Wei Junshan's words were like an Italian cannon, stunned everyone except himself.

Even Lu Mingshi stuttered like never before: "You, you, you, you spit people! When did I do it for you! Shut up!"

Everyone was shocked: What? He only denied that it was for Mr. Wei, but did not deny ooxx?

Lu Mingshi really couldn't deny it.

Because ooxx was personally told to Wei Junshan just now, denial will be exposed immediately.

But no matter what, Wei Junshan shouldn't say so directly.

He glanced at Gu Yixin and found that his expression was as usual, and then he put a little refreshment.

Lu Mingshi glared at Wei Junshan and accused: "Why don't you talk about the occasion!"


Everyone seemed to understand.

Wei Junshan looked at Gu Yixin with his eyes, and said affectionately: "My dear, don't believe anything he said. What he said is not true, just to deceive your feelings to hurt me. In this world, treat me sincerely. Your person is only me."


Everyone suddenly realized.

From Wei Junshan's generous words, people successfully restored the truth of the matter!

It turns out that this is a heartbroken story, you love me, I love him, he loves him, and a love triangle.

Lu Mingshi loves Wei Junshan deeply, and Wei Junshan is only a business rival to Lu Mingshi.

In the tit-for-tat at a reception, because Gu Yi Xinjiu felt bored at home, he begged Lu Mingshi, who was not interested in him, to take him to the party.

To avoid trouble, Lu Mingshi agreed.

Everyone knows what happened later.

Wei Junshan fell in love with Gu Yixin at first sight, but Lu Mingshi noticed that he acted first and took advantage of Gu Yixin's true feelings to avenge Wei Junshan's ruthlessness!


How could this story seem to have been heard somewhere.

At this moment, Lu Mingshi turned to Gu Yixin and asked without hesitation:

"Do you believe him or me?"

Everyone quietly pricked their ears.

This is the most popular form of entertainment for the people:

Torn on the scene.


The reality has developed rapidly, and the front desk girl who was originally sinking into the president vs. president model has already attracted attention by the overly exciting plot.

Now, the CP of her standing is faltering.

Although the dual presidents are very cute, but Mr. Lu and Xiao Gu's young tame dyes are also good, and the label of deep sadomasochism is a classic scumbag!

And if President Wei is infatuated to impress the beautiful woman, and Xiao Gu Fan awakens and leaves from the scum, wouldn't it be her beloved heaven over the bamboo horse?

Sure enough, novels are derived from reality!


When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming, he looked at Wei Junshan.

"Although I don't understand why you suddenly fought, it sounds like it's because of me..."

Gu Yixin used his well-developed brain to think for a long time, but still failed to draw a reasonable conclusion.

"The first thing to make clear is that the current relationship between me and the two is still at the level of friends."

At this time, in order to hear Gu Yixin's answer, the whole shop was quietly able to hear even the breathing.

Gu Yixin paused and added: "However, of course I believe in President Lu."

While speaking, Gu Yixin's expression seemed to be a little relieved when he glanced at Lu Ming, and his heart moved slightly.

He hesitated for a second, and finished the rest of the words--

"Because I have been in contact with Mr. Lu for so long, he has never lied to me."

He never lied to me.

Hearing this, Lu Mingshi felt as if he was hit by a small hammer in his heart, and he panicked inexplicably.

He has said to believe me, why can't I be happy?

Yes, the premise of trusting me is that I have never lied.

But is he really not there?

Lu Mingshi was caught in a long moral game.

Eighteen villains in him had a heated debate.

And this constipation-like expression fell in the eyes of the onlookers, but it had a different meaning.

The masses sighed with emotion: "Look, Mr. Lu was moved and cried by Coach Gu's sincere confession! It seems that this pair of grieving partners is about to achieve a positive result, and Mr. Wei should shift his goal as soon as possible!

Wei Junshan even saw his aunt smile when he saw the manager next to him.

Wei Junshan couldn't bear it anymore.

You took my salary and opened my shop, but when I took my brother, you were not on my side? ?

Wei Junshan stared at the manager: "What are you laughing at?"

The manager who didn't realize who was asking still kept a sweet smile and said in a dreamy tone--

"After living for more than 40 years, I finally saw the best look of love!"

Wei Junshan said coldly, "Oh, that's not uncommon. I will be able to show you the cruelest way of life right away."

The manager who finally realized who he was talking to immediately hugged Wei Junshan's thigh in tears:

"Mr. Wei! What I just said is your unswerving love for Gu Shao! No matter what kind of villain Gu Shao is blinded by his eyes, he will eventually see your sincere heart!"

Wei Junshan said dryly, "If you just saw me, it would be more convincing."


Still entangled here, Lu Mingshi suddenly felt dizzy.

He let out a short "um" and pressed his forehead, staggering under his feet and almost falling down.

Gu Yixin supported him, a little worried: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Mingshi took a breath and felt a little palpitating.

