I, who was half-embraced in the man’s arm, stiffened.

“How long are you planning to stay like this?”

Davan asked with his head tilted.

My foolish looking face was reflected in the cold eyes.

W-what do you mean how long!?

I hurriedly got up and stepped back.

“Hmm. I’m sorry. What’s wrong with the carriage all of a sudden?

Seeing my bewildered look, Davan smiled. The unexpected smile made me feel even more ashamed.

‘Damn it. I’m embarrassed!’

I pulled my knees to the proper position and sat upright.

Davan glanced at me for a moment, then turned his head away. It was a look that showed no emotion.

Why is it so hot? I fanned myself with my hand over and over again. I opened the window a little bit more as my ears were getting warmer.

Whiiing, the chilly evening wind blew past my cheeks.

‘Huft, how long has it been already? But I think I’ve managed to get used to it somehow.’

Unfamiliar landscapes quickly flashed before my eyes.

When I got used to it, I felt awkward and frustrated again.

Why did these things have to happen to me? Isn’t it too much to say that everything is because of that one wrong comment? Should I just cut my fingers off?

At that time, when my tens of thousands of thoughts were tangled up.

“You will catch a cold.”

Davan said as he turned the papers over.

I wondered why he was so worried about me, it didn’t suit him somehow.

“I don’t want to be bothered by it later.”

In the end, he meant to say that if I was sick, it would bother him too, so I had to take care of myself. Whoa, I was a fool for expecting something more from him.

As I closed the gap in the slightly open window, I suddenly became puzzled.

‘How did you know the window was open? Because the gap was so narrow, the wind wouldn’t have reached that far.’

I glanced at Davan with my eyes narrowed. No matter how many times I looked at him, it seemed like there were eyes on his forehead and the back of his head.

Perhaps feeling my gaze, Davan raised his head.


The man stared at me with a look of “What? What do you want me to do?”

Oh my gosh, how can you be so sarcastic with just your eyes!?

“By the way, who is the important guest we’re going to dine with?”

After thinking about it, I changed the topic.

Besides me, Davan, and the emperor, there was one more person attending, but I didn’t know who it was yet.

“I don’t think you’ve ever been particularly curious about that.”

Instead of answering, Davan just said so.

‘Ah, well… I guess it never really mattered to Leah.’

Her purpose must have been to stay by Davan’s side, no matter who she met at whatever place.

“I don’t want to be rude for not preparing anything.”

However, since I became Leah Prezis, it had to be different.

Leah Prezis was not simply the fiancee of Duke Khajans, but someone who wanted to establish personal connections.

‘What is scarier than money is personal connections.’

In particular, most of the people you see next to Davan will be key figures or high-ranking aristocrats in this world.

In other words, they were connections that would be helpful to me in some way in the future.

I’ll have to pretend to be his fiancee for years anyway, so I’ll have to keep my share.

“It would be nice to build a close relationship on an opportunity like this.”


“You never know when, where, or how you’ll see them again.”

At that time, a strange look came to my face from Davan.

“A close relationship?”

“Yes. A close relationship.”

My answer seemed to make him laugh at first glance.

“That’s a first.”

He suddenly loosened a couple of buttons on his shirt, all the while looking irritated.

“I should have kept you hidden at home.”

Then he looked at me and muttered in a low voice.


We received an unexpected answer the moment we arrived before the emperor’s inner chamber. Belson, the emperor’s first aide, opened the door with a troubled look on his face.

“Your Excellency, His Majesty is looking for you urgently. There is a problem in this general meeting of the aristocracy…”

Suddenly, Belson looked at me.

Perhaps it was a sensitive matter, Belson stopped talking any further and looked at Davan in embarrassment.

“Where is he now?”

“He’s in the office.”

Davan, who had turned his back, stopped.

“By the way, Leah.”

‘Huh? Leah?’

It was not enough that he actually paid attention to me, it was also the first time he’d ever called me ‘Leah’, so I looked up at Davan with bewildered eyes.

Belson responded quickly.

“Soon, a maid will come and take her ladyship to the drawing room. I’m really sorry to keep you waiting, my lady.”

Even though it was an unavoidable official duty, Belson apologized to me excessively.

‘He’s doing that because he’s afraid Leah will make trouble again.’

He seemed anxious that I would make a fuss like Leah in the original work.

When I saw him wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, I thought that it seemed Leah had done quite a number to him.

“Will you be alright?”

Davan immediately asked me, as if he had a similar idea to Belson.

“Of course, I’ll be alright. Have a nice trip.”

Then I waved my hand as if telling them that I’m not a child or anything.



Perhaps because I reacted differently than they expected, the suspicious gazes of the two were fixed on me.

“Are you saying that you’ll be alright even without His Excellency here?”

