Zai Zai also felt the excitement of his parents and woke up in his stomach.

Then he "biu~" kicked Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi, who was immersed in the kiss, suddenly froze.

Gu Yixin also looked nervous.

"The baby moved just now!"

Lu Mingshi put his hand on his stomach, but his cub escaped with one blow, and he ignored him after kicking.

Lu Mingshi couldn't help laughing.

Gu Yixin sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at him without blinking, and his heart was itchy.

Gu Yixin raised his head and glanced at Lu Mingshi slowly. While secretly laughing at Lu Mingshi, he secretly stretched out an index finger and tapped his belly.

Touch very lightly and dare not use force at all.

Then Gu Yixin's eyes widened.

The little thing kicked him again.

The two silly fathers were suddenly excited and moved.

They opened their eyes and looked at each other, and then they hugged each other excitedly!


The next day, Gu Yixin went to work and was unwilling to stay at home. He watched the time every other day.

The gym manager walked in from the outside, and saw that Gu Yixin was packing things up, he felt a little bit in his heart.

The manager gave a light cough and patted Gu Yixin on the shoulder from behind: "Little Gu, have you been upset recently?"

Gu Yixin said honestly: "They are all very good bosses, but they are a little short of money."

The manager had been prepared for a long time, and said kindly: "Well, from now on, your commission will increase to...80%! Double the bonus! The basic salary is increased by half!"

The manager thought that even if he did not make a penny, he still had to keep the appearance of Gu Yixin!

What is the most precious thing about running a gym?

It's the value!

Gu Yixin happily shook the boss's hand and said, "You are really my favorite! Can I advance a portion of it?"

The manager's hand was about to break, his complexion turned into pig liver, and he said with difficulty: "When... Then..."

Gu Yixin let go of the manager, thanked him and went to the finance department happily.

Gu Yixin's smile was so contagious that everyone in the finance department also smiled.

This was basically the happiest time when they were paid.

The financial aunt asked Gu Yixin kindly: "Xiao Gu, what is so happy?"

Gu Yixin had a dreamlike look on his face.

"I'm going to be a father."

The aunt choked water, and the financial sister next to her raised her hands from the keyboard with a horrified expression and covered her mouth.

It's hard for the aunt to be able to introduce her third niece from her aunt's home to Gu Yixin, and the young talent was quickly listed first.

The financial sister is heartbroken by her cp permanent be.

So the aunt quickly came out of her sadness, and the financial sister was in a trance until she got off work, walking trembling.


Gu Yixin entered the bank, merged all the money from several salary cards, and was silent for a few seconds in front of the numbers on the account.

77 million.

During the lunch break last weekend, he went to the nearby shopping mall by himself. There is a shop on the first floor, which is very cutely decorated, and it is full of things for little babies.

The workmanship is very exquisite, the materials used are also very real, and the price is also very prohibitive.

Gu Yixin is now 18 years old, but just by looking at his face, he looks like a high school student playing truant.

The clerk had never seen a male high school student visiting a maternity and baby supply store. Seeing that he was good-looking, he gave birth to full patience and motherhood.

The clerk asked softly: "Little brother, are you here to choose gifts for your younger siblings?"

Gu Yixin shook his head and said honestly: "It's for my cub."

His voice still has some milk in it, and using this milky sound to bite such sweet words as "my cub", he almost fainted the clerk.

The clerk thought that this kid probably raised a doll-and occasionally young people with this hobby would come to the store and buy some exquisite little things for their dolls generously.

After understanding, the clerk stopped asking more questions, and followed Gu Yixin's wishes to let him stroll around the store leisurely.

Gu Yixin looked at the little toy for a while, and then was attracted by the delicate little swaddling. The powder-blue swaddling was extremely soft in texture, like blue cotton candy.

Looking at the label, Gu Yixin was a little sad about to move.

He walked around the store two more times, still reluctant to bear the baby, just about to gritted his teeth and go back to buy it, he saw something in the door window that made him even more unable to remove his eyes.

A wooden white cradle.

Gu Yixin, who often moved to the site and worked part-time in a lumber factory, recognized it at a glance. It was the finest white windy wood. This kind of wood is beautiful in color and good in texture. It can be stored for a long time when made into crafts.

