Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi stared at each other for three minutes.

Finally remembered that everything was not normal.

Lu Mingshi broke the jar and decided to stop him and cover it.

He patiently waited for Gu Yixin to ask questions.

Gu Yixin sat down on the beauty couch, naturally tilting his legs, putting one hand on the back of the couch and one hand on his thigh.

Lu Mingshi was familiar with this posture.

No matter how you look at it, it's not right.

No matter what, the person sitting on the couch should be himself.

When Gu Yixin looked up at Lu Ming, he seemed to be thinking where to ask.

Looking at it, my neck is sore.

With Lu Mingshi's height, sitting and watching him is really uneconomical.

So Gu Yixin patted the empty space beside him and motioned to Lu Mingshi to sit over.

Lu Mingshi was even more upset.

He thought to himself that I was the boss, and there was no reason for the boss to listen to the employees.

Gu Yixin asked me to sit wherever I was. Then I would lose face.

Therefore, Lu Mingshi stretched his legs, stepped straight onto the bed, and sat cross-legged.

The bed was a bit taller than the couch, and Lu Mingshi calmly sat cross-legged, arms folded, as if he would be fully defensive.

Gu Yixin calmly asked the first question.

"President Lu."

He glanced around Lu Mingshi's body, and finally landed on his abdomen, which had a much softer line, and said in thought:

"Are you fat?"

Lu Mingshi never expected to hear such a question.

Unprepared, he subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at his belly.

This has only been two months.

Is it possible to exaggerate?

It seems that he has also realized this, Gu Yixin thought.

Lu Mingshi touched his slightly bulged lower abdomen, and withdrew his hand quite uncomfortably.

"Recently, I have been a little negligent in sports." Lu Mingshi admitted, thinking of An Qiao's words, so he added, "Well, there is too much socializing and a lot of alcohol."

Gu Yixin felt something was wrong: "But you have been eating dinner at home for a month."

When Lu Ming wanted his life, Gu Yixin's memory seemed to improve.

This is not so foolish.

Gu Yixin wanted to say something more, but Lu Mingshi interrupted his thoughts with a light cough.

Lu Mingshi threw a heavy bomb: "You have to stay at home for a week."

Gu Yixin frowned.


Lu Mingshi looked at him aloft.

Lu Mingshi's expression was indifferent and calm, evil and arrogant, full of domineering spirit that could not be rejected.

This cool and tyrannical president was wearing a three-flower strawberry-printed pajamas, sitting cross-legged on the bed, condescendingly, spit out two big characters in a round tone——

"Must take a baby."


Gu Yi said in the news that he stood up and walked around the master bedroom and started looking for things.

He turned out an old delicate wooden box.

He took out a pure gold ear pick from it.

Under Lu Mingshi's embarrassing gaze, Gu Yixin began to pick his ears.

However, he pays great attention to personal hygiene and is very clean. After a long time, he can't get anything out.

Lu Mingshi's expression is complicated.

Lu Mingshi felt that my cub was very pitiful.

There is a silly father.

But it doesn't matter, the cub still has me.

With me here, you can definitely make up the fool's part.

Gu Yixin looked at the clean ear pick, the reflected golden light almost brightened his eyes.

Like a mockery.

So he heard it right.

When Gu Yixin looked up at Lu Ming, this person didn't know what he thought of, but his eyes were full of tenderness at this time.

It was different from the affectionate tone that just pretended to be downstairs, but the tenderness from the heart.

Gu Yixin repeated: "Must take a baby?"

Lu Mingshi nodded.

Gu Yixin looked at you and me: "Why do I need to have a baby?"

Lu Mingshi said quietly, "Because you are pregnant."

Gu Yixin:...

Gu Yixin: "I don't have one."

Lu Mingshi affirmed: "You have."

Gu Yixin's weak defense: "I didn't..."

When Gu Yixin stared at Lu Ming: "You only have it!"

Lu Mingshi also stared at him: "I didn't..."

The two men began to arrogantly attack each other.

"You have it!" "You only have it!" "I don't have one!" for twenty-five minutes.

Both were thirsty.

Lu Mingshi pointed to Gu Yixin: "I won't quarrel with you."

He rubbed his temples with a headache, thinking that his life was really furious. Otherwise, think of a way to send parents back soon, he really can't tell the truth to Gu Yixin.


Gu Yixin stood up suddenly and began to undress.

Lu Mingshi was a little panicked.

Gu Yixin took off his clothes and walked forward, with his knees on the edge of the bed, holding Lu Mingshi's wrists, and forcibly pressing his palms on his abdomen.

The tentacles are firm and firm.

