Chapter 325: Prince who reigned for three days

Chapter 325 The prince who reigned for three days

When the first floor said that he was leaving, Baicaoshi woke up like a dream, completely free of alcohol. "Shinichi, where are you going?"

By taking advantage of the little light reflected from the lake surface, I really picked up two stones on the first floor to throw them away, and there were many in a row. "I received a letter from the chief rudder, he hoped that I could go back to Yunzhao's hometown."

What happened in Prince Pingzhao's Mansion is vivid in my memory as if it was yesterday. There, Baicaoshi met Zhenyilou for the first time.

Then he escorted her and Zhe Yu all the way to Wanzhou. Live under the same roof and eat at the same table.

Shinichi seems to be a family.

The family members are leaving, she must ask clearly and see him off.

"Yun Zhao, but what happened?" Baicaoshi asked.

Zhenyilou nodded, but didn't want to talk too much, Yunzhao was so far away from Wanzhou, even if Baicaoshi had the heart, there was nothing he could do to help. Besides, she has her work to do.

"Things are a bit tricky, and the chief helmsman wants me to go back and help him. You are very good at martial arts now, and Zhe Yu personally feeds the moves, making rapid progress. As for me, it doesn't matter whether I am in Wanzhou or not."

When he was talking, Baicaoshi clearly saw loneliness and depression in his eyes.

"Can you still not trust me? If I can, I will never shirk; but if I can't, I won't meddle in my own business."

Anyway, this matter is related to herbs, and Baicaoshi is an expert in this area, so it doesn't hurt to talk about it. Zhenyilou then said: "Yunzhao has visited a lot of drug dealers recently, asking for a medicine called Cordyceps sinensis. But you know, Yunzhao has many mountains and rivers, and it is more likely to cause shortness of breath, so the drug dealers hired The local drug farmers. The chief rudder did not elaborate, the grass is probably hard to find, and many people died. Moreover, these drug dealers sell high prices for rare goods, and destroy the roots after picking the grass. After that, how can there be any Cordyceps?"

Baicaoshi listened, her eyes were red.

Hateful and hateful!

This group of short-sighted, exhausted guys, completely disregarding future generations, have no martial arts at all.

"Then what are you going to do when you go back?"

The first floor turned into an angry little puffer fish, and replied: "One, what the chief helmsman means is to pretend to be a drug farmer and find out what these drug dealers are up to. If there are drug dealers with malicious intentions, they will be killed immediately." After that, it will be fast; and then it will be united with the drug farmers to resist the drug manufacturers. Yun Zhao is the Yun Zhao of Yun Zhao people, and outsiders are not allowed to point fingers."

In just a few words, Baicao actually heard the meaning of passion. "Which country are those drug dealers from?"

"The chief rudder didn't go into details about this," Zhenyilou recalled, "Some are from Yurong City, and there are two particularly large drug dealers from the Song Kingdom."

Hearing Song Guo, Baicaoshi's expression immediately became exciting.

The last time Pei Yuanxian came to Baicaoshi to see a doctor with Boju. Among the medicines Baicaoshi prescribed to him, the monarch drug was Cordyceps sinensis. Could it be because of Pei Yuanxian's injury that there are so many drug dealers? What role did Pei Yuanxian play in this "Insect Hunting Campaign".

"Anyway, if you want to leave, there's no rush for a day or two. After Zhe Yu comes back, I'll discuss it with him. If it really doesn't work, I'll accompany you to Yunzhao."

It is related to wild Cordyceps sinensis, it is worth a trip to Baicaoshi. In case a lot of bat moths are found, it will be more convenient to cultivate Cordyceps sinensis artificially in the future.

Hearing that she was going to Yunzhao, Zhenyi's dim eyes immediately brightened, "That's great. However, Zhe Yu doesn't know when he will come back, and it's a long way from Yanjing to Wanzhou..."

Before he finished speaking, Baicaoshi had her hands on her hips, turning into a pouting little puffer fish. "What's going on, Shinichi, what do you know? Didn't Zheyu go to see the water conservancy? Why did he go to Yanjing?"

