The gurgling sound of water covered those blushing and heart-beating movements. When Gu Yixin stared at Lu Ming's faint shadow, he was doing something conducive to the great harmony of life, but Lu Mingshi knew nothing about it.

What is Lu Mingshi doing, who knows nothing?

He bent down and started to wash his face.

This is normal.

But when he bends down, the home clothes he wears are tightened, drawing attractive lines.

Gu Yixin took a deep breath.

He looked down at himself, trying to discuss with his enthusiastic brother.

"Can you be good, it will take too long to go out again."

Peaceful point, ok?

The little brother stood up stubbornly, aloof and silent.

Gu Yixin stared at it.

It also stared at Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin slapped it down.

The little brother leaned aside and bounced back stubbornly, like a beautifully shaped tumbler.

After so many times, Gu Yixin announced his surrender.

The shower was adjusted to cold water, aimed at a certain place, and shot.


Gu Yixin shivered out of the bathroom.

This December day, even in the fully insulated villa of the Lu family, cold water can’t stand it.

Lu Mingshi had brushed his teeth, washed his face, and was lying in the bed.

When Gu Yixin came out, the crown of his teeth trembled, he rushed to the bed, lifted the quilt and stuffed himself in.

But the body is ice, so it's useless to retract into the quilt.

He turned his gaze to Lu Mingshi, who was very calm beside him.

Lu Mingshi held a thick book in his hand and read it attentively.

He looks warm in his furry pajamas.

Although I don't know why, these two people are not lovers who sleep on the same bed every day.

But at least one thing is that they are all in peace with one quilt.

Lu Mingshi didn't want to grab the quilt from Gu Yixin because he could not grab the quilt with his toes.

In short, now Lu Mingshi is sleeping in a warm quilt, while Gu Yixin is laying in a cold quilt.

Gu Yixin lay on the bed sorely cold, and the 2.5-meter bed also shook.

Lu Mingshi looked down and met Gu Yixin's pitiful gaze.

"what happened to you?"

Gu Yixin put an arm out of the bed and put it on Lu Mingshi's wrist.

Lu Mingshi's warm skin touched the cold on his body, and a layer of goose bumps instantly formed, and he climbed all the way up the contact position.

This wasn't over yet, Gu Yixin's hands followed Lu Ming's loose cuffs in.

The further you go in, the higher your body temperature and the greater the temperature difference.

According to the thermal conductivity, Lu Mingshi's skin quickly cooled down, and Gu Yixin's skin quickly heated up.

Lu Mingshi: "..."

Lu Mingshi finally recovered his sanity and calmly asked, "Are you cold?"

Gu Yixin nodded under the quilt.

Lu Mingshi closed the book, put it back on the bedside table, picked up the remote control easily, raised the room temperature by two degrees, and turned off the bedside lamp.

The room was plunged into darkness.

Gu Yixin's eyes didn't adjust for a while, he heard the sound of rustling, and his eyes looked at Lu Mingshi's direction naturally.

In the darkness, Lu Mingshi seemed to sit up straight.



Lu Mingshi took off his thick velvet pajamas, folded them and put them aside, then lifted Gu Yixin's quilt and got in.


A warm, trembling body rolled in, then quickly tucked the quilt, and then lay down and looked at the sky, as if nothing had happened.

Lu Mingshi pretended to stare at the ceiling as usual, as if it had a picture of Shanghe River on Qingming Festival.

But the quilt was single, and it was obviously a bit squeezed when two people lay flat. Gu Yixin turned over and stared at Lu Mingshi's side face close at hand, spraying his breath on his neck and ears.

Lu Mingshi finally couldn't hold back a look at Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin's eyes were shining like stars in the dark.

They got too close, and the temperature on their bodies slowly became closer.

Half of Gu Yixin's body is cold, and half of his body is warm.

Not very comfortable.

He wants to change this situation.

Gu Yixin blinked and asked casually, "Do you mind?"

