Jiang Mian's breathing trembled, and suddenly remembered something. She grabbed Qi Yanshu's hand and said anxiously: "Just now you said you want to leave, where are you going?"

She came to Qi Yanshu because he had something wrong recently, but she didn't want to learn a lot of the truth by accident and almost forgot the most important things.

Qi Yanshu held her hand back, Yun Danfeng smiled lightly: "I want to return to Tengyun Continent."

She was probably numb. When Jiang Mian heard these words, there was no turbulence in her heart. With a movement in her heart, she said, "It's a forbidden place, right?"

The master went to the forbidden area and recovered his memory after he came out. The book "A Thousand Golds" was also brought back from the forbidden area.

She asked the Heavenly Master and Silver Fox before. After they entered the depths of the forbidden area, they knew that there had been an accident, but they did not remember the details, but they did not find it strange. It seemed that the things that happened in the forbidden area were diluted by invisible power. Up.

Just like a person’s memory, I was originally impressed with something. After a long time, the impression that is deep will fade, and I won’t even remember it anymore.

But Qi Yanshu was not affected, he must have found something inside.

"The boundary wall is in the forbidden area, and you can use it to return to Tengyun Continent." Qi Yanshu said, "Don't you mean that the demons broke the boundary wall and attacked the Tengyun Continent, massacring countless monks, causing the lives of the Tengyun Continent to be charred."

"Mianmian, Tengyun Continent is my real hometown, I can't just sit back and watch."

"But..." Dao Monarch Qing Yi in Tengyun Continent has fallen. Even if he returns with his current body without the original cultivation base, what can he do.

"The person'Qi Yanshu' should have passed away at the age of thirty, and'I' could live over thirty. I have changed my fate against the sky. I left for this reason. There is a beginning and an end." It seems that Jiang Mian was aware of Jiang Mian. Unfinished words, Qi Yanshu held his hand behind him and said lightly, "This is a decision to be a teacher."

Jiang Mian was silent, she knew Master a little bit, and the things he decided could not be corrected.

"when are we leaving?"

"In a few days."

"If I didn't come today, would I know these things after you left."

Qi Yanshu nodded calmly.

Jiang Mian couldn't help but: "Why?"

"Jiang Er." Qi Yanshu suddenly called to Jiang Mian in the world of Xiuxian, "If you are to abandon your four fathers and choose to return to Tengyun Continent, would you like it."

"I..." Jiang Mian's face was stagnant, she should say "I do" without hesitation, but when the words were about to be uttered, her subconsciousness stopped her.

If the world is her hometown, the four dads are her true relatives.

If the plot in the book is something that "she" has experienced before, it means that the former "she" witnessed the death of four dads with her own eyes, and she finally left tragically.

If she left with her master and went to Tengyun Continent, what would happen to the four fathers after she disappeared.

And the master has protected her for so many years, and has done everything for her.

This choice is so cruel to her.

"Stupid boy." Qi Yanshu smiled softly, the emotions in his eyes were all hidden in the depths of his eyes, "Even if you are willing to go with me, I don't agree."

"Although you are my disciple, you are also your dad's daughter. Their love for you can't be matched by anyone. Don't make them suffer. In the future..."

After a pause, he slowly said, "Find someone you like, and live a peaceful and happy life in this mortal world. This is the only requirement of you as a teacher."

Watching Jiang Mian leave, Qi Yanshu returned to the bedroom and called Luo Jiale. The latter trembled, for fear that Qi Yanshu would notice that he called Jiang Mian.

What surprised him was that Qi Yanshu called him over and didn't say anything. He just handed him a check with more money than last time.


"After I leave, if you want to stay in the Qi's house and do things, my father will arrange it for you. If you don't want to, take the money and do what you want to do."

Luo Jiale's heart is tight: What leave?

"You have to remember what I say next."

After listening, Luo Jiale's eyes widened suddenly-the husband actually wanted to transfer all the property under his name to Jiang Mian anonymously.

