Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy lunar new year everyone!

A sincere confession from a lover will never tire no matter how many times you listen to it. Ye Fei, who was more or less in a bad mood because of Father Ye’s phone call, was immediately revived to full health. He dragged Yan Xiao through the new arrivals before reluctantly driving home. 

As he lied in bed, he still felt dissatisfied. He pondered before opening his WeChat group and sent a happy emoji.

A few minutes later, he received the group’s ‘@’s.

[Gu Ruijia 180 minutes: @Brother Fei What’s with the sudden prod, aren’t you sick? ]

[Sun Qiong is very rich: Did you meet some suitable fresh meat? ] 

[Zhou Family Group Pet: Old Sun, please wake up! Ye Fei is married! ]

Ye Fei chuckled, turned on the bedside lamp and typed—

[Brother Fei: I was bored at home, went out for a hot pot, and visited Loewe on the way back. ]

[Gu Ruijia 180 minutes: ? ? ? What’s there to be happy about? It’s not as if we haven’t been there before. ]

[Zhou Family Group Pet: Are there any new interesting new arrivals? Post a picture, let us see. ]

Ye Fei stuffed a pillow behind him before leaning backwards.

[Brother Fei: I’m just happy, you understand? ]

[Brother Fei: It’s the usual, it’s just those few styles at Loewe? It’s not for me, I bought some for Yan Xiao. ] 

Sun Qiong was quick to grasp the key.

[Sun Qiong is very rich: Did you go with Brother Xiao? ]

[Brother Fei: Mmmm. ]

[Gu Ruijia 180 minutes: … Are you f*cking here to show off? ] 

[Brother Fei: Are you of the goldfish zodiac? Aren’t you the one who ‘@’ me first?]

[Gu Ruijia 180 minutes: [smiles] Oh, so you don’t want a divorce now? ]

[Gu Ruijia 180 minutes withdrew his message. ]

[Sun Qiong is very rich:? ? Di-Divorce?] 

[Zhou Family Group Pet: No use deleting, we all saw it. But divorce… is that true? ]

It had been a long time since Ye Fei thought about his behavior post-rebirth, but now it felt like another lifetime.

At the beginning, he did not care whether he died. He just wanted to make good use of the two years he had gained and enjoy what he had not done before, so that his life would not be in vain.

Now, he did not wish to let go of the smallest chance of survival. Because he wanted to accompany Yan Xiao for a longer time, even if it cost him his dignity. 

The door to the bathroom of the master bedroom was opened, and Yan Xiao came out. He was still drenched, with steam emanating off. Rather than go to bed directly, he leaned over and kissed Ye Fei. He then settled down to cuddle Ye Fei from behind.

Tf Mfl mbwqilfv jcv cfraifv lcab tlr jgwr, vlrgfujgvlcu atja Tjc Wljb mbeiv qffx ja tlr mtja ibu.

[Brother Fei: Fake, what divorce.]

[Gu Ruijia 180 minutes: …Okay, in the end you two have reconciled. What’s the point of worrying about being lonely with you around? ] 

Tf Mfl wbnfv tlr olcufgr jcv rfca j wfrrjuf.

[Brother Fei: Just treat it like a dream, and that you’re moved by our relationship. ]

[Gu Ruijia 180 minutes: F*ck your dad !]

Tf Mfl uglwjmfv yfobgf tf atgfk tlr qtbcf bcab atf yfvrlvf ajyif. Lf aegcfv yjmx jcv gfwjgxfv ab Tjc Wljb, “P’w aegclcu boo atf ilutar.” 

Yan Xiao let out a hum and pulled the blanket up. The room was swept in darkness. Ye Fei breathed in the smell of body wash on Yan Xiao’s body and slept in an instant.

The next morning, the two got up and ate breakfast together before heading to work separately.

Ye Fei entered his office. As soon as he opened a can of instant coffee, Gu Ruijia pushed open the door and entered. Afraid that Gu Ruijia would bring up the topic of divorce, Ye Fei quickly spoke up.

“What did I tell you? Investing in <<The Way to Upgrade the Concubine>> was a mistake, right?” 

Gu Ruijia was not expecting the switch to business. He was dumbfounded by the remark and took some time to process.

“I felt the back of my neck freeze up when I saw the hot search yesterday.” He immediately forgot the question he had prepared beforehand, and happily followed along. “Old Sun and Old Zhou were also afraid.”

