Gu Yixin chatted with Mr. Lu, and noticed that Mr. Lu's face was quite ugly, and he stopped talking in the vernacular.

Lu Mingshi said his intention directly.

"Come back with me, or the salary will be deducted."

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin so stingy now, he was actually very emotional.

Very touched.

This is a pampered boy who has been in Lu's family since he was a child, and has never lacked anything and everything, and has the best food and everything, but after a month away from home, he became like two people.

From the false young master who did not touch the sun with his ten fingers, he transformed into a glorious proletariat, and did heavy physical work.

From swiping a card to buy luxury goods without blinking, it becomes two dollars and five changes.

It really surprised him.

Lu Mingshi has always been good at sorting out and thinking. The changes that happened to Gu Yixin made him reflect on whether the Lu Family's attitude towards Gu Yixin in the past few years was incorrect.

But at this time, this thought only floated a little in his mind.

Because Gu Yixin didn't know what he thought, he suddenly put his arm on Lu Mingshi's shoulder.

He was six centimeters shorter than Lu Mingshi, and when he did so, he naturally pulled Lu Mingshi closer.

Gu Yixin opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but before making a sound, he was slammed away by Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi's complexion was cold, his eyes were bright, and his earlobes were a little red.

He said hoarsely: "If you have something to say, don't use your hands."

Gu Yixin raised his hands: "I just want to discuss with you... I did do something wrong on impulse, you see if I give you a year of work for nothing, you can just give me food and accommodation, pay me No, you just don’t get revenge in the future."

Looking at Lu Ming’s face darker, Gu Yixin scratched his head, embarrassed: “If one year is not enough, then one and a half years? No more, I still have to save my wife’s marriage to a wife...”

He carefully observed Lu Ming's expression.

It was a look at scum.

It's not about mental retardation It's not about neurosis.

It's the scum.

It's as if he is the contemporary Chen Shimei, who abandons his wife and children and everyone gets punishable.

Gu Yixin bit his scalp: "Mr. Lu, let's be clear, you can take revenge, you can just find someone to beat me up--"

As long as someone can beat it.

"But you don't play yin with me anytime, I'm afraid of this."

Gu Yixin said seriously.

Lu Mingshi looked at the young man with a sincere expression, and his heart was agitated.

The sudden physical contact just now was so short that he had already felt a drastic change in the hormone levels in his body.

It seems that Ancho's words are true.

And the current Gu Yixin is Gu Yixin who can't lie.

He was only "on the spur of the moment", and in the future, he would still "keep his wife as his wife" and "marry his wife".


Gu Yixin's eyes were pitiful.

He still doesn't know that it was this sentence that caused him to completely lose his pocket money.

"Okay." Lu Mingshi said coldly, "a year and a half. But not here."

"You have two choices, either follow me back to the Lu family and continue to be the nanny of the Lu family."

"What about the other one?"

Lu Mingshi said: "Office assistant."

Two figures of Gu Yixin appeared in Lu Mingshi's mind.

One dressed in a maid costume opened the door with a smile, handed slippers to himself when he returned home, and said softly "Welcome home, my master".

All in uniform, shrank under his large desk, his chin was raised by the toe of his shoe, and his face showed a panic and uneasy expression...

He was still immersed in fantasy, and Gu Yixin's loud objection broke the beautiful imagination.

"President Lu!"

Gu Yixin is justified.

"As the president of the company, you should give full play to the strengths of each employee, maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses!"

"And my strength is to move bricks!"

"What is the most important thing for a leading company? Talent."

"And you let me give up moving bricks and switch to office work, it's a waste—"

Gu Yixin had something to say, but Lu Mingshi gagged.

Lu Mingshi thought that this construction site really couldn't stay, Gu Yixin's tone of speech now is exactly the same as that of the fat manager.


Gu Yixin was forced to get into Lu's car.

He still carried the small package when he came, shrank himself into a ball in the back row, looking sadly out the car window along the way.

driven to distraction.

Gone are the leisurely days of moving bricks, counting money and listening to gossip.

He was about to **** his personal freedom and become a long-time worker of Lu Mingshi.

After Gu Yixin's relentless claim to his right to move bricks, he finally obtained permission to move bricks and work as a nanny.

The car is still too bumpy. Gu Yixin didn't notice anything, but Lu Mingshi covered his mouth and turned overwhelmed with uncomfortable feelings.

The driver noticed, and took the initiative to turn on the radio for the boss, tuned to the mother and baby channel, and listened to the strange electric noises.

Although I don't know why the boss likes it.

Only this time, it seems that the radio is not working.

Lu Mingshi has been suppressing the movement, not wanting to be discovered by Gu Yixin.

But he couldn't help it anymore and could only tell the driver to stop by the roadside.

A paper bag was prepared in the back seat. Lu Mingshi pushed the door in embarrassment and got out of the car, vomiting with his back to Gu Yixin in a mess.

He didn't hear the voice behind him.

Gu Yixin also got out of the car. The driver just wanted to stop him, but found that he was not trying to escape.

Novice Gu Yi put it in his pocket, squatting by the bushes on the side of the road when looking at Lu Ming, just standing by the car.

After waiting until Lu Mingshi finally wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, he stood up weakly and shook it a little bit before moving up to support him.

Lu Mingshi glanced at him coldly and wanted to throw it away. He was surprised that Gu Yixin's strength was so great that he couldn't move no matter how hard he tried.

Lu Ming's eyes turned dark.

Gu Yixin didn't realize it, and suggested: "Let's take a rest and then drive away."

Looking at Lu Ming's pale face, he added: "Are you not prepared for motion sickness medicine? How come you suddenly get motion sickness, you didn't know before--"

Lu Mingshi interrupted: "I just have a cold."