Lu Mingshi wanted to shrink his hand, and Gu Yixin pressed him to prevent him from moving: "Must take a baby?"

Gu Yixin stared suspiciously at Lu Mingshi's soft belly, deceived his body and pressed forward a bit, and then grabbed Lu Mingshi's hand against the delicate belly.

Slowly touch up and down, left and right.

As he touched, he raised his tone suspiciously: "How do you think you are more likely to be pregnant? Huh? Mr. Lu~"

Lu Mingshi may, probably, may have encountered the biggest test of his life so far.

It's really shameful to be pressed so while awake.

What's even more shameful is that he enjoys it.

Lu Mingshi calmly said: "You calm down, I'm joking."

Gu Yixin had difficulty calming down: "You say it again, who is pregnant?"

Lu Mingshi was thinking quickly, and the door opened.

Didn't I lock the door?

Maybe it's not locked.

Anyway, the door is open.

A golden retriever squatted at the door obediently.


Gu Yixin looked at the golden retriever and frowned slightly.

"Da Hei, I will take you out to play later."

The Golden Retriever named Da Hei was a little aggrieved, and came in with his head tilted.

Lu Mingshi looked at Dahei and then at Gu Yixin.

"Obviously," Lu Mingshi replied, "Dahei is pregnant."

So the two came out to walk the dog together.

The setting sun reflected the long ramp, and the red clouds dazzled the pedestrians.

The surrounding area of ​​Lu's residence is very quiet. At the beginning, several aristocratic families built their old houses here, and some slowly declined and sold their ancestral homes; some core businesses changed and moved elsewhere.

Only the Lu family still live here for generations.

Lu Mingshi put his hand in his pocket and glanced at the Golden Retriever after a while. The dog may be about to become fine, and walking with a big belly is like a catwalk.

Gu Yixin walked with the chain in one hand, and when he glanced at Lu Ming after a while, he still felt speechless.

"So, you want me to take a week off, just to help Dahei at home insulate the baby?"

Why is the idea so fresh and refined.

"Who made Da Hei like you the most?" Lu Mingshi babbled, "The doctor said, it is now an advanced age, and it is important to keep a happy mood. In special circumstances, you should accompany him more often."


Lu Mingshi added a fire: "A few years ago, when you went to junior high school, you were surrounded by a group of bad boys. It was Da Hei who rushed to scare them away. It can be regarded as your life-saving dog."


Lu Ming looked at Gu Yixin hopefully.

Gu Yixin nodded carelessly after pondering, "Then I will ask for leave for my life-saving dog."


In the end, Lu Mingshi used fraud to achieve his goal.

But he soon regretted it.

Gu Yixin patronizes the dog and has no time to accompany him.

In the next few days, Lu's father and Lu's mother took care of Gu Yixin, and Gu Yixin took care of Dahei.

Lu Mingshi stubbornly took care of himself and his cub.

Lu Mingshi finished the shower and leaned against the bed with a book. The deserted white moonlight shone in from the window, making the president even more miserable.

He wrapped his little quilt tightly.

After another half hour, Lu Mingshi looked at the clock eagerly.

It's half past nine.

Lu Mingshi sighed.


The door was finally opened by a crack, and the incoming person carefully controlled the movement.

Gu Yixin was a little surprised to see that the light was still on. He thought Lu Ming would have fallen asleep long ago.

Gu Yixin went into the bathroom well and took a shower, then came out naked, changing into pajamas when Lu Ming.

Gu Yixin climbed onto the bed neatly and glanced at Lu Mingshi who looked like an old monk entering Ding.

Lu Mingshi touched his temple with one hand, as if his opponent had deep thoughts and resonance with the content of the book.

Gu Yixin kindly reminded: "The book is down."

Lu Mingshi silently closed the book.

Gu Yixin suggested: "Sleep?"

Lu Mingshi silently reached out to turn off the light.

Gu Yixin lay down, with an arm crossed under his head, and took a look at Lu Mingshi beside him.

In the darkness, Lu Mingshi seemed to be watching him too.

Gu Yixin yawned and said good night.

He falls asleep easily, and only feels a warm body rubbing against him between half asleep and half awake.

Gu Yixin hugged him in a daze, and said vaguely like a dream: "Don't make trouble, Da Hei."

Lu Mingshi: "..."

Mr. Lu said he did not want to speak.


Xiao Gu and Mr. Lu, who have no status, but have lived an overly real married life early.

Today is also exceptionally harmonious.

Thank you for lighting up the lamp and exploring Huajun’s landmine~ Thanks for commenting and collecting, today’s Boo