Chapter 159: prophecy on oracle bones

Chapter 159 Prophecy on Oracle Bone Inscriptions

Baicaoshi ignored Madam's astonished expression, or rather, it seemed normal to her.

"Take it twice a day, half a cup is enough to clear the meridians and detoxify."

"Bold, do you know who our master is? Use these disgusting things." Seeing his wife's unhappy face, the little maid below reprimanded her.

Baicaoshi straightened her body, neither angry nor annoyed, and said slowly: "In my eyes, they are all sick, and they should be cured when they are sick. I am afraid that the little girl has never seen a scorpion, a centipede, an earth dragon, or a dung beetle. , Let the leech be used as medicine, I wish you never get those diseases, or you will be scared by the medicine before the disease is cured."

The man looked at Baicao Poetry, and he was clearly a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. She spoke clearly, neither humble nor overbearing, and her mouth was not forgiving. The confident and calm appearance is unconvincing. He chuckled.

"If you don't believe me, Mr., turn left when you go out, and you won't see me off." There are so many people who hide their diseases and avoid medical treatment, and Baicaoshi doesn't have so much time to persuade them one by one.

The man took off his bamboo hat, revealing a handsome face. He was twenty-seven or eight years old, with a full forehead, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and he had a good skin. He looked at Baicaoshi's reaction, calmly without any disturbance, then smiled again: "As a doctor, you have no patience."

Baicaoshi didn't respond, it's true that I see a lot of beautiful men, not to mention that I have a beautiful husband, even Yuan Xian and Zhenyilou, they are also very good-looking. "Rheumatism arthralgia is not something that can be achieved in a day. Mr. Guan's disease has probably troubled him for a long time. This can only be proved by time, whether my method is effective or not. Many people will not give me that time, so why should I?" Give him patience?"

At this time, the curtain of the consulting room was lifted, and Bai Xiaoshu came in happily, "Sister, the head of Nan is here to look for you. Keel..."

Baicaoshi gave a wink, and Bai Xiaoshu shut up immediately.

The man could hear clearly, keel, that is the key medicinal material for making golden sore medicine.

"What the girl said is excellent, I believe her once and prescribe medicine."

In addition to Wushao Snake Wine, Baicaoshi also prescribed some medicines for oral administration. She looked at the receipt left by the other party, and her name was Lin Xun.

After seeing off the patient, Baicaoshi immediately went to the back hall to meet Nan Yang.

Green-headed Weng and shopkeeper Xue are both there. On the table in the middle, there is a huge object covered with a red cloth.

Nan Yang clasped his fists together, and Bei Er was proud, "Miss Bai, luckily you don't disgrace your life."

Baicaoshi's eyes were burning, and she tore off the red cloth. This is a beast armor with most of its body complete. The most notable feature is the sharp horn at the nose, which is especially like a rhinoceros in the modern world.

The green-headed man also circled around the keel, "It should be a consonance, but it's hard to find! Tsk tsk, it's not easy."

Can make a lot of gold sore medicine.

Baicaoshi read Nanchao's price list. Before that, Greenhead Weng also saw it, and the price is not cheap. After paying for the keel, the medical hall and the restaurant, I am a little nervous. But once the golden sore medicine is made, it can be relieved.

Baicaoshi still looked at the keel, and looked closer, and found that one of the large bones was engraved with words and patterns. It could be vaguely seen that there were people and livestock in the painting, and the guard of honor was very large. "Look, master, didn't we buy the oracle bones?"

Green-headed Weng heard the term "Oracle Bone Inscriptions" for the first time, and after careful recollection, it is appropriate. "I don't know anything about oracle bone inscriptions. All I know is that if all of them are made into medicine for sores, it will take your clinic three years to open."

Baicaoshi hesitated.

From the perspective of modern people, this is a cultural relic, and it will be sent to the National Museum. But she does need a keel, and Nanzhang also paid a lot of money, and they all need to be settled.

Baicaoshi immediately told Bai Xiaoshu, "Xiaoshu, go to the academy and ask your brother-in-law to come back and see if he can read the words on it."

History should be recorded truthfully, this is the bottom line of Baicao Poetry.

Bai Xiaoshu agreed and was about to go out, but Nan Qiang stopped him: "Brother Xiaoshu, wait a minute, let's go together." He hadn't seen Tie Lanxin for a long time, and he missed him a lot. When he said this, Tie Han rarely saw a little red on his face. "By the way, Miss Bai, we bought keels on the black market and traded them at the pier. At that time, some salt was spilled on another ship. Oh, there are quite a few ships like this. The salt ship has a deep draft."


How much salt is this to make the boat have a deep draft?

Salt is a bulk item, and it is more related to people's livelihood.

Baicaoshi thought of the news he heard in Quanjufang recently, about the case of the imperial court smuggling salt in Chagong County. At this time, a large amount of salt poured into Wanzhou. What does this mean?

In history books, there are examples of merchants hoarding and prices skyrocketing, but that is very far away from the life of Baicaoshi.

In any case, it is always good to take precautions before they happen.

She immediately decided to go to Quanjufang first. Nanqiang, Bai Xiaoshu, and Greenhead took the keel to go to the house over the academy. The medical center is closed today.

In Quanjufang, Baicaoshi met Shopkeeper Feng and Yam. She cut to the chase, "Now, how much salt do we have available?"

Shopkeeper Feng didn't understand the meaning of Baicaoshi's question, but he still answered truthfully, "Normally, it's enough for the restaurant for half a month. Our restaurant will buy once every half a month."

"Then, how many transferable silver do we have now?"

The foundation of Quanjufang is still shallow. Although the business is still good, after excluding all the costs invested before, there is not much left. If you give more time, you can come up with more.

After listening to Baicao Poetry, he gave up the idea of ​​buying salt in Quanjufang just in case.

Thinking of money, she still has a cash cow in her hand, red yeast rice.

She left Quanjufang and hurried back home.

Zhe Yu has come back from the academy, and Nan Yang went to see Tie Lanxin. The rest are family members.

Zhe Yu looked at the keel for a long time, and said, "Recently, I was studying ancient books in the Library Pavilion of the Academy. There were some priests in the Great Zhou Dynasty who would kill this kind of consonance and engrave it in gold inscriptions. So the pattern on it is to record this event. sacrificial."

"Then," Baicaoshi pointed to the words on it, "what do these words mean?"

Oriha's expression became intriguing. "There are always some coincidences in this world, and there are always strange powers and chaotic gods. The literal translation is a prophecy. A phoenix girl came from the sky and came to the world with red flower buds. After a hundred years, the tripod will rule the world. These people Sacrifice, in order to pray for Feng Nu to come to the world early and bestow peace."

"Feng...Feng Nu? A hundred years?" Baicaoshi has heard too many rumors about Feng Nu. At this moment, even an oracle bone inscription seems to remind her that Feng Nu is related to the world and the community. A hundred years after the Great Zhou, how many years, is it now?

She looked dazed.

"Shishi?" Zhe Yu called out.

Green-headed Weng waved his hand, "We only need to make the medicine for golden sores, and we don't care what it predicts. Now that it's decided, let's hurry up and make the medicine for golden sores."

Baicaoshi came back to her senses and squeezed out a smile. She has a soul of the 21st century living in her body, and she would believe the prophecy of the ancients no matter what. "Well, the master is right, they are all made into medicine for golden sores."

(end of this chapter)