v100 Chapter 497: Zhexu, the wise king of birds

Chapter 497 Zhe Xu, the wise king of birds

Ming Wang has aged twenty years, like a little old man, with a scruffy beard.

Having not seen anyone for several years, he was still timid, but when he saw the queen mother, he rushed over and burst into tears.

The Queen Mother was startled, Ying Zhefeng had already hugged him, shouting "Third Brother".

The empress dowager also felt a little compassion, and ordered people to take care of Ying Zheming.

At the same time, Baicaoshi has had the blood of some officials drawn. Next are Oruha and Ying Zheming.

Ying Zheming looked at the needle and ran away with his head in his arms. Baicaoshi didn't move, clasped Ying Zheming's wrist, and quickly tied it up. Because she was too thin, the blood vessel burst out. She raised the needle and drew a tube of blood.

The last one is Oriha.

He silently rolled up his sleeves, his jade-like arms, with well-defined muscles, but not too strong.

Baicaoshi glanced at him and her heart beat faster.

How could she be willing to transfuse Zhe Yu's blood to Emperor Yan Wu? But she wants the whole world to shut up.

The moment the needle fell, her eyelashes trembled slightly.

The process of drawing blood was watched by all the officials without blinking.

"Please wait for the Queen Mother and the ministers to wait for my verification."

She returned to the temple.

People were looking forward to it until Baicaoshi came out again with Granny Lihua. There was a spring-like smile on her face.

"How about Shishi?" the Queen Mother asked.

Baicao Shifu nodded her body, "Congratulations to the Queen Mother, Your Majesty has successfully matched the blood." At this time, she was holding a small test tube in her hand, and the name "Zhe Yu" was pasted on the tube.

What does this result mean? For the officials, this means that Zhe Yu is the blood relative of Emperor Yan Wu.

Bu Jingwei took a step forward, raised the corner of his robe, and knelt down, "Congratulations to the Queen Mother. Your Majesty and the Minister of Rites are in the same blood."

The veins on King Li's forehead were faint, and he sensed a huge crisis.

The identity announcement at this time is clearly for that seat.

"Doctor Bai is very calculating! The so-called blood test, only you know what's going on. The blood of us princes and princes is not good, but you are the only one who can. There is no trick in it, who would believe it? Why do you?"

Ying Zheli's conjecture naturally represents the opinion of most people.

Zhe Yu had already answered before Baicaoshi.

"Just because Concubine Si had a difficult labor back then, it was Shishi who saved the mother and child safely; just because of the Queen Mother's eye disease, no one in the Tai Hospital could cure it. Who can save His Majesty, I believe, there is no one else but Shishi. As for me..."

Zhe Yu turned to the Queen Mother and bowed deeply, "At the beginning, I, Ying Zhexu, was ordered by His Majesty to visit six countries, visit people's sufferings, understand the general situation of the world, and discover talents for governing the world. Big plan. After entering the court as an official, it is all ordered by His Majesty. After His Majesty wakes up, you can ask yourself."

From this day, this moment, Zhe Yu will bid farewell to the name he has used for eight years, and restore Ying Zhexu's identity.

The officials were shocked by this shocking news and were speechless for a long time.

However, in retrospect, everything seems reasonable.

"It's a good trick to steal and change positions, and keep things in the dark." Yi Zhaoxian's face was full of indifference. In his eyes, Zhe Yu seemed to be a conspirator who coveted the royal family. "Think that just by changing the face of the fifth prince, you can really confuse the real one with the real one? You bully me, Da Yan, and no one else!"

Several courtiers seconded the proposal on the spot.

Baicaoshi frowned, her misty eyes were full of self-confidence, neither humble nor overbearing, "Now His Majesty is still unconscious, but you are arguing endlessly here, who is ambitious and wants to delay His Majesty's treatment? I You can issue a military order here, if your majesty can't wake up, my life, my husband's life, you can take whatever you want. If anyone disagrees with me, let your majesty wake up. Which of you can?"

No one can do it.

Naturally, no one responded.

Baicaoshi turned to the Empress Dowager again, "Empress Dowager, when I was practicing medicine, I didn't like the presence of unrelated people. But now everyone doesn't trust me. I can ask the court to send five people to witness the process of my blood transfusion for His Majesty. Blood transfusion is not a moment. This is a protracted battle, please take turns guarding it."

"Just as the poem says."

The empress dowager dispersed the officials, and the old courtiers were almost unable to support them.

The five witnesses left behind include the Empress Dowager, King Zhenhai, Yi Zhaoxian, Rong Jinghou and Bu Jingwei.

In the hall, they saw a scene they had never seen in their entire lives.

Borrowing a very long white tube with needles on both ends, one end was stuck in Ying Zhexu's arm, and the other end was stuck in Emperor Yan Wu's arm, and the **** feces entered Emperor Yan Wu's body continuously.

After staying for a while, Baicaoshi made an excuse and invited everyone out.

There was no one in the hall, Baicaoshi immediately unplugged the blood transfusion equipment, cleaned it and put it in the space, and then she started acupuncture.

Acupuncture plus ginseng Shiquan Dabu pills was the key to make Emperor Yanwu sober. Everything he did before was a cover-up, just to make public the fact that "Zhe Yu is Ying Zhexu".

The acupuncture and moxibustion took another half an hour, and Baicaoshi felt tired. And Emperor Yanwu opened his eyes.

Back to the light.

"Concubine Si, Concubine Si?"

The first thing Emperor Yanwu said after waking up was Concubine Si's name.

Zhe Yu sat by the bed, calm and calm. "It's a pity, Your Majesty, I let you see me when you opened your eyes. Your sons are all concerned about who is the future prince, arguing endlessly, and almost fighting each other. It's just us and my wife, trying to wake you up."

Emperor Yanwu was stimulated to cough violently, his eyelids trembling.


"All of them are rebels." Emperor Yanwu tried to slap the bed, but he was really powerless.

"There are a few things that I need to let you know. Although Shishi temporarily hangs your life, but..." Ying Zhexu stretched out three fingers, his whole body was filled with coldness and desolation, "Three days, you can at most Only three days to live."

How does it feel to be notified of the final deadline for life?

Emperor Yan Wu felt it, it was deep despair. He also felt the hatred in this son's heart.

Ying Zhexu ignored Emperor Yanwu's reaction, and just stated what he wanted to say.

"1. The person who made alchemy for you and the person who recommended alchemy wants your life. I tried to persuade you, but you didn't listen. Look, you're going to reap the consequences."

Emperor Yanwu: "..."

"Second, in order to save you, Shishi transfused my blood to you, so you were able to wake up. Why can my blood save you? You must know the reason. Now the officials also know, my real surname , my name. Believe me, I really intend to bring this secret into the coffin. Ying Zhexu, Zhexu, how did you think of giving me such a name?"

Emperor Yanwu was not ignorant of the blood transfusion process.

He felt it, the cold liquid entered his body and merged, that feeling was amazing, it was a long-lost intimacy. And when Zhe Yu mentioned Ying Zhexu, he finally couldn't hold back his emotions.

"This is because my royal family of Dayan are all descendants of Xuanniao." Emperor Yanwu's tone was very gentle, and it was still very difficult for him to speak, but at that moment, the desire to "speak out" was so strong. "When Xuanniao was an ordinary bird, it collected food diligently. When winter suddenly came and all birds had no food, it dedicated a hundred grains to Bainiao. All the birds were grateful for Xuanniao's dedication. Everyone Giving it a feather made it the king of birds. Among the five elements, wood grows, so I named you Zhexu—the wise king of birds.”

(end of this chapter)