Chapter 191: Secretly crossing Chencang to save the white mouse

Chapter 191 Secretly crossing Chen Cang to save the white rat

It is impossible to hit the hit, but Li Jianping did not hide. Blood flowed down his forehead, his face was hideous.

"Do you know who Chen Guangliang is?" Ying Zheming asked loudly.

"Ninth place on the Zhumao Fengyun list." Li Jianping insisted.

Chen Guangliang, as the commander of Fengwang Qiongqiwei, is no secret in the upper circles of Yanjing. But in Wanzhou, it is normal for the third shopkeeper of a gambling shop to not know.

Because Li Jianping got Chen Guangliang's waist card, Ying Zhefeng was suspected of colluding with the Pei family and smuggling tribute salt, so he was demoted from Yanjing by the emperor and sent to Leizhou.

"Brother Wang," Ying Zheming said to Ying Zhexun, "Zhu Mao is a treacherous organization that has been infiltrated by all parties and does all kinds of evil. Zhu Mao's killers are all punished. You and I jointly wrote a letter to order the court to order Zhu Mao to be strangled. As for Let’s cut this Li Jianping on the spot.”

Li Jianping was shocked, and kowtowed, and the chains on his body rattled. "My lord, you can promise the villain that as long as you confess truthfully, you will spare the villain's life. You can't say nothing!"

People like Li Jianping absolutely have no reason to survive. Ying Zhexun waved his hand, "Let him draw bets and press fingerprints."

Several yamen pressured Li Jianping, and drew his handprints like a dog's talisman.

"Push it out, kill!" This is Ying Zheming.

Li Jianping, who had been forced to press his head before, suddenly exploded. He is bound with chains and anklets, but his internal strength has recovered more than 50%. Using his internal strength, he broke free from the guards and ran towards the courtyard outside the hall.

Ying Zheming also chased to the yard, and said to the officials: "Don't let him run away, kill him."

Several arresters surrounded him and attacked.

Li Jianping swung the rope. Although it was not light, it was powerful in blocking. It is worthy of being the ninth killer on the Zhuzhu list.

"King Xun, are you handling cases and punishing villains for the royal family, or are you raising criminals so vigorously?" Ying Zheming was so angry that Brother Wang stopped calling and called "King Xun" directly.

Ying Zhexun felt this anger, but he had his own support, how could anyone in chains escape.

"Take my king's sword." He wants to end himself.

Zhe Yu stepped forward and said: "My lord, the younger generation doesn't need your lord to take action, leave it to me."

His imposing manner is calm and unhurried, and he can't help but be convincing.

"Okay, be careful." Ying Zhexun said.

Ying Zheming squinted his eyes. Unexpectedly, Zhe Yu took the initiative to ask for a job, just to see his way.

Zhe Yu took a sword from his waist, and with a light body leap, he had already arrived in the arena. The long sword was like a snake spitting out letters, entangled with Li Jianping, and the disadvantage of his hands and feet being bound was revealed. The clothes on his body, like beef, were peeled off by the most shrewd chefs, and the sword marks fell into strips.

Is this Ling Chi? Ying Zheming thought to himself.

At this time, Li Jianping showed a flaw, was stabbed again, and was close to Zhe Yu. When the two sides intersected, he slapped his palms on his front heart, and Zhe Yu's long sword seemed to penetrate through his heart. Blood pooled under his body.

Li Jianping's pupils became dilated, he lost focus, and he collapsed limply.

Zhe Yu put away his sword, his eyes were silent, and the tip of the sword was still dripping with blood.

A guard stepped forward and probed his nose, "My lord, he's dead."

Ying Zheming raised his finger and said solemnly: "Li Jianping colluded with the Pei family and caused troubles in Wanzhou. He deserves to die. Before his death, he also confessed that it was the Zhumao organization that intended to silence them. There have long been rumors in the world that the mission A failed spear-killing killer is not worthy of living in this world. This is an internal struggle. Next, the government is strictly ordered to search for Chen Guangliang's whereabouts."


