Chapter 337: The Emperor's Guilt

Chapter 337 The guilt in the heart of the emperor

Because of this guy, Baicaoshi and Zhenyilou successfully broke into the caravan.

Coincidentally, this caravan came from Song State.

Baicaoshi had to suspect that these people were looking for Cordyceps sinensis to meet the needs of the regent.

There is nothing wrong with looking for medicine normally, but if it is cruel to harm Yaonong... Baicaoshi is not a judge, but a doctor with a parental heart. Thinking of the regent's always upright and breezy appearance, he felt that he couldn't do such a nasty thing.

Psyllium chinensis conveyed the translation results of "Da Zhu You Shu" to Baicao Poetry.

Baicaoshi thinks it's a bit outrageous.

Witch doctors have evolved for thousands of years, and they have played an indelible role in promoting medicine in later generations. But the book she got didn't involve medicine, it was more about strange powers. Just this thing, can I exchange 10,000 points? No matter how you look at it, she earned it.

However, with the heart of picking the best from the dross, Baicaoshi has a deeper understanding of the witch doctor's psychological hints, hypnosis, prayers, and spells.

The guy who got malaria was named Xu San. When he got better, he started looking for things.

Baicaoshi naturally knew what he was looking for, so after deliberation, he decided to make a routine.

"I see that you seem to be looking for something these two days, but is there something missing?"

Xu San knew that his life was given by Baicao Poetry, so he knew everything and talked endlessly, and was quite cooperative. "Doctor Bai, Doctor Bai, to tell you the truth, my book is missing. It's... a very important book."

If you don't understand the poems of Baicao, while packing the small medicine box, he said slowly, "Could it be a lonely copy? I see that your Song Guo Zhiyuan Bookstore has a lot of books published, you might as well go to the bookstore to find them."

Xu put three fingers on his lips, "Shh", keep your voice down. "Hundred genius doctors, our caravan mainly travels on the Yunzhao and Kyoto lines. This book is not available in Song Dynasty. I got it in Yunzhao by accident. If you believe in the above prayer technique, you will get His... favor."

Who favored you? Could this be the teaching of an organization?

The interest in Baicao Poetry was greatly aroused. But you can't reveal too much to prevent the other party from being suspicious. "I advise you, you still have to trust a good doctor. Your condition is very serious. If you don't treat it, it's really... If it works, it's not my turn to save you, so don't worry too much about it."

Xu San was very persistent, "Physician, you may not realize that the power of prayers from each of us will converge into him..." He pointed to the sky, "Maybe, he has received everyone's prayers , will become stronger and will shine brightly in the world."

This, this... Baicaoshi's lower eyelids twitched, what kind of organization is this?

"So, this organization is... in Yunzhao."

"Not only that, but also Naqi and Luobu, there are many places. If you get His blessing, you can also prolong your life."

Baicaoshi no longer speaks, people are the same, only willing to believe what they believe.


Just when Baicaoshi arrived in Yurong City, Zhe Yu's carriage also entered Yanjing.

According to Dayan’s regulations, officials had to walk when entering the palace to meet with officials. Because Zhe Yu blocked the sword for Emperor Yan Wu, and his body was not good, red tape was avoided.

The carriage drove straight in and stopped in front of Hanyuan Hall.

Dou An helped people to face the saint.

As for Zhe Yu's sick and weak body, with red lips and white teeth, and a haggard face, Emperor Yan Wu was moved when he saw it, and directly avoided the ceremony of kneeling.

Zhe Yu accepted it calmly.

Emperor Yanwu ordered Fu Sheng to move a chair and "sit".

Zhe Yu is as good as a stream, nestling in it weakly and bonelessly, not to mention how comfortable it is. He coughed before opening his mouth, and immediately, the heartbroken Emperor Yanwu spoke first. "I didn't expect you to be injured so badly. I was negligent. Isn't your first wife a genius doctor? How did you treat you like this? You are injured, and she doesn't know how to take care of you?"

Zhe Yu covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and coughed so hard that his lungs were about to come out. "Your Majesty, don't... don't blame her, she is looking for medicine for me."

Emperor Yanwu waved his big sleeves, and walked out with some furious steps. "Confused! What kind of medicine doesn't exist in the palace, do you want you to look for it? Just come to the rare garden in the palace. You have been in it a lot. When you were young, you always trampled on the herbs."

These ancient and dark histories are not mentioned.

Zhe Yu remained silent.

Fu Sheng, who was watching from the side, twitched the corner of his mouth. Emperor Yanwu hadn't been so patient with anyone for a long time.

"Your wife went to gather medicine, what kind of medicine did you get? Did you keep the prescription?"

The prescription is absolutely impossible to show to Emperor Yanwu, Zhe Yu rolled his eyelids, the hall was a little dark, "The Cordyceps sinensis produced in Yunzhao."

Emperor Yanwu was stunned.

He hasn’t heard anyone mention Yun Zhao for a long time. Because Princess Yunzhao is dead, Yunzhao's son... He looked at Zheyu with a deep resentment, "You still refuse to call me Emperor Father, in your heart, I'm afraid you will never forgive me."

