Ye Fei was heading back upstairs with Yan Xiao and Cheng Minghao when he received Father Ye’s call.

“By the way, Brother Fei,” Cheng Minghao pressed the floor button and turned to ask Ye Fei, “Are you celebrating Feixiao’s seventh anniversary?” 

Ye Fei was speechless. Yan Xiao had never told him about it; and he was ignorant of Feixiao’s founding date.


“The seventeenth, it’s coming soon,” Cheng Minghao winked at Yan Xiao and encouraged enthusiastically, “You should come, our company’s celebration will be quite fun.”

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and poked Yan Xiao,”Really?” 

Yan Xiao took advantage of the situation to grab his hand and hold it in his palm.  Neither confirming nor denying, he maintained, “I’ll reserve a seat for you in the VIP table, with a good view, facing the stage. It’s lively and the atmosphere is good, you’ll like it.”

“Did I say I’m going?” Ye Fei raised his eyebrows.

Yan Xiao stopped speaking. Instead, he peered down at Ye Fei with no expression, his eyes shining with a quiet expectation. Ye Fei could only bear the puppy-dog look for three seconds before he gave in.

“Okay, I’ll arrange my appointments in advance.” Yan Xiao’s arms twitched, as if he wanted to cuddle Ye Fei again. But because of Cheng Minghao’s lightbulb existence, he restrained himself, only to clutch Ye Fei’s wrist with a tighter grip.

Ye Fei chuckled lightly and was about to say something when his phone suddenly vibrated, almost echoing in the closed elevator. He looked down at the screen, and the smile in his eyes disappeared instantly.

The elevator door opened with a ding, Ye Fei tried to give a reassuring glance to Yan Xiao as he relayed, “Go back to the office first. I need to take a call.” Ye Fei did not bother covering his phone screen, such that both Yan Xiao and Cheng Minghao were able to glimpse at the caller ID.

Yan Xiao said “Okay” and followed Ye Fei out of the elevator. However, rather than going in, he stood in the doorway, as if acting as Ye Fei’s pillar of strength, a dependable shield on the ready.

“Is there a problem?” Ye Fei pressed to accept the call and nonchalantly greeted. 

“A-Fei,” Father Ye’s tone was unbelievably mild over the phone, “I’ve been following Tianxi for a while now, and you’ve done a very good job. In the future, I can rest assured with Dingyuan in your hands.”

“Cut the crap.” Ye Fei sneered. Father Ye took a deep breath in order to calm the indignation in his heart.

“I know that you feel that your father is unfair, and partial to A-Yao. That’s because A-Yao is the younger son and does not need to inherit the family business. You are different. I need to be stricter on you so that I can give Dingyuan to you.”

“It seems that you haven’t f*cked off enough yet,” Ye Fei leaned against the wall and mocked, “You dragging our conversation out, don’t you feel bad about the data charges?” 

“You—” Father Ye’s nostrils flared. “A-Fei, come back. You passed my test. You’ll be in charge of Dingyuan. I promise that A-Yao will not interfere again.”

After a pause, he added, “Are you angry about my attitude towards your mother? Well, come home and I’ll tell you everything about me and her. It’s not that I’m ruthless, it’s that she was the one who wronged me. I was deceived by her.”

Tf Mfl bcis ofia j gert bo olgf rkfiilcu klatlc tlr tfjv, yegclcu tlr rjclas ab jrtfr. Lbk rtjwfifrr mbeiv atlr wjc yf; ab atgbk vlgas kjafg bc rbwfbcf ktb tjv qjrrfv jkjs.

Pc tlr ijra ilof, tf tjv ilfv lc yfv obg rfnfc vjsr, tlr fjgr oliifv klat mbiv rjgmjrw. Po atfgf kjr fnfg remt j atlcu, Mjatfg Tf kbeiv tjnf abiv tlw lc atja ibcu ilajcs bo mbwqijlcar. 

It was not enough to block Father Ye’s number. Ye Fei regretted that he had not blacklisted his father’s WeChat as well.

“Oh,” Ye Fei sneered, “Why would she need to deceive you? For those sheep you herded in the mountains?” Father Ye felt hatred blossom in his heart, irritation piercing through his head.

“Who raised you! Do you talk to your father like this?”

“If the son is no good, it’s the fault of the father,” Ye Fei sneered, “Hurry up, slap yourself to relieve your frustration.” 

Father Ye’s face turned green, and he huffed and puffed in aggravation. If Ye Fei was unwilling to accept the carrot, then the whip would do. “Aren’t you afraid that I will find the media to expose you? White-eyed wolf, unfilial to parents, you and Yan Xiao would be so notorious your names would stink in the streets!”

“Which parents?” Ye Fei’s lips curled up, but his eyes were bursting with rage, “Did you meet my mother underground?”

Before waiting for Father Ye to answer, he said again,”Go see the paparazzi if you want. Find trouble for me, and I will find trouble for Ye Yao. If you don’t believe me, try it.”

“Ye Fei, why have you become like this now…” Father Ye was really able to bend and stretch; if his threats failed, the emotional cards came out. 

But Ye Fei did not want to waste any more time with him, so he interrupted Father Ye mid-speech. “Let’s not say anything else, let me ask you, how long did it take my mother to die from diagnosis to death?”

Father Ye’s phone clattered on the table, creating a din. Ye Fei ignored the sound; Father Ye must have released his grip in anger. With very little tolerance left, he waited for Father Ye to pick up the phone before repeating his question.

“Why are you asking this?” Father Ye took some time to respond.

“I want to know.” Ye Fei gave a short reply. Father Ye was silent. 

“Almost a year.”

“Anything more specific?”

“It’s been so long, how would I still remember!” Father Ye impatiently retorted.

