v100 Chapter 496: I stand orthodoxy with my blood

Chapter 496 I use my blood to prove orthodoxy

Return to power?

The officials did not expect that Feng Wang, who has always been known for his wild and uninhibited, would say such words.


Power and the throne come first, how many people have never been tempted? Either Ying Zhefeng is open and frank, or his mind is extremely deep.

One side is Li Wang, the other side is Feng Wang, both sides have their own power, how does the Queen Mother balance?

The Queen Mother held her breath and pondered, "Your Majesty issued an edict before he woke up, announcing the selection of the crown prince. Whoever wakes His Majesty may have the priority to change the emperor's decision."

The Empress Dowager took the blame. She knew that once a crown prince was appointed, a battle for the title would erupt immediately between the two princes, and Dayan couldn't bear the torment.

At this time, besides the officials, several Habayashi guards approached.

Zhe Yu and Baicaoshi have already figured out the situation clearly.

The queen mother's voice fell, and the tense atmosphere between the two parties eased slightly.

"Queen Mother, this difficult decision should be handled by Your Majesty." It was a female voice, which sounded outside the group of officials.

The queen mother was overjoyed immediately, and she called out her name before she saw anyone, "Shishi, Shishi is back, hurry up, come to Ai's house."

The ministers automatically made way for them.

Even wearing Habayashi's clothes, Oriha's majesty has not weakened, and the superior person has a majestic aura. Baicaoshi and Zheyu came to the Empress Dowager together and saluted the Empress Dowager.

The queen mother took Baicaoshi's hand, feeling very relieved, but she immediately realized something was wrong, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Baicaoshi's gaze flicked across the powerful officials. After lighting Han Cui's rain and mist eyes, there was a bitterness in them. "Report to the Empress Dowager, because some people don't want Shishi to come back. Shishi and Xianggong, along the way, narrowly escaped death."

This is the charm of language.

Not too much and not too little, but enough to make people imagine the cruel scene of wind and frost swords at that time.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back. In the future, no matter what ghosts and monsters, if you can't get in, Aijia will make the decision for you."

Zhe Yu's gaze fell on King Li, King Feng, and Yi Zhaoxian, and then he passed through the crowd and looked at Zhen behind him. Then he opened his thin lips lightly, "Queen Mother, Shishi is here for Your Majesty. Let her see Let's have a look."

"Go." The queen mother got a moment of relaxation, at this moment, let's relax. Ah Xu and Shishi are back, so she doesn't need to be an old lady to hold on.

Baicaoshi walked into the inner hall in full view.

In the inner hall, Granny Lihua and Dean Gu Xian are treating her. Her eyes are bloodshot and she is very nervous.

When she saw Baicaoshi, her lips were trembling, "Shishi, I finally made it until you came back."

"Principal." Gu Xian also called him that.

Baicaoshi supported Granny Lihua, "Grandma, Master Gu, you have worked hard, leave the rest to me."

Emperor Yanwu on the bed no longer had the majesty of the past. He was lying quietly, with high cheekbones, sunken cheeks, and skinny. He didn't do his best for Dayan, but hammered himself to death in the pursuit of immortality. How sad?

Her hand caught Emperor Yanwu's pulse.

The vitality is gone, even if Hua Tuo and Sun Simiao come, it will be useless.

But if you just let him wake up and change to another one, Baicaoshi can do it. On the way here, she had already thought of a countermeasure.

The hourglass of time is running out.

Baicaoshi walked out of the inner hall with two healers. The ministers came like a tide. Baicaoshi and Zheyu looked at each other with reassuring eyes.

"Can it be cured? How is Your Majesty doing now? Are you awake?"

There are also voices of doubt. "It seems that the so-called president of Yanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, contemporary female doctor, and female farmer are just bragging."

The queen mother has her own judgment. She has personally experienced many miracles created by Baicaoshi.

"Shishi, you speak boldly, how do you do it?"

Baicaoshi looked around, and said in a calm voice, "Reporting to the Empress Dowager, Your Majesty has not yet woken up, but I have a cure. It's just that this method requires your cooperation."

The officials whispered, they are not doctors, what can they do.

"Queen Mother, all princes and ministers, I have read a similar record in an ancient medical book: Your Majesty's disease is caused by abnormal bone marrow hematopoietic function. What I need now is to find a doctor who is related to Your Majesty among His Majesty's direct blood relatives. Those who match the blood will provide His Majesty with a blood bank. At that time, His Majesty will definitely wake up."

The ancients were very superstitious about blood. This is why, in many TV episodes, there will be the famous scene of blood test.

They don't doubt what Baicaoshi said, and this is an excellent opportunity to prove their filial piety, loyalty, and more importantly, their blood.

King Li was the first to stand up, "Shi Shi, the genius doctor, use my blood. I am the eldest son and elder brother, so I should set an example."

