Gu Yixin carried the wooden cradle.

Lu Mingshi carried his marriage certificate.

The two returned to Luzhai with their heads high.

At the door of the house, a car was slipping away, leaving a mouthful of exhaust gas.

That was the car shadow of Lu's father and mother leaving.

Gu Yixin asked: "Why do uncles and aunts leave so quickly?"

Lu Mingshi looked very lost.

"They may take a while to get used to my appearance."

My own son is pregnant, and other people's sons are pregnant, it is still different after all.

Gu Yixin touched his belly and comforted: "No, they must be busy with other things, and they will come back to see you soon."

The two walked to the living room. The sawdust had been cleaned up, leaving the semi-finished products made yesterday.

Lu Mingshi looked at the new cradle that Gu Yixin had carried back, and then at the semi-finished products hanging aside, feeling a little pity.

"This will waste your four hours of work in vain."

Gu Yixin carefully studied the semi-finished products.

"It's okay."

Gu Yixin rolled up his sleeves.

"Change to a changing table, it's super simple."

It was another jingle.

After a busy afternoon, Bai Fengmu's changing table was ready.

It's super harmonious with the cradle.

Lu Mingshi watched the wind from the window lift the gauze curtains on the cradle and diaper table, as if he could see the baby in the future lying on it and babbling.

Gu Yixin shook his hand in front of his eyes.

Lu Mingshi returned to his senses and suddenly took out a book.

A few big words on the cover:

"Detailed steps for dating and dating (for beginners.

They have gone out to eat together three times.

According to the process, the next step should be...

"We have to hurry up to the next step." Lu Mingshi announced, "Go out shopping and purchase together."

Gu Yixin agreed that he agreed, anyway, he took a paid vacation today.

But he was a little puzzled: "Why is President Lu so anxious?"

Lu Mingshi wondered if he could do it in a hurry.

How to take the process in no hurry.

How to proceed to the last step without going through the process.

Lu Mingshi had actually regretted it several times. The person who wanted to sleep was by his side, but he could only kiss him and couldn't sleep.

For someone else, I probably broke my promise on the spot.

But he is no one else.

He has always been a man who will do what he says and do what he does.

This is a magic weapon for him to cross the market!

What's more, there are cubs now.

Then we must do what we say, and set a good example for the cubs.

Education starts when the doll is still in the stomach.

Lu Mingshi must use his own practice to prove that the men of the Lu family are treasures!


Two people came to the bustling downtown.

Looking at each other, they are all a little confused.

Gu Yixin usually likes to go to various wholesale markets, urban and rural areas.

And Lu Ming always manages everything, so there is no time to go shopping.

Two people buy clothes, one is 9 yuan and 9 free shipping, and the other is a designer who comes to his home to customize it personally.

The common point is that you don't have to go out.

So these are two natural houses.

Two dumbfounded people can't go shopping, so they unanimously decided to shop one by one.

On the first floor of a famous square, twelve luxury stores are connected to the door.

When the two entered the first store, the clerk was deeply attracted by the temperament of Lu Mingshi.

Look at the clothes, look at the temperament, this is the proper patron.

Lu Mingshitong's style is just one word.


The golden light on him was so shining that the clerk directly ignored Gu Yixin who was behind him.

The clerk graciously gathered around and asked Lu Ming what type of product he needed to introduce.

Lu Mingshi hesitated.

He seems to lack anything...

However, Gu Yixing was very energetic, walking around in the store, looking at this and that.

After a long while, he pointed to a well-made scarf under the counter and asked the clerk politely:

"Hello, how much is this?"

Items in luxury stores are not priced.

If the price is marked, Gu Yixin will not ask.

The clerk took a look, said a number, and prepared to take out the scarf for the customer to try on.

Gu Yixin was sluggish for a while after hearing the price, and immediately declined politely: "No, no, let me see it again! Thanks!"

He left when he pulled Lu Ming.

Lu Mingshi followed blankly.


"I'm not buying anything today."

After visiting the twelve luxury stores on the first floor, Gu Yixin said firmly.


After half an hour.

A famous parent-child supplies store.

Gu Yixin's dim eyes suddenly lighted up.

Without paying attention to Lu Mingshi, Gu Yixin rushed to the entrance with a vigorous step and grabbed a small cart.

This time, the goods are clearly marked. Gu Yixin did not hesitate to compare prices with various textures. He chose a cart of small clothes, small shoes, small hats, small toys, saliva towels, bibs...

