Lu Mingshi was shaken awake.

His beautiful and elegant mother-in-law asked him softly in the tone of coaxing him to breastfeed when he was a child: "My son, where is my daughter-in-law?"

It must be a dream, Lu Mingshi thought.

How could his mother speak so softly.

Lu Mingshi turned over and went to sleep.

His mother looked dumbfounded.

Mother Lu looked at his father helplessly: "Is my son tired and sick, or why would he call him so hard to wake up?"

Father Lu received his wife's gaze for help, and his masculinity surged. Two hands clamped Lu Mingshi's shoulder and dug him out of the quilt.

Lu Mingshi opened his eyes in a daze, his father looked at him worriedly, "Mingshi, what is this?"

Father Lu carefully stretched out a finger.

Lu Mingshi stared at his father.

He pinched his leg hard.



Father Lu and Mother Lu looked at each other.

"Hurry up and get him dressed and go to the hospital." Father Lu said decisively to Mother Lu, looking for clothes while blaming himself, "It's because we haven't come back for too long. Mingshi must have had a wife and children that were too happy to short-circuit his mind. ..."

"My mind didn't short-circuit." Lu Mingshi finally awake with a black line and decisively pulled back his pants from the old man's hand.

Lu Mingshi put on his trousers, frowning and looking at the parents who suddenly appeared.

"Didn't you say you want to leave this sad place, travel the world and enjoy your life and never come back?"

Mother Lu groaned: "This child, we have a daughter-in-law, we still have to come back to see."

Lu Mingshi thought about it for a while and questioned: "Did you just say you came back to see me?"

Mother Lu calmed down: "It's mainly up to you, and take a look at your daughter-in-law by the way."

Mother Lu wringed her fingers and looked expectant: "Son, where is my daughter-in-law? Where is it?"

Lu Mingshi's mind still couldn't react, and he glanced at his watch in a muddled manner: "It's only six o'clock."

Mother Lu: "You know it's only six o'clock... You don't always go to bed at ten o'clock, why do you go to bed so early today?"

Lu Mingshi: "I'm sleepy."

Mother Lu: "If you sleep now, you won't be able to sleep at night."

"That won't. I now..."

Lu Mingshi just wanted to say that he had to sleep twelve hours a day when he suddenly woke up.

What mainly depends on him! Obviously, I came back to see the male wife!


Now let him become a wife! ?

Lu Mingshi's palm was sweating, and he wiped his pants calmly.

Lu Mingshi wondered how to make things happen.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

Gu Yixin, who was only wearing pants, stood at the door and said casually: "My bathroom is broken, come to your house to wash a... goose?"


Gu Yixin was led by the manager to register with the Municipal Labor Bureau during the day. During this period, people from other offices kept coming over to observe like monkeys.

Gu Yixin filled out a lot of forms, stamped a lot of stamps, and copied a lot of documents. Every time he went to an office, someone would pay attention to him.

But he is used to it.

To Lu Mingshi's blessing, more people know him Gu Yixin than An Luoyu.

Gu Yixin came out of the labor bureau, and the manager told him not to go back to the construction site, so he walked twice in the street.

After shaking, I reached the yellow stewed chicken rice I had eaten before.

The proprietress was soliciting business at the door. She was very happy to see him here, and forced someone into the house to sit down.

Gu Yixin doesn't really want to eat yellow chicken rice today, he prefers to eat teriyaki duck neck rice.

But the proprietress was so enthusiastic. He hadn't said what he refused, and the meal was already in front of him.

The proprietress insisted not to charge money, so she only took out a Polaroid and took a photo of Gu Yixin.

In the photo, Gu Yixin was wearing that black and gray construction outfit, with a simple and honest smile.

His left hand was compared to his thumb, and his right hand was holding a chopstick of yellow chicken.

The boss is very satisfied.

The lady boss posted the photo next to the table Gu Yixin was sitting at today.