They were not afraid of making a loss. They were all wealthy scions after all. What they never lacked was money, but face! Gu Ruijia proudly sat beside Ye Fei, telling him,  “The two of them are so regretful they didn’t invest in <<Super Time Redemption>>. Fortunately, I was wise enough.”

Ye Fei took a sip of coffee and felt his tongue curl up in bitterness. He took a packet of white sugar and dumped its contents in. “Does Blue Ocean Entertainment still want to rescue it?” 

Blue Ocean Entertainment was the producer of <<The Way to Upgrade the Concubine>>.

“There’s no good excuse for drug use,” Gu Ruijia spread his hands and relayed the gossip to Ye Fei, “Blue Ocean Entertainment plans to use AI face-changing technology to change Cen Xinghua’s face to someone else’s. It’s not a matter of how good it is, they just need to broadcast it.”

Ye Fei was noncommittal about the matter. Blue Ocean Entertainment was fated for disappointment.  Because soon, the female lead of <<The Way to Upgrade the Concubine>> would be sealed by the authorities for being politically incorrect.

Due to this, the drama was doomed. 

“Why do you have that expression?” Gu Ruijia narrowed his eyes and felt that things were not as  simple, “Is there something else?”

“Would you like to make a bet? I bet this drama won’t be broadcast.” Ye Fei chuckled as he turned on his laptop.

“No, no.” Gu Ruijia felt that he would lose out if he ever bet against Ye Fei; his record during this period of time was unbeatable. He paused and changed the subject directly, “By the way, those second-tier artists have finished their contracts. Do you want to meet up with them?”

Ye Fei contemplated for a moment, nodded and agreed. 

On the other hand, as soon as Yan Xiao entered Feixiao, plenty of eyes were focused on him.

Big news! A person who always wore the same suit for ten years had now switched to casual clothes! The jaws of every Feixiao Technology employee dropped. The security guard at the front desk almost stopped him because he could not recognize Yan Xiao. .

“What’s the situation?” Cheng Minghao looked at Yan Xiao up and down. “Why did you suddenly change your style?”

Yan Xiao opened his laptop, clicked into the mailbox, and informed Cheng Minghao, “Ye Fei bought it.” 

“No wonder,” Cheng Minghao sighed while sipping soy milk, “Brother Fei is pretty good to you.”

“Of course.” Yan Xiao continued to send emails.

“What’s the matter with the two of you?” Knowing that Yan Xiao was in a good mood now, Cheng Minghao could not help his curiosity. He used his ankle to hook a chair to Yan Xiao before plopping into his seat. “Tell me, you already got the certificate, what’s the point of all the chasing?”

Yan Xiao glanced at him and said nothing. In the spacious and tidy office, only the sound of continuous typing on the keyboard can be heard. 

“You’re demolishing the bridge after crossing the river,” Cheng Minghao snorted. “If it weren’t for me, you and Brother Fei might not be doing well now.”

Yan Xiao ruminated before realizing that Cheng Minghao was complaining about himself. He stopped typing and raised his head. “Do you need me to say it again, half of my year-end bonus will be given to you.”

Cheng Minghao was speechless. “…Why are you so serious, I just want to eat melons.”

“You can ask your assistant to buy it.” Yan Xiao took his remark seriously. 

Cheng Minghao: “…”

“Forget it, forget it,” Cheng Minghao waved his hand and gave up completely.

It’s too tiring to talk to Yan Xiao, and it’s very easy to be led astray by him. Money was so much more useful than melons! Was it because P-station was not good enough? Or was Weibo insufficient?

Cheng Minghao pushed away his chair and planned to go back to his office. After thinking for a while, he could not help but say more: “Then, Brother Xiao, Brother Fei is good-looking and has a good personality, many people must like him…” 

Yan Xiao stood up and stared at him blankly. “Do you like him?”

“Damn, nope!” Cheng Minghao felt his scalp go numb, and quickly clarified, “I’m a straight man! I only like women!”

“Then what do you mean?”

Cheng Minghao felt tired. “I mean Brother Fei is so good, you have to treat him better, otherwise there will be a lot of people waiting to snatch someone from you.” After a while, he quickly added, fearful for his life, “Of course, not including me.” 

“Treat him better.” Yan Xiao thoughtfully repeated.

“Yeah,” Cheng Minghao’s eyes fell on him, and a lightbulb turned on in his brain. “For example, he bought you new clothes, did you give him anything in return?”