Mind what? Lu Mingshi was dazed.

Gu Yixin's current strategy against Lu Mingshi is that no objection is equal to acquiescence.

So he acted decisively and happily.

A second later, Lu Mingshi stiffened with his hands close to the seams of his trousers, stood in a military position from a lying angle, and was firmly hugged in a standing military position.

Gu Yixin crossed his legs and hugged his arms, tightly fitting, satisfied.

Fried chicken is warm!

It's like holding a big stove!

It feels great, as if tailor-made for him.

Gu Yixin was so comfortable that his chin rubbed against Lu Mingshi's shoulder.

Poor Lu Ming didn't dare to move at all.

My cub...

Lu Mingshi moved and found a position that would not be crushed.

Both of them lie on their sides, Gu Yixin's arms are still tightly bound behind Lu Mingshi's back, and one leg is also unceremoniously pressed down.

Lu Mingshi's heart was beating, fast and heavy, the kind that he was afraid of being heard.

The body in Gu Yixin's arms is constantly emitting heat, everything is strong and hard, except for the belly.

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows, paying attention to the expression on Lu Mingshi's face, tentatively placing his hand on his belly.

Gu Yixin: owo!

Gu Yi's new palm touched there, and Lu Mingshi stood still.

There was no response when he saw Lu Ming, Gu Yixin touched and touched boldly.

Lu Mingshi trembled, his voice low and vague: "What are you doing."

Gu Yixin reluctantly withdrew his hand.

But Lu Mingshi was already a bit unnatural by him.

Gu Yixin was wearing pajamas, but Lu Mingshi took off the pajamas, so that he could get around, and it wouldn't be a problem.

Lu Mingshi struggled and said, "...I don't think you are cold anymore, I'll go back to my side to sleep."

"I am cold."

Gu Yixin immediately sneezed.

Lu Mingshi:...


It's time again to "Gu Yixin fell asleep and Lu Mingshi got insomnia again by him".

Lu Mingshi discovered that Gu Yixin really admired his little belly, and his hands were not honest even when he fell asleep.

At first, the hands were dishonest, then...

Lu Mingshi was completely drowsy by him.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Lu Mingshi hung two huge dark circles and looked at the ceiling without his soul.

... Sure enough, you still have to sleep in two quilts.

Gu Yixin, who dreams of x, completely uses him as a large doll.

If he really uses it and solves the problem, the problem is that he knows how to rub...

Stop, stop.

It cannot be described here.

Lu Mingshi simply supported his body with one arm and looked at Gu Yixin, who was drowsily asleep.

Lu Mingshi decided to kiss him forcefully.

Although I used the diao vocabulary of strong kiss, this very diao vocabulary fits well with the personality of Lu Mingshi's domineering president, but in the final analysis, I dare to take advantage of others not waking up.

Lu Mingshi made up his mind fiercely.

Lu Mingshi sat up on his knees, slowly leaned down, and stared at Gu Yixin's approaching face.


Why can this child grow into such a troublesome look.

When he was a child, the appearance of him running around in open crotch pants was not very charming.

Lu Mingshi held his breath, moved closer, moved closer...

I was about to touch my lips.

Gu Yixin, who hadn't moved his nest for two hours, suddenly rolled over without warning, and leaned over to the extension of the bed, wondering what he said in a dream.

Lu Mingshi: "..."

Lu Mingshi straightened up.

Lu Mingshi lowered his head in frustration.

Lu Mingshi touched the cub.

Lu Mingshi cheered himself up.

Lu Mingshi decided to make persistent efforts.

Lu Mingshi resolutely got out of the bed from his side, wearing only his pajamas, and tremblingly moved to the other side of the bed.

He must successfully implement his plan!

Before implementing this plan, Lu Mingshi went to brush his teeth.

Tell yourself while brushing your teeth, everything is for the children!

