Chapter 326: I came from Wanzhou to take your life (fourth watch)

Chapter 326 I came from Wanzhou to take your life (fourth update)

The team that captured Tianyuan Hall did not go straight down to Hanyuan Hall, but instead went to Changle Palace.

At this time, the Queen Mother was copying the Heart Sutra by hand.

Ying Zheming established himself as the prince without the permission of the queen mother, and he did not want to be charged with killing the queen mother, so he imprisoned him in Changle Palace.

It can be regarded as a prison, but the diet and daily life are the same as usual.

A woman's voice came from outside the hall.

"I want you to know that His Majesty's vanguard team has already reached the Tianyuan Hall, and His Royal Highness the **** prince is about to finish. If you want to survive, put down all the swords in your hands. I will spare you for the sake of protecting the Empress Dowager."

It was the eldest princess, Ying Zhezhe, who spoke.

She has a dignified bearing, with the unquestionable majesty of a superior.

Behind her, distributed in four corners, stood four dead soldiers.

Today, the entire imperial palace is surrounded by gunpowder smoke, shouts of killing and screaming continue, how could the few guards of the queen mother not know. Now I heard that the Eldest Princess is willing to save them from death, that's really what I wish for.

Several people glanced at each other, immediately threw their swords on the ground, and saluted Ying Zhezhe. "Thank you, Eldest Princess, I will definitely live up to her great kindness in the future."

The corner of Ying Zhezhe's lips curled up, and his smile became brighter. But seeing her winking behind her, a dead man suddenly drew his sword, and the guards died on the spot without any resistance, and the bluestone steps were soaked in blood.

Ying Zhezhe clapped his hands, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth, "Just this spineless traitor, who knows if you will betray me one day, leaving you is just a disaster."

With the most ruthless words on his lips, Ying Zhezhe suddenly lifted the hem of his skirt and called out in a soft voice: "Grandmother, Zhezhe has come to see you, Zhezhe is not smiling."

The queen mother walked out of the dormitory, and was welcomed by Ying Zhezhe. This is not suitable for the royal family with strict etiquette and rules, but after experiencing such a turmoil, who would criticize a princess who came to **** her delicately.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing wrong with Aijia. It's Zhezhe, you've lost weight."

Ying Zhezhe was still wiping away tears, blinking wateryly, "The third one... imprisoned me, and I finally escaped. Thinking that the emperor's grandmother is still in the palace, I can't wait to see you."

When the voice fell, the uniform voice of the army was heard, it was Yi Zhaoxian and Ying Zheli.

"The minister/grandson came too late to rescue him, and he deserves death. Please forgive me, the Queen Mother."

When kneeling down, Ying Zheli raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the queen mother's side, and then lowered again.

"Aiqing, King Li, you have worked hard."


Taifu Shen left the Hanyuan Hall and joined Shen Huanshan. The father and son and several escorting masters hurried to the north gate of the palace.

"Have you found Li Qing?"

"No, Dad, at this moment, no news is the best news."

"I regret it, I shouldn't have believed Ying Zheming's nonsense. If he was really capable, he would have been established as the crown prince long ago. Why wait until today. If he makes a mistake, he will lose everything."

"Father, don't we still have the last way out?"

Both father and son spoke very fast, but when he heard the last road, Mrs. Shen paused, "Unless it is absolutely necessary, that road cannot be taken."

A blocker appeared ahead. Six were dressed in garrison uniform.

"The traitor Shen Chongyan, King Ming has been defeated, and His Majesty is about to return to the palace, why don't you just catch him with nothing?"

For so many years, the courtiers have called him Taifu Shen, and so has the emperor. Taifu Shen himself has almost forgotten his real name. I was called out today, and I felt very fresh.

"Hehe, you are not qualified yet."

After Shen Taifu finished speaking, the dead soldiers behind him had already drawn out their swords, killing six garrison soldiers with three strikes and five divisions.

Master Shen didn't even bat an eyelid, and continued on his way.

Walking all the way, killing all the way, more and more people, his dead soldiers suffered casualties.

Hurry up before the north gate and join the team. But at this time, Taifu Shen met King Xun—Ying Zhexun.

"Does King Xun also want to save the old man's life?" Obviously King Xun is on the horse, waiting for work at leisure. Taifu Shen was under the horse, running around for a long time, in terms of momentum, King Xun should have the upper hand, but Taifu Shen called out his own momentum.

Ying Zhexun didn't move, still staring at him immediately.

"Then you might as well try it, the big deal is that you will die and the net will be broken, so that you can teach King Xun that if you want to kill me, Shen Chongyan, you have to shed a layer of skin yourself."

"This king will come to experience it."

