Lu Mingshi hadn't slept peacefully for a long time.

Lu Mingshi opened his eyes contentedly when he was full, only to find himself in Gu Yixin's arms.

Also hug tightly and tightly.

A groundhog scream stuck in his throat.

Lu Mingshi tried to pull himself out of Gu Yixin's arms..., he pulled out an arm and was pressed against another leg.

After struggling for half an hour, not only was it unsuccessful, but was panting and sweating.

Gu Yixin felt that the stuff he was holding in his arms was disobedient, and was upset that he patted his **** twice, and reprimanded: "Be obedient, sleep well."

Lu Ming, who had been slapped on his **** suddenly, collapsed in his heart. He gripped the bed sheet fiercely and watched sadly at the sun outside the window climbing up with red eyes.

He has a meeting...

Lu Mingshi stared at Gu Yixin's face.

Lu Mingshi thoughtfully.

Lu Mingshi took a deep breath, sinking in his dantian, and snarled in Gu Yixin's ear, "Shang — Gong — La —"

The next second, Gu Yixin sat up, and the defenseless Lu Mingshi was knocked to the ground with a bang.


One hour later, the office.

The beauty secretary looked at Lu Mingshi with two hygienic **** in his nostrils.

"Boss, what's wrong with your nose?"

Lu Ming didn't change his face when he said, "A little bit angry, with a nosebleed."

The beauty secretary was worried: "Boss, are you not in good health these days."


The secretary dared: "Although you are busy at work, you still have to pay attention to your body. Have you not been to the gym for a long time..."

On the contrary, the number of visits to the hospital has increased tenfold.

Lu Mingshi was stunned for a moment and checked his schedule. Indeed, this month he changed the time he went to the gym to report to Anqiao.

There is no way, can he let him do pull-ups with cubs.

When Lu Mingshi saw that the beautiful secretary was quietly looking at his belly, the alarm bell sounded and he invited her out.

Seeing the door closed tightly, Lu Mingshi lifted the hem of his shirt and looked at his stomach with furrowed brows.

Can't help but poked.


Lu Mingshi lamented his lost eight-pack abs, and his heart ached.

At the same time start thinking about a problem.

What should I do when his belly is too big to hide his eyes?

President Lu thought about it, but there was no result.

Then called Ancho.

After meditation, Anqiao immediately offered a coup: "President, there is only one way to deal with it today."

Lu Mingshi didn't report much hope: "Say."

An Qiao made no conclusion: "Drink!"

Lu Mingshi wanted to hang up, and he knew that An Qiao was unreliable.

Lu Mingshi said angrily: "Doctor An, you are sure that you are qualified to practice medicine. Even I know that pregnant people cannot drink alcohol."

An Qiao hurriedly said: "It's not for you to really drink, as long as you let everyone know that you are in love with drinking, so that when your belly grows up, people will think that it is Mr. Lu's beer belly! They won't doubt you. What's the serious illness, let alone suspect that there is a baby in your stomach!"

Beer... wine... belly.

Beer belly.

Lu Mingshi felt that the sanity he relied on was cracking bit by bit.

He murmured: "This is too..."

The eight-pack abdominal muscles turn into a beer belly in seconds. His image in people's minds is about to change from a golden young talent to a middle-aged fat man.

Mr. Lu drank in a daze, feeling down.

Ancho realized something and comforted: "President, these are temporary. When the cubs are born, you can immediately announce that you have obtained an heir through surrogacy."

"And for your heirs to have a better blueprint, you will work hard again, quit smoking and drinking within a month, get rid of the beer belly, and become the perfect diamond king and five in the eyes of the world again, a young bachelor, an eight-pack abs and a golden man. The girl’s dream lover, the aunt’s ideal son-in-law, the first day of the calcium circle—"

Lu Mingshi coldly interrupted.


Various adjectives are still popping up in An Qiao's mind: "Huh? Is there any question for the president?"

"You know too much."

"I kind of want to stop talking."

Ancho was silent for a moment, rubbing his hands and smiling.

"You are busy with that president, I suddenly remembered that I am going to the U.S. to participate in the SSS-level international forum meeting tomorrow. I would like to ask you for two weeks off!"

"Be calm and calm, take nutrients on time, get along well with Young Master Gu, and remember eight hours a day!"

"I'll see you in half a month! See you in debt!"

Toot toot.

Lu Mingshi was holding the phone receiver, his face numb.

Why does even Anqiao hang up his phone now?

He rubbed his face and recalled the recent movements of people around him.

First of all, Gu Yixin...not to mention it.

It's all tears.

Lu Mingshi squirted out the sanitary ball in his nostril and smashed it into the trash can accurately.

Ancho hung up on his phone.

The secretary hinted that he became lazy and did not like to exercise.

After seeing him and Gu Yixin..., Chen's mother was greatly stimulated and took sick leave overnight.

Beater A and Beater B are not doing their jobs properly, and each day I fall in love with each other.

The only person around him is the driver who is still a normal person.

Lu Mingshi sighed.