Fengmu is quite expensive in the original world, and is relatively common in the book world, but the wood used to process handicrafts directly into such a large cradle is still very luxurious.

So the price is amazing.

Gu Yixin looked at the bluebell pattern on the cradle and the four characters Jixiangruyi for a long time, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

But this cradle is worth a full 600,000, which is his savings for several months.

Although I really like it...

But there are too many places to spend money, and I can only leave temporarily reluctantly.


Gu Yixin looked at the 770,000 on the card and made up his mind.

He took a taxi to the lumber factory.

The boss of the timber factory met him immediately with enthusiasm.

"Come to find work today too? Come and unload the goods for me, 5,000 a day, the price is only open to you, and it’s only half the price for others."

In fact, if Gu Yixin can do ten people's work alone, it is more cost-effective for him to do piecework.

Gu Yixin is too lazy to expose the boss' wishful thinking, he has other intentions today.

Ten minutes later, Gu Yixin bought a bunch of raw materials for 40,000 yuan, went to the small commodity market again, and carried a large box of woodworking tools.


At night, Lu Zhai.

Lu Mingshi was working on documents in the study room upstairs, and suddenly heard clanging sounds from the living room downstairs.

Lu Mingshi frowned, unable to concentrate, and the little boy in his stomach was also inexplicably restless.

He touched his stomach and said to himself: "Go, let's go down and see who is doing the trick."

Lu Mingshi, who was still wearing a pair of glasses, went downstairs a little angry.

The closer you get, the louder the clanging sound.

Lu Mingshi entered the living room and saw a mess.

The smooth marble tiles were covered with sawdust.

In the middle of the living room, Gu Yixin was wearing camouflage work clothes with a nail in his mouth and a hammer in his hand, smashing a nail on a semi-formed appliance.

Lu Mingshi was dumbfounded.

"what is this?"

Gu Yixin knocked the nail intently without raising his eyes.

"I want to be a cradle for the cub."

Lu Mingshi was shocked.

With a wave of his hand, he said in general:

"Don't bother, we can buy seven for reason. We don't change the same from Monday to Sunday."

Gu Yixin glanced at him disapprovingly: "I don't, refuse to be extravagant and waste it from me."

Lu Mingshi sat down and looked at with his chin for a while, feeling extremely conflicted.

Taking care of Gu Yixin so hard, he wanted to tell him not to do it, so it would be nice to have this time to rest and rest.

But Gu Yixin was so hot that he took off all his clothes and knocked on the nails shirtlessly. The muscles behind his back pulsed rhythmically, and the white mist could almost be seen rising from his back as the sweat evaporates.

Lu Ming's face turned red.

He took out a financial magazine and tried to cover his face.

Then his cell phone rang.

Lu Mingshi took out his phone and took a look.

His eyes freeze.

"Your dad and I are already at the airport. I expect to see you and Yiyi in half an hour. Surprise or surprise? Surprise or surprise? Happy or not? Mom loves you, Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo!"

Lu Mingshi shook his hands.

The mobile phone "kucha" fell to the ground.

Gu Yixin wiped his face with a hand full of sawdust, looking at him blankly with a look of scum.

"What happened?"

Lu Mingshi's teeth made a chuckle.

He was grimace.

"Something very big happened."

Could it be that the company officially declared bankruptcy?

Gu Yixin thought so, and immediately developed a deep sense of social responsibility.

He threw the hammer in his hand, patted the sawdust, and walked over to sit next to Lu Mingshi, holding his arm around his shoulder comfortingly.

"No matter what happens, I will help you."

Lu Mingshi looked into his eyes dumbly, and asked mechanically as if he had lost his soul:


Gu Yixin nodded affirmatively.

After thinking about it, I added: "It's not illegal."

Lu Mingshi nodded: "It's not illegal or illegal."

He said that he took the initiative to help Gu Yixin knead the shoulder and neck muscles.

With his attitude, Gu Yixin was a little wary again.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

Lu Mingshi sincerely: "You promise me first. I'll say it later."

Gu Yixin is more sincere: "You first say what it is, and I will promise you."

"You promise first."

"You speak first."

"You first……"

During the argument, the door suddenly opened.

