When she saw the portrait from Jiang Mian, she had already guessed in her heart and made some preparations, but when she heard Qi Yanshu's admission, she still felt incredible.

How could the master be disgusted?

She hurriedly picked up the picture of the fish tank and said almost incoherently: "What about this one?"

Qi Yanshu looked at the red carp in the painting with gentle eyes. He said, "I thought you had forgotten it a long time ago."

"Let's talk about being bored first." Qi Yanshu motioned to her to sit on the chair.

Jiang Mian took a deep breath and had to sit down, waiting for Qi Yanshu to solve her confusion.

"This is a very long story, and I only learned it completely not long ago."

When every ascetic breaks through a major stage, he will encounter a heart demon. If the heart demon fails to pass the level, the breakthrough will fail, or the soul will dissipate and fall.

The higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it will be for the inner demons, and the inner demons are the biggest obstacle to all cultivators on the way to cultivation.

Countless high-ranking monks were defeated in the hands of the heart demon and disappeared.

However, a high-ranking cultivator did not know how many difficulties he experienced before he would have his current status. It was a pity that he fell because the heart demon did not pass.

At this time, there are two options:

One, continue to attack the demons, win lives, and losers die.

Second, there is only one opportunity to reincarnate and rebuild, and you will have a better grasp of it when you face the demons.

Most cultivators dare not choose the second type. The first type has a probability of at least five to five points. The second type, after being reincarnated, turns from a high-level cultivator to a powerless baby, and may die at any time. There is no chance.

There is another drawback. After being reincarnated, one cannot be sure whether he has the potential to cultivate.

Qing Yi Daojun is a reincarnated cultivator.

He turned out to be a monk who lived deeply on a fairy island overseas. He had no desires and desires and had the ability to attack the demons, but he didn't do this, instead he chose to reincarnating and rebuilding.

The purpose is to be a real and emotional person.

However, there was an accident on the way to reincarnation. His spiritual consciousness was led to a strange mortal world. He found himself in a fish tank and became a clumsy crab.

He didn't mind, he was curious about opposing this situation, and he lightly accepted the fact that he became a crab.

There are many different kinds of swimming fish in the fish tank. At first, he didn't care about anything. Slowly, he noticed the dull red carp in the fish tank.

It is instinctive for humans to rush for food. She is bigger than other fishes. However, she has poor response ability. She often cannot grab food and can only eat what is left.

Probably knowing that she couldn't get it, she gave up altogether, lying on the bottom of the tank all day, shaking her tail occasionally, motionless watching the humans coming and going outside.

He observed secretly and found it interesting. Is a fish that does not swim still a fish?

For reasons that he didn't even know, he would clip her tail occasionally to watch her swim away in panic; occasionally when she didn't even eat the rest of the food, he would give her what he had grabbed. .

Later, he was taken out by humans and put in a steamer. In a blink of an eye, his consciousness popped out of the crab's body, thinking he would return to Tengyun Continent. Unexpectedly, his spiritual consciousness floated in that dental clinic and never left.

Humans go to the fish tank to fish for fish. Although he already understands her future fate, he still makes her escape and avoids being taken away by humans.

Jiang Mian was startled.

She had previously wondered why the front desk aunt couldn't catch her every time she fished.

Until one day, his spiritual consciousness was suddenly swept away by a force of suction, and when he opened his eyes, he had become a baby without any memory, until he grew up as a Qing Yi Daojun.

While traveling abroad, I found an abandoned baby and couldn't bear her death, so I brought it back to the sect and accepted it as a disciple.

At that time, Qing Yi Daojun was creating his own swordsmanship. At a critical juncture, the baby was taken care of by the disciple in the door, and the master and disciple hardly met.

It wasn't until she built the foundation when she was eight years old, breaking the record he had set, and his swordsmanship was also great-just to restore the memory of the previous sea monk, and decided to teach his disciples after leaving the customs.

By chance, he discovered that the disciple's spirit had been split, and he accidentally entered one of the divided spirits, and found that she was the red carp in the fish tank that he lost to the mortal world.

As for the other divided divine soul, he couldn't get in. At that time, he knew that maybe his disciples had a lot of background, but he didn't think much.

Even in the secret realm, he was calculated to fall.

In fact, with his strength, it is not difficult to retreat with his whole body. The difficult part is to leave with his disciples.

Either he cares about himself or Gu Tu'er, he didn't hesitate to choose the latter.

He has lived two lives, several hundred years old. His disciples are still young, and there will be countless possibilities in the future.

Later, he regretted it countless times, and when he fell, he should seal her memory and let her walk her future path with peace of mind.

He is a monk who has been reincarnated and rebuilt, and now that he has fallen, he will surely disappear, but he doesn't want his consciousness to condense again, just like in a dental clinic, surrounded by disciples, no one notices.

He saw her cultivating desperately, her temperament changed drastically overnight, and she was no longer the little girl who loved to buy snacks for him.