Ye Fei laughed at himself. This was the person who his mother desperately wanted to marry back then. He refused to listen anymore and hurriedly hung up before leaning against the wall in a daze. 

A steady stream of footsteps echoed in the corridor. Ye Fei knew without turning his head that it was Yan Xiao.

“The only reason he married my mum was to climb up the social ladder,” Ye Fei simply stated as if he was reciting with no emotion, his eyes half-lidded, “He doesn’t even like me.”

“Ye Fei,” Yan Xiao raised his chin and looked into his eyes, “Did he scold you?”

Ye Fei was amused by his serious look.”Why? Could it be that since the weather is cold, the Wang Group should go bankrupt ? ” 

Yan Xiao was puzzled by this comment. He repeated, “Did he scold you?”

“Just kidding, I’m the one who gave him hell,” Ye Fei jutted his chin out in pride, taking his arm and walking back into the office. “I just really think my mum led an unfair life. She gave so much, and all he returned was not even a kind word.”

He curled his fingers and scratched at Yan Xiao’s palm, closing the door of the latter’s office. “Fortunately, my eyes are not like hers.”

Yan Xiao took some time to process his words before realizing that Ye Fei was indirectly praising him. Satisfied, he grabbed the dishonest fingers and kissed it, countering, “I have good eyesight too.” 

Ye Fei originally planned to go back home after lunch. Now, he felt like staying with Yan Xiao. So the two reached a consensus; Yan Xiao handled official business while Ye Fei accompanied him.

The sofa in Yan Xiao’s office was enormous and Ye Fei took a nap. After waking up, he watched streams, exchanged kisses with Yan Xiao and indulged in light intimacy. The afternoon slipped by quickly.

“How about eating hot pot tonight?” Ye Fei declared as he went over the reviews, “There is a newly opened Sichuan hot pot restaurant in the old city that has good reviews. I think you will like it.”

“You don’t eat spicy food, just eat what you like.” Ye Fei had joined hands as they avoided a passing car. 

“You’re so silly,” Ye Fei laughed, “You can ask for a  ‘yin yang hot pot.'”

He put down his phone and pressed the car key to open the door. “Then let’s go.”

The old city area was not far from Feixiao Technology. Even in peak-hour traffic, they only needed to take twenty minutes. Perhaps because they were early, the crowd in the store was minimal, and their dishes were ready in no time.

As they waited for the soup to boil, Ye Fei jutted his chin and gave Yan Xiao a look-over. “Are you in love with Western suits? You always wear the same thing.” 

Yan Xiao denied it. “My assistant ordered it.”

Yan Xiao was the kind who would be easy to support. He had no obvious preferences, and no special requirements for clothing, food, housing and transportation.

“How about we go shopping in the clothing area later?” Ye Fei was eager to try, “I want to see you wear something else.”

Yan Xiao would have satisfied any of Ye Fei’s requests, let alone this trivial matter. “Okay.” He agreed without a thought. 

Though they had not stayed for long, their clothes reeked of hot pot. Ye Fei bent down and took a sniff.  “Brother Yan, I think the salesperson would ostracize us.”

Yan Xiao looked at his face and retorted: “No.” Ye Fei, a person with a beautiful appearance and a good personality, would not be disliked no matter what.

Ye Fei was fond of a small luxury brand from Spain. He deftly checked the shopping mall navigation map. Coincidentally, one branch was close by, so he took Yan Xiao directly to the store.

Yan Xiao was a natural clothing rack. He was tall and slender, with a straight waist and back. Ye Fei picked out a light gray sweater for him, matching it with blue jeans, and asked him to go to the fitting room to change it. 

When he came out, Ye Fei’s eyes lit up. The casual clothes reduced the aura of sternness, making Yan Xiao a few years younger. Yet because of that same aura, he would never be mistaken for a college student. It was as though he was shining and handsome, with a vitality that was not usually present.

“Handsome,” Ye Fei’s eyelids twitched as he examined Yan Xiao with delight. “So handsome that I can’t close my legs.” He whispered in Yan Xiao’s ear. Yan Xiao’s eyes darkened with a predatory gaze, and he subconsciously reached out to grab him. However, Yan Xiao simply clutched at empty air.

Ye Fei flirted without aftercare, and avoided Yan Xiao’s itchy hand with a smirk. “Just wait, I’ll pick two more.”

He plunged into the latest style section, and plucked a few more shirts before heading back. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, a tall and thin girl was holding her mobile phone, as if asking for Yan Xiao’s contact. 

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and walked over calmly.

“We’re not finished yet,” Yan Xiao glanced in Ye Fei’s direction before earnestly replying, “We’ll pay for it later.”

Ye Fei’s footsteps stopped. The girl was dumbfounded as she extended her phone, unable to react for several moments.

Yan Xiao remained solemn. “Is there a problem?” 

The situation was extremely mortifying.

Ye Fei: “…”

Ye Fei grasped his forehead, strode quickly to Yan Xiao’s side, smiled and hinted, “I’m sorry, you are so beautiful, my boyfriend thought you were the salesgirl.”

The girl’s face flushed red. After apologizing, she hurriedly fled the scene. 

“She actually wanted your contact,” Ye Fei shoved the selected clothes into Yan Xiao’s arms, torn between helplessness and hilarity, “Why did you think she was the salesgirl?”

“Oh,” Yan Xiao realized that he had made a mistake, yet his face reflected no emotion. “Really.”

“Yeah,” Ye Fei looked at the shopper not too far away, and softly remarked, “Did you not notice when she followed us just now? They look completely different.”

“Why should I pay attention to her?” Yan Xiao opened the door of the fitting room and turned around in bewilderment. He gently touched Ye Fei’s face, and told him truthfully, “I will only look at you.”