When Lu Ming returned to the bedroom, he felt full of courage, flying in the wind, and strongly encouraged.

Then he found that Gu Yixin changed to lying on his back and fell asleep.

This could not be difficult for Lu Mingshi who was full of courage.

He climbed onto the bed burning the little universe, with his arms supported on both sides of Gu Yixin's head, his two long legs were kneeling beside Gu Yixin's hips, and he was suspended in the air.

Gu Yixin suddenly opened his eyes.

Lu Mingshi, who was about to touch his lips, stopped mechanically in the air.

Gu Yixin blinked, sluggish for twenty seconds before waking up.

Lu Mingshi felt like a screaming chicken stuck in his throat.

Gu Yixin saw Lu Mingshi clearly in front of him.

"Mr. Lu, what are you playing in the morning?"

Lu Mingshi was silent.

Lu Mingshi lowered his head.

Lu Mingshi closed his eyes.

Lu Mingshi's brain was running fast.

Lu Mingshi came up with a self-approved explanation.

Lu Mingshi's expression was as usual, and his tone was soothing: "Morning exercises."

Gu Yixin:?

I saw Lu Mingshi take a deep breath and do two standard push-ups quickly up and down.

Yes, the upper body is indeed quite standard.

Lu Mingshi calmly repeated: "Look, push-ups."

Gu Yixin was speechless.


Lu Mingshi absently pulled the scrambled eggs on the plate with his fork.

Gu Yixin stared at him worriedly.

President Lu's illness... seems to be getting worse.

Bankruptcy really brought him too much psychological pressure.

Lu Mingshi found that Gu Yixin was looking here, thinking he wanted to eat his own scrambled eggs, and simply pushed the plate in front of him.

"Eat it for you."

Gu Yixin worried: "Are you not eating anymore?"

Lu Mingshi stroked his stomach sadly.

Gu Yixin saw him touching his stomach unconsciously for the third time, and couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Lu, is your stomach uncomfortable? Why do you always touch your stomach?"

Lu Mingshi was a little bit disoriented, and it took two seconds before he realized what Gu Yixin was asking.


The fork in his hand fell to the ground.


Lu Mingshi refused to say, would Gu Yixin give up?

That is impossible.

Gu Yixin secretly wrote down Anqiao's phone number.

An Qiao was in the office, and when he answered the phone, it turned out to be from Mr. Lu's family.

The desire to hear fresh gossip immediately defeated his love of academics.

Gu Yixin described a series of symptoms of Lu Mingshi.

"President Lu's body temperature is too high. Although this is a good hug, I am worried that it is related to his physical discomfort. Will he have a chronic low-grade fever?"

"President Lu refused to eat breakfast in the morning, and just ran to the kitchen to eat sour soup and rice. He has been holding his stomach for the past two days. Could it be a stomach problem caused by an irregular diet?"

"It seems that there is something wrong with the spirit of Mr. Lu. He got up at six o'clock in the morning and did push-ups against me in bed. Does he call it push-ups?"

To sum up, Gu Yixin asked An Qiao cautiously: "What is the disease of President Lu? Is it serious?"

Ancho decided to help his boss if he said anything.

"Gu Shao, President Lu does have a serious illness."

"President Lu's illness lies not in his body, nor in his brain, but in his heart."

"Mr. Lu's illness has a lot to do with you, but he doesn't allow me to tell you everything. Please ask him for the rest."

Gu Yixin hesitated and said, "I asked, but he resolutely refused to say."

Ancho rolled his eyes.

Guess can guess.

President Lu was not such a troubled person before, it was all progesterone.

Ancho decided to take the next strong medicine.

"I have a good way to get the boss to tell the truth."

Gu Yixin unconsciously squeezed the phone, his expression was quite concerned.

"You speak."

An Qiao smiled and said, "It only takes Gu Shao to leave the Lu family for a while."


Isn't that simple?

So we will have the honor to witness Gu Yixin run away for the fourth time.


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