Madam Lu stood at the door with a smile on her face, opened her arms, and shouted cheerfully:


Said that time is too fast, Lu Mingshi, who has always moved fast like lightning, immediately turned around, and took advantage of Gu Yixin's careless grasp of a pillow and stuffed it into his clothes.

Suddenly it became petrified when he was stuffed with Lu Ming.

Because of Gu Yixin.

just now.


No clothes.


Lu Mingshi's twenty-nine years of wonderful life all come from his uninterrupted efforts.

In addition to hard work, it is his super fast reaction ability.

Take this countless times to turn the danger into a bargain, and finally board the pinnacle of life.

However, at this moment, Lu Mingshi's wonderful life capsized for the first time.

He knelt down on the sofa facing the back of the sofa, his expression blank.


When Father Lu came in, he first saw Gu Yixin with a puzzled look.

Gu Yixin had no clothes on his upper body, holding a pillow in his arms.

Mother Lu was shocked.

"How can Yiyi not wear clothes, it's so cold outside, baby, you and baby are going to be frozen..."

When he said that, he took off the big cloak and put it on Gu Yixin's body, then stared at Gu Yixin's "belly", satisfied:

"The baby is so good! When I was born, I had such a big belly just after I was born. I thought that I must be a girl when I was born so young. As a result, Ming Ming came out, good fellow, a big fat boy of eight catties! This guy has been able to hide since he was a child—"

Lu Mingshi moved sideways from the middle of the sofa autistically.

With his back on his back, he didn't move at all, crazily trying to hide his belly that would show up at the first glance.

"Eh, Mingming? Where are you going, Mingming?"

Mother Lu grabbed her son's shoulders with both hands and forcibly turned him around.

Look at the face first.

Mother Lu said happily, "Mingming, you have gained weight."

Look at the waist again.

Mother Lu was shocked: "Ming Ming, why do you have such a big belly?!"

Next to Gu Yixin, silently took out the pillow under the cloak and handed it to Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi mechanically blocked himself with a pillow, and showed a tired smile at his shocked mother.

Mother Lu's eyes caught Gu Yixin's flat abdomen, and then at her son's belly with his clothes up.

She fell into a state where all four are empty.

Seeing Lu's mother faltering, Father Lu, who happened to be coming late, passed by, catching his wife quickly with eyesight and hands.

"Wife, what's wrong with you?"

Mother Lu tremblingly stretched out a finger and pointed at the completely different belly of his son and Yi Yi.

She trembling with Venus in her eyes: "Oh husband, you see there are so many stars in the sky today..."


In the bedroom upstairs, Mother Lu, who was too close to Jue Past, lay on the bed, shaking her hands to take the water from Father Lu.

Father Lu didn't get any better, and sat down on the edge of the bed dejectedly.

The two parents who used the funny way to educate their children from an early age helped Lu Mingshi to become the most dedicated heir of the wealthiest family in the country today.

I don't want to accidentally train Lu Mingshi too conscientiously, so that he has to do it on his own, like breeding offspring.

Two parents, you look at me and I look at you.

The funny ratio index fell to the bottom.

Mother Lu took two sips of water and slowly came over.

"What about my husband?"

Father Lu sighed.

Father Lu took out a notebook.

That is their household registration book.

"What else can I do, get married quickly. I have a big belly. If I don't need a certificate, how can I get registered when I am born?"

Mother Lu looked at Father Lu as if she had seen Aristotle.

Mother Lu: "My dear, you are so thorough in your consideration, why didn't I expect it?"


Living room downstairs.

Dressed up, Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming seriously and asked: "You don't want to let your parents know that you are pregnant. Are you afraid of embarrassment?"

If Lu Mingshi said yes, Gu Yixin could fully understand it.

He has experienced the magical thing like wearing a book, but most people in this world have not experienced it, and the acceptance of strange things is not the same.

Gu Yixin didn't know how the original owner felt when he became the only pregnant man in the world.

Perhaps as an insignificant cannon fodder role, the author would not consider so much at all, just using him as a tool man.

This kind of thing that contradicts the laws of physiology, no one wants to be known by others.

However, Gu Yixin did not agree with Lu Mingshi's hiding from his parents. After all, you can hide it for a while, you can't hide it for a lifetime.

