King's hoarse and serious voice sounded slowly, "Two enemies attacked City A yesterday, one was that weird guy named Thanos, and the other was that weird alien who drove the spaceship."

"That strange alien, before attacking City A, had a battle with me."

What? !

Everyone was shocked!

King has already fought one of the weirdos?

"He is very strong. But he is still not my opponent."

"After I turned on the emperor engine at full power, he was injured by me and escaped."

King cast his silent gaze out of the window. As if reminiscing about an epic battle, "As you all know, I am the strongest man on earth. Facing such a big spaceship, I have no choice but to watch him being picked up by the spaceship."

"Maybe it's to get revenge on me. He attacked City A, but he didn't expect to meet another strange person."

"So, they both lost."

"That's how it all went."

In the ward.

There was a dead silence.

No one expected that king would have fought against one of the weirdos without making a sound.

Saitama: "..."

Su Chen: "..."

This guy is really good at talking shit.

Su Chen was a little speechless, and these heroes with admiration in their eyes are probably also idiots with negative IQ...

This is also normal, after all, One Punch Man is a hot-blooded fan, and many places forcibly lower his intelligence.

"Who can prove that what you said is true!?"

Genos suddenly waved his hand and questioned!

After following Saitama-sensei for so long, he already had doubts about King.


"Hey, be careful! Mr. King is the strongest man on earth, don't make him unhappy..."

The sound of super alloy black light came.




The sound of heavy heartbeats spread in the ward.

Looking at King's silent face, everyone felt a huge pressure.

"Is this the legendary Emperor Engine?!"

The atomic warrior narrowed his eyes and stared at the king. "Once it sounds, it means that the king is ready to fight. As long as he makes a move, all evil will be sent to another dimension in the next second..."



Tong Di quickly ran between the two, "Even if you want to fight, don't be here!"

"Yes, this is a hospital with many patients."

"Forget it, Mr. Genos, quickly apologize to Mr. King..."

All the heroes persuaded one after another.

King's face is calm and at ease. But in the bottom of my heart, I panicked, "Damn it, can't you hide it..."

"I can testify!"

at this time!

Su Chen's voice suddenly sounded!

All the heroes turned their heads in unison, and even the king, who always had the same expression, was slightly surprised, "Huh?"

"Mr. King is not lying."

"Before City A was destroyed, Mr. King and I did fight against the enemy on the spaceship. After a fierce battle, the enemy lost to the attack of the two of us and escaped."

Su Chen said calmly: "I thought they would leave the earth, but unexpectedly, they attacked City A instead! It's really hateful!"

"Afterwards, Mr. King and I parted ways and came to City A. Unexpectedly, we ran into Thanos again..."

"Oh, today is really a lot of trouble."

Su Chen kept sighing.

King looked confused, what the hell?

When two enemies attacked City A, he was clearly playing games at home... Su Chen is...

"Could he be helping me out?"

"He knows my details?"

King's heart trembled violently, and his eyes quickly moved to Qiyu, "Did Qiyu-kun tell him..."

Saitama also didn't understand the situation.

The heroes were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that it was so.

"Mr. King!"

"I'm so sorry!"

Genos immediately apologized to King. He believed in Su Chen, since the latter was willing to testify for the king, there was nothing to doubt.

"Next time. I can't guarantee that I won't make a move."

King left without saying a word.

Super Alloy Black Light, Atomic Warrior and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"He's too good at pretending..."

Su Chen couldn't stop laughing.

Ask him why he lied for the king. Of course for the red envelope~

"Hey, in the final analysis, it is thanks to Saitama-sensei that I was able to kill Thanos and Poros at the same time..."

"If it wasn't for him fighting Thanos and delaying the time, I'm afraid I, Tornado, Fuxue, and a bunch of S-class heroes would all die!"

"He's really strong."

Su Chen turned his head and took a deep look at Qiyu.

Qiyu stood by the bed, looking out of the window with a bored face, and there seemed to be some kind of reluctance in his eyes.

Perhaps, he didn't enjoy the battle yesterday at all?

Life limiter!

This is the root of Saitama's strength.

simply put. The limiter is the setting in the author's pen. In order to make the story complete, all creatures in the work must grow within the rational range. No matter how much effort you put in, it is impossible to break through the limiter!

For example, in an online novel, what kind of god emperor. The king of gods, the supreme god, the great master, sounds awesome, but if the author wants to write him to death, he only needs dozens or even hundreds of words.

But Saitama is different. He broke through the limiter and directly opened the cheat! This cheat is not about getting some treasures and god-level skills, but like an online game, directly modifying the game data, so that a farmer with only 5 combat power can kill the ultimate boss with a single hoe.

That's why Saitama is so strong.

Essentially modified the world settings, making him invincible.

"There is still one!"

"Many fans of manga and anime don't know about it!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Saitama's strength is not static, he is getting stronger every day!"

"In addition to anime and comics, One Punch Man has also officially produced radio dramas, with subtitles and dubbing, to release some episodes."

"There is a passage in which Dr. Cusino invented a virtual battle space, which can perfectly restore heroes and monsters in the virtual space by collecting battle data, just like playing a game."

"The strongest warrior of the House of Evolution that Saitama destroyed before—the Asura Unicorn, Janos 'resurrected' him in the virtual space after collecting the data."

"In the play, Genos changed into a whole new set of equipment, intending to challenge Ashura Unicorn again, but was instantly killed on the spot."

"Then, he took the simulator to the Heroes' Association, and asked Snake, Metal Bat, Zombie Man, and Super Alloy Black Light to challenge respectively."

"The result is that Snake the Snake Bite Fist persisted for less than three seconds before he was instantly killed!"

"The metal bat and the unicorn fought for 3 minutes and lost."

"Relying on his perverted healing power, the zombie man fought against the Unicorn Fairy for two weeks in a row, killing him abruptly!"

"The last Super Alloy Black Light to play, he..."