He was not afraid of anything. He was only worried that something happened to the baby. He subconsciously put his hands on his lower abdomen again, not knowing whether it was a real feeling or a psychological effect. He always felt a little pain in his stomach.

Lu Mingshi hugged Gu Yixin's shoulder tightly with his backhand, and buried his face on his shoulder and neck.

Lu Mingshi gradually developed a habit of getting along for a long time.

As long as it feels uncomfortable, I want to be closer to Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin said worriedly: "I'll take you to the hospital."

Lu Mingshi nodded. He suppressed and said uncomfortably: "Help me call An Qiao and let him pick him up by car."

Who is Ancho?

A trace of doubt flashed through Gu Yixin's mind, and his hand was full, and it was the mobile phone Lu Mingshi gave him.

The phone is still in a black screen. Gu Yixin just wanted to say something, and with a swipe of his finger, the phone was unlocked.

Seeing his surprise, Lu Mingshi explained softly: "When you were asleep, I recorded your fingerprints..."

At this kind of moment, Gu Yixin had no time to think about what thoughts passed in his mind. When he opened the address book, Ancho was ranked first-I have to say that the first letter of the last name is very cheap.


An Qiao, who received the call, rushed to the ambulance quickly, and had been complaining about Lu Mingshi before he came. I pretended not to care when I reported the letter last night. Didn't this come to investigate the enemy's situation at dawn?

It's just that, how can you find yourself out of trouble by exploring the truth? Could it be that Zai Zai his dad really cheated and fainted Lu Zongqi?

However, this thought was dispelled when he saw Lu Ming lying quietly on Gu Yixin's shoulders at the door of the store.

The picture is very harmonious.

An Qiao had this idea and got out of the car.

Looking at Lu Ming, he couldn't walk well anymore, and An Qiao waved his hand to let people carry the stretcher.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yixin asked something. Lu Mingshi shook his head before being hugged sideways.

——I can't say what the princess is holding, because the princess is definitely not what Lu Mingshi looked like.

The princess is not only petite, her arms will gently wrap around the prince's neck when she is picked up, her legs will naturally bend her knees and droop, showing the beauty of fusion of rigidity and softness.

And Lu Mingshi's legs were so straight and stunned, looking sideways and watching it even longer than Gu Yixin who was holding him, like a cucumber hugging a loofah.

Anqiao Lenovo’s rich brain involuntarily flashed such keywords.

In fact, Gu Yixin had considered whether to carry it or carry it on his back, but in his impression, Lu Mingshi subconsciously touched his stomach twice today, it is very likely that his stomach is upset, so it is better to hold it.

In short, in full view, Gu Yixin carried Lu Mingshi into the car with such a composure.

To tell the truth, he has raised the contractor, and there is really no psychological burden when holding a Lu Ming.

However, this behavior fell into people's eyes, and their respective understandings were strange.


The little girl at the front desk: "Meiqiang? Is it Meiqiang? What kind of fairy cp is this? It doesn't matter who is the boss. I also have to respect it if I risk losing my job!"

Manager: "Ah! Suffering will never leave, true and beautiful love story! The soul has been washed away! The boss can't see me, can't see me..."

The masses: "Deadly disabled, the prime-age president was paralyzed from overwork! Rain or shine, eighteen young people supported a sunny day for the middle-aged patients who could not take care of themselves! There is true love in the world, and true love in the world! Don’t use true love as a joke, just Because you are not his food!"

An Qiao: "Hey, when will President Lu get his husband? Can a sand sculpture president like Mr. Lu also get his husband?"

Wei Junshan: "Where is my role?"


Gu Yixin seemed to feel the shock wave generated by the dense and continuous OS of the crowd. He stood in front of the opened door of the ambulance and stopped, and looked behind him suspiciously.

Crowd: The collective aunt laughed.

Gu Yixin blinked, hugged Lu Mingshi with his long legs and got into the car and put the person down.

An Qiao was busy checking various instruments, and Lu Mingshi was still lying in Gu Yixin's arms lazily and refused to move.

An Qiao was a little anxious, leaning down and lying in Lu Ming's ear whispered to persuade him: "You can hug it every day when you go home, so can't you get up and get a check first?"

Lu Mingshi glared at him, and then slowly got up.

Gu Yixin stared at him and noticed that Lu Mingshi's ears were a little red.

Is this also a symptom of illness?

Lu Mingshi lay flat for examination, with his hands still on his lower abdomen. Is it really painful?

Noting Gu Yixin's caring gaze, Lu Mingshi closed his eyes. Although he was still very uneasy, his heart was sweet.

It was just that when I hugged me, I seemed a little stiff and didn't perform well.

Mr. Lu's inner barrage slowly brushed through: The first time my husband hugged me, how to show that I was often hugged? I was waiting online.


Thank you 23563333, serryu, I am not crazy, a salted fish user, and the landmine of the king who sleeps today~

Thanks to Mr. Serryu for the grenade~

Thank you for your comments and collections, Bo