"I can do it too." This is Ying Zhefeng.

Baicaoshi glanced over, her eyes deep and sharp, "Li Wang Chunxiao, blood must be tested before using, because even direct blood relatives, there are blood inconsistencies. Now I need every adult prince and princess to come for a blood test."

This blood test process is extremely miraculous, but it subverts cognition for all the ministers. Because she took out needles and needles that do not belong to this era.

From King Li, King Feng, to Ying Zhezhe, Ying Zheyun, and the eleventh prince Ying Zheyu, each had a small jar of blood. This process is open and every minister can see it. When the sharp needle pierced into the arm, many courtiers were also shocked, and the shadow of Baicaoshi was aggravated.

Baicaoshi also explained: "When I was in college, I suggested to His Majesty to open up the channel of industry, education and research. This blood test method is more scientific than blood dripping. Now that the blood has been drawn, it is only waiting to be compared with His Majesty's blood. This process will take about half an hour."

Zhe Yu lowered his eyes, so far he fully understood the intention of Baicao Poetry.

Shi Shi said that if the whole world is an enemy, the world will be overthrown. The first step she took was to disclose Zhe Yu's bloodline. Regardless of the tests of other princes, there can only be one final result.

Only blood is the best proof.

For him, Shishi did this. It is really bold, unconstrained and unexpected.

Then, Baicaoshi brought people into the palace. And ordered to go down before, and prepared iced sour plum soup for the ministers. Several princes who had their blood drawn got some red dates, which they called "supplementing the shape".

The process of waiting was anxious. Half an hour later, Baicaoshi came out, and his face became paler.

All the ministers saw an incredible answer on her serious face.

"The blood of the above-mentioned princes and princesses is not allowed. Queen Mother, I need to expand the scope of blood sampling. Increase the samples of collateral and children."

The ministers were in an uproar.

The strongest anger comes from Ying Zhefeng. "What does Madam Centurion mean? We are all of His Majesty's blood, how can our blood not help His Majesty? If we can't, who else can? You are questioning the royal bloodline."

Baicaoshi knows that this is also the question she will face. However, she had already prepared her speech.

"His Royal Highness, I don't care whether your blood is qualified or not. Medicine is the standard. Just imagine, half of the blood in your body comes from your mother and concubine. She has no blood relationship with Your Majesty. So It is reasonable that your blood cannot be used, you just obeyed your own mother and concubine."

Ying Zhefeng: "..."

It makes sense to say so. At this time, among the concubines, Concubine Si came over holding Ying Zheren's hand, "Ren'er, it's time for you to show your filial piety. Don't be afraid of pain, Aunt Shishi will be here soon."

Ying Zheren's mouth is Nuonuo, the mental endurance of a child is still very low. "Mother, I'm afraid."

Baicaoshi conjured up a caramel for him, "Your Highness, don't worry, it will be soon."

The queen mother also stood up, "Let's count it as one of Ai's family."

King Zhenhai and King Xun also stood up at this time.

The test results of the second wave, still no one met.

Yi Zhaoxian looked at Baicaoshi coldly, "Whether it conforms to it or not depends entirely on your words. Who knows if you have tampered with it or not."

Killing people and punishing their hearts, if Baicao Poetry causes a crisis of trust, then it is naturally the best.

Baicaoshi was not afraid, and looked at Yi Zhaoxian, "The doctor is kind, you can doubt me, I will still stick to what I think. What I can promise is that once I find the right blood, I will make your majesty sober. "

She turned to the Queen Mother and knelt down, "Queen Mother, the only solution now is to expand the scope of blood supply. If there is no direct blood relative, I will have to search for samples from collateral blood relatives and strangers. This process will be quite time-consuming."

Suddenly, there was a submissive voice among the officials, "Actually, there is another direct blood relative of His Majesty, King *Ming who is imprisoned in the Zongsi Mansion."

The Empress Dowager immediately ordered, "Bring King Ming here, and if King Ming is successful in saving His Majesty, he will be exonerated from all crimes."

At this time, Zhe Yu stood up and crossed his hands to the Queen Mother, "Queen Mother, please let me try it."

All the officials focused their attention on Zhe Yu, and a legend came to mind.

Is today the time for verification?

Win Zhezhe, win Zheli, win Zhefeng, all look at Zheyu at the same time.

The Empress Dowager put her hand on her lips, her grief was ready to come out. "Ah Xu, Xiao Wu!"

The ministers: "..."

What did they hear, what did the Empress Dowager call the Minister of Rites Zhe Yu? Ah Xu, Xiao Wu? The fifth son of Emperor Yanwu, the talented fifth prince Ying Zhexu?

Rumors that are more than the noise, I can't believe it, but it is so true.

Hehe, today is Yanshui’s birthday in the lunar calendar, please ask for a monthly pass online.

(end of this chapter)