Qi Yanshu waved his shocked Luo Jiale to retreat. He coughed heavily, took off the wooden sword on the wall, and entered the study.

He bound the portraits on the table and picked up the "A Thousand Golds". Jiang Mian wanted to take it away when he left, but he did not agree.

When I first got this book, it was already in tatters, but now it is only yellowing, and it is indispensable for his careful care.

He accidentally discovered that Jiang Mian's spirit had been split, and one of them could not be entered. Now he understands that it is her unknown, and even she herself has forgotten the past.

And these past, all in this book, only understand what kind of life she lived before Red Carp.

Qi Yanshu gently stroked the pages of the book.

He does not belong to this world, so after he was born, he was judged by the master that he would not survive thirty.

The reason why I was able to pass the 30th mark and have the opportunity to remember everything and meet Jiang Mian again. He guessed that it was because Jiang Mian's "going home" changed the trajectory of the world, and thus also changed the curse of his death at thirty.

But after all, he is not a person in this world. If he continues to stay, he will be expelled in death soon.

His only way to save himself is to leave this world.

He is her master, no matter where he is, it is an unchangeable fact.

"This is good too." Qi Yanshu closed the page, and his pale lips suddenly became a little more bloody.

"Baby, I'm so depressed, who made you unhappy?" Jiang Mian has been living at the actor's father's house during this time because he is about to join the group, which is convenient for the two to play.

Qin Jingrun was in front of him, training her baby girl's acting skills all the time. Not long ago, her baby girl hurried out, but her face was not very good when she came back.

"Dad, have I asked you before, why do I have four dads?" Jiang Mian raised his head and locked the eyes of the actor father.

"Of course I asked." Qin Jingrun touched her hair, "You are still young, don't think about these things too much, we will tell you when you grow up."

Jiang Mian changed the question: "Then how was I born? There should always be a mother."

In the past, Jiang Mian was afraid of showing signs, and never asked clearly.

Qin Jingrun's eyebrows twisted-since childhood, the baby girl has asked this question many times, and then slowly stopped asking it under their education.

When she grew up, she never asked, and she didn't want to keep asking questions today.

"Baby, did someone ask you something?" Qin Jingrun's heart moved.

"Yes." Jiang Mian nodded and sighed. "Dad, you said you would tell me when I grow up, but I am now an adult, so you should tell me."

She took out her mobile phone and said with a smile: "Why don't I call other dads, and you four tell me together?"

Qin Jingrun: "..."

"Dad, I just want to know the truth." She said softly, "I think I am qualified to know the truth."

"I should……"

What should it be? Jiang Mian was stunned again. Even if the four fathers told her about her life experience, it was just a "life experience". She still didn't know why she was the "original" and why she wrote the book "A Thousand Golds" , She doesn't have those memories and can't produce empathy.

Or, Master’s guess is not true. The author of "A Thousand Golds" signed the same name as her, which is just a coincidence.

Now, what she wants is not her life experience, but the complete memory of her own that has been cut off.

The expression on the face of the baby girl made her look fragile like a bubble for an instant, and Qin Jingrun's heart sank: Where did the baby go? Someone must have said something to her.

This matter must be known to the other three guys, but it is a matter of urgency... he held Jiang Mian tightly in his arms and pondered for a moment, nothing more, as she said, she was qualified to know the truth.

"Baby, do you know why your name is Jiang Mian?"

"Because we got you on the surface of the river."

One day eighteen years ago, four young people with different identities, ages, and statuses received a letter at the same time. The content of the letter was very simple, saying that they had a newborn daughter who would appear in a certain two days later. River surface.

The letter is clearly marked on the position, and emphasizes that it is their biological daughter, not a joke, nor a prank, you must arrive at the destination on time to receive the "daughter".

Still receive?

After reading the letter, Qin Jingrun sneered and threw it away like garbage.

He has just made his mark in the entertainment industry, and many people are jealous of him. This letter may indicate which opponent spoofed him.