Fu Sheng backed out quietly, and it was not appropriate to monitor the next words too much. The more you know, the faster you die.

However, Zhe Yu's next sentence stunned Emperor Yanwu.

"If...cough cough, if I call you emperor father, can you... allow me to go to... Yun Zhao? I want to go to my wife, even if I die, I will..."

died in her arms.

This is a husband's most loyal promise to his wife.

Emperor Yanwu smiled, and the smile was so cold that it didn't hit his eyes. If Yun Zhao had treated him at the beginning, Zhe Yu had treated him one-tenth of a million times in Baicaoshi, he would immediately dedicate all his devotion to him. such a pity!

"But you look like this..."

Emperor Yanwu was afraid that Zhe Yu would be broken on the road, and his name was also unlucky.


Zhe Yu crawled on the small chair, his body was tilted and his center of gravity was unstable. Seeing that his face was about to touch the ground naturally, Emperor Yan Wu supported him. "My son, I promise you everything. Let the imperial hospital treat you first. If you can't be cured, I will allow you to go to Yunzhao and leave the hometown of your mother and concubine."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."


The confrontation between Baicaoshi and the Taiyuan Hospital began long ago. From the time when Concubine Si gave birth, Baicaoshi had already proved that her medical skills were higher than those of the Taiyuan Hospital. Then Zhe Yu wanted to look like a lesion, how could the Tai Hospital be able to see it.

"Report... Your Majesty, minister... minister... minister..."

It is really hopeless.

Emperor Yanwu kicked him. If it wasn't for saving Yinde for the deceased concubine, he would have killed the imperial physician.

Faced Oriha with guilt.

"If you want to go, go, but I want to send more experts to protect you, don't be a moth. When you encounter problems, solve your own people first."

Rough words are not rough.

Zhe Yu knew that it was time to choose his own elite. "Then thank you, Your Majesty."

People have been used up, and the title has changed from Father Emperor to His Majesty.

Flipping your face is like flipping a book.

Come out from Hanyuan Hall, Zhe Yu is still in the hand,


The team of Baicaoshi and Zhenyilou finally arrived at Yurong City.

This is the second time Baicaoshi has come here, and she is a little dazed, as if what happened last year is vivid in her mind.

Han Zicen parted ways with them, "I planned to buy you two drinks, but I heard that you will continue to travel west. I don't know where you are going?"

Baicao Shixiao said: "Shopkeeper Han, to be honest, we plan to find..." She wrote two words in the palm of her hand.


Han Zicen witnessed a real example of Baicaoshi's resurrection from the dead, which made him unreservedly believe in Baicaoshi's medical skills. If the miracle doctor is with you, the chances of returning successfully will be greatly enhanced.

"Sure enough, there is a never-ending banquet in the world. We plan to replenish some food and weapons in Yurong City, and then go on the road the day after tomorrow. If you want, you can continue to walk with us."

Baicao Poetry wanted this result, and they wanted it in their hearts, but they pretended to be reserved on the surface. "But, treasures of heaven and earth..."

Tiancaidibao originally belonged to the virtuous. It would be bad if they were to tear their skins apart and fight violently.

"Absolutely not. We people in Song Dynasty value honesty when doing business."

Zhen first floor came over, "Thank you for the invitation, we have to replenish supplies, left and right know your inn, and we will contact you when the time comes."

In Yunzhao, it is Shinichi's territory, and he wants to show his friendship as a landlord.

"In the evening, the chief helmsman will come and clean you up personally."

Baicaoshi is a little embarrassed, is the chief rudder about to go out? It's just that she still prefers to be quiet. "No need, we still have to buy, the time is very tight."

Zhen Yilou was stubborn this time, "The chief helmsman also wanted to see you, and there is a gift for you."

Being stubborn, Baicaoshi had no choice but to agree.

In the afternoon, she went to Yunzhao Market and bought a lot of items to prevent severe cold, such as thick quilts and thick clothes. In order to prevent heart palpitations caused by the thin air, she resolutely withdrew a lot of herbal remedies.

There are many more merchants in Yurong City than usual. She secretly asked a few, without exception, all came for Cordyceps.

Baicao has a premonition that a snowstorm is coming.


That night, Baicaoshi met the long-lost Mo Feizhan.

"Shishi, you are here. How is Zhe Yu's current situation?"

Baicaoshi smiled wryly, Zhe Yu is doing well, but he has earned the favor of so many people. "He has gone to Yanjing. Probably, he will join us soon."

Mo Feizhan nodded, he sincerely hoped that Zhe Yu would be well. "You saw the matter of Cordyceps sinensis at the market, right? The quantity is huge and it's hard to distinguish between real and fake. In addition, there are more and more missing medicinal farmers. The strangest thing is that many people have not found any corpses."

Baicaoshi frowned, there are stories of Huagusan in martial arts novels, and there are also stories in different worlds?

(end of this chapter)