With a loving smile, the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau received two mysterious men.

"New Year and New Year! Congratulations to both of you. You happen to be the 9999th couple registered in our city this year! On behalf of our company, I would like to wish them a hundred years of harmony and give birth to a beautiful son!"

The registration brother said with a smile on his face.

As soon as he said this, another little brother next to him gave him a push.

They are two men, they are wrong!

The registration brother quickly changed his mouth.

"Happy newlyweds, a long time!"

There was no expression on Lu Mingshi's face.

But I can feel that he is very happy.

Gu Yixin asked seriously: "Then, do you have any prizes or benefits for your organization who just became the 9999th couple?"

Gu Yixin feels that if it is written in books that it happens to be a certain mysterious number, there must be a lottery.

Even if the agency finds a gift of a pack of tissues, it is a profit.

In the original work, Lu Mingshi reluctantly argued with the original author at about this time under the pressure of his parents.

Time may go by a day or two. In short, there is no setting for the 9999th marriage in the book.

With this question, Gu Yixin successfully caused the staff present to get stuck together.

The two brothers looked at each other.

They haven't mentioned it yet, how does this gentleman know there will be prizes?

The other brother stunned the registration brother again. The registration brother was busy recovering from the confusion, and said cheerfully: "Some and some, you can wait a moment."

The prize was a little big, and the two brothers entered the storage room together and carried it out together.

Communicate while lifting.

"They probably won't like it."

"Why didn't the department take into account that the winner was a same-sex marriage when purchasing?"

Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi sat outside and waited patiently.

When the two younger brothers returned to the door, Gu Yixin immediately jumped up happily.

When Gu Yixin heard that the gift was huge, he was already mentally prepared for six boxes of paper.

But what lies ahead is a huge surprise.

That is a beautiful cradle.

White wind wood, high-quality materials and workmanship, exquisite patterns.

It's the one that he never forgets, thinks like crazy, and finally rolls up his sleeves to buy wood and nails himself!

It's exactly the same!

It is really a good civil affairs bureau that considers the needs of the public, provides high-quality and convenient services, and maintains the highest marriage rate in the province throughout the year.

When Lu Mingshi saw Gu Yixin's eyes gleaming, he was obviously extremely excited, and he felt very happy.

The two younger brothers just put down the rather heavy cradle, rubbing the fast-breaking waist and gasped for a breath.

They were trying to apologize to Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi to explain the mistakes of the purchasing department, but they saw that the eyes of the two people were bright, as if they had seen some rare treasures.

The little brother also mechanically said what he had just prepared:

"If the two of you don't like it, Si Li can consider switching to a three-day trip for two people at 18A scenic spots in neighboring provinces..."

Lu Mingshi immediately said, "No."

He leaned over and touched the surface of the wood with a good texture, and said with a little smile: "This is good, we like it very much."

Gu Yixin's happy eyes narrowed even more.

The two brothers were a little taken aback, looked at each other, making eye contact with crackling.

"It is estimated that there is a plan to adopt a child."

"They are not in line with the adoption policy at this age, maybe it is a foreign surrogacy?"

Because the actions of the two staff made them very happy, Lu Mingshi felt that he should have expressed something.

This kind of expression is probably to give a little tip.

Lu Mingshi gracefully took out his black leather wallet from the mezzanine. The one with a high rate of appearance in the article.

He opened his wallet and glanced inside.

Yes, there are still only twenty yuan in the wallet today.

Lu Mingshi quietly put away his wallet.

Forget it.


The last step in the registration process is to take a photo of your ID.

Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi sat on the stool for taking ID photos in a proper manner, listening to the photographer's request to move left and right, they were very well-behaved and obedient.

One handsome, one beautiful.

The photographer fiddled with these two nearly perfect faces, drooling in his heart.

It's a pity that this handsome guy's figure seems quite out of shape.

The photographer glanced at Lu Mingshi's waist and abdomen, which was obviously thick.

But you see, there are people here, no matter how fat they are on the camera, they don’t show up.

Why do you know that people will grow their flesh? Nothing is fat without a fat face?


The photos are stored in the library and the information registration is completed.

The staff put them before leading the automatic printer.

"Two gentlemen, please wait here."

Credentials are being generated for you...

5, 4, 3, 2.

Lu Mingshi held his breath and watched the countdown on the display of the automatic operation console. He rubbed the belly of his index finger and rubbed the belly of his thumb.


Accompanied by the machine's crisp "completed" electronic sound, two small red books with smooth covers slide out.

Lu Mingshi stretched out his hands and held it.

Two small books, lying quietly in his palm.

The big red cover with gilded words, like two careful hearts.

Gu Yixin leaned over to take a look.

Lu Mingshi handed him a marriage certificate, opened the cover himself, and the photo of the certificate that he took just now clearly came into view.

With red bottoms, the two of them were wearing white formal attire, they were close together, their eyes calm and warm.

Lu Mingshi was moved too much.

He sniffed, his surging emotions had nowhere to vent, he simply turned around and hugged Gu Yixin's shoulders.

