Gu Yixin's hand was held tightly by Lu Mu and answered Lu Mu's question.

"Why do you kid make yourself so thin? Didn't you eat well?" Mother Lu asked worriedly.

Gu Yixin touched his stomach subconsciously. He ate a lot in the hospitality of the proprietress at night, and his stomach bulged a little.

Gu Yixin said embarrassedly: "Sometimes eating habits are not so good." He is used to overeating.

Lu's mother Lu's father keenly noticed Gu Yixin's small movements, and his heart was full of secret joy.

Mother Lu persuaded: "You have to eat deliciously. Ask someone to make it for you when you like to eat. Don't be afraid to spend money. Our family is not short of money. The key is not to not be hungry..."

She wanted to say that the baby should not be hungry, and she felt that it was wrong to say that it would appear that they only value the baby but not the daughter-in-law, so she changed her words:

"You can't starve yourself."

Lu Mingshi secretly rolled his eyes.

Gu Yixin said: "I will not starve myself. I am not picky about food."

"It's better not to be picky eaters, it's better not to be picky eaters. Unlike Ming Shi, who was picky eaters since he was a child..."

However, she remembered that Gu Yixin was even more picky when she was a child than when she was Lu Ming. He only eats cabbage heart when he eats vegetables. When he eats fish, he only needs a small piece on the belly of the fish. Unexpectedly, it will change a lot when the child grows up.

Lu Mingshi was very dissatisfied: "Mom, why are you pulling me in?"

Mother Lu glared at him: "I asked you to take good care of Xiao Gu before leaving the country. You think people are so skinny. If we didn't come back to see this time, we wouldn't know that this child was not well raised."

Lu Mingshi said hehe, thinking that you would squeeze his sleeves up.

Thin to thin, all he x is tendon meat.

Hard enough to be a hammer.

Father Lu gave a light cough, cleared his throat and looked at Gu Yixin kindly: "What does Xiao Gu do now? Or is it the same as before?"

I heard Mingshi said half a year ago that this kid didn't like to study and didn't go to college. He had to squat at home to do chores. In fact, no one would call him. It's okay to stew a rock sugar Sydney pear and cut a pear.

Gu Yixin nodded and answered earnestly: "It's still the same. The construction site is just moving heavy objects. The office drinks tea and reads the newspaper. Work is very easy. By the way, today the manager also arranged a new task for me and let me go Participate in the selection of model workers."

When he said the latter sentence, when he looked at Lu Ming, it was his company after all. Gu Yixin felt that he should still have sufficient right to know.

Lu Mingshi almost squirted out a sip of tea, staring at Gu Yixin: "What is the selection?"

Gu Yixin looked at him strangely: "Model worker. What's wrong?"

Lu Mingshi looked strange.

That model worker was made to prevaricate the manager when he went to the county branch office. He didn't expect that the engineering manager of his head office would actually have this idea.

It's too coincidental.

When the two of them were talking here, Lu's father and Lu's mother looked at each other dumbly.

WTF? What are they talking about?

What construction site? What to move bricks? What model worker?

What does this have to do with our daughter-in-law?

How can my daughter-in-law do heavy work while pregnant with such a delicate body?

It must be a mistake, yes, it must be a mistake.

The two tacitly picked up the teacup to drink tea.

Just as I was shocked, I heard Gu Yixin say: "I have eaten outside at night, so I won't eat at home."

He has been eating at home recently, he explained to Lu Mingshi.

Mother Lu asked by the way: "What did you eat out?"

Gu Yixin opened his mouth, his beautiful lips opened and closed: "Yellow--"

When Lu Ming saw his first pronunciation, he knew he was going to say yellow chicken.

It was too late and then it was fast, Miraculous President Lu rushed up to block Gu Yixin's mouth.

Father Lu, Mother Lu, Gu Yixin:...

The air was filled with confusion.

Lu Mingshi's palm was pressed against Gu Yixin's lips, a little itchy.

Mother Lu: "Mingming, what are you doing?"

Lu Mingshi said indifferently: "Oh, nothing."

Gu Yixin took away his hand and turned to Lu Father and Mother Lu, with a stick in his mouth.

Gu Yixin was also a little at a loss, his mouth was sweet, grabbing the stick in his hand to take out the things, and looking down.

