Chapter 63 – Escort Knight, fateful reunion

We all came to the baron's mansion.

Torre is the only one who is helping to take the band of thieves to the prison. He will join us as soon as he finishes.

For some reason, the nobles living nearby had gathered at the baron's house.

The luxurious house was decorated as if it were a party hall.

When did they make the preparations?

"Hmm ......? The gleaming figurine displayed there looks like something we had in our mansion?"

It seems that Belle sold the unwanted items to this house.

With a few mixed feelings, I walk with Lord Nazel as the baron leads the way.

Mr. Henry and Kelly are going separately.

They said they were going to rest in their room, but they slipped out and went to the house to collect evidence.

Belle seemed to have followed them, but I wondered if they were going to do some market research.

Anyway, as the lady of the house, I had to get through this.

The ladies who had gathered at the house were excited by the appearance of the good-looking Lord Nazel.

Among them was the young lady I had just saved. She seemed to be the sister of the girl who had come for an interview before, Rebecca.

Rebecca, on the other hand, is intimidated by Lord Nazel and is standing small in the corner.

There was no sign of her getting involved with us.

I heard that Baron Quiggionne had embezzled money in the past and was judged by Lord Nazel and Mr. Henry.

Despite this, the lavish spending of money has not gone away. There must be a way to obtain funds through another route.

The eldest and second daughters of the baron's family were pestering Lord Nazel, and several other ladies were surrounding him.

"Excuse me?"

Lord Nazel is my husband!

I was impatient as I was separated from him by the vigor of the ladies, but this time, people grabbed me by the shoulders......

"Hello, my lady. You are beautiful, unlike the rumors. Would you like to speak with us?"

I turned to see a row of young men.

"W-Who are you?"

Now I was surrounded by men, creating a double wall between me and Lord Nazel.

What am I going to do?

Lord Nazel was trying to come to me, but I was having a hard time moving without pushing the young ladies roughly.

Then, a new lady came running into the room.

She is dressed more neatly and maturely than the other ladies, but she approaches Lord Nazel aggressively.

"Well, Lord Nazelbert. I was hoping to meet you. I, I ......"

Then I felt a strange sensation.

The young lady's chestnut-colored hair swells unnaturally and suddenly changes into a sharp, piercing thorn shape.

"Look out, Lord Nazel!"

Before she could scream, the Lady's hair was turned on Lord Nazel.

The other daughters screamed and ran away from the place at once.

"I'm sorry, I have nothing against you. But I have no choice but to do this......."

She announced in a fading voice and approached Lord Nazel, her sharp hair shaking in the air.

However, the hair only grazed Lord Nazel's body and showed no sign of hurting him.

That is as it should be. His body is still covered with the magic I had applied to strengthen it.

Even if a magical beast steps on him, or a thorn hits him, he does not even flinch.


The Lady suddenly begins to get impatient in the face of an impossible situation.

Lord Nazel, with a troubled look on his face, stood as normal as usual.

"Why, why didn't it pierce you?"

At the same time, the soldiers, sensing something unusual, gather around.

Among them was Torre, who had just returned from handing over the thieves.

"Can you please take care of that lady?"

Torre, who nodded at Lord Nazel's instruction, quickly rushed over to see the young lady in question and......


He let out a yell that echoed throughout the mansion, almost as if he were a magical beast.