He even picked up a mobile phone to compare prices across the network and picked up a blue light to treat neonatal jaundice!

Lu Mingshi looked at in surprise.

Lu Mingshi wanted to say that I prepared all these things very early, so I don't need to buy them again.

But looking at Gu Yixin like this, he couldn't bear to say it.

When checking out, Gu Yixin stood there in a daze while watching Lu Ming, shaking his eyelashes in doubt.

Gu Yixin gradually returned to the real world only when the clerk reported the price.

The quality of the products in this store is very good, and the prices are therefore considerable.

Gu Yixin's rich experience in bargaining in the small commodity market has lost all his magic at this moment.


Gu Yixin, who came out of the mall, has been immersed in a complex emotion of pain and happiness.

The moment of swiping the card is happy, but after that, it is endless pain.

The idea of ​​increasing the type of part-time job emerged in my mind.

Gu Yixin secretly made up his mind.

Go out to find a job tomorrow.

In the underground garage, Lu Mingshi was sitting in the driver's seat. Gu Yixin put the pile of baby products piled up like a hill in the back seat, and then opened the passenger's door.

Gu Yixin paused.

In the passenger seat, there is a bag.

Above is the logo of that luxury store.


Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi sat in the driver's seat and coughed slightly, covering up:

"I passed by that shop when I went to the bathroom. They were doing activities and discounts."

Gu Yixin: "..."

I'm not stupid.

Gu Yixin sat down with his legs spread out, put the bag on his thigh, and pulled out the beautiful scarf.

Seeing that he was silent, Lu Ming added: "Even if it's a birthday present I gave you in advance."

Gu Yixin still didn't speak.

Seeing that he had been silent, Lu Ming was a little nervous and anxious.

He immediately reached out his hand.

"...I take it back now and return it."

He said he was going to grab the bag in Gu Yixin's hand.

Gu Yixin held down Lu Ming's hand: "No, I like it very much."

Gu Yixin turned to look at Lu Mingshi sincerely.

"But, I want to buy you this scarf. Thank you for the green scarf you gave me last time."

"I wanted to buy it on my behalf after I went back. Since the store is on sale today, it would be nice to buy it now."

Gu Yixin took out his mobile phone and began to flip through the shopping receipts in the bag. While looking for it, he said, "Wait for me to see how much it is, and transfer the money to you."

The shopping receipt was wisely hidden by Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi was in a trance.

Lu Mingshi tried his best to calm down and said, "We are already married, so what else is yours and mine."

Gu Yixin laughed: "Can I let you pay for gifts for yourself?"

Lu Mingshi had to say a surprisingly low number.

Gu Yixin was slightly suspicious: "Do they offer a 25% discount?"

Lu Mingshi nodded affirmatively, his tone quite expert.

"You know, out of season merchandise."

In fact, it is a classic product.

But Gu Yixin didn't understand luxury at all, so he was fooled by him.

After the transfer, Gu Yixin looked at the waning balance.

He felt that he still needed to find another part-time job.


When Gu Yixin came out for a stroll at noon, a group of people crowded around the road.

Gu Yixin squeezed everyone away and found that this was a scene of violence!

Moreover, it is someone he knows who is being abused!

Gu Yixin rushed forward and slashed the six elder brothers who were committing violence under his palm, dragging out the dying victim who was held underneath.

Gu Yixin saw that there was no good piece of meat on his body, and he was ravaged. An Luoyu was so devastated that there was an air in and out of breath.

He was filled with righteous indignation towards the six brothers who were naked, left Qinglong and right Baihu:

"How can you hit someone? Still attacking so hard?"

The six hapless group actors lay on the ground grinning, looking at Gu Yixin who descended from the sky in front of him in horror.

An Luoyu Carp Dating got up from the ground and said carefully:

"Gu, Mr. Gu, we are filming."

The stunned director hurriedly sent the tragic group performers to the hospital.

And Gu Yixin, who had understood the truth, lowered his head guiltily.

"I'll pay for the medical bills, and I will go to the hospital with them."

He said he was about to get into an ambulance.

The director hurriedly pulled him down.

"It's all a misunderstanding." The director said kindly. "The crew bought the most high-end insurance. This is a pure accident and can be reimbursed."

The director looked at Gu Yixin, his eyes revealed, and tentatively said:

"Little brother, do you want to act?"

Gu Yixin shook his head into a rattle.

"I don't have this hobby."

The director was disappointed: "So."