The driver silently paid attention to these two magical guys.

Gu Yi has a new letter. He really wanted to help the frail Lu Mingshi walk by the side, but was firmly rejected.

Back in the car, Lu Mingshi stared at the void, and Yu Guang glanced at Gu Yixin, who was researching by Caijing Magazine who had already taken out the car seat.

I read financial magazines because he really has nothing to read. In the past, Gu Yixin didn't read anything except fashion magazines.

Now Gu Yixin seemed to have discovered the New World, staring at a certain page for a long time.

Gu Yixin actually saw the names of several acquaintances in the magazine.

That is a ranking of the rich. According to net worth, rank from 100 to first.

And the hundredth is very familiar with Hei Che's name impressively.

Gu Yixin flipped through it, and it didn't take long to find Lin Rui, ranked 46th.

The top 50 have small pictures, and Gu Yixin chuckles as he looks at Lin Rui who is bitter on the small picture.

This is too ugly!

He suddenly wanted to see what Lu Mingshi was photographed.

This time I turned to the last page and saw the name.

And it is equipped with a large high-definition picture that occupies a whole page.

And the shots are not ugly at all.

Gu Yixin admired it for a while, and suddenly realized the gaze next to him.

When he looked up, Lu Mingshi had already turned his head nonchalantly.

Gu Yixin glanced suspiciously at the person in the car.

Lu Mingshi simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Gu Yixin retracted his gaze and was about to close the magazine that had been turned to the last page, and suddenly saw another familiar name.

Wei Junshan.

The man in the photo is also very handsome, with a high nose and deep eyes, and a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes, which resembles the appearance of ethnic minorities.

Gu Yixin took a second look and heard a cold snort from the person next to him.

When Gu Yixin determined that Lu Ming was asleep this time.

He wanted to laugh a little, but didn't know what to say. He threw the magazine back on the front seat and leaned on the comfortable seat back. His right ankle was resting on his left knee, and his legs were raised like a grandfather.

Lu Mingshi has been scanning Gu Yixin's movements with his spare light.

His heart is very tangled.

A man's pride did not allow Lu Mingshi to show his fragility in front of Gu Yixin.

But when Gu Yixin was supporting him just now, Lu Mingshi felt that the hardship that had been torturing him almost collapsed seemed to be relieved.

It's just that once this contact is lost, the uncomfortable feeling comes back again.

Lu Mingshi's heart became a ball of yarn.

He covered his stomach with one hand and his temples with the other.

Slowly think about the possibility of pretending to fall asleep and lean on Gu Yixin.

Although he might be mad at his shame afterwards.

However, compared with this disgusting feeling...

Fuck the **** self-esteem.

President Lu, who had decided to give up on his own, was heartbroken, ready to sleep and commit crimes.

He closed his eyes with top-notch acting skills, gradually letting his body slide down the arc of the back seat.

Seeing it's about to meet.


One palm caught Lu Mingshi's head accurately.

Feeling that Gu Yixin reached out and pushed himself back to Lu Mingshi...

Lu Ming was furious.

Really really mad.

I was so angry that I couldn't even remember a **** by the little bastard.

Lu Mingshi was so angry that he was about to lose his mind. The tyrannosaurus wanted to open his eyes and let Gu Yixin growl with a pony-like roar to inform Gu Yixin that his real job would be his father...

He heard a rustling sound, and then stretched out his hands, pressing himself on his thighs with his eyes still closed and frowning, adjusting his sitting posture by the way so that he could lie more comfortably.

Gu Yixin grabbed the pillow on his back and put it on his lap, then put Lu Mingshi who was asleep on his lap to settle it down.

Seeing that he was still pressing his hand on his stomach, a good man did it to the end, put light on, and helped him rub his upper abdomen through a thin shirt.

Lu Mingshi's skin was a bit cold, Gu Yixin's palm was very warm, and slowly the skin became warmer.

But temperature is not important, contact is the most important.

Lu Mingshi sighed in his dream.

He dreamed of a white bear using a bear paw to massage him.

Dreaming of this is nothing, mainly because the following content is a bit strange.

The bear's paw first rubbed the stomach, but later...

A horn awakened Lu Mingshi from his sleep.

He looked around in horror.

Shu took a long breath.

There is nothing indescribable white bear.

The car has arrived in Yan City, in the middle of the evening peak of the bustling main city.

The neon of the city left only a day, but it seemed like a lifetime.

The main reason was that the dream was too strange, and Lu Ming had lingering thoughts.


He suddenly remembered that he was still lying on Gu Yixin's lap.

Lu Mingshi raised his head and exhaled.

Fortunately, this guy is also asleep, so he doesn't have to face the awkwardness of waking up.

Lu Mingshi quietly left the thigh he had slept with, and wiped the saliva on his face.

He suddenly thought of something, bowed his head and swept away, a shock in his heart.

I didn't know when the pillow that was behind it fell to the ground.

There is a suspicious wet mark in the middle of Gu Yixin's jeans.


Lu Mingshi stared at the wet mark autistically, as if he could evaporate it with the heat of his eyes.

At another red light, the driver had to brake sharply, and Gu Yixin, who was asleep, opened his eyes.

Gu Yixin shook his head, regaining his senses from the weird x dream of ooxx when he became a bear and Lu Ming, and was facing Lu Mingshi's straight gaze.

"Uh..." Gu Yixin, "Hi?"

He looked at Lu Mingshi's gaze suspiciously between his hips.

Lu Mingshi:...

Gu Yixin:? ? ?

The two horrified eyes smashed into the air a crackling electric spark, and they didn't know who wanted to die more.


Driver: It may be me who has witnessed all this