As I passed the hallway and stepped down the stairs, I saw someone’s back.

Tall, stout shoulders, a pitch-dark uniform.

It was obviously Davan.

“He stands out at a glance.’

Davan stood with Raoul, the emperor’s second aide, as if he were being briefed on something.

I looked at his unmoving back and pondered.

How should I make a move?

“Well, then, as you wish…”

At that moment, Raoul, who was turning his head, met his eyes.

“L-lady Prezis?”

The muttering face looked stupid. Just like seeing a ghost.

Davan also turned his back slowly, perhaps out of curiosity why Raoul became like that.


As his gaze skimmed over me, his face became increasingly stiff.

‘Why are you making a face like that?’

I wondered if I looked so strange, but on the other hand, that thought was ridiculous.

I wouldn’t say that I looked like an angel, but the maids even teared up and said I was pretty…

‘Sheesh. Even if it’s strange, what can I do?’

I could perceive that Raoul was charmed, but I couldn’t understand Davan.

I was embarrassed by the very different reactions of the two men, but I straightened my back more.

“Is there something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Raoul waved his hand hastily, perhaps because of my cold voice.

“No, my lady, it’s just…”

Raoul couldn’t utter the next word, only biting his lip.

‘Well, why did you stop talking?’

I’ve never seen a face that looked so foolish even though I must have made it myself several times.

“Y-you are very beautiful.”

His voice was as small as an ant, but I could hear it clearly.

I calmed the corners of my twitching lips and answered indifferently.

“Well, how much?”

[T/N: It’s like asking “how much more beautiful”. I know it sounds weird and I can’t really explain it properly]

“Pardon? Well, that’s…”

Raoul’s gaze wandered for a while as he looked down, showing me the top of his head covered with blue hair.

“Will you believe me if I tell you that you’re like the goddess of the moon from myths?”

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

Not an angel or a goddess of beauty, but out of nowhere I became the goddess of the moon.

Feeling that my expression was becoming more and more dazed, Raoul added hastily.

“As much as she rules the moon, she is stronger and more courageous than any other goddesses. And more than anything else…”


“She is a goddess with pure and cold charm.”


At that, I covered my mouth and coughed dryly to my gloves.

I covered my mouth with my sleeve.

‘Pure and cold?’

Else I wouldn’t be able to hide my smirk and the rising corners of my mouth.

“Thank you for saying th—”

“No need to worry about what you’re going to say.”

But my words of thanks were buried by Davan.

Raoul’s shoulders stiffened at the blade-like voice.

“My apologies, it was too rude of me to give praise to her ladyship.”

Raoul took a step back and bowed his head.

“Please forgive me.”

“No. It’s fine. Sir Raoul. It was a memorable and intense compliment.”

I waved my hand to Raoul and secretly glanced at Davan.

‘Can’t that human being stand it when I get compliments?’

I glanced slightly at Davan.

He was still staring at me with a face that didn’t show his true feelings at all.

He had a blunt and cold expression, as if he was wearing a mask. But that tenacious gaze did not depart from me.

“Why are you staring at me like that? Do I look strange?”

I asked, and looked at Davan.


Davan didn’t answer for a while.

He just looked at me with strange eyes.

‘Is it that strange?’

I took a second look at myself. It wasn’t flashy, but it wasn’t shabby either.

The maids called me an angel, even Raoul called me the goddess of the moon!

I looked up in a sulky mood, and my eyes met with Davan’s.

When his eyes met mine, he paused for a moment and quickly turned his back.

“I don’t have time to answer such a stupid question. Let’s get going.”

As if there was no time to delay, he walked out first, and I looked at Davan in dismay.

‘Ugh, my escort is a jerk.’

No wonder he could only become a second male lead, he didn’t even have basic manners. The supporting character was flirting with me!

‘I can do it on my own.’

I went down one step at a time.

My legs were shaking because of the high heel, but the more I walked, the more I got used to it, and I finally came down to the last step.

“My lady.”

I didn’t realize Raoul was waiting for me at the door, perhaps because I was so focused earlier.

“It must be hard for you to walk alone.”

“Well, it’s fine.”

Raoul’s face, looking down at my shoes, contained concern.

Even supporting characters like this have basic manners, meanwhile, the second male lead is such a person…

I shook my head automatically.

“Will you give me the honor to escort you?”

“So that’s why you’ve been waiting.”

