The ambulance ticked all the way to the hospital. Gu Yixin also wanted to help Lu Mingshi register in the humanitarian and friend's care. Lu Mingshi firmly stretched out his arm and pulled his sleeve.

"This is my hospital."

Okay, Gu Yixin thought, this big landlord and big bourgeoisie is different from our proletariat. He also felt relieved, and accompanied him to the door of the ward.

Just as An Qiao wanted to say he could go in, Lu Mingshi stopped immediately.

After winking for a while, An Qiao understood Lu Mingshi's meaning, so she shrugged and told Gu Yixin, and politely asked him to wait outside.

Lu Mingshi grinned to Gu Yixin with difficulty: "Thanks to you today, I will pay for your lost work expenses."

Gu Yixin was a little unhappy after hearing this.

He felt that Lu Mingshi was too polite, as if he was such an inhumane person who got into the eyes of money.

Am I such a stingy person?

Xiao Gu sat down and recalled his various behaviors and strengthened his thoughts. Diligence and thrift is a traditional virtue, and he never reluctant to spend the money.

He just used to save unnecessary expenses and spend them in more worthwhile places.

This misunderstanding, when Lu Ming recovers from his illness, he still has to explain it clearly.

Inside the ward.

Anqiao stared at the value jumping on the instrument nervously, and muttered: "It's over, it's over, it's over."

Lu Mingshi was a little scared by him saying: "What are you talking about? Is the situation serious? It's all on me. I shouldn't fight impulsively just now..." He clenched his fists reproachfully.

However, as the mother's mood fluctuates, the embryo's value fluctuates more severely.

An Qiao quickly calmed down: "Come, relax, take a deep breath, take a deep breath... Then take a deep breath..."

Lu Mingshi felt a little strange after doing so, An Qiao said like having a child.

Fortunately, the mood slowly calmed down, and the test results finally came out.

An Qiao breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's just that you exercised vigorously, and the embryo is a little unstable."

"Is it serious?"

Lu Mingshi fixedly looked at him, very concerned.

An Qiao shook his head and nodded again: "I just think it's strange that you haven't been with your family all the time, how can there be dangers. In theory, the embryo should be very stable, but now it seems that it is still relatively fragile. "

When Anqiao looked at Lu Ming.

He wanted to speak for a long time and then stopped.

Lu Mingshi was annoyed: "If you have something to say, you can have children. There is no setting in this world, and I can't accept it."

So Ancho assuredly asked the question he always wanted to ask:

"Then you two...have you ever done anything?"

Lu Mingshi: "..."

Lu Mingshi stared at An Qiao, as if he was asking when he and Wei Junshan would get married.

Lu Mingshi tried his best to calm himself: "What do you think of me like this?"

Ancho was unbelievable: "So you really haven't read the guide for pregnant women, right!"

Lu Mingshi:...

It's over, he discovered it.

An Qiao conjured up the "One Hundred and One Things Pregnant Women Need to Pay Attention to (7th Edition from behind, and said painfully: "Mr. Lu, you can't give up on yourself. Books are the ladder of human progress..."

Lu Mingshi stopped quickly, staring at the cover incredulously, "Isn't it the 6th edition?"

This is also improved too quickly!

Ancho ignored it and turned to a page to read aloud: "The pregnant woman should regularly have in-depth and friendly exchanges with another provider of embryos, including but not limited to ooxx, ooxx, and ooxx."

Lu Mingshi stretched out two index fingers to block his ears.

He successfully closed himself again.


But Lu Mingshi is a president.

A president has everything to do, regardless of his emotional quotient, his IQ must be impressive.

Although his IQ was strategically weakened after being pregnant for three years, even if his brain power was weakened to 1/3 of the original, it was still at the level of ordinary people.

So he keenly caught the key words in the clause.

"including but not limited to."

Lu Mingshi hummed, his eyes shot up and down, and An Qiao hurriedly smiled: "In fact, it means negative distance contact. The president remembers, I told you that the effect is inversely proportional to the distance?"

Ancho continued: "That is to say, eight hours within 50 cm is only an average dose, but now it looks like this, your cub is different from ordinary cubs, your cub, he is a super cub, so he has The demand is so strong that the average dose of energy supply is far from enough—"

Lu Mingshi smiled and looked at An Qiao badly: "You don't seem to be able to learn this skill all at once, right?"

Anqiao sits upright.

An Qiao strikes the iron while it is hot: "Look, the average person’s child is born, some drink 30ml of milk at one time, some can drink 80ml at one time, and some even drink 120ml. And your child is the kind that can drink 150ml. , Is this better to understand?"

Lu Mingshi asked suspiciously: "Are you a liberal arts physiology student?"

This analogy is comparable to a writer.

An Qiao smiled modestly: "It is the duty of a doctor to explain to the patient the condition. I can also make PPT, X-ray games and hand-drawn comics when necessary.