He saw her holding the quilt and gritted her teeth and said: "Master, you wait, I will kill the beast myself and avenge you."

He saw her go through countless secret realms to improve her cultivation, seize treasures with others, and shuttle back and forth between life and death again and again.

Sometimes his consciousness would be in a trance, and he couldn't "see" what happened during this time.

When she could "see" it again, Tu'er was covered in blood, and fell silently into the water. The surrounding water was filled with blood from her body and turned bright red, like a painting soaked in blood, tragic and tragic.


Qi Yanshu stopped suddenly, her gaze shifted slightly, seeing Jiang Mian's eyes gradually turning red, she opened her mouth, found her own voice, and muttered: "So you have been..."

It was because he was always there that he regretted it. Not only did he fail to protect her, but instead tired her to embark on the most difficult and cruel path for him.

A ray of sadness flashed across Qi Yanshu's eyes, which was fleeting.

Jiang Mian sniffed, with a strong nasal sound: "Then why didn't you recognize me after saving me?"

Qi Yanshu was silent and did not speak for a long time.

Jiang Mian couldn't help taking two steps forward, and Qi Yanshu slowly said, "I'm disgusted with it."

Jiang Mian's pupils shrank suddenly in consternation.

He couldn't think about what happened to the disciple to make this happen, and he couldn't bear the feeling of powerlessness.

At this moment, he saw a healer passing by and found the disciple in the water. The other party gave a "Huh" and kicked the disciple on the head, and then said happily: "You can't live anyway, Quan As if it were a dead person, it just so happened that the test subject was there."

It was this sentence and this action that made him make a move of robbing his home. He didn't know if he would succeed, because strictly speaking, he was just a ray of consciousness.

He succeeded.


Jiang Mian knew about the next thing. She reshaped all the bones and veins in her body with her tired hands, and was able to stand up again.

Lisi is very strange. She wears a mask on her face and often doesn’t say a word. She knows all this, but now she wants to understand. He doesn’t speak and wears a mask, but she doesn’t want her to discover the clue, for fear that she will recognize him. Master.

Then, the enemy who had calculated the master was found, but her cultivation base had not yet recovered.

Jiang Mian closed her eyes, and the scene she had never wanted to recall came to mind—

The beast killed the villagers in front of her, just to make her kneel and kowtow to humiliate her.

It was the first time that she heard Lilian say so many things. He said: "I finally saved you. I didn't make you die again."

"I'm just a mortal, and I will die if I die."

"You want to avenge your master, yes, but you must do it again when you are sure to kill him. You must remember that your life is not only yours, but mine."

"Escape, the farther you go, the better. Don't look back."

She turned her head after all.

The study was quiet, Qi Yanshu raised his hand and gently and slowly wiped the tears off Jiang Mian's face with his fingers.

"Master." Jiang Mian raised his hand and held his hand, clenched tightly, and said softly, "After that, you will come to this world, right."

Qi Yanshu nodded, and picked up "A Thousand Golds": "I got this book from the forbidden place." As for how to get it, he didn't say.

Qi Yanshu put the book in Jiang Mian's hands: "This book belongs to you."

Probably already surprised enough, Jiang Mian, who heard Qi Yanshu's words, had only doubts-how could it be hers?

She opened the yellowed and old cover. In the middle of the first page was "A Thousand Characters" written in black on a white background, and there was a line of slightly smaller words underneath: Jiang Mian·zhu.

Jiang Mian was shocked, raised his head blankly, and looked at Qi Yanshu: "Could it be just the same name?"

She really didn't want to believe that this book was written by her, and more importantly, she had no impression of it in her memory.

Qi Yanshu looked at her, and answered the wrong question: "Have you ever thought that this book is compiled based on your experience, and this world is your world, it really exists, not formed by books. You have come from Tengyun Continent to Here, it’s not traveling, but going home."

"Go home..." Jiang Mian's chaotic brain seemed to be torn open. Something was about to emerge, and was pressed back by an invisible force.

She pressed her temples and her expression became painful.

Qi Yanshu's face changed slightly, he took a step, and suddenly thought of something, his movements stopped alive, only looking at Jiang Mian, and quickly said: "This is just my guess, whether it is or not, you don't have to hang up In the heart."

Countless questions flooded Jiang Mian's heart, and she was now very sure that there was a problem with her memory-part of her memory had been cut off, and there was no trace of the cut, even she herself could not find out.

According to what the master said, it means: Jiang Mian once personally experienced and wrote "A Thousand Golds", what happened in the middle is unknown.

Later, Jiang Mian went to the world where the carp essence was. That's why, as a red carp, she suddenly understood people's words. Then, he went to the world of Xiuxian.

Therefore, when she "woke up", the story in the book that received the world transmission was actually just the memory of the experience that automatically appeared in her mind.

In other words, she thought that Jiang Mian in the book was the original owner, but in fact it was not, she was herself.

She is Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian is her.

She is not "crossing", but "rebirth".