It was another dark battle. King Xun was wounded, but he took away five capable generals under Taifu Shen, all of whom were the top dead fighters.

Shen Huanshan was even stabbed in the heart by a master of King Xun.

"Father, leave me alone, go!" Shen Huanshan said the last sentence while clutching his chest.

Taifu Shen gritted his teeth and took the last two people away. As for the carriage was damaged in the battle, two dead soldiers were left fighting with King Xun.

Out of the imperial palace, the north of Yanjing is Jiulongyuan.

Do you want to continue running for your life? Taifu Shen has never been as tired as he is today, and he is almost unable to walk after being pampered and pampered.

A sedan chair appeared in front of the sedan chair. Beside the sedan chair was a beautiful woman in her thirties. The powder on her face was so thick that she was about to fall down. There were four bearers beside her.

"Teacher Shen, my family has been waiting for you for a long time."

Just one sentence, Taifu Shen got goose bumps all over his body, is this a girl from a good family? It is simply the reincarnation of a bustard.

"Who are you?"

The woman fanned the handkerchief in her hand, and said with a smile: "The slave family is the mother of Hongxiu Tianxiang. I was ordered by my king to meet Taifu Shen in order to fulfill the promise of the day."

Hongxiutianxiang, isn't it the brothel that was confiscated because of the injuries of several second generation ancestors? It is said that when people go to the empty building, it turns out that they are lurking. As for my king, which king is it?

Taifu Shen had already figured it out, and got into the sedan chair as soon as he got short.

Bursts of drowsiness struck, Taifu Shen closed his eyes. In the shadow of swords and swords, he saw Shen Huanshan lying in a pool of blood, his fingers stretched out to him helplessly, asking him to save him, but there was nothing he could do.

The screen turned again, this time he saw Shen Liqing. Shen Liqing returned to the palace, she ran into it barefoot, but a garrison stopped her.

"If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you come instead and catch the granddaughter of the traitor Shen Chongyan." The two soldiers in the garrison walked towards Shen Liqing step by step.

Shen Liqing backed away with horror in her eyes, but she was the daughter of the Shen family after all, and she was the pride of the Shen family, a model for all the noble girls in Yanjing.

"I am the Phoenix Girl of Destiny, who of you dares to arrest me? Be careful to be beheaded by His Majesty."

The two soldiers laughed ferociously, and their saliva flowed out. One of them said: "You are still a phoenix girl, I think it's more like a crazy girl."

The other also said: "It is said that Feng Nu was born with a phoenix seal on her head. This thing is so magical. Could it be that there is something sealed inside, so Feng Nu can be a queen?"

The soldiers laughed. The first soldier grabbed Shen Liqing's hair, pinched her chin so that she faced him, and the other soldier covered Shen Liqing's forehead with his hand, rubbing vigorously between his eyebrows, and mouth He muttered something, "I want to see what's going on with your phoenix seal, huh?"

The phoenix seal turned into red rouge, sticking to the fingertips. The two soldiers were dumbfounded.

"My God, is this phoenix seal painted on? The legend of the phoenix girl is all made up!"

Taifu Shen was struggling in a dream, he had a faint feeling that it was a dream, but he couldn't break free, no matter what he couldn't wake up.

The dream took a turn for the better, and a man with silver hair appeared.

He turned his head, Taifu Shen finally saw his appearance clearly. It was a very enchanting and handsome face, but with this face, one could not tell the age, experience, or even look good.

Shen Liqing fell into his arms. She held back, bit her lips and asked, "You are, did he ask you to save me?"

The silver-haired man held her slender waist and shook his head, "Don't be afraid, I will take you away and keep you safe."

Then, he turned around and turned to the two soldiers, "You ants, you are also dictating my woman, go to hell."

As soon as he raised his hand, the space seemed to be torn apart. The two soldiers twisted on the ground like wriggling worms and turned into a puddle of water.

Shen Liqing didn't know why, so he looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about, who is your woman?"

The man pinched Shen Liqing's chin and said complacently: "Of course it's you. Hold me tight and take you to a safe place. You are still a phoenix girl, and your child will inherit the throne. Hahaha..."

Taifu Shen woke up from the dream with sweat on his forehead.

Why is this dream so real? And that silver-haired man, who the **** is he?

He lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and found that the sedan chair had stopped at some point, and the bearer and the old bustard were all dead.

In front of him, stood a man with a face of dragon and phoenix. He was dragging a sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword was still dripping blood.

Between the heaven and the earth, it seems that he is the only one left, the Shura God who came from hell.

"Teacher Shen, I'm from Wanzhou to take your life!"

That person is not Oriha, or who?

(end of this chapter)