By the way, Comrade Lu Mingshi went upstairs to find Gu Yixin.

And what is Gu Yixin doing?

He is being watched lovingly by Lu Mu.

Mother Lu first hushed and asked warmly for a series of questions, then tapped sideways to ask if there was any discomfort in her body.

"It can be said that the body is very, very good." Gu Yixin replied.

Mother Lu was very pleased.

Mother Lu said, "The old man and I came back mainly to see you—"


Lu Mingshi stood at the door and coughed dissatisfiedly, looking at his mother accusingly.

Mother Lu pretended that she didn't say anything just now: "Baby, tell us what is missing-if Mingming doesn't obey, you can tell us too."

Lu Mingshi froze at the door.

Lu Mingshi was expressionless.

Lu Mingshi was wronged inside.

Mother Lu hurriedly coaxed him: "What is Mingming missing?"

Lu Mingshi couldn't bear it, and slammed the door hard: "Lack of sleep. Mom, can you go back to your room quickly, I don't care if I want to sleep!!"


Lu Mu quickly let herself disappear.

Lu Mingshi turned to Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin: "Sleep."

Lu Mingshi: "..."

This guy is really slow.

It doesn't feel at all.

Gu Yixin yawned and lay down where he usually sleeps very consciously. The cotton pajamas were soft and looked very warm.

Lu Mingshi quietly grinds his teeth.

He jumped into bed because he was a little angry today, and the movement was very loud.

It was so big that Gu Yixin opened his eyes and looked sideways.

Lu Mingshi turned over on the bed, still feeling impetuous and weak.

Five minutes later, Lu Mingshi couldn't hold on decisively.

Gu Yixin opened his eyes.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi like an octopus.

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep with me?"

Lu Mingshi closed his eyes and pretended to die.

Although they are often in this state when they wake up in the morning, it is still relatively rare for them to sleep in a awake state.

Gu Yixin felt that Lu Mingshi was testing his concentration.

He is eighteen years old now, yes, eighteen years old.

He likes men, and he likes Lu Mingshi's type of man.

Gu Yixin endured it for a while, but he still couldn't bear it.

"... Mr. Lu."

Gu Yixin said helplessly: "I am a normal man."

Lu Mingshi stiffened, and the corners of his mouth twitched after a while.


Gu Yixin is very patient.

He asked again.

"Are you sure you don't want to?"

Lu Mingshi's indifferent face: "I don't want to."

Gu Yixin felt that he still couldn't understand Lu Mingshi's behavior.

"Then why do you hold so tight?"

Lu Mingshi: "..."

"I will measure your waist circumference, can't you?"

Gu Yixin was silent.

Gu Yixin thought, Lu Mingshi's brain circuit really had a problem.

Little did Lu Mingshi think of him the same way.

In short, these two people feel that the other's way of thinking can't always be theorized, and they need to explore slowly.

They unwittingly reached a high degree of consensus.

Gu Yixin slowly became drowsy in emotion.

I have to say that Lu Mingshi is still very suitable as a pillow.

Lu Mingshi couldn't sleep anymore.

He was mostly too awake to sleep.

In the beginning, it was unilaterally.

He wanted to find a posture that was not so dignified.

So good.

Friction friction,

It is the pace of the devil.

Friction generates heat,

Frictional electrification,

Friction converts kinetic energy and potential energy.

So Lu Mingshi's expression froze.

Slightly said something to show respect.

Half an hour later, the two were entangled and wrapped into a cocoon because they hugged too tightly and the quilt was all rolled up.

After Gu Yixin fell asleep, he hugged the human-shaped pillow tightly. If he wanted to escape, he really couldn't do it.

Lu Mingshi felt that this man was really a beast.

Why can anyone sleep soundly in this situation!

He looked sadly at the bright white moonlight coming through the window.

Start memorizing the multiplication table.

Recite the Tao Te Ching.

Back Pipa line.


For Mr. Lu, this is another sleepless night.

The next day, Gu Yixin opened his eyes on time.

