Chapter 62 – Shady aristocrats and shady merchants

Before Lord Nazel had time to think, a burly man walked up from across the street and shouted.

"Oh, my lord! Welcome, my lord! Thank you for saving my daughter. Please come to my house!"

Henry approached the incredulous Lord Nazel and whispered to him about them.

"Those are the obstructing aristocrats, you know. How dare they invite us to their mansion? Suspicious...."

"I remember they were suspected of being corrupt."

"They are strangely well-off. They are not ruling a territory, earning tax revenues, or making money from big business."

"I wonder if they received some kind of money from somewhere."

"At the moment, that is also unknown. There are a lot of dark rumors about the Quiggione baron family. We have not been able to catch them."

"Then, why don't you try to go undercover? I, for one, want Agnes to stay in a clean and safe place."

"It is true that the town is unsanitary and there is a risk of damage from magical beasts. It's not as safe as when I visited before."

While they were whispering, Kelly interrupted them.

"Be careful, Lord Nazelbert. They are as 'dark' as they can be. Especially that man's emotions......"

Kelly's magic is that she can tell roughly what the other person's emotions are. Dark means they have some ill will toward us.

"Thanks for the advice, Kelly."

Lord Nazel is unsure. I know he is being cautious because of my presence, but for the sake of his people, he is very eager to have the suspicious nobleman investigated.

"It's all right, Lord Nazel. I can cast a spell on myself and all of you and I won't slow you down. Let's get in."

"But, Agnes."

"The city is in a terrible state. I want to do something as soon as possible to help the people. I will be fine."

But Lord Nazel is still troubled. Kelly also seems to be against going to the nobleman's mansion.

But then a new voice called out.

"Oh, dear! What a coincidence, my lady!"


I turned around to see a man with large luggage looking at me and raising his hand in a friendly manner.

"You are ......."

He was a merchant by the name of Belle, to whom I had sold the unwanted goods of the lord's mansion.

I and Kelly were acquainted with him, but Lord Nazel and the others had never met him before.

"Lord Nazel, this is the merchant who bought all the weird statues and stuff in the mansion."

Lord Nazel looked at me suspiciously as I introduced him.

"The merchant? Is that him?"

"Yes, but what's wrong?"

Belle, on the other hand, shrugged his shoulders as if he was troubled while putting on his usual smirk. Even under Lord Nazel's suspicious glances, he remained aloof.

"I am a merchant, after all."

Torre, seeing him, also looked uneasy.

What's the matter, perhaps he needs to go to the bathroom?

"I am very happy to see you again in such a place, my lady. If you are going to the baron's mansion, may I join you?"

The air changes, perhaps because Belle pushes his way into the room.

After that, Lord Nazel discussed with Henry and his subordinates and decided to go to the baron's house.