Life is bald.


Lunch break.

Gu Yixin squatted on the floor watching the workers playing cards with a lollipop that the workers respected.

Coworker Zhao Qiansun successively invited him to join, but was firmly rejected.

"I can't play cards."

"Playing two will do it."

The crowd heard him say no, they were more diligent.

"Gu Shao must be humble."

Gu Yixin was enthusiastically held in the empty seat by several people. He sighed and stared at the hand of the worker who was dealing with cards very unconfidently.

Seeing his expression, everyone knew in their hearts.

Probably not really know how to play.

After the two decks of cards were all dealt out, Zhao Qiansun and the three had already sorted out their cards, but Gu Yixin still piled up in front of them.

Seeing that the cards were played in the previous order, he slowly grabbed the cards in front of him and took a look.

Then he sighed.

Worker Zhao comforted him: "It's okay, we only bet one dollar."

Gu Yixin thought that a dollar is money.

They all started with a single card. Zhao Qiansun passed three small hands. When he came to Gu Yixin, he stared at his card and decisively threw four 2s.


Gu Yixin heard the sound of inhalation around him, knowing that he might have made a wrong card, scratching his head, "Don't start playing at a young age?"

"Yes, but..."

"Are you not going out?"

Who wants this, Zhao Qiansun looked at each other and smiled: "You come out, boss, you come out."

Gu Yixin meditated and hit 4 9s.

4 K.

Then turn your hands and make a straight flush.

Zhao Qiansun:...


Dealer: "Boss, you really can't play cards?"

Gu Yixin said sincerely: "No."

He paused and added: "Because I have been very lucky since I was young, I can win without knowing it, so I haven't learned it."

From this day on, no one played cards in front of Gu Yixin anymore.

Promote harmony and establish a new style.

Today the atmosphere of the construction site has become even better.


When Gu Yixin came home, what Lu Mingshi had rarely seen had already come back first.

When Gu Yixin saw Lu Ming, he changed his home clothes and sat on a chair in the dining room, with a small blue glass bottle in front of him. It looked like a skin care product and was a little curious.

"what is this?"

Lu Mingshi heard his voice and hid the small bottle behind him in a panic.

"You didn't see anything." He said calmly.

Gu Yixin shrugged his nose and looked at Lu Mingshi's nose a little apologetically: "Does the bump hurt in the morning?"

Lu Ming's nose was sour immediately. He hurriedly pressed the lacrimal gland, wondering when the pregnancy reaction would pass.

It's all about vomiting, and more and more sentimental.

President Lu feels sad for his future.

He waved his hand weakly.

When Gu Yixin took a battle bath, he realized what was different today.

Chen's mother asked for leave today!

This means...

Half an hour later, Gu Yixin, who was wearing a pink-white cat apron, held a spatula, and fell into thought looking at the scorched black mass on the plate.

He plucked up the courage to take out the charred dish.

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin stared at the top of the dish.

Gu Yixin was sincere and sad: "Mr. Lu, I tried my best."

Lu Mingshi: "..."

His hand holding his chopsticks trembled slightly.

President Lu immediately put down his chopsticks: "Let's go out to eat."


The driver dutifully took the two to the restaurant.

When he got out of the car, Gu Yixin suddenly asked, "What is this music that I play every day?"

Lu Mingshi stopped taking the next step, and it was too late to stop the driver from telling the truth.

"This is the mother and baby channel, because the boss was in a bad state some time ago. Only by listening to this can I calm down."

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming a little confused: "Mr. Lu, your hobby is a bit special."

Lu Mingshi looked at the sky.

Lu Ming looked at the ground.

Lu Mingshi racked his brains to think about countermeasures, but listened to Gu Yixin's brisk footsteps and a loud voice.

"...It's nothing. My grandfather likes to listen to people playing cotton, and my father likes the sound of saws and wood. Who doesn't have any special hobbies yet."

Lu Mingshi involuntarily followed. They walked to the door of the restaurant, and the waiter was helping them open the door.

Lu Mingshi subconsciously asked, "Do you have any special hobbies?"

Gu Yi News Yan turned his head, the corners of his lips curled up, and a dazzling stream of light flashed in his lazy, light-colored eyes, which was enough to make anyone watching him willingly give everything.

"Yes." He opened his lips slightly.

Lu Mingshi's heartbeat was a little abnormal.

Lu Mingshi stupidly opened his mouth and asked, "What is it?"

If you change to someone who is more romantic, you will probably be full of expectation that "you" will be said in that mouth.

Of course Mr. Lu didn't understand why his heart beats faster, he just frowned and felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, his hunch was correct...

Gu Yixin pulled his spanner finger, with a look of excess energy and interest——

"What else, of course, is to move bricks!"


Thanks to Xianwu since the beginning of this article, I only envy the blue bird x4, curly x3, Sheva, because I like you, fog x7, serryu, the mines of the presidents!

Thanks to all the presidents for their comments and support!

Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo!

(Everyone is a real tyrant, not a poor little sand sculpture like Lu Lu.)