Lu Mingshi was still immersed in disappointment. Hearing this question, he subconsciously answered:

"Half of it is afraid of embarrassment, and half of it is not knowing how they will react, afraid of facing it."

He looked at Gu Yixin's face and then at the stairs, for fear that his parents would rush down from the stairs in the next second and beat others.

If my parents relax and fight with my husband for me, who can I help?

Lu Mingshi suddenly let his brain fill a century's problem.

Lu Mingshi, who was caught in the scene of replenishing his brain, trembled slightly.

Lu Mingshi was still struggling, they heard the sound of Lu father and mother coming downstairs.

Mother Lu stood in front of the two, looking nervous.

Father Lu stood behind Mother Lu, his expression even more tense.

The most nervous thing was when Lu Ming looked at his parents, he always felt that they would rush to work with Gu Yixin at any time.

That's over.

Gu Yixin would not keep things together, such as golden bells and iron shirts, accidentally shook his old parents out through the reaction of force.

Lu Mingshi felt that he would never let this happen!

Facts have proved that all worrying things have a few high probability to happen.

When Lu Mingshi saw his father stretched his hand into his arms, he took out a knife!

Lu Mingshi stood up, his arms stretched out in front of Gu Yixin, awe-inspiring.

"Parents, I think I want to sleep, and I want to give birth to the cub. It has nothing to do with him."

Lu Mingshi's father silently pressed the Swiss Army Knife that he had drawn out by mistake, and pressed the handle of the small knife he had drawn out by mistake.

Then took out the household registration book from his arms.

Father Lu shook his hand and handed the hukou over. When he originally wanted to give it to Lu Ming, his son was still holding his arms horizontally.

Mother Lu pushed the silly Lu Mingshi down on the sofa, snatched the hukou and placed them on the thighs of the two people next to each other.


"Please get married immediately!"

Lu Mingshi:? ? ?

Gu Yixin:? ? ?


Yes. That's it.

Due to external force majeure, Lu Mingshi, who wanted to walk through the process, was forced to skip to the end.

Having reached the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Lu Mingshi couldn't help asking again:

"Are you really willing to marry me?"

Gu Yixin glanced at him strangely.

"How can I get registered without getting married? What should I do if I don't register for primary school? Now kindergartens have to interview, and there is a blank period on the resume that is difficult to explain. What if someone says that our baby is a black household?

This really makes sense.

Lu Mingshi nodded involuntarily and asked:

"But, I'm about to go bankrupt?"

Gu Yixin's answer was steady.

"I am a proletariat, so my output value is zero. The way to calculate the common property of a husband and wife is your property plus my property divided by two, and the result of zero plus any number divided by two is greater than zero, so it is impossible for me and After you get married, your assets will decrease. Instead, you need to consider whether you want to do a property notarization."

Lu Mingshi immediately found the loophole and refuted it. At this moment, Lu Mingshi was very proud, his thinking had completely followed Gu Yixin.

"No, zero plus any positive number divided by two is greater than zero. If I go bankrupt and my output value is negative, then your output value will change from zero to negative after average. In this way, your output value will even start The value is zero, but it still decreases!"

Lu Ming said triumphantly.

He was very happy.

This time, he finally found his place in front of Gu Yixin, without losing the face of the world's number one super-prestigious university graduate.

Gu Yixin was taken aback.

Gu Yixin was a little embarrassed.

But he didn't feel embarrassed for long. Gu Yi quickly completed the complete reasoning:

"The output value of Mr. Lu will not be negative, because even if Mr. Lu goes bankrupt, he still has intangible assets close to infinity."

Lu Mingshi: "My intangible assets?"

"Mr. Lu will be the mother of my child in the future. The child will never have another mother. This kind of emotion, this kind of family maintenance, this kind of clear and stable future, it is an irreplaceable intangible asset."

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming, he thought to himself that you could not refute this time.

Lu Mingshi couldn't refute, Lu Mingshi's legs were so weak.

If it weren't at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, where people were crowded now, he would immediately give Gu Yixin a performance.


Happy New Year's Day~~~~~

Thank you for the **** of Moonstone (moonstone is really useless), wulix4, Mr. Xing, Mr. 32415620's mines~!

Thank you for your favorites and comments~! biubiubiu~