“That’s where you don’t meet the mark,” Cheng Minghao patted his thigh and taught Yan Xiao with what little love experience he had. “At this time, you should return the gratitude. You’ll be tired if you always take the initiative.” 

Yan Xiao said “okay” and then “thank you”. He immediately switched on his phone to ask Ye Fei what he wanted. Before pressing the dial button, Cheng Minghao stopped him.

“Between the two of us, who is the straight steel man?” Cheng Minghao moaned, “You can’t ask directly, you have to pick and give it to him. What you’re trying for is to surprise him.”


Yan Xiao reflected on these two words over and over again, remembering the feeling of Ye Fei suddenly appearing outside his office door yesterday. He understood what Cheng Minghao was getting at. 

“Makes sense,” Yan Xiao nodded and quizzed Cheng Minghao, “Do you have any suggestions for gifts?”

Cheng Minghao just wanted to make a few suggestions, but he decided on something advantageous for himself. “How about I accompany you to the mall after getting off. In exchange, I want to take this year’s annual leave earlier.”

Yan Xiao knew that he was no expert at this, and quickly acquiesced. So, before leaving work at night, Ye Fei received a WeChat message from Yan Xiao.

[Yan Xiao: I have overtime today and will go home later. ] 

Ye Fei’s finger twitched. He was about to say “Okay” when he suddenly stopped, and decided to just call him. If Yan Xiao came back too late, he should go out for a drink with Gu Ruijia and the others, so as not to be bored at home.

With just one ring, the phone was picked up. “Ye Fei.”

“What time are you going back?” Ye Fei turned off the computer, took his phone and walked to the window, “I didn’t hear you say anything about that.”

Yan Xiao was not on speaker, but Cheng Minghao was standing beside him and could thus hear Ye Fei’s voice. “Find some excuse.” 

“There is something on.” Yan Xiao’s voice was as steady as ever.

Ye Fei was satisfied. Just as he wanted to say something, he heard Yan Xiao continue, “There would be a discussion on the new version of <<Warrior Invincible>> in the Thor room. There would be a total of twelve people involved in the discussion, including me and Cheng Minghao.”

“You can verify it with the office booking assistant, and my assistant knows it too.”

“If you want to check, you can see that at 9:30 last Friday, there was a meeting with the same topic. But these are not conflicting; the last time was a proposal, we are wrapping up the subject now.” 

Ye Fei originally thought that Yan Xiao was afraid that he would think too much, so he specifically listed the specific work. But as he listened, Ye Fei could detect that Yan Xiao was feeling guilty.

This person made his reticence a character trait, but he was being unusually talkative today.

“Brother Yan,” he narrowed his eyes, “Are you hiding something from me?”

When Yan Xiao had started to drone on, Cheng Minghao wanted to slap his hand on Yan Xiao’s mouth. While he had sounded convincing in the beginning, the more he talked, the more he sounded suspicious! Who the hell would check the office booking system just to verify what you say! 

“Stop talking!” Cheng Minghao was so anxious that he almost grabbed the phone.

“I’ll see you at home then.” Yan Xiao did not catch Cheng Minghao’s begging gaze, and continued monotonously.

“Wait,” Ye Fei was now firm in his guess. He leaned against the wall and said with a half-smile, “Okay, Brother Yan, you know how to lie to me now.”

“No.” Yan Xiao immediately protested. 

Ye Fei deliberately pretended to be indifferent. “Tell me, what is there to hide from me?”

Cheng Minghao plopped on his chair in despair. Yan Xiao fell silent.

“I want to buy you a gift as a surprise.”

“Really?” Ye Fei felt pleased with the confirmation, and could barely restrain his giggling. 

Yan Xiao said “yes”, and then questioned, “How could you tell?”

Ye Fei gave up and burst into laughter. “Next time you want to surprise me, no need to make a report of your whereabouts. Just find an open timeslot, I won’t be able to guess otherwise.”

“Okay,” Yan Xiao resolved to explain to him, “I didn’t hide it from you on purpose.”

Ye Fei gave a “hmm” and asked him again, “Who taught you?” 

“Cheng Minghao.”

Cheng Minghao: “???”

Hello? Can’t you hide your brother behind the curtain? It’s embarrassing, isn’t it? !

One day, with a knife in hand, I will kill all the dogs in the world who are afraid of their wives!