Chapter 192: Song Yan's business negotiations

Chapter 192 Song Yan Trade Negotiations

On the other side, Ying Zheming made up his mind to find Chen Guangliang as soon as possible, and label him as a culprit. This would probably clear Ying Zhefeng of the crime. It's just that there is one less helper and support, after all, Zhu Mao is the ninth killer.

He hurried back to the Shen residence.

Before leaving, Shen Liqing said that he would ask for leave from the academy and stay with him for a few days.

But when they arrived at Shen's house, there was no sign of Shen Liqing at all. Where did people go?

He put on his cloak and hurried to the yard, thinking of going to the academy to find someone.

A dart was shot head-on, and it was directly nailed to the window lattice, and a figure flashed past.

Ying Zheming opened the paper on the dart, on which was written, "If you want to save someone, come to Silver Hook Casino."

"It's Silver Hook Gambling House again! Isn't the gambling house being seized?" Ying Zheming asked the housekeeper of Shen's residence. Those who dare to ask him out are really courageous. What are you asking him for?

The housekeeper trembled, his young lady disappeared under his nose, and he couldn't justify his guilt. "It's sealed and charged..."

It is impossible not to save them.

That is Feng Nu, the woman whom he wins Zhe Ming. In fact, he had already made up his mind that when he returned to Yanjing this time, he would take Shen Liqing away, and he would hold a big wedding in the spring of next year at the latest. Ying Zheming went back to his room to change before he finished speaking. It was impossible to go in public, and he still couldn't figure out the identity of the other party, so he changed into a black brocade robe inlaid with gold thread, and the outside was still a black cloak.

About a quarter of an hour later, he flashed into the casino with his guards.

"His Royal Highness, my master has been waiting for you for a long time." A female voice spoke.

Ying Zheming looked along the lantern, and saw a bright, elegant face.

Happy face.

"What's your master's name?" Ying Zheming asked.

Happy face chuckled, "Thought Ming Wang had already guessed my master, the owner of Dongli Mountain Villa in Gongjun, yes."

Naturally, Ying Zheming had heard what Ying Zhefeng had said about this matter, so he finally had some confidence in his mind.

He followed Huanyan inside and walked into a quiet room. The room layout is good, the table wood is ordinary, but the kung fu tea on it is excellent, and there is agarwood in the room.

Yuan Xian poured three cups of tea, one for Ying Zheming, one for Shen Liqing, and one for himself.

Shen Liqing was unscathed, but he still looked at Yuan Xian with a little vigilance. This man whose temperament and grace was still higher than that of King Ming made him feel the danger.

"I have a guest, I should drink the red robe. King Ming, Shen...Young Master, please." Yuan Xian said in a warm spring breeze.

Ying Zheming sat down beside Shen Liqing, put his arm around her shoulder, "I'm late, they didn't..."

"I'm fine." Shen Liqing dodged for a moment. In front of others, she and Ying Zheming still wanted to maintain the distance and decency of a noble daughter of an aristocratic family.

"You are Yuan Taozhu? Why did you invite us here?" After Ying Zheming asked, he realized something was wrong. Yinhook Gambling House is the property of the Pei family in the Song Dynasty, and the other party invited him here, so, "What is your relationship with the Pei family?"

Yuan Xian took a sip of the fragrant tea, and said calmly: "Yuan Xian is just an identity for me to walk in the rivers and lakes. King Ming can call me Mr. Pei."

Is the real surname Pei, from the Yuan Dynasty? The Pei family who appeared in Wanzhou at this time were still above Pei Yuanhao.

"My younger brother Zhefeng has mentioned Mr. many times, saying that Mr. Gao Yi has the style of ancient sages. Is this how the sages treated guests?"

"I think Duke Ming can understand me if we are in a hurry."

"The Pei family is doing things that harm our people in Dayan on my land, but now they still openly let me understand you. Hmph." In front of Dayi, Ying Zheming still had reason, so he scolded him first.

Yuan Xian put down his cup, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Invite Mr. Shen down first."

Shen Liqing realized that the next topic, in the opinion of the person in charge of the Pei family, was not suitable for her to listen to. But she doesn't, she is now married to Ying Zheming, so he can't hide anything from her. "My lord, is there anything else I can't listen to?"

"My own people, there is nothing to say." Ying Zheming said with a straight neck.

Yuan Xian curled his lips into a smile, moved closer, and looked directly into Ying Zheming's eyes, "Did Ming Wang forget the snowflakes and silver that entered the palace from the private salt business? Now something happened, and it was all on Song Guo and the Pei family. It's appropriate." Is it? I thought we could continue to cooperate, what is your sincerity, Prince Ming?"

Ying Zheming: "..."

Shen Liqing: "..."

A series of three questions from the soul directly confused people.

The matter of tribute salt was previously approached by Ying Zhefeng and Yuan Xian. He thought that the other party was just a salt merchant, but it turned out to be the Pei family from the enemy country. This is the crime of treason and immorality, of deceiving the king. Now Shen Liqing has heard about such a big event. If the Shen family doesn't agree with him, what should be done. For a while, he had no idea.

Shen Liqing's inner shock was even worse. Ying Zheming was so daring that he dared to engage in this decapitation business.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Ying Zheming refused to admit it.

This attitude made Yuan Xian scoff. "Ming Wang, no matter how big my Pei family is, I won't be the winner in Dayan. How can the Pei family make dozens of officials in Wanzhou commit suicide? Those people all died for you. If Ming Wang crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, believe it or not, tomorrow will be the winner." Zhou will know that you and the Pei family have colluded in the private salt business, and Quan Dayan will know after three days. At that time, I can't say whether you, the prince, will succeed or not."

The cannonballs are so loud that people are powerless to fight back.

Win Zheming is like a chicken in the water, losing the ability to protect itself.

Suddenly there was strength in his hands, Shen Liqing pinched his fingertips, and gave him a look, "Mr. Pei, what do you want to do? I think we can always find ways to seek common ground while reserving differences."

As soon as this remark came out, Yuan Xian was impressed. However, it is not surprising to think of his surname.

Yuan Xian tapped the table with his knuckles, "King Ming, Mr. Shen, the plan of my Pei family is just a matter of normal business exchanges with Dayan. I believe that normal diplomatic relations will benefit the future and benefit the country, not like Now it is like this, indiscriminately expelling all businessmen from our country."

What Ying Zheming was about to say, Shen Liqing had already stopped him, "This matter is the will of His Majesty today. Even King Ming, my Shen family has no power to change it. It is not all harmful but not beneficial to trade. The premise is that you businessmen abide by my will. Da Yan Law. Everyone negotiates a good deal and handles the matter. At least my Shen family is willing to mediate."

Yuan Xian stood up, "Well, I will wait for the good news from the two of you. Song Guohonglu Temple Minister is already on his way to your country. I hope the diplomatic relations between the two countries will last as long as our friendship. See off the guests."


Zheyu resumed the teaching courses in the academy, and at the same time helped Ying Zhexun take care of some government affairs.

Baicaoshi started an experiment on Mafeisan, and now he has a test subject.

Ying Zheming will leave Wanzhou, while Shen Liqing has suspended his studies, and they will return to Yanjing together to prepare for their wedding.

When talking about Zhe Yu, Ying Zheming asked Shen Liqing what he thought.

"Your Majesty, maybe you can make a note for His Majesty, praise Zhe Yu, and let Zhe Yu enter the capital to face the saint. When the time comes, someone will decide for you whether Zhe Yu will go or stay."

(end of this chapter)