Lu Mingshi finally gave up chatting with An Qiao, and he began to think about countermeasures.

Negative distance doesn't have to be that, and kissing should also count.

However, this is also difficult.

Or, confess directly?

But, that guy will scare away...?

He is also a man, and he understands what men think.

If you have a child with someone you like at the right time, you will naturally go crazy with excitement.

And if it is a child who is not expected, the instinctive reaction will only want to escape.

What's more, this child originated from a farce, and the child's gestate was still a man.

Gu Yixin is only eighteen years old. Judging from his usual behavior, it is clear that he is still a child. He has no restraint in nature and is open to **** and love.

How could he be willing to be responsible for a child?

Maybe I heard that there is this child, and if he needs him, this child can survive...

He will leave immediately.

because of him,

I don't want this child to be born.

Lu Ming uneasily pressed his hand to the place where the embryo exists, feeling the tiny existence that has not yet formed, half of his heart softened into water, and the other half was roasted on the fire.

Lu Mingshi said dumbly: "An Qiao."

Anqiao keenly realized that Lu Mingshi was different at this time, so he took it more seriously: "Say."

Lu Mingshi hurriedly said: "You help me. Help me find a way. I need some time."

Ancho was silent, and finally sighed:

"If you increase the dose of the nutrient, you can probably last another month."

His eyes lit up suddenly when he looked at Lu Ming, and he couldn't bear to finish.

"But if you add it up, it will only have side effects."

"So Mr. Lu, for your children, you only have one month at most to solve the problem with Gu Shao."

Lu Mingshi's eyes gradually darkened.

But soon he made a decision.

"Leave the hospital first." He lowered his head and looked at his unpleasant medical gown. "I'll go find a way."

The small embryo appeared on the next instrument, staying there quietly.


Lu Mingshi changed back to his usual clothes and came out of the ward. He saw Gu Yixin with his hands in the pockets of sweatpants, arched and squinted, looking at the corridor window and studying something. The ice-white lights of the hospital shone on him, he was like a big snow-white cat.

Gu Yixin turned around, yawned indifferently, and stretched a lot.

It looks more like this now, Lu Mingshi thought to himself.

Gu Yixin saw him and walked over quickly in surprise: "Alright?"

Lu Mingshi nodded and shook his head again.

He said softly: "Let's go home."

Gu Yixin naturally asked, "Do you still need me to hold it?"

Lu Mingshi hesitated a little.

He just wanted to say no, and his hesitation was acquiesced in Gu Yixin's eyes.

Gu Yixin shook his head and smiled: "Just say what you want!"

Lu Mingshi was dizzy, and when he recovered, he realized that he was hugged by the public again. This time everyone in the hospital saw it, especially in my own hospital, not to mention shame.

However, he couldn't get angry at all, and the whole heart bubbled up and down, up and down, up and down like honey.

Lu Mingshi's mind was full of chaos, he thought he was probably really poisoned.


Mother Chen opened the door.

Lu Mingshi insisted that he could walk, while Gu Yixin thought that the action of letting him down was more laborious than continuing to hold him, so as soon as Chen's mother opened the door, she saw her majestic and majestic young master being held in her arms by Yi Yi, who was weak since childhood. The extreme harmony naturally flashed blind.

Next, Gu Yixin still found it troublesome. He simply took Lu Mingshi into the bathroom according to his own logic, and asked intimately if he had the strength to take off his clothes. If not, he could help.

Lu Mingshi felt that it was really wrong to have such an unconscious target.

Then, President Lu, who was stimulated by progesterone to love his wild thoughts, had other associations that hurt the spring and the autumn.

Why is he not avoiding me at all now?

Didn't he say he likes a man of my type?

He likes this type, but he doesn't like me.

Yes, he must be tired of me.

As for men, everything is hormonal stimulation. After the freshness passes, naturally you are no longer interested.

In addition, the figure is now out of shape, and there are such strong competitors.

Lu Mingshi recalled Wei Junshan's eight-pack abs, twitched in his heart, and touched his belly again.

Outside the bathroom, Lu Mingshi, who was in distress through a layer of glass, did not notice at all.

Gu Yixin in the shower was watching him.

Lu Mingshi's legs were very long and straight. The bathroom glass was covered with a thin layer of water in the mist, and then they gathered together and fell down, spreading a clear line of sight.

Looking out from that small window, the vaguely outlined back is more tempting, and the purely masculine atmosphere makes the population dry.

Gu Yixin hasn't done it for a long time.

His shallow pupils narrowed slightly, gasping in a low voice in the sound of water...


Anqiao: Mr. Lu is just too sweet, not as wise and wise as I am. If you have explained everything that should be explained at once, what else will the author write? Can I still have a role? Can I still add chicken legs to my box lunch?

Our supporting role is very deep, and Mr. Lu doesn't understand at all, so he can only be a tragic villain in the original book.

Hey, let's not say much, the crew is ready for dinner.

That author, today's salary is settled, thank you.