Chapter 160: I raise you for the rich woman

Chapter 160 I support you for a rich woman

That night, Baicaoshi and Zheyu disguised themselves and went to the pier in the east of the city. There were some boats parked at the pier, but the draft was normal. This shows that the batch of goods mentioned by Nanzhang has been transferred.

After returning home, Baicaoshi entered the keel with engraved words and patterns into the Baicaoyuan system.

Seed Plantago makes a "ding" sound, "keel, astringent and sweet in nature and taste, Guixin, Liver, and Kidney meridian. Calms the heart and calms the nerves, insomnia and forgetfulness. It is used in gold sore medicine, has the effects of detoxification, hemostasis, and convergence. It is worth 1,000 Integral points. In addition, the keel entered by the host is Oracle Bone Inscriptions, engraved in history, shining in the annals of history, will enter the History Museum, and will be rewarded with another 5,000 points."

All of a sudden, 6,000 points were credited to the account, and with the previous accumulation, Baicaoshi now has more than 10,000 points, which is definitely a local tyrant.

Hahaha, Baicaoshi laughed three times. "Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, and become the master today."

Psyllium quickly flattered, "Dear host, you are definitely the most efficient task I know, congratulations."

With so many points, how to maximize the value?

Before, Baicao Shixin thought about exchanging ginseng, so as to nourish Zhe Yu. Later, there was snow lotus, which replaced ginseng, and Zheyu's body gradually recovered, and the need for ginseng was not so urgent. Moreover, once the ginseng is exchanged, Baicaoshi will return to a state of abject poverty.

This... is quite unacceptable.

After thinking about it, she made a decision.

"Lovely psyllium, I want to exchange for agarwood."

In the Points Mall, Agarwood has been unlocked, worth 1,000 points. Although expensive, Baicaoshi is not what it used to be.

Psyllium groaned, "Sorry, dear host, agarwood is out of stock now."

Baicaoshi was surprised, her voice was an octave higher, "Out of stock? Isn't the Points Mall unlocked? Co-author, are you kidding me?"

"Dear host, agarwood is also very precious in modern times. It takes decades or even longer for a small piece of wood to become useful, and modern people are in great demand. But you can exchange it for other spices." Plantain She had no confidence in her words, and she was afraid of offending Baicaoshi, so she just let her go.

Baicaoshi was full of anger and turned herself into a chubby puffer fish.

"In this case, I will exchange cloves, star anise, cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, nepeta, perilla, mint, white cardamom, grass cardamom, nutmeg, saffron..."

Baicao Poetry reported a bunch of spices, which confused the plantain seed.

"Dear host, wait, wait, the saffron has not been unlocked yet. Besides, you can exchange so much at one time, and artificial cultivation is also a complicated project. Haste makes waste. If the cultivation fails, wouldn't it be a waste of money?" Points?"

What broke the system, Baicaoshi complained, the precious ones are either out of stock, or cannot be unlocked temporarily.

But Plantago is right about one thing. There are so many herbs, each of which needs to be carefully cultivated. She also raised "Liubai", Dendrobium, and Motherwort before. Now, each additional means a huge investment of human, material and financial resources.

Finally, she exchanged three kinds, cloves, cinnamon sticks and nutmeg.

Alas, there is not enough space in the yard at home, and the establishment of a grass conservation base has become a difficult problem before us.


In the next few days, the Golden Elephant Medical Center was in full operation, Baicaoshi and Greenhead Weng worked overtime, and finally produced a batch of high-quality golden sore medicine within ten days.

On October 12th, Baicaoshi and Zheyu made a deal with Xia Heng at the back mountain of the academy.

After Xia Heng discovered that Baicaoshi's golden sore medicine had a special curative effect, he immediately ordered his servants to hurry up and take a copy to Yanjing.

General Wu Lie received the golden sore medicine, and with the attitude of giving it a try, he tried it on his wounded soldiers. As Xia Heng said, it was more effective than the golden sore medicine from Tai Hospital.

Therefore, General Wu Lie rushed to order Xia Heng to buy more of this kind of golden sore medicine.

The concubine's son—Xia Heng, after being treated as a little transparent by the family for many years, has also received his father's favor because of this.

"Professor Zhe Yu, Miss Bai, please give priority to us when there is medicine for sores in the future." Xia Heng solemnly crossed his hands and placed Zhe Yu and Baicao Shi in a very important position.

This is equivalent to a strategic ally.

Baicaoshi naturally knew that the matter was important, so she didn't agree rashly. "To tell you the truth, Mr. Xia, one of the medicinal materials in the golden sore medicine is extremely precious, and this is also an important factor restricting the mass production of the golden sore medicine. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that there will be a supply when you want it."

Xia Heng didn't understand this, he just wanted to win his father's favor and try his best to fulfill his father's explanation. "Miss Bai, you might as well tell me what medicinal ingredients you are missing, maybe I can help you."

Baicaoshi explained the keel.

Letting Nanqiang buy the keel through the black market, after all, the risk is huge. Now Xia Heng proposes that firstly, he can find a free supply source and transfer the risk, and secondly, he can prevent the other party from compulsorily expropriating the golden sore medicine in the future, and also exempt from responsibility in advance.

"So, if we provide keel, will the price of Jinchuang Medicine be lower?" Xia Heng asked.

Baicaoshi nodded, "In theory, it is. However, the production process of gold sore medicine is relatively cumbersome. If you need a large batch, you must not only ensure sufficient raw materials, but also give enough time."

Xia Heng can also understand this. After all, it is a medicine that is more effective than Taiyuan Hospital, so how can it be developed casually.

"Okay, Miss Bai, I understand."

After acceptance, both the money and the goods will be settled.

Baicaoshi received the bank note, and Zhe Yu sent her away.

"You have a lot of money now, so you have to be careful when you walk on the road." Zhe Yu still remembers that when he heard that Baicaoshi was going to make red yeast rice wine, he knew that she would not be deceived by money for the rest of her life. Sleepy. It's just that the speed at which Baicaoshi made a fortune was faster than he had imagined.

Baicaoshi covered her lips and smiled, she seemed to be one step closer to Kanaya Zou Zheyu.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhe Yu looked at Baicaoshi, the girl's eyes were misty and misty, revealing a sly agility, her thick eyelashes curled up, like a butterfly flapping its wings when she blinked. His Adam's apple rolled.

"Bao Yu, I'm a rich woman, why don't you ask me to take care of you?" Baicaoshi asked with a smile.

Zheyu encountered that situation again, he knew every word in Baicao's poem, but he didn't understand all the concatenations. This made him feel that she was far away from him. "What did you say? Although you are rich, you are still a little girl."

Baicaoshi immediately shut up.

That is a high mountain flower, how can she blaspheme it? With a dry cough, "No... nothing."

Zhe Yu didn't hesitate, "I got the news that Xiangnanfang will launch spiced bath beans in three days."

Before, after Miracle Doctor Xu died, the power behind Miracle Doctor Xu was cut off. If that force still wants to get the spiced bath beans, then most likely they will launch an attack in the near future. If you catch this force, you will also catch the real culprit behind the killing of the Beirong people.

(end of this chapter)