Han Xu got the letter, glanced at it, and tore it with his hands—Old man Han was seriously ill, and he listened to his father's instructions on how to manage a family business by the hospital bed every day.

Lian Feng read the letter back and forth several times and traced the source of the letter, but after investigating it for a long time, nothing was found. Finally, he decided to go to the place mentioned in the letter two days later-maybe there was a criminal who wanted to murder the little one. baby.

Zuo Xing stayed up all night in fright, desperately recalling whether he had done any bad things in non-waking moments before, so a daughter suddenly appeared.

In order to verify his innocence, he used the mysterious technique to determine that he was still a boy.

So, where did he hit a daughter? ? ?

Curious and doubtful, he decided to go to the place on the letter.

They all thought that they were the only one to receive the letter, but when they arrived at the destination, they found that there were actually four of them, including themselves.

——Qin Jingrun and Han Xu did not plan to come, but after they destroyed the letter, they received a letter with the same content again, and finally decided to come and see the situation.

The time on the letter was 12 o'clock in the morning. The four of them arrived and looked at each other. Only then did they find that all four of them had received exactly the same letter, and the letter said that they received their daughter...

At this time, a wooden basin wobbled over the surface of the river, and a faint baby cry came from the wooden basin.

The faces of the four people changed immediately.

Damn, there are really little babies!

Lian Feng was the fastest, and he hugged the wooden basin ashore for the first time. With the help of the flashlight, they could see clearly that there was a baby carved in pink jade.

The little guy was wrapped in a thin quilt, beautiful like a doll, her eyes were filled with tears, and her long eyelashes were wet with tears, looking pitiful and cute.

Perhaps by seeing the four big heads, the little guy felt curious and stopped crying. The big beautiful eyes looked at this for a while, then at that, and stretched out his tender little arm, giggling at them.

With that smile, even the hard-hearted people couldn't stand it. The four big men felt so soft in their hearts for a moment, and they all thought together: It seems not bad to have such a daughter.

Afraid of the little guy catching a cold, Lian Feng immediately took off his jacket and wrapped the little guy around. The little guy tilted his head to look at him, not crying or making trouble, so he was very good.

"What to do now..." Zuo Xingping scratched his head and poked the baby in the cheek carefully.

Soft, like cotton candy, Zuo Xingping's eyes lit up.

Qin Jingrun found a note in the little quilt and wrote the line characters. The four of them leaned forward to take a look. It said: "She is the biological daughter of the four of you. There is a fake replacement."

All four of them are the little guy's fathers?

This situation is unheard of, and it is not good to be publicized, so Han Xu came forward and took the little guy to Han's Hospital, and asked a doctor to sign a non-disclosure agreement before conducting identification.

Finally, it turns out that the little guy has the genes of the four of them.

In other words, the four of them are indeed the little guy's relatives.


"In the beginning, we found your mother." Qin Jingrun recalled, "but your father Han used family power and found no trace. Later, except for your left father, all three of us guessed that you were made with technology because Only this can explain your birth."

"Your father on the left denied it and insisted that you were born in a very magical way. Ask him what way, he can't tell him, he talks about him, and he puts some charms on you to harm you. I cried several times."

"Later we discussed that everyone took turns raising you... I'm afraid you would think too much and didn't tell you this."

Qin Jingrun lowered his head to look at her baby girl and saw that her expression was much better than before. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Baby, you can tell Dad now, who did you go out to meet?"

Something faintly flashed in Jiang Mian's mind. She wanted to catch it, but couldn't catch it. She frowned, "Dad, the letter to you and the note are still there?"

"The letter we have burned, the note is in your Lian Dad's." Lian Feng is a policeman, and these only clues are naturally given to him. Maybe he can find out something.

It's a pity that there has been no progress for many years, and the four of them were relieved later, no matter how their daughter came, it was their sharp treasures anyway.

"Dad, I'm going to find Dad Lien."