I smiled brightly thanks to Raoul. I was more grateful to see such a man than that bastard who abandoned his fiancee and went his own way.

“Then, will you do that?”

“It’s an honor, my lady.”

Raoul politely crossed his hand. And I put my hand on his lightly, as if to just drape it over it.

Following the path where Davan’s figure had completely disappeared, I pointed my middle finger inside my heart.


When I finally got to the front of the carriage, I let go of Raoul’s hand and covered my lips with exclamation.

From the small gold-carved door knob to the large wolf crest engraved throughout the exterior.

I felt a sense of incongruity.

“Be careful, my lady.”

“Thank you, Sir Raoul.”

Raoul took great care of me until I got into the carriage.

As he opened the door of the carriage, I lowered my head and looked at the hem of my dress, so that my head would not get hit when I stepped up the stairs.


I thought to myself as I watched Raoul’s actions that came naturally.

‘On the other hand, that person…’

As soon as the carriage door opened, I saw Davan.

He sat with his arms crossed and his legs crossed, his head against the wall.

‘Let’s just ignore him. Ignore him.’

I ignored him and stepped on the remaining stairs. It was not easy because of the high shoes and the loose skirt.

“It’s dangerous, lean on me, my lady. Raoul held out his hand as if he was aware of my situation.”

“You are very attentive. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It’s just an honor for the young lady to be so kind to me.”

In response to a satisfactory answer, I reached out to hold his hand—


With his arm outstretched from the carriage, Davan snapped my hand away.

When our hands suddenly touched each other, the man’s body temperature was transmitted throughout my body.

‘What’s the matter with you?’

I looked up at my hand that had been caught by Davan, and raised my head.


“How many times do I have to tell you to understand?”

Dark black hair, deep blue eyes that seemed to see through everything. A quiet gaze looking down at me.

“I must have told you not to be kind to anyone.”

My heart pounded for a second.

As I paused for a moment, Davan squeezed my hand tightly.

“Listen properly this time.”


Then the red lips opened slowly, as if whispering.

“You are beautiful today. To the point where it’s upsetting.”


The rattling carriage was running steadily before I knew it.

I was sitting across from him.

‘If this is the case, then why do you want to go together? I’m going to die of discomfort.’

It was awkward because there were no servants accompanying us. This was just killing me.

The carriage accelerated more and more.

The wind grew stronger through the crack, but the window could not be closed.

If I closed it, I would be completely isolated…

‘I could be killed.’

I glanced at Davan, who was looking at the paperwork.

I thought that that man would be more than enough to assassinate me, so I left the window slightly open so that I could at least leave a will.

Above all, I felt like I was going to die from suffocation because of the awkward air.


I quietly watched the passing scenery. Perhaps as we had entered the capital in earnest, the people and buildings that had been crowding the streets disappeared.

‘Why did he suddenly say that?’

Huu, I shook my head again.

I tried to focus on the scenery outside, but I couldn’t see it.

— You are beautiful today. To the point where it’s upsetting.

It was because what Davan said disturbed my mind.

Especially since I haven’t had much conversation with Davan since.


To be honest, I wouldn’t be so surprised if someone said I was beautiful, but what’s shocking was, it came from Davan.

Because I already knew what Davan in the original was like.

‘He’s someone whose manners have been given to the dogs to eat.’

Davan wasn’t the kind of person who could say things that weren’t true, even as a courtesy.

He even sneered at the old white-haired aristocrats…


I glanced sideways at the man.

Lightly shaded eyelashes and bright red lips.

That man felt so sharp that one didn’t even need a knife to trim his face further. The cut of the edge of his nose was already very just.

‘He’s so damn handsome.’

I had no choice but to admit it, so my pride was hurt for no reason. That sucks.

‘Isn’t that the part you kept reading until now? Why are you only looking at the same place?’

It was strange all of a sudden.

Davan was reviewing his papers as soon as he got into the carriage, and he seemed to read the same page over and over again.

It’s okay. That’s enough. What does that have to do with me?

I shook my head and drove away my useless thoughts.

‘When are we going to arrive?’

The moment when I was forced to wiggle my fingers in boredom, Kratakk! The carriage rattled, perhaps because of a stone.


My body, which had lost its balance, leaned forward.

My knees collided with Davan, who was sitting opposite me, and our faces became closer.



Davan looked down at me, who was lying on his lap.