Chapter 336: Shi Shi takes action to cure malaria

Chapter 336 Shishi takes action to cure malaria

Herbal Poetry has not been included in herbal medicine or books for a long time.

Just imagine, she has already entered ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Polygonum multiflorum, oracle bone inscriptions, "Soup Ge Jue", and Mafeisan, which is equivalent to standing at the peak of the host's task. Unexpectedly, today she will enter a book about witch doctors.

Psyllium psyllium sounded, ""Da Zhu You Shu", a monograph written by ancient witch doctors, the ancestor of modern Chinese medicine Zhu You, opened the precedent for ancestors to cure diseases and save lives with spells, worth 10,000 points."

Ten thousand? Fuck it, get rich!

Baicaoshi is simply jaw-dropping, more exaggerated than pie falling from the sky.

"Well, lovely psyllium, when can you provide me with the translation? Also, are there new snow lotus and ganoderma lucidum in the Points Mall?"

Baicaoshi can't wait to cash in, and what is expensive is what.

Plantago is still immersed in the joy of finding a good host, and sincerely gives advice, "Dear host, in my professional opinion, don't be busy cashing in the seeds, upgrading your space is the kingly way Ah. You can pack more herbs then, frankly, you'll probably find more herbs than the modern world."

Since the last large-scale entry, Baicaoshi has obtained space permissions and butler services. Her space is not infinite, it can probably be used as four sorting boxes. But if there were forty or more, wouldn't she have to go anywhere without using money? At that time, she will go to climb the plateau and walk the snow-capped mountains, and she will be very happy to put tents and sleeping bags in the super large space.

"Okay, first upgrade the space capacity."

Compared with the price of Materia Medica, the upgrade space is very expensive. The points required for each doubling of expansion also double. A space as large as eight storage boxes requires two thousand points, and sixteen is equivalent to four thousand points. That should be enough.

Baicaoshi clicked the OK button, and the points were instantly deducted by 4,000.

Yes, I still feel a little distressed.

Thinking of the low air pressure on the plateau and the lack of oxygen, she waved her small hand and made a new request: "Next, I want to buy two... oh, no, three tents, three sleeping bags, six tanks of oxygen, and a fox fur cloak." Two pieces."

This time it was the turn of Plantago to roll his eyes, "Dear host, the points mall only provides rewards related to herbal medicine and Chinese medicine books, and none of these are what you want. In other words, there is none."

Baicaoshi gritted her teeth, pressed her tongue against the back of the tooth socket, "Psyllium, do you know that I came out this time to look for Cordyceps sinensis. The best wild Cordyceps sinensis are born on the plateau at an altitude of five or six kilometers. People will die if you plant a place. You don’t provide any logistical support. If I accidentally burp, who will record it for you in Tianxia Materia Medica? I risked my life to do the task, can you help me a little bit?”

Psyllium chinensis fell into deep thought, indeed, what Baicaoshi said was right. She is the fastest and best host in history, the greater the contribution, the greater the authority. "Then, let me apply with the Baicaoyuan system, and I will do everything I can for you..."

Baicaoshi interrupted it, so don’t talk about the soup, it’s not painful.

At this time, the first floor really came back. Baicaoshi immediately returned from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, sat back on the head of the bed, and resumed her meditative appearance.

"Something, did you get it?"

"Yeah, got it."

Zhen first floor didn't ask what was brought back, she wanted it, so just give it to her.

"Let's go to bed early, and we have to hurry tomorrow." As he spoke, he turned his back to her, leaned on a mat, and started practicing.

Baicaoshi turned around and read Zhe Yu's words silently, accepting it calmly, don't pity him.

She slept with her clothes on, and soon fell asleep.

Until the noise of the caravan alarmed them.

Zhenyi woke up one step ahead of her. The news had already been inquired, and he lowered his voice and said: "Yesterday, the person I lured away has a severe high fever and is very sick today. The caravan intends to leave him and go on the road alone. "

Ah, are you leaving your teammates behind?

Baicaoshi thought, after all, it is a life, if the high fever is not treated in time, it will be dangerous. Besides, she took other people's books and exchanged 10,000 points, so she didn't do anything to feel sorry. It just happened to take this opportunity to show favor to the caravan, and maybe follow the vine to discover the secrets of Cordyceps sinensis and Yao Nong.

Thinking of this, she got out of bed, put on her shoes, and said, "I'll go and have a look."


Outside the man's room, Zhenyilou and the young shopkeeper of the caravan are waiting eagerly.

"I haven't asked the son's name yet, what is your relationship with the girl inside?"

Zhenyi was expressionless. He was still worried about whether Baicaoshi could cure him. Since he was planning to give up here, he must be seriously ill. My younger sister is called Shishi."

The shopkeeper smiled, and Mosuo poked his chin with great interest, "I see the way you look at her, but it's not like you look at your sister."

Zhen Yilou suddenly looked straight at him, sharp and cold, which made the shopkeeper shudder.

He is obviously handsome and handsome, why does he feel murderous?

"Shopkeeper Han, don't eat indiscriminately, and don't talk indiscriminately." The first floor is really cold, like ice.

The one called shopkeeper Han, whose full name is Han Zicen, has just declared himself a family. He coughed and changed the subject: "Can the other sister really be cured? To tell you the truth, we drug dealers have traveled all over the world, and we know a little bit about the principles of medicine, so we can't help her at all."

Zhen Yilou couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips, "If you can't cure it, it doesn't mean others can't cure it. Shishi, she... has been the pride of our family since she was a child."

He didn't even realize how proud he was when he said "our family".

Shopkeeper Han Shao didn't tell the truth when he saw it, and asked: "Where are you brothers and sisters going now?"

"Let's go to Yurong City."

This is the intended destination. At that time, we will meet with people from the Restoration Congress, and we will exchange some information.

"What a coincidence, we are also going to Yurong City, and we need to resupply there..." Han Zicen didn't continue, whether he is qualified to go with him or not depends on Baicao Poetry.

After a while, Baicaoshi came out from inside, with sweat on her forehead, she wiped it casually, and said, "Okay, just take the medicine for a few days and you'll be fine."

Han Zicen was the first to rush into the guest room, ignoring to say hello to Baicaoshi.

"Are you okay?" Shinichiro asked.

Baicaoshi walked to her guest room, and lowered her voice while walking, "That guy has malaria, luckily he met me."

Malaria is a very common infectious disease. In modern times, it relies on the injection of artemisinin. However, Chinese medicine has considerable experience in the treatment of malaria, which is mentioned in "Su Wen", "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", and "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescription". "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescription" was the first to use Artemisia annua to treat malaria, which shows the greatness of ancient Chinese doctors. But this is not what Baicaoshi is concerned about. "Now I finally know why he chose Zhu You. I probably thought I was going to die."

(end of this chapter)