in the depths, she subconsciously raised her hand and stroked the symbol.

A special feeling came from the palm of the hand, it seemed to be fitting, and it seemed to be temptation, but it was gentle and without any malice.

This is a prohibition.

This thought just flashed in my mind, and in the next second, a soft white light passed, and then the wall in front of me changed-this was not a wall, but an invisible door.

The door opened.

Jiang Mian was stunned: This prohibition did not defensive to her, the strange touch just now was to confirm her identity.

She stood silently at the door, and after a while she turned her head to look at Qi Yanshu on the bed.

Master set up such a secret door, which shows that the space inside is private to him. She wisely tells her that she should not enter Master's place casually and disrespect her.

But there was a voice urging her: go in.

After a while, Jiang Mian opened the door and walked in. Behind the door is a small space. There is no window in the room and it looks very dark. She hesitated and pressed the switch next to it.

With a click, the lights came on, and Jiang Mian could see the layout of the room clearly. It was an elegant study room with some calligraphy and painting on the wall.

In the innermost part is a desk with a lot of rice paper on it, some floating on the ground. Jiang Mian just stepped on one, she bent over to pick it up, turned it over, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

The person in the painting is her, she who cultivates the world of immortality.

Jiang Mian didn't know that Master's painting skills were so good, he actually painted her to life, as if it were taken by a camera and printed out.

But this is not the point. The point is-the clothes in this painting are clearly the appearance of her being a mortal in the world of cultivating immortals, severely injured, and healing in a mortal village.

how come……

Jiang Mian's hand holding the drawing paper was shaking: Didn't Master have fallen at that time? She was severely injured because of the enemy who killed Master.

Later, everyone in the village died, including the healer. Only she knew about this and saw her at that time.

Why did Master draw it? How did he know?

Jiang Mian's heart thumped and thumped wildly, and a layer of mist appeared in front of her eyes, but another pair of invisible hands pushed the mist away, so that she was about to see the unknown truth.

She rushed to the desk. Every piece of rice paper painted her. She was when she was a child, when she grew up, she was seriously injured, she was struggling with others... She opened one by one, leaving the last one. .

It was a fish tank with a red carp swimming in it, and behind the carp, there was a crab lying on its stomach, holding a vicious pincers, holding the tail of the red carp.

The red carp's eyes were filled with anger, as if to say: Why is this guy pinching its tail.

With a bang, some sound exploded in Jiang Mian's mind. She thumped back a few steps, bumped into the bookshelf behind her, and a book fell.

Her eyes turned from painting to book involuntarily.

It was a book with a yellowed cover page, and the writing on it was smudged and hardly clear, but Jiang Mian still recognized it.

When she just passed through, she got the consciousness transmission of this world and knew that she had penetrated into a book, and the name of this book was: "A Thousand Golds"

After familiarizing himself with the content of the book, Jiang Mian still complained in his heart, such a serious name, but the content is full of blood, the author of the original book is even the mother of the mothers, as long as it is against the heroine Guan Xin, there is nothing Good end.

Therefore, why does the original novel appear in the world in the book, and it also appears in the master's study.

Jiang Mian looked at the name of the book and regretted it for a moment. She shouldn't have come. Even if she did, she shouldn't have come.

The amount of information was too great, and Jiang Mian couldn't take it any longer, and her mind buzzed into a twine. She desperately tried to sort out a thread.

However, the more so, the more chaotic the information in the brain, and even the humming sound has begun to appear, and the spiritual power in the body is also out of control in the body.

Jiang Mian regained consciousness suddenly, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, she ordered herself to calm down.

Everything has a reason, no matter what the reason, since she appeared here, seeing these, so far from the truth, she is qualified to understand everything clearly.

Jiang Mian picked up the yellowed book and opened it when he moved his fingertips.

"Mianmian." In the next second, a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the door, with a sigh, "Why are you here at this time?"

Jiang Mian shook her hand and the book fell on the ground, but she was not panicked by being caught. She raised her head to look directly at Qi Yanshu, and the two looked at each other.

The shock and confusion on her face were all captured by him.

"Master, what's the matter?" Seeing Qi Yanshu, Jiang Mian flashed the paintings on the table in her mind, she picked up a painting of her in a mortal village, "Why would you..."

Qi Yanshu walked in and his eyes fell on the portrait. For a long time, he stretched out his hand and answered the wrong question: "This place was originally intended to wait for me to leave and leave it to you. I didn't want you to find it today, but I was caught off guard. "

"Master?" For some reason, after Qi Yanshu said these words, Jiang Mian felt a great anxiety.

Qi Yanshu raised his hand, stretched it out in the air, and put it back away. He walked around the desk and tidied all the paintings one by one without rushing, and logically picked up the book on the ground.

Jiang Mian was anxious and couldn't help but say again: "Master!"

Qi Yanshu paused, and said softly: "If you have anything to ask, please ask."

He was so calm that Jiang Mian shouldn't ask anything for a while. After hesitating, she bit her lip and asked: "Lipi...is you?"

The doctor's name is Li Nai.

At that time, she was in a sea of ​​swords and flames all day, and her consciousness had not been clear. Occasionally, when there was a hint of clarity, she would hear people in the village calling doctor Li Li, and the latter knew that he was Li Nai.

Facing her gaze, Qi Yanshu nodded: "It's me."

"Why." Jiang Mian murmured.