When it was dark, there was a black figure carrying a sack, floating around among the houses in Wanzhou.

The man in black finally landed in the Golden Elephant Medical Hall, jumped in from the back door, and threw the sack into a small ear room.

"Is everything going well?" Baicaoshi asked.

Zhen first floor tore off the black face scarf on his face, and complained: "Those who have been to the Temple of Yama, they are really heavy, and I am exhausted! Don't look for me for this kind of coolie in the future!"

If you don't look for you, look for someone, with great strength, high skill, and good work! Baicaoshi raised a finger, "Additional meal for you! A bowl of health-preserving Laba porridge."

"Baicaoshi, you are getting more and more iron cock!" In the past, there were chicken drumsticks at any rate, but now there is only porridge.

The porridge is on the table, not a bowl, and someone is drinking it leisurely.

"Since you don't drink it, it's all mine." Zhe Yu scooped up a spoonful and blew gently on his lips, drinking the porridge gracefully.

Zhen Yilou, who originally sneered at Laba porridge, had a stomach growl. "How can he have porridge when he's not doing anything?"

Why? Because he is my husband-in-law! Baicaoshi thinks that only Tie Lanxin would like a straight guy like Zhen Yilou who is so blunt.

"Shishi, this porridge is different from the one I used to drink, what did you add?" Chibo Zheyu interacted online.

"Oh, harvested in autumn and stored in winter, it stores nutrition and nourishes it properly. In addition to japonica rice, barley, red dates, yam, and white lentils, my eight-treasure porridge also adds citronella, lily, longan, and lotus meat. The citrus fruit benefits the kidneys and strengthens essence, and the lily nourishes yin." Nourish the lungs..."

Before she could finish speaking, Zhenyilou had already picked up the bowl, for fear of being wiped out by Zhe Yu.

Baicaoshi smiled, this young and handsome martial arts master was born without image in front of the eater. She bent down and picked it out from the sack. Li Jianping seemed to be hibernating, without any vital signs.

Baicaoshi stuffed a pill into his mouth, a moment later Li Jianping coughed violently, his vision changed from blurred to clear, and he saw Baicaoshi's face.

"Am I dead, or alive?"

Baicaoshi akimbo, this person is probably stupid.

What Baicaoshi took from the green-headed Weng was the Resurrection Pill, which can make people hold their breath, exactly the same as death. Before the interrogation, Baicaoshi and King Xun asked for instructions, persuading him to come from the truth. At that time, she gave Li Jianping, a Resurrection Pill and a bag of duck blood. Duck blood is hidden in the heart.

This is also the reason why Ying Zheming lost the inkstone, he did not hide, and used real blood to cover up the traces of duck blood.

Zhe Yu's sword is naturally the effect of breaking the blood bag.

Lijian Pinggulu got up from the ground, "I am grateful for the girl who saved my life. But I..."

"Think it through before you talk. I said that I need a mouse to test the medicine. Now the first medicine to be tested has been implanted in your body. You can leave if you want. When the time comes, you can't blame me if you die from the poison!" Baicao Shi spoke first, blocking back what Li Jianping was about to say.

Li Jianping: "..."

The gentle and pleasant little doctor who looks harmless to humans and animals, if she says to test the medicine for people, she will try the medicine. Is it poisonous? "How could you be so..."

A longan that popped out was stuck in his throat with such force that Li Jianping immediately coughed and pushed the longan out.

"Noisy!" This is Shinichi, "Waste me a longan."

"I said before, how can you expect people who hang out in the gambling house to keep their promises? If such a person is released back, it is tantamount to harming the people. But since he has poison in his body, it's another matter." Zhe Yu used a spoon to The porridge was stirred, but the temperament of the master's life and death was fully displayed.

Li Jianping plopped down on his knees, "Girl, please forgive me, I don't dare to think rashly again."

(end of this chapter)