After Gu Yixin left, the lady boss found thirty yuan under the vinegar bottle.

The lady boss was very moved.

The proprietress writes novels on a certain website in her spare time, especially stories.

When she got excited, she went to the local forum to post and praised her by chance, Gu Gongzi, who was thrifty and not greedy for cheapness, hardworking and good at moving bricks, and so on.

The post quickly became popular.

The love stories of wealthy families spread all over the city, and many people are very concerned about the next story.

After the boss’s wife posted a picture to prove it, everyone came to realize that the protagonist’s personality was very different from the rumors!

Ten minutes later, someone posted a picture in the thread.

That was the official list of candidates for the first city model worker selection, and Gu Yixin was on the list.

The profile of Gu Yixin’s candidate is that the manager hired professionals to polish it up. A large number of photos of Gu Yixin’s work were posted in it and several touching stories were attached.

"Working efficiency should be ten, creating a new concept of moving bricks"

"The construction site is home, and the love of work is part of the soul"

"One's own power to change the atmosphere, refuse pornography, gambling, and drugs start with me"

"Standing forward in times of crisis, he fought hard to save his workers from the blade of the machine-brave boy, no amount of money can buy your golden heart! 》


Gu Yixin's Yan fans were moved and cried. They thought that Gu Yixin was a scumbag of a rich man, but they never thought that he was a storm in life.


By the way, Gu Yixin came back from get off work, passing by the living room, and was shocked by the large bags in the living room that were about to touch the ceiling.

I noticed it a little bit. It was all kinds of milk powder, paper diapers, children's carts and imported rice cereal.

Even if Lu Mingshi were to go bankrupt, he was unlikely to be so poor that he opened a nursery at home to generate income.

So what is going on with this posture of raising cubs?

Gu Yixin returned to the room full of doubts, took off all his dirty clothes and threw them into the washing machine, stripped naked and started taking a shower.

Halfway through the bath, the water stopped.

Gu Yixin was full of bubbles.

Gu Yixin was wet all over, looking down at the foam on his body.

Gu Yixin put on his pants silently, and borrowed the bathroom when he went to find Lu Ming.

As expected, Lu Mingshi did not lock the door, as if waiting for someone to push him.

As soon as Gu Yixin appeared, Lu's father and Lu's mother's eyes widened.

This kid used to be shy and introverted, how could he come to his son's room when dressed like this?

Lu's father and Lu's mother landed on Lu Mingshi's face in unison, and saw the big embarrassment in his son's eyes.

Father and Mother Lu looked at each other, his eyes crackling.

Father Lu said silently with a look in his eyes: "80% of this is a good thing the son did."

Mother Lu also replied silently with her eyes: "If Xiao Gu is our daughter-in-law, it would not be more joyful."

The two reached a consensus, so they turned around, staring at Gu Yixin with an extremely gentle expression, and said in unison:

"Baby, we are back~"

Lu Mingshi:...

Who is your son anyway?



Gu Yixin tried to identify the two elders, said hello politely, then pointed to the bathroom, "I want to use the bathroom... don't you mind?"

"Don't mind or mind."

"You use you."

"This kid, I have seen you go outside, what is not yours in this family, which one do you prefer to use?"

Gu Yixin then took a bath.

After taking a shower, Gu Yixin was taken to the living room by the two elders.

Lu Ming's face was frowning, and he got dressed and came down to accompany him.

Mother Lu held Gu Yixin's hand with an expression of incomparable love, and occasionally slipped her eyes to look on his stomach.

Can't see anything yet.

Mother Lu thought distressedly, it must be because the child is too thin.


Attack current height: 182.6, every day moving bricks and appetite, the president is tall.

By the current height: 187.8, because you can’t get fit when you are pregnant, the nutrition is absorbed by the cubs, and they won’t grow anymore.

When it's time to do it, I will do it, and my family suffers 1.9 meters.