The real first floor who said that he was leaking, wished he could find a tree and hit him to death immediately. "Listen to me, when Zhe Yu left, he just asked me to protect everyone's safety. He said he would be back soon."

Baicao poetry is still hard to listen to. You must know that Yan Jing at this time is the most dangerous, Zhe Yu goes alone, is it because he is worried about Emperor Yan Wu?

No, Baicaoshi is going to Yanjing to find him.


The three armies led by Yi Zhaoxian, Ying Zheli, and Xia Ying joined forces and marched towards the palace in mighty strength.

Except for a few students from Ganming Academy, these soldiers have all actually been on the battlefield and seen the cruelty of iron and blood. Therefore, when the imperial forest army and the city defense army met this team, they were defeated in a short time. Either flee or die.

Soon, they broke into the palace gate and continued along the central axis.

The Imperial Forest Army was forced to defeat steadily.

In Hanyuan Hall, Ying Zheming was going around, not knowing what to do.

Below him, there are his mother and concubine Cui Shufei, uncle Cui Ce and Cui's children, and Taifu Shen.

"Report, His Royal Highness, the troops of Yi Zhaoxian and King Li have already entered the palace gate." The guards in front of the palace came to report.

"What should we do? What should we do? Zhongshuling? Master Taifu?" Ying Zheming roared. He is definitely the saddest prince in history. He has been in office for less than three days, and he will be kicked out before the dragon chair is warm. Yet? Unwilling!

Cui Ce's beard seemed to become paler in a breath, "Your Highness, Mount Tai will collapse without changing his face. This is the true nature of a future emperor. Even if he breaks in, my Cui family's children are still here, with iron armor and blood. It’s still alive, it’s time for them to serve the prince. Cui Hu and Cui Jiu obey orders, go and stop Yi Zhaoxian’s men.”

"Yes." The voice was particularly loud, and Cui Hu and Cui Jiu led away.

When they walked out with passionate steps, Taifu Shen let out a desolate smile. "We made a mistake and underestimated a person's strength, which led to today's destruction."

The word "destroyed" was so exciting that the corners of Concubine Cui Shu's eyes twitched, and veins burst out on her forehead.

"Teacher Shen, how can you increase the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige? We are all doing well, so why are we destroyed? A person's manpower is limited after all."

A woman who has no knowledge. Taifu Shen thought so. If you really know Yi Zhaoxian, you will understand that it is a killing machine worth 10,000 troops.

But at this moment, this killing machine is driving towards them.

Master Shen walked out of the hall.

"Where does Taifu want to go?" Ying Zheming shouted.

"The general situation is over, and the song is over." In just eight words, the words have exhausted the vicissitudes of life.

Out of the palace gate, Taifu Shen walked north.

Da Yan Palace faces south, and the north is the farthest place from Yi Zhaoxian, so it is still possible to linger on for a while.

Really is lingering.

At this time, the guard who had just reported came in again from outside the hall.

"Report, His Royal Highness, Cui Hu and Cui Jiu died in battle. Yi Zhaoxian's people have already occupied the Tianyuan Palace."

It is not far from Hanyuan Hall.

Concubine Cui Shu suddenly sneered, the smile not reaching her eyes. "It's said that success is king and defeat is banditry. If you fail, someone has to bear the burden. Huangzi, you should go and run for your life with your uncle."

Ying Zheming was in a hurry, "Then that, what about you, Concubine Mu?"

A teardrop slipped from the bottom of her eyes, Concubine Cui Shu raised her hand and squeezed it away, showing a difficult smile, "I'm waiting for your father here. He won't do anything to me, at most, he'll just be locked up in the cold palace. Youdao is a husband and wife for a day, and I know him best. Minger, you go, go!"

Concubine Cui Shu cried to win Zhe Ming.

Ying Zheming refused, but it was Cui Ce who pulled him away abruptly. "If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Let's go!"

"Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine!"

The sound is heartbreaking.

(end of this chapter)