Red and white cream balls, strawberry flavor.

Gu Yixin replied: "Mr Lu gave me a lollipop."


Father Lu coughed and looked down at his palm.

Mother Lu's eyes were a little fluttering, and her hands were a little bit out of place, so she punched her old man on the back and smiled dryly: "Ha, ha, young people can really joke."

The young couple are really affectionate.

In front of them both couldn't help but want to show off.

Young people still play now.

Lu Mingshi suddenly understood his parents' brain circuits, his face flushed, and his heart despised.

Gu Yixin was very inexplicable. He was holding the lollipop that he didn't know where it came from. Anyway, he dismantled it and licked it. Lu Mingshi gave it to him. It seems the most reasonable way is to eat it.

But there are two old people in front of them.

Gu Yixin knows that some elders, especially the elders of such wealthy families, are more concerned about the rules and politeness of juniors.

After all, it is in someone's house.

So Gu Yixin held up the lollipop and asked the two old people: "Uncle and Auntie, do you mind if I eat a lollipop?"

Father Lu, Mother Lu (looking at her hand): "Don't mind or mind..."

In a very delicate and balanced atmosphere, the four of them finally ended this interrogation, which might reveal themselves at any time.


at night.

It's time to go to bed.

Lu's father had a serious conversation while pulling Lu Ming, while Lu's mother was in charge of Gu Yixin.

In the living room, Father Lu found the Maotai he had treasured for twenty-eight years from the wine cabinet. Lu Mingshi had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Dad, drink it, I'll..."

Father Lu was a little upset: "How often do I come back, and you won't drink a drink with me?"

Lu Mingshi looked at him and was even more unhappy than him: "Do you also know how often you and mom come back?"

They left dashingly, traveling the world, leaving him alone. Every time I go home, except for Gu Yixin, this little bastard, only Madam Chen can speak.

So when Gu Yixin said he couldn't go to university, Lu Mingshi was still a little happy out of selfishness.

If Gu Yixin left the city, he might really be alone, and he could only spend all of his time at work for recreation.

It is very difficult for the Lu family to have children. He secretly tried several times to find a surrogacy, but failed without exception.

In this way, it is not easy for him to delay other girls, and there is no way to get married.

Maybe you will be so lonely all your life.

Father Lu didn't expect to be so stunned, his son, who had always been precocious and sensible, would even vent his emotions. He was stunned for a while, put down the wine bottle, a little shame flashed in his eyes.

"Mingshi, you never said these things before, we thought... alas."

Lu Mingshi couldn't control his emotions for a moment.

But he recovered quickly.

He shook his head: "It's okay, Dad."

Father Lu and Lu Mingshi had a chat for a while.

Father Lu talked about some interesting things he and his wife had encountered in the past few years. In fact, most of the usual video calls have already been said, but the elderly can no longer remember.

Lu Mingshi didn't remind him, he just smiled and listened silently, occasionally making a sentence or two.

Father Lu chatted enthusiastically for half an hour before taking a sip of tea and asking about Lu Ming's situation.

Lu Mingshi was taken aback for a while, he thought for a while, but he didn't know what to say.

life? There is nothing new. His life has always been between the company and home, occasionally traveling far away to discuss business.

There is one important thing, but I can't tell the truth.

Seeing him, Father Lu didn't say anything, but thought it was the young man ashamed, and laughed and took a picture of Lu Mingshi's back.

"Don't tell us what's going on with Xiao Gu? When did it start, you can really hide it from both of us—"

Mr. Lu always felt that his son had been a great sportsman since he was a child. If he hadn't inherited the family business, he might have become a swimmer, and his body was very good.

Therefore, Father Lu confiscated his palm at all.

However, President Goose Lu is not the President Lu of the year.

Lu Mingshi almost vomited out from the photo. He felt that he could no longer stay here. He had to go upstairs to find Gu Yixin.

He stood up loudly: "Dad, I'll tell you about this later, now I must go to sleep."

Lu Mingshi left in a hurry, leaving only Father Lu with a dull expression.

In the empty hall, looking at his son's back lonely.

After a long while, Father Lu spit out an old saying that has been used many times in ancient times.

"Marry a wife and forget my mother."


Father Lu said the opposite.

There may be one more tonight. Maybe, around early morning? You can get up in the morning and watch again~