Before Gu Yixin went to work today, he welcomed several reporters for interviews.

"Hello, you have been very popular on the Internet recently. We would like to do an exclusive interview with you."

"Why did you choose to move bricks as your career?"

Gu Yixin thought without hesitation: "Because moving bricks is my specialty and my hobby."

The reporter took a pen and scribbled in the notebook.

Reporter: "So you choose a job first and then get a job?"

Gu Yixin nodded: "It can be said that, to be honest, I am not picky in terms of part-time jobs. I have done part-time jobs in all walks of life, but I have not wavered in the main business. Yes. Moving bricks. This will be my life practice. Hobby."

The reporter is curious: "I don’t know if you have ever worried. Giving up college will have a bad impact on your future work-for example, lack of professional knowledge, or one day your hobbies will change? You will return to school in the future. ?"

Gu Yixin shook his head: "No. My life direction is very firm. I can get happiness from moving bricks, and I can find meaning from it, and I can make a living from it."

"In the end, further study is for employment, employment is for life, and the most important thing in life is to be happy," Gu Yixin said in a very philosophical remark, "Since I am at the end, why should I go through some exploration? What?"

"Reading is suitable for those who haven't found the direction." The teenager smiled, dressed in overalls. "As long as you find the direction, just do what you want."

After the interview.

Gu Yixin left floating, hiding his merit and fame.

The reporters and photographers looked at the young boy's leaving back, with awe.

The photographer picked up his heavy camera and admired: "It's not easy, it's not easy. There is so much wisdom at a young age. This issue of the newspaper will surely sell well."

The reporter hurriedly flipped through his small notebook: "Last time it was the business edition, this time it was the social edition. I always have a hunch that one day he will post the headlines of each of our sections."

The photographer thought for a while: "It's difficult, the fashion version and the entertainment version are easy to say, the legal version and the sports version are very strict."

The reporter pondered: "Don't you think he can sign up for weightlifting? It is also possible to win a gold medal."

The two stood by the window. The photographer looked downstairs at Gu Yixin, who was able to easily carry a package twice as large as his own, and had to admit that his colleague made a lot of sense.

"But it's still impossible to make a legal plate..."

"Who knows."


Gu Yixin got home from get off work on time.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the three of Lu Mingshi, Lu Mingshi and his father, sitting neatly at the table.

Hearing the sound of entering the door, they all looked up.

Gu Yixin greeted him and wanted to go upstairs to take a shower, but Mother Lu grabbed his hand and pressed him on the empty seat.

Gu Yixin was confused: "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Mother Lu stared at Gu Yixin for a long time, tears gradually filled her eyes.

She cried and hugged Gu Yixin, and howled: "Baby! Why can't you think about it so much! How tired and hard it is to move bricks! How can your body bear it!"

While she was crying, Lu Mingshi twitched.

Mother Lu was free this afternoon and was surfing the Internet.

He didn't stop him for a while, and let her see Gu Yixin's latest interview.

Mother Lu hugged her Xiaojiaojiao daughter-in-law, almost broken with distress.

Father Lu looked at Lu Mingshi disapprovingly.

"Our Lu family man, how can we let our own daughter--"

Father Lu paused and changed his words.

"——How can I let my own man run so hard outside every day. It's so outrageous Ming Shi!"

Lu Mingshi lazily said: "He likes it himself, he will cry if he doesn't let him move bricks."

Gu Yixin: "?"

His brain is a little confused.

Judging from Lu's remarks, what he called "Lu Mingshi's man" is himself.

Lu Mingshi didn't even refute it.

This incidates that:

Lu Mingshi told his uncle and aunt that he was a lover with him.

Uncle and auntie had no objection at all.

Regardless of why the Lu family is open to the point that there is no opinion about the only son coming out openly, the point is that this is simply not true!

As for why Lu Mingshi had to deceive his parents that he was his target...

Gu Yixin immediately mobilized all brain cells to think about this issue.

Yes, he is a book wearer, and his understanding of the plot is far better than others.

Now Gu Yixin will take advantage of this.

Soon he found the key.

In the original book, Lu Mingshi was the protagonist he met when he was choosing the spokesperson for the company, and he was deeply affectionate by the protagonist during work and getting along with him.

The original owner has been in love with Lu Mingshi for many years, but Lu Mingshi always only regarded him as his younger brother, and he hated him deeply after the original owner had prescribed medicine.

Calculating from time, it is possible that Lu Mingshi was already interested in the protagonist at this time.

So he must need one-a shield!

Pretending that the person who caused him to bend is himself, so as to divert the anger of Lu Mingshi's coming out from his father and mother, so as to protect the protagonist who really tempted him!

It makes sense to say so.

It's just that Lu Mingshi didn't expect that his parents were so enlightened, and they didn't even resist the fact that he came out.

This is a bit uneconomical.

Gu Yixin is still thinking about it. Mother Lu is already crying and begging him: "Yiyi, don't go to the construction site, it's not good for the baby."

Gu Yixin was embarrassed: "But I..."

Wait a minute, what is baby?

Who is the baby?

Gu Yixin's habitually confused eyes cast towards Lu Mingshi.

At that moment, all the cells in Lu Mingshi's body were alarming.

It's finished. It's finished.

What to do? What to do? What to do.

Everyone's silent eyes looked neatly at Lu Mingshi who was standing still.

Lu Mingshi ordered himself to think of a solution immediately!

When it was said that it was too late, Lu Mingshi stood up, dug Gu Yixin out of Lu Mu's arms, looked at him affectionately and said:




"I absolutely support you in doing what you like!"

"But for the sake of your own body! We can still discuss how we work!"

Lu Mingshi mobilized every muscle on his face to strengthen his persuasive power.

Gu Yi's novice was shaking.

Gu Yixin was a little bit smoked.

This was the hardest time he was thundered since he came in.

He was deeply shocked by Lu Mingshi's powerful acting skills.

Gu Yixin tried to save the situation: "Speak well..."

Lu Mingshi didn't seem to hear him, but still affectionately and loudly--

"Baby! Let's go upstairs now and discuss this important matter!"

He turned his head to say goodnight sincerely to the sluggish father and mother Lu.

Lu's father and Lu's mother looked dumbfounded.

Today is also a day when I was shocked by my son.

Gu Yixin was taken to the second floor in a daze.

Lu Mingshi carefully locked the bedroom door and turned his head to see Gu Yixin jumping on the spot.

Lu Mingshi asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Gu Yixin shook his arms twice, shaking his legs.

Gu Yixin replied: "I'm trying to shake off the goose bumps on my body."

Lu Mingshi was silent.

Lu Mingshi was calm: "Did you shake it off?"

Gu Yixin glanced at his arm and answered honestly: "It was almost shaken off."

Gu Yixin paused for a while, very helpless: "But now, as soon as I hear your voice, I can't help but get goose bumps..."


Thanks to Mr. Serryu for 1 mine

Thanks to Wu Jun for 5 mines

Thank you for your collection and comments