The bathrobe was knotted loosely.


Gu Yixin was successfully stripped.

Lu Mingshi stood there with a bathrobe dumbfounded, as if he didn't understand why he played a hooligan.

President Lu, who didn't want to be a hooligan at all, immediately tried to put his clothes on Gu Yixin again.

But he gets dizzy as soon as he moves.

When his head dizzy, he fell into Gu Yixin's arms.

Gu Yixin:...

What new trick is this.

In view of the duty of a babysitter, he helped Lu Mingshi onto the bed of the master bedroom and examined the frowning eyebrows of this person, thinking that he was probably tired.

Just sleep.

Gu Yixin has never been a nanny, and Lu Mingshi did not let him go to the training.

He squatted on the bed and thought for a while, first unbuttoned Lu Mingshi's suit, and then took off the belt without thinking.

He was quite fluent in this series of movements. Lu Mingshi slightly opened his eyes under his hand, wanting to say something, and saw Chen Ma standing at the door holding fruit.

Mother Chen opened her mouth wide.

Gu Yi looked back suspiciously when he landed Ming.

There was no one at the door.

Gu Yixin took off all his clothes and shoes to Lu Mingshi without thinking, and put a quilt on.

Looking from the left to the right, I feel as if there is nothing to do with me, and I will leave after clapping my hands.

An Qiao's instructions flashed through Lu Mingshi's mind.

He immediately grabbed Gu Yixin by the arm.

Gu Yixin almost hit his face with a elbow.

Lu Mingshi glared at him.

But this was wrapped in a blanket like a silkworm baby, it was really not a bit majestic.

Gu Yixin scratched his head: "Mr. Lu, you are going to sleep anyway, why don't you..."

Lu Mingshi frowned: "Why are you going in a hurry?"

Lu Mingshi: "Don't go."

Gu Yixin: "..."

Lu Mingshi said indifferently: "Stay here, add 10,000 an hour."

Gu Yixin: "!!!"

Lu Mingshi pulled Gu Yixin's arm and closed his eyes.

Gu Yixin squatted for a while, pulling away Lu Mingshi's hand, and Lu Mingshi immediately opened his eyes.

"I'll find a chair and sit here." Gu Yixin explained.

Gu Yixin stood up and looked around. There were no tables and chairs in the master bedroom, only a precious and classical beauty couch, which looked like an antique.

Gu Yixin was very satisfied with the thick velvet cushion on the couch.

He took it to the bed without any effort, and sat down with his legs spread out, and consciously put his arm in Lu Mingshi's hand.

When Lu Mingshi saw him picking up hundreds of millions of genuine products like a chick, he felt like a baby.

This thing is solid wood, at least seven or eight hundred catties. At that time, six workers were sweating profusely, and they looked like feathers in his hands.

Gu Yixin didn't know if he had been sitting like this for ten minutes, stiff and uncomfortable.

When he saw Lu Ming, he seemed to be asleep, breathing evenly, and his expression calm.

Gu Yixin watched his expression and slowly pulled out his hand.

Gu Yixin stood up slowly.

Gu Yixin took a step out.

He let go of his heart and was about to drive away, and the person lying on the bed asked coldly:

"Where to go?"

"...Get a piece of clothing."

Lu Mingshi opened his eyes and saw Gu Yixin who had just turned his head.

This guy has been so naked after he tore off his clothes.

Nice deltoids, nice biceps, nice chest and abdomen lines.

Perfect shark line, perfect mermaid line.

With this face, the eyes are as bright as stars.

I have to say that this guy's external conditions are really good.

No wonder even people like Lin Rui who have exhausted their sails are thinking like crazy.

There was no expression on Lu Mingshi's face: "I have it in my closet."

Gu Yixin was a little surprised.

Lin Rui had to take a bath for an hour before doing business, and he never touched his hands; Hei Che, a big man who carried a small handkerchief with him, could forge a sea of ​​blood and hatred in a sneeze on his face.

He thought these wealthy people should be very clean.

When Gu Yixin opened Lu Mingshi's wardrobe, he saw rows of suits on the left, shirts neatly arranged by color in the bottom grid, and bow ties of various colors in the drawer.

On the right are the leisure and sports series, all arranged by color.

Among the piles of black and white ash, a light blue bear pajamas looked particularly eye-catching.

Gu Yixin couldn't help but take another look. The original owner's memory told him that it was Lu Ming's childhood clothes.

Gu Yixin casually pulled on a piece of sportswear and sweatpants, and followed his eyes down the bear pajamas.

A small piece of powder-blue flannel is sandwiched between the open drawer gap.

Gu Yixin squatted down curiously and studied this piece of cloth that was revealed.

Pink toot, fluffy, revealing a little freshness and joy.

He couldn't help but touch it lightly with his index finger, and the soft touch gently pleased his thoughts.

It looked like a soft fluff, and it shaved slightly in the heart.

Gu Yixin didn't open it to look at it, stepped out of the closet without much thought, and closed the closet door.


Gu Yixin sat for another half hour.

This time Lu Mingshi really fell asleep.

The bored Gu Yixin could only stare at him.

It looks pretty good at first.

However, no matter how beautiful a person looks, after a long time it is two eyes, one nose and one mouth.

So Gu Yixin looked sleepy.

I was so sleepy that I gave a long yawn.

Gu Yixin, who was so sleepy, simply climbed onto the bed and lay down.

The bed in the master bedroom is two meters and five square meters, more than enough for two people.

At first, he lay side by side. After falling asleep, Gu Yixin felt cold and began to fish for the quilt.

The quilt was not caught, and the person was caught in his arms.

The two of them slept so hard that they couldn't sleep until dawn.