Both think they have done bad things.

Gu Yixin pulled out a pack of tissues from under his **** and wiped it.

Wiping, it seems even more abnormal.

Lu Ming watched with embarrassment.

He lowered his head and glanced at himself subconsciously.

Gu Yixin reacted more and more, and simply ignored it.

He opened his legs carelessly, ready to dry naturally in the air.

The luxury car is still moving hard in the evening rush.

The driver is conscientious and does not say a word, being a competent blind man.

Gu Yixin looked listlessly at the billboard outside the window, and then he saw himself.


Gu Yixin said: "Mr. Lu."

His hair is really unbelievable now.

"How good is it for you to give me this money? Maybe I'll go back?"

Lu Mingshi was taken aback for a moment, and he felt that what he was saying made sense.

Lu Mingshi said indifferently, "What are you doing for money?"

Gu Yixin nodded: "Most of it. Except for my own job, I can do bodyguards, security, and security. But babysitter, I haven't done it before. I'm not sure if I can do well.

If Lu Mingshi is willing to pay 20 million yuan to hire him as a babysitter, he can still consider this part-time job without affecting his work.

After all, there are fewer customers like Lin Rui who open 28 bottles of Louis XIII overnight, and he doesn't make 80,000 every day.

Lu Mingshi remembered the information he had obtained while investigating the nightclub.

The little **** is not as honest as he himself said.

"Bodyguard, security, security?" Lu Mingshi nodded and said, "I'm afraid that I will add accompany, accompany, chat, etc.?"

Gu Yixin paused.

Gu Yixin was very surprised: "What services does Mr. Lu need?"

Lu Mingshi:...

Lu Mingshi calmly said, "No, you think too much."

Gu Yixin looked at him suspiciously.

Gu Yixin: "I'm very picky...rely on this to make money? No, I only accept objects that meet my aesthetics, and never collect money."

x The quality of life is ranked very high in Gu Yixin's dictionary.

In order to improve x's quality of life, he is very willing to spend more money to find the best hotel. If the quality of the object is very good, he is willing to bear the expensive travel expenses.

Gu Yixin said, looking up and down Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi's scalp was tightened by him, and he held back all the way. At this time, he wanted to go to the toilet very much.

"If it's Mr. Lu." Gu Yixin curled his lips and smiled, "I can give a few services - but I'm only on it."

Looking at Gu Yixin, Lu Mingshi spoke such a blatant hooliganism with this beautiful face that he had seen big since childhood.

Lu Mingshi's eyes full of suggestion made him want to go to the toilet even more.


As soon as Lu Mingshi came back, he had all the ads removed.

However, Gu Yixin is already well-known in Yan City. The first day he went to the construction site to report, he got everyone's attention.

Several versions of the story about Gu Yi's new identity have been passed on.

The one with the most nose and eyes is to combine this matter with the rumors that Lin Rui had been **** before.

——A lingering love story.

"Young Master Gu was originally the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, but he got acquainted with the romantic and suave Lin Shao during several receptions.

Shao Lu is stereotyped and lacks care for Young Master Gu, while Shao Lin is personable and gentle, and a few sweet words touched Young Master Gu's heart that has been locked for many years. "

"However, Lin Shao approached Young Master Gu, only to retaliate against Shao Lu who had annexed many of the Lin family's properties.

After getting the pure young man's heart from Young Master Gu, he quickly abandoned him. "

"Young Master Gu was very excited and ran to the nightclub to dance, and just met the young black who came to collect protection fees.

Young Master Hei fell in love with Young Master Gu at first sight. Hearing what happened to Young Master Gu, he decided to take revenge for him, and sought out a person who was disappointed by Lin Shao. "

"Poor Young Master Gu still has a deep affection for Lin Shao. After learning about this, he broke off with Young Black and left the sad place in Yanshi alone."

"After Young Master Gu left, Young Master Hei regretted it; Shao Lin felt the pain of the beautiful boys who were hurt by him during the round, and decided to change his past; and Shao Lu regretted the lack of attention to Young Master Gu. Caused his mind to be twisted..."

"Now, Young Master Gu has returned to Yan City and returned to the Lu family. Perhaps at this time, it was Lu Shao who had the upper hand. But it was Lin Shao and Young Hei who were waiting silently and would never give up."

"Struggling with the love and hatred of the big brothers, who will he be with in the end?"

Gu Yixin fell into deep thought as he listened to the people's discussion at the construction site.

Listening to gossip is one thing.

Listening to your own gossip is another matter.

He cleared his throat and decided to refute the rumor.


Everyone on the construction site who was chatting in full swing finally saw Gu Yixin, who was squatting in the corner holding a job.

It is also the beautiful boy who has attracted three giants to fight for him in the legend.

This beautiful boy wore a shabby camouflage overalls, a stinky sweat, and his head covered in black and gray.

He was squatting in a slightly level muddy field, holding a big sea bowl.

The foot is an upside-down safety helmet.

It is more than a construction site, more than a migrant worker, no matter the shape of the equipment or the posture, it is professional and respectable.

It only took Gu Yixin one day to conquer the construction site.

A week later, when Lu Ming Couture asked the project manager about Gu Yixin inadvertently, the manager almost reported with tears:

"Since Gu Shao came, the workers' enthusiasm for work has doubled, and the efficiency has increased by 50%. The original 120-day construction period is now only 50 days! Only 50 days!"

"The project's bidding work is progressing extremely smoothly, and the market popularity has skyrocketed. There are now countless phone appointments every day! With little Gu, we can raise the original profit target by 100%!"

"Boss! You must let Gu Shao stay on our construction site!"

The manager said, blowing his nose with a handkerchief.


Today is Gu Yixin's first day as a part-time nanny.

Since Lu Mingshi not only didn't really deduct the money but also gave him a salary increase, Gu Yixin followed the agreement and returned to Luzhai after work.

Lu Mingshi worked very hard today and fought stubbornly with the board of directors. In the end, he won the victory, but he also suffered heavy losses.

Someone has already seen that he is in poor health, so they deliberately chose this time point to try their best to engage him.

Lu Mingshi was uncomfortable along the way, and the dual pressure of his body and spirit caused a lot of trouble.

He was woken up by the driver: "Boss, here it is."

The driver worried: "Do you need me to help you up?"

Lu Mingshi shook his head and forced his way up the escalator.

Not long after Gu Yixin came back, he only had time to take a shower and put on a bathrobe. When he came out of the bathroom, he heard footsteps.

Gu Yixin walked around the corner and was facing Lu Mingshi who was holding onto the handrail a little.


If I remember correctly, Lu Mingshi was 29 instead of 92, and he was in his prime.

Why is the body like this?

Maybe being a boss is really more tiring than moving bricks.

Gu Yixin moved bricks for a day and was still full of energy.

Comparing the two, could not help but feel a little sympathetic.

Lu Mingshi didn't see Gu Yixin. He stepped up the last step and took a breath. Suddenly, he felt dizzy.

He wanted to reach out to grab the handrail, but grabbed Gu Yixin by the collar.

Gu who was grabbed by the collar: (°ー°#)

He is now wearing a bathrobe duck.


It will be updated at 6 pm from tomorrow, Bo