Chapter 64 – The Potato Lady, throwing potatoes

The young lady called Lillianne looked up with a huff and saw Torre.

I wonder if she knows him.

"Oh, oh ......."

Having failed to hurt Lord Nazel, and having had her name shouted out as loud as she could by Torre, she turned pale and retreated as if frightened, and ran away.

"Wait, Lilianne!"

Lord Nazel, Torre, and the others chase after the fleeing Lilianne.

But the soldiers of the mansion move to stop them.

"I knew it was a trap by the Baron. I have to find Mr. Henry, Kelly, and the others! If we stay here where the brawl is going on, we'll just get in the way."

They are in the process of gathering evidence of the baron's wrongdoings.

I am not strong, but I can strengthen the bodies of our group.

I quickly walked out into the corridor.

The other nobles seemed to have fled, and there were few people in the mansion at the moment.

Even so, a few enemy soldiers who had not turned toward Lord Nazel and the others were still hanging around in the corridor.

"Hey, have you found our guests?"

"No! They all seem to be out of their rooms"

From the conversation, I knew they were looking for Mr. Henry and Kelly.

We had to hurry.

I went through the rooms to avoid running into the soldiers.

As luck would have it, I quickly spotted Kelly, who was searching the dining room.

I run up to her and cast a strengthening spell on her.

"Kelly, it's not safe for you to be here. Soldiers have attacked us. Let's go outside the mansion for now."

As we were talking, the dining room door was opened roughly.

"There you are!"

The soldiers rushed in and I took Kelly's hand and ran to the back of the dining room.

Through a small door used by the servants, I found myself in the kitchen of the baron's house.

In front of us were boxes of food, haphazardly packed.

"I had heard there was a food shortage, but it seems that there is plenty of food here, how strange."

There are a lot of potatoes that last a long time, but it's hard to grow crops in this territory.

"I don't think we could even harvest that many potatoes?"

Only recently have crops that Lord Nazel has bred begun to appear on the market, but the food here is not like that.

"Lady Agnes, the door from the kitchen to the outside is locked from the other side."

"There doesn't appear to be any room beyond the kitchen. If there is no way out, then ......"

I magically reinforced all the large quantities of potatoes placed nearby.

"Kelly, for the time being, let's throw these at the enemy soldiers!"

"Okay, I understand. I used to take care of my brothers, so I have experience throwing balls."

"That's reassuring because we didn't have any balls in the Evantail household."

We threw potatoes at the soldiers who crowded the entrance.

They made an unnatural 'thud' as they hit them as if they were iron balls.

The enhanced potato thrown by an enhanced arm was a deadly weapon.

I didn't realize that enhanced magic could be used in such a way.

The soldiers retreated with a shriek.

If they had been wearing armor, the potatoes might not have worked, but they were all lightly armed since they were only capturing guests indoors.

Throwing more and more potatoes, Kelly and I closed the door just as the soldiers left the entrance.

We piled up desks, shelves, and chairs to block the door and attempted to open the locked back door.

"Lady Agnes, if we can't open the lock, let's break down the door. If you have something to smash it..."

"What about this chair? Can it be reinforced to work?"

I asked Kelly while reinforcing a small chair that was nearby.

"It's nice. It's old and the base of the door looks fragile."

"Let's go, then!"

We both grip the legs of the chair and swing down at the same time.

The chair hit a rotting hinge, and the door was blown off easily.


The sky was already beginning to dim as we all walked safely outside.

"We need to find Mr. Henry and the others."

"Oh, that's ......."

Kelly opened her mouth to say something and looked a little lost.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm sure Mr. Henry will be fine. Mr. Belle is with him."

"What do you mean?"

"Belle may be a merchant, but he can handle a sword and a dagger very well. But if we stay here, the enemy will come after us, so let's leave for now."

Kelly and I moved out of the mansion toward the city.

We met up with Lord Nazel's men who were waiting for us in the city.