Gastis' charge is the nirvana of the undocumented knight.

It is said to be a nirvana, but it is actually throwing the bicycle and hitting people...

But Su Chen is different, he is driving a helicopter!

Double the power!

One second before hitting Thanos, Su Chen turned around and hugged Tornado and Fubuxue, and flew out.

Saitama also jumped out with Genos.


Thanos' eyes widened.

If it was him before, he wouldn't even bother to move in the face of this kind of attack, because even a single hair on him wouldn't be hurt.

But this moment is different from the past, facing this kind of mentally retarded attack. He was completely unable to resist, and could only watch helplessly as the helicopter crashed towards him...


The helicopter hit Thanos, the wings spinning at high speed. And he cut back and forth on the skin of his body, making a chirping sound!

"It's not over yet!"

After Su Chen landed, he raised his head and smiled, "Boom!"


A cloud of flames engulfed Thanos.

The fuel tank of the helicopter was damaged by Su Chen in advance. The moment he jumped out of the plane, he detonated the helicopter with a flaming bullet!

"Dignified Thanos. Slaughtering half of the universe's life in the Marvel comics, he never imagined that he would be so embarrassed by this kind of mentally retarded attack... Hahahaha!"

Su Chen was also relieved.

Gently placing Tornado and Fubuki who were still in a coma on the ground, he strode over.

"Su Chen-jun, be careful!"

"Thanos may not be dead yet!"

Genos' voice came.

Qi Yu stared at Su Chen and said with certainty: "It's okay, that guy... is dying."

"Tap Tat Tat."

Death's footsteps approached.

Thanos' whole body was scorched black, covered with cuts and bruises, his muscles were atrophied, and he looked haggard.

Although he was on the verge of death, his body's defensive power as a higher life was still there, and Su Chen's helicopter collision could not cause any harm to him at all. All the injuries on his body were caused by fighting Poros.

"The black robe..."

Thanos was half-kneeling on the ground, his eyes full of hatred.

But he was at the end of his life, and his voice was as weak as a mosquito moaning.

Su Chen is well versed in the plots of all kinds of pros and villains dying from talking too much, so he didn't talk nonsense, took out the Daqin Dragon Sparrow Saber, and walked straight over.


Thanos cursed with the last bit of strength in his body. The endless hatred squeezed out a little more power from his exhausted body.


Thanos raised his hand for the last time, trying to use the power of the Infinity Gem to kill Su Chen!

But Su Chen's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The next moment, the huge knife shadow slashed into Thanos' throat!

Purple Sweet Potato Essence's defensive power is too strong, Su Chen can't cut off his head even with the Daqin Longque Knife and Dragon Slaying skills.

but. Cutting in half was enough to kill him.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

"Chi Chi Chi!!"

A large amount of dark red blood spurted out from the knife edge!

Thanos' eyes were wide open!

Su Chen raised his right foot, stepped on Thanos' shoulder, and pulled out the blade after three times in a row!

"Chi Chi Chi!!!"

The blood spurted even more violently!

Thanos just fell down straight upright, with endless hatred and unwillingness in his eyes, and he didn't make a sound.


"Scan Thanos for me!"

Su Chen was afraid of any accident, so he had to make sure everything was safe.


"The scanned object is dead. The host can rest assured."

Hearing the system's answer, Su Chen let out a long breath.

Finally, dead...

He kind of wants to cry.

From London in the Marvel world, to New York, to Wakanda, and finally to the world of One Punch Man. Using the Ten Thousand Realms group transfer card and Saitama-sensei's ordinary punch!


Finally killed Thanos!

Su Chen wanted to scream up to the sky!

Although the main output was played by Saitama-sensei and Poros, it doesn't matter, he took the head, and it would be nice if he could get the loot box.

"Will the system give me five infinite gems directly?"

"No, no, no five, just give me one, and I'll be invincible!"

"I'm really looking forward to it..."

Su Chen walked back with excitement.

"Su Chen. That guy named Thanos, is he dead?"

Qiyu asked.

"Yes, they both lose."

There was a trace of satisfaction on Su Chen's face. "This is the best result..."

"Best result?"

Saitama looked outside the spaceship, city A full of ruins and deep pits, shook his head and sighed.

a city!


Except for the Heroes Association building. All human buildings were destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of dead citizens!

There are countless injured and missing people!

The news swept across Japan within half a day, and the whole country was shocked by it.

The association and the government were busy rebuilding and appeasing the citizens after the disaster, and Su Chen didn't leave One Punch World immediately. He still had seven plane stay cards.

the next day.

b Central Hospital, a high-grade ward.

Su Chen, Saitama, Genos, King, Super Alloy Black Light. Heroes such as Atomic Samurai, Tongdi, Hell Fubuki, and Zombie Boy gathered to chat and discuss and analyze what happened yesterday.

Genos is a cyborg. Last night, I went back to Dr. Cusano to change the body parts, and I was resurrected with full blood.

"Mr. King, where were you yesterday?"

"Why didn't you come to fight?"

Genos asked the king seriously.

King was still dressed in casual clothes, with a broad, resolute face, calm and intimidating, with three claw marks on his left eye, and blond hair combed casually behind his head.

Even among several s-level heroes, he still has no fear, and looks like a strong man!

"You said it before, the enemy in the sky, you can't deal with it, because you are the strongest man on the ground!"

"The god-level monster Thanos who destroyed City A yesterday was active on land, why didn't you rush over?"

Genos questioned the king.

King panicked inside, but on the surface he was as steady as an old dog.

When the other heroes saw his face, they felt that there was some special reason why he hadn't come to City A. It wasn't because of lack of strength, because this man really had the face of a strong man!

"Mr. Genos is right, Mr. King, can you please explain?"

The heavy voice of super alloy black light sounded.

Tong Di, Atomic Samurai, Zombie Boy, Metal Bat and others all also looked puzzled and curious.

"King is in trouble..."

In this ward, apart from Su Chen, the traveler, only Teacher Qiyu knew his details.

Su Chen also looked at king playfully, wanting to see what he would do.


"It's because I didn't make it back in time."

King bowed his head in shame.

"I didn't make it back in time..." Genos froze for a moment, "What does this mean?"

"It's like this..."