Gu Yixin was about to open it and take a look. He was caught off guard by such a hug. A marriage certificate that was half-turned in his hand fell to the ground without paying attention.


There are many people in the lobby of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Quite a lot.

So before the marriage certificate fell on the ground, he was stepped on by someone passing by.


Tear in half.


An Luoyu received a script.

He was ecstatic, because he hadn't started work for three months.

When the rice at home is finished, it seems that the pot cannot be opened.

If there is no income, he will consider quitting the entertainment circle and go to a stall next to the orphanage to sell biscuits.

Although selling biscuits is also good, after all, An Luoyu likes biscuits the most.

If you go to sell sesame seed cakes, you can eat them every day.

But after all, his hobby is to eat sesame seeds, not to sell sesame seeds.

What's more, acting is his lifelong dream.

He An Luoyu is a beautiful man willing to sacrifice everything for his dream!

This is the reason why the boss asked him to accompany him a few times before, but he still went there after entangled.

Now, finally a director is willing to use him.

Although this role is only male No. 5, his vicissitudes of life have already seen through the thick script and see his future as an absolute male pig's foot.

This character is a notorious scumbag.

There were two main scenes of his. One was a divorce in the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the other was when he was beaten to death by his original family in the street.

In order to play this scumbag well, An Luoyu resolutely put down the script and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to find feelings.

An Luoyu, who was immersed in the plot, quickly entered the play. He regarded the girl with long hair in front as his imaginary original partner, and spoke silently in his heart.


At the same time, Gu Yixin's marriage certificate fell to the ground.

An Luoyu who entered the play stepped on it.

An Luoyu, who didn't realize what he had done, chased after the original match he imagined with emotion, Yiqi Juechen.

Only left for Lu Mingshi's ascendant figure.


Lu Mingshi squatted down and picked up the marriage certificate, silent for a long while.

He stared at An Luoyu who was going away, his eyes locked.

He remembered this back. If he were to see this person again in the future, he would definitely not let it go.

Lu Mingshi looked at the torn in half of his marriage certificate, and looked at each other with Gu Yixin.

After a long while, Gu Yixin got two marriage certificates.

Tear the complete one in half.

Lu Mingshi:...

Lu Mingshi:! ! !


Gu Yixin took the marriage certificate and walked away.

When Lu Ming was left, he was sitting alone on a bench by the window of the hall.

The expression is bleak.

Passers-by come and go, and from time to time someone casts strange glances.

People who often read the finance and economics edition recognized him and pointed them.

The newlyweds who didn't know him passed by happily, with a little sympathy in their eyes.

"This 80% is divorced."

"Is there any reason for being so handsome and abandoned?"

"You can't just look at your face, look at your stomach, it must be because you got ugly and rejected you for being fat after marriage."

"Ah, will you do the same in the future?!"


An ordinary old man who had just divorced, shuffled over and slowly sat next to Lu Mingshi.

The auras of the two people are inexplicably compatible, and both reveal a sense of depression that is unlovable.

Lu Mingshi glanced at him.

The other person also looked over.

Lu Mingshi thinks that Tianya is a fallen person.

He didn't say a word yet, the ordinary old man had already spoken first.

"My wife and I have been married for twelve years, and have four children, ranging in age from three to thirteen, two boys and two girls."

Lu Ming was expressionless and dry:

"I married him for five minutes, one child, five months old, I don't know the gender, and don't want to know."

When the ordinary old man heard this, he immediately knew that he was his own.

Thinking that such an outstanding young man had the same experience as himself, I felt much better.

"On the 12th anniversary of my marriage, I learned that my wife has eight ex-boyfriends and four current boyfriends. I took the children to the hospital for a paternity test, and the results were just posted on my mobile phone."

When Lu Mingshi heard this, he slowly widened his eyes, and turned his eyes to look at the green-hat man in front of him.

He had a faint feeling in his heart.

The green-hat man glanced at him, lowered his head and started crying sadly:

"None of the four children belong to me, none of them belong to me~~ There is another one whose sequence is close to 80%, which shows that I have blood relationship with me, but they are not biological!...Who can have I am miserable!"

Lu Mingshi:...

It does seem a bit miserable.

It was shocking.

Lu Mingshi thought.

He subconsciously covered his lower abdomen, feeling extremely grateful in his heart--

It's great, at least he can be 100% sure that the child is his own!


From this perspective, being able to become pregnant is indeed an advantage.

Lu Mingshi was lost in thought.

This made him temporarily forget the pain of being left behind by Gu Yixin.

I have to say that two happy people may become happier when they stay together.

When two people who are in pain are together, one of them will become less painful.

The other one may be more painful.

Lu Mingshi was thinking about philosophical issues, and a figure over there slowly came back.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin who was returning.

Hope rose again in my heart.


Gu Yixin stood in the lobby and looked for it. When he didn't see Lu Ming, he stopped a girl and asked politely:

"Hello, have you seen..."

Before he finished speaking, the girl raised her head in surprise.

"Wow, are you Gu Yixin? I really like you. Can you sign me?"