Belson frowned slightly.


It was the same with Davan.

He looked at me with puzzled or anxious eyes.

‘What? Do you want me to make a fuss after all?’

“You have to deal with the important work first. I’ll be waiting for you, so go ahead.”

Hiding my true feelings, I smiled softly.

“You can go. Go ahead.”


When he couldn’t easily take his steps despite my words, Belson urged him again.

“Let’s go now, sir.”

“I’ll be back soon.”

Davan’s expression as he walked past me was strange for a moment.

‘Don’t be back any time soon. Please!’

After the two of them moved away to the end of the hallway, I leaned against the wall.

“Huu… ”

I sighed deeply as the tension was relieved. After a few hours, I was finally alone.

Not only did Lindy and the maids watch over me all day, but the time I spent with Davan was also not easy.

‘I’m busier than modern people.’

I leaned my head against the cold wall and looked up at the window.

The moonlight gently poured down.

“Lady Prezis, I will take you to the drawing room.”

But the peace did not last long. Feeling a presence, I turned around and saw that this time there was a maid of the Imperial Palace.

“Ah, the drawing room…”

“Yes. Please come with me. We have prepared refreshments and catalogs in case you are bored. There are maids waiting to attend to you.”

I was just trying to catch my breath. I didn’t like those things. It was very tiring being watched all the time.

“No need. I’ll just wait here.”

“Pardon? But my lady, even in summer, the night air is cold.”

The maid said worriedly.

I appreciated the feeling, but I didn’t want to sit in the drawing room.

“I want to get some fresh air. I’ll wait in the hallway.”

“Ah, of course…”

When I steadfastly refused again, the maid bowed her head as if thinking she couldn’t help it.

“If you need anything, please ring the bell at the top.”

Instead, the maid pointed to a bell placed on the wall.

“Yes, Thank you.”

As soon as I nodded my head, the maid left. She seemed to notice that I didn’t want to be disturbed.

Only after the maid had completely disappeared into the darkness was I able to lean back against the wall.

‘On days like this, I’m supposed to roll around watching movies.’

The hallway was dark and quiet. It was a suitable place for all kinds of thoughts to rush in.

This space that doesn’t feel like reality yet, and the tight running time.

Come to think of it, maybe it’s just another 3 years? If I can’t change the ending until then, only my head will be rolling on the floor…


I shook my head to shake off my uneasy thoughts. Come to think of it, what will happen in the future?

‘After two seasons or so, Ollina Fabian will appear.’

At the year-end ball at the Winter Festival, Ollina would appear for the first time.

The empress dowager would introduce her new adopted daughter on the spot, who was Ollina Bovian.

I was eagerly waiting for that moment.


Suddenly, I started to worry.

The best scenario for me was…

First of all, breaking off the engagement was the most basic.

Regardless of the ending, it was dangerous to be by their side considering the imperial battle after the appearance of Cadel and Ollina.

Then should we make sure that Davan and Ollina connect?

That was the only way for him to sort out his relationship with me as fast as lightning.

Because it was scary when people like Davan went crazy in love.

‘Davan and Ollina.’

But that part was the most difficult.

If it was something that could be resolved by making two people fall in love, I wouldn’t be worried like this.

The problem was…

‘The empress dowager’

It was the empress dowager.

Ollina Fabian was the most loved person in the world, and the person who confronted Davan.

Davan was a person who showed obsessiveness beyond the line with protecting the Khajans imperial family, as if it were the only mission in his life.

However, the empress dowager wanted her biological son, Matan, to succeed the imperial family.

In other words, Davan and the empress dowager, one of them had to die in the end…

And then there was Ollina Fabian, the empress dowager’s adopted daughter.

Her appearance.

The only thing that could weaken Davan Khajans.

‘What the hell did it say?’

I remembered their fateful first meeting.

— Your Excellency, I know.

When Ollina whispered something in Davan’s ear…

— …not like that.

Davan’s eyes shook like someone who finally found something.

What did Ollina say to Davan?

What did Davan find in her?

Out of all things, why does it have to be the empress dowager who becomes the obstacle that hinders such desperate love?

‘I can’t get rid of the empress dowager.’

“It’s difficult. It’s too difficult.”

I grumbled out of my mouth involuntarily.

Anyway, as long as Cadel and Ollina were the main characters, it was clear that the empress dowager was the final winner.

Shall I change route to Cadel from now on? Is that the best way to survive?

— Cadel Vernon, I won’t forgive you!

I remembered Leah’s last scream once again. The name that she cried out when she was locked in iron bars…

“Cadel, Cadel Vernon.”

Brilliant golden hair and a fresh smile flashed past my mind.

“Oh dear…”

At that moment.

“You must have been thinking of me.”

An unexpected guest appeared.