Gu Yixin checked the time: "Director, I have to go to work in the afternoon. Why not, if these brothers have any questions, please feel free to contact me."

The director's cell phone rang.

The director glanced at the caller's name and immediately answered the call.

"Hey, Xiaoli."

"What are you talking about, can't be reimbursed?"

The director's voice suddenly rose up, full of tremors, surprises and incredibility.

Gu Yi's news screamed.

The housekeeping aunt who called to ask whether the fish was steamed or braised for dinner was silent for a long time.

The director is improvising again, which is really burdensome.

"Xiao Wang and Xiao Li... OK, OK, I see."

The director hung up in pain and let out a long sigh.

He did not look after Gu Yixin, but looked at the direction of the distant hospital.

Standing for a long time, staring for a long time.

Gu Yixin tremblingly asked, "Director, this call is..."

The director turned around, as if only now remembered that he was still here.

"It's Xiaoli, our emergency handler."

The director said, his vicissitudes of life looked at Gu Yixin, as if with a little sympathy.

"Because I don't know why, the medical expenses can't be reimbursed anyway, young man, you have to pay the money."

"In addition, Xiao Wang and Xiao Li are seriously injured and need to suspend work for a month. They asked you to pay for lost work."

"Xiao Zhou and Xiao Wu proposed compensation for mental damage, depending on whether you want it to be public or private. This time the situation is a bit serious, maybe it's important..."

His voice hasn't fallen yet, Gu Yixin has already made a firm statement: "Private!"

It must be private.

Getting into the game is okay.

The cub can't have a father who keeps the record.

The director patted Gu Yixin on the shoulder: "These costs add up to about 10 million yuan."

Gu Yixin:...

The director said kindly: "Our role is paid 20 million. What, do you want to think about it?"


After Gu Yixin signed the contract and left, hundreds of people on the crew looked at the young boy as if he was ten years old, feeling a little sympathetic.

The producer sputtered heartbrokenly: "Director, the maximum salary budget for our role can only be 10 million. How can you increase it to two thousand?"

The director is calm.

"Two thousand minus one thousand is not one thousand."

An Luoyu wondered: "Director, who are Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, Xiao Zhou, and Xiao Wu? I found the six actors in this group, and they all have the black name."

The director is calm.

"Xiao Wang Xiaoli is the name of my golden retriever, and Xiao Zhou Xiaowu is the barley dog ​​next door."

"Beep buzz--"

The ambulance that had just driven away came back.

The doctor jumped down calmly and pointed to the six black ones who helped one out of the car:

"I checked on the road and all were alive and kicking, but the last one got a little scratched."

"Medical resources are very tight. Please pay attention to it and call 120 after judging the situation."

"The cost of the ambulance is 180, and the inspection fee is 1,200. Cash or credit card?"



Gu Yixin returned home in a daze.

"I resigned," he announced.

Lu Mingshi was watching TV, and he turned around abruptly.


Lu Mingshi was ecstatic.

God knows he hasn't used Wei Junshan's gym for a long time.

Gu Yixin stared at him pitifully.

"I mean, we can definitely find a better one."

Lu Mingshi added immediately.

"I have found a new job in the crew."

"The crew? Need to travel?"


"That's good. The drama is still moving?" Lu Mingshi asked habitually.

"Neither." Gu Yixin said sadly, "It's the male number one."

Lu Mingshi: "..."


Summary of this article:

Going off the road, moving bricks, and being elected as a national model worker.

The daily life of being caught by the cubs, by the sand sculptures, by and by the chickens and dogs.

Mixed with various episodes~

Thanks to wit white, kinx2, SCIpaper, winter is coming, birds and fish, Su Susu, half a dozen navel oranges, Sonic, sleep on the pillow today, sesame that eats books, president of Jinjiang White Whoring Association, no Yali No Frozen Pear, Devil Dad, He Yang x2, 22245681, Shui Mu Mu Mu Mu, Cang Dove, Cat Hee Hee, Mo Yan x2, Greedy Meow Meow, Jinshu and Wine, -kyros, Xingzi, Rongyu x3 , Domineering Jiujiu fell in love with fish, shrimp roe, Shushu Ying,...? Jun's mine!

Thank you Su Susu, Wang Xian ~ Yuan, not Shi, You Qi, Demon Dad, and the grenade of the charged A Miao Jun!

Thanks to Devil Dad and Iwa Nori-kun for the rocket launcher!

Thank you for your collection and comments, Boo~