Gu Yixin's scalp was hardened, and his expression was calm and open.

"You have admitted the wrong person, I may just look more like it. How could I be that hero who saved people bravely, and a model worker who loves my job, Gu Yixin."

Seeing the girl's doubts, Gu Yixin was serious:

"Look, am I fatter than him, shorter than him, and not as good-looking as him?"

The girl frowned and focused... She shook her head and said firmly: "No, you are a little thinner than him on TV, you are a little taller than him, and you look better than him..."

Gu Yixin nodded fiercely and hinted crazily: "So you see, I am obviously not him, am I?"

The girl finally believed this time, but she still reluctantly took out her phone:

"Can you take a photo with me? I have never seen someone as good-looking as you! If I know you first instead of Gu Yixin, I will eat you instead of him."

Gu Yixin couldn't be rubbed by her, so the machine smiled and took a photo with the girl.


Smile without a soul.jpg

The girl asked again: "Can you tell me your name?"

At this time, Gu Yixin had already seen Lu Mingshi sitting in the corner and the crying man beside him. Gu Yixin, who was anxious to leave, said casually:

"Okay. My name is Gu Wumao."


Gu Yixin strode to the side of Lu Mingshi, glanced at the green-hat man who seemed to be dangerous next to him, sat in the middle quietly, separating Lu Mingshi from him.

Well, five good young people must protect the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled.

Gu Yixin glanced at the marriage certificate stuck in his hand again.

...Of course, I also need to protect my cub's mother.

Gu Yixin thought, and when he heard Lu Ming asked, "Why have you been there for so long?"

This voice is kind of wronged.

But Gu Yixin couldn't hear it.

Gu Yixin glanced vigilantly at the "dangerous" green-hat man who was staring at them, and then stuffed Lu Mingshi with the marriage certificate he was holding.

Lu Mingshi opened his eyes wide.

The torn marriage certificate was firmly glued with scotch tape, and the person who pasted it was fine-tuned. If it was not slightly reflective, it would not even be visible.

But if it is glued, why do you have to tear off the other part first?

Lu Mingshi opened the cover and discovered the difference.

Although the shoe prints left by the person who stepped on the marriage certificate have been carefully wiped, they still have a pale gray shadow.

Half of the two marriage certificates in hand are printed with this gray shadow.

All in all, this is a combination of those two.

Lu Mingshi hid the marriage certificate in his clothes like a baby.

Never drop them to the ground again.

He said solemnly: "I thought you were going back to get a new copy."

Gu Yixin touched his nose and said embarrassedly: "It was originally planned, but the cost is more expensive than I thought..."

Lu Mingshi was funny and wanted to laugh.

Gu Yixin said: "I thought about using it first. After two years I'm tired of reading it and then change it again. By the way, take a new photo."

The meaning of "future" contained in his casual words made Lu Mingshi startled.

Gu Yixin didn't speak when he saw Lu Ming, a little worried that he was not satisfied.

"Am I good at sticking?" Gu Yixin asked.


Lu Mingshi’s answer was to hug him directly.



To be honest, Gu Yixin was a little confused.

This is a huge crowd, when has President Lu been so generous?

Lu Ming couldn't help but collapsed, and immediately shrank back when he was done.

Lu Mingshi looked around with a sullen face. Fortunately, no one was paying attention, so he pretended that nothing happened.

But in fact, someone still saw them kiss.

The man with the green hat next to him is also human.

The man in the green hat was already tired from crying, and his handkerchiefs and tissues were all wet.

He was ready to go home and cry again, and it was even more sad to think that he was already homeless.

When his sadness savings reached a critical value, he suddenly saw that an excellent man who had the same experience as himself was kissing another man.

The green hat man rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

He read it right.

He confirmed it again and again, and finally understood——

This handsome guy who was green,

Because of being betrayed by his wife,

Was overly stimulated,

After finishing the divorce procedures in the Civil Affairs Bureau,

Bend on the spot!

The logic is smooth and the reasoning is smooth.

The green hat man with many ideas in his mind walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau in a daze.

The sky outside was very blue and the wind was very light.

But his heart bears too much, a burden beyond his bearing.

He went to a bar, ready to buy drunk to heal his injuries.

The careless green-hat man naturally didn't notice, the name of this store is called "Nightclub".

Yes, this is the **** family where Gu Yixin works.

When the green-hat man walked into the nightclub, an attentive man immediately surrounded him and asked meaningfully: "A lonely night, does my husband need someone to accompany you to drink?"

The green-hat man was happy to find his confidant, and immediately nodded and entered the private room with the man.


Headline sand sculpture news in the first month of this year:

"The man was confirmed by the Green Twelve Years that none of his four sons were biological. He went to bed with a stranger of the same **** two hours after his divorce and was drunk. His wife looked calm during the interview and congratulated his ex-husband for finding another possibility of life."


(Today is too late to count tomorrow) Thanks to Thunder, thanks to the nutrient solution, thanks for the collection, thanks for the comment, Bo

Ask for the collection of an author's column, okay~