He keenly felt the weight in his arms.

Lu Mingshi was lying on top of him when he woke up, or being pressed down by him, this kind of thing was completely unavoidable for both of them.

Although it is always a bit weird to say it.

But since the two parties didn't raise much objection to this, it was just fine.

The problem is that Lu Mingshi did not wake up today.

He usually wakes up earlier.

Gu Yixin looked down at Lu Ming when he fell asleep, and his usual hair seemed to be soft.

People also become soft.

The expression is also soft.

It's pretty fun.

Gu Yixin stretched.

Lu Mingshi slept extremely dead today, and he was still not disturbed.

So Gu Yixin pulled himself out of the bed and stood up.

Lu Mingshi muttered something, turned over and lay back on the bed, still closing his eyes tightly.

Gu Yixin got up to brush his teeth, wash his face, and changed clothes when Lu Ming was still asleep.

The pajamas he was wearing were a bit messy, and the quilt was unraveled.

Gu Yixin thought for a moment, knelt down and pulled up a corner of the quilt to cover his exposed waist.

Eyes swept over and paused there.

Gu Yixin was obviously taken aback.

What about the beautiful eight-pack abs?

So now this soft little belly is...

How to fatten four?

Gu Yixin stared at it for several seconds.

It was just an accident at first, then it felt novel, followed by a sense of freshness mixed with wonderful pleasure.

He looked up at Lu Mingshi, who was still in sleep talking in sleep.

Gu Yixin watched for a while and determined that Lu Mingshi would not wake up for a while.

Then he stretched out an index finger and rubbed it gently on the soft belly.

First, I touched it to feel the softness, and then couldn't help but lightly tap it.

Lu Mingshi still did not wake up.

Gu Yixin held his breath for half a minute, and when he saw that he was still asleep, he stretched out his finger and poked it quietly.

The soft flesh sank a little bit, leaving only a little outline of the uppermost abdominal muscles from the previous eight packs.

But this seems pretty good.

Gu Yixin pondered for a while and pulled up the quilt to cover it.

He put on his jacket and came out, and the door pushed, only to hear two loud noises outside the door.

Gu Yixin stood at the door suspiciously, looking left and right.


He touched his head, wondering about having breakfast in the basement.

Chen's mother saw him come down and greeted him.

Chen's mother had already done enough emotional building for herself during the days when she returned home. Since then, no matter how trembling her heart is, she can handle the expression on her face very well.

Like the most calm driver.

Gu Yixin bit the pancake and sucked the milk, and listened to Chen's mother asking: "Master, won't you come down for breakfast today?"

Gu Yixin calmly said: "He is not awake yet."

Chen Ma thoughtfully.

Gu Yixin took a bite of the cake and added: "Maybe I was too tired last night."

Chen Ma's hand holding the teapot trembled slightly.

After a long while, she finally stabilized her hands.

Madam Chen took a deep breath, and instructed euphemistically: "Yi Yi, I still have to take care of the young master a little bit more gently."

Gu Yixin remembers being a part-time nanny.

He recalled his own way of poking Lu Ming's belly in the morning, and it was a little frustrating.

But I covered him with a quilt.

Gu Yixin explained inwardly.

He wanted to hug me and let him hug.

Gu Yixin thought about it for a while, and felt that his performance could still be regarded as a qualified nanny.

So he didn't change his face: "I have one."

Chen Ma fell silent.

There were countless indescribable pictures of young masters in her mind.

Chen Ma's tears.

It's okay, if the young master likes this then it's great.

Madam Chen continued to pour the tea firmly.

She prepared breakfast for the master and madam.

But why are the master and madam sleeping in bed today?

Mother Chen: "Yi Yi, have you seen the master and madam?"

Gu Yixin swallowed the last piece of pancake blankly.




Behind the door of the master bedroom.

The two old men slowly straightened up, helped each other to get up.

Mother Lu sighed, "Yiyi is really much stronger now."

Father Lu patted the ashes on his body and sighed strongly and hard: "Good thing, good thing."