On the first day of joining the group, Gu Yixin's rate of getting up reached a record low.

In the past, he has been full of infinite enthusiasm for work.

If he didn't get up, he didn't wake up. As long as he wakes up, he will be able to get everything done in five minutes, go downstairs, grab a piece of pancake and go out.

When Gu Yixin realized how short of money he was, he could even sit up in a daze, wash his face, brush his teeth, and then get on the 9102 bus in a daze.

But today, his enthusiasm for going out to work has dropped to a freezing point.

Life finally dealt mercilessly on this young man who just wanted to move bricks.

Gu Yixin supported the edge of the marble table with both hands, leaning forward, looking at himself in the mirror with solemn expression, the expression on his face constantly changing.

A shadow flashed in the corner of the mirror. Lu Mingshi rubbed his eyes and yawned and went to the bathroom.

Lu Mingshi asked Gu Yixin while taking off his pants without changing his color.

"You do not need to work today?"

Gu Yixin replied sadly: "Now go out."

Lu Mingshi nodded and walked over to wash his hands.

The two pools are very close.

The two were also very close.

Gu Yixin tilted his head to watch the warm water slide over Lu Ming's slender fingers, followed his arm along his shoulder, and then landed on the bulging abdomen.

Lu Mingshi sensed his gaze and glanced at him suspiciously.

Gu Yixin sighed.

Gu Yixin squatted down.

He folded his hands and hugged Lu Mingshi's waist and pressed his ears to his stomach.

"Baby." Gu Yixin said seriously, "Now I'm going to do a job that I don't like."

"I do this for the future. You will never have to do work you don't like."

Lu Mingshi watched the furry head lying on his waist, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand and stroke it.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yixin turned his head abruptly, with a forbearing and happy expression on his face.


Gu Yixin lowered his head and buried his face in his hands.

Lu Mingshi was a little confused, even his hands were itchy, and he stretched out his hand to try again.

This time he wasn't so lucky to succeed, and he was caught upright as soon as he reached the strands of hair.

Gu Yixin stood up, his face flushed.

Lu Mingshi's reaction from Gu Yixin made Lu Mingshi feel a little fluttered.

He muttered in disbelief, "Is this your sensitive point?"

Gu Yixin turned around and left.

Lu Mingshi watched him walk out of the room, and immediately took out his pocketbook and wrote it down.


Gu Yixin settled today's fragrant scallion pancakes in two of three, rushed back to brush his teeth, and then hurried out.

Because time was running out of time, he even took a taxi with heartache.

When he arrived at the crew, it was exactly half past eight.

The production staff are preparing props. They need to transport tons of sand from the transport truck to the studio and spread them on the ground before shooting in the second scene.

Yes, the second scene is the scene that the male and female protagonist first saw:

The female protagonist and the scum man played by An Luoyu went on a trip to the desert. During the trip, he suddenly found that the scum man was married and he had been a junior. So he left alone after beating the scum man, and then lost his way in the desert. the Lord.

Gu Yixin was wearing a mask when he came out because of the cold weather. He wore a bloated padded jacket. He also wore a work clothes from the crew yesterday. He couldn't see his figure or face at all.

Gu Yixin stepped in hurriedly, without seeing any acquaintances, standing in the middle of the props going back and forth, a little confused.

The boss of the drama watched Gu Yixin while instructing the younger brother to move the sandbags and regarded him as one of his younger brothers, so he went up and patted him on the shoulder.

Gu Yixin turned his head.

A fat big brother pointed in front of him, pointed to the transport truck outside, pointed to the thick pile of sandbags piled in the shed, and uttered a word full of breath:


What Big Brother didn't notice was.

The moment he said the word "move".

The eyes of the mask brother instantly revealed a light of surprise.


If Big Brother noticed those two surprise lights, he would not make a mistake.

Because in this world, people who are excited when they hear the word "move" are indeed extremely rare.

Half an hour later, the director finished watching the first scene and came to the second scene.

At this time, Cengchang was frantically looking for Gu Yixin.

The makeup artist dragged a huge makeup case to make up the heroine, but he never saw the hero.

When the director came in, he was very happy to see that the sand was almost ready.

The heroine is already in place, but the hero is not seen.

The shed was in a hurry.


At this time, Gu Yixin came in alone with the last eight sandbags. He poured the sand into the set area and flattened it, turning his head to tear off the mask.

Fat brother:...

The corner of the director's mouth twitched.

I am not offering such a high salary to invite you to move bricks!

However, Gu Yixin's dusty face after moving the bricks is very suitable to play a lonely man trekking in the desert.

After he moved the bricks and heated it, he took off his coat, leaving only a white short sleeve, which was also covered with black and gray at this time.

Very good, don't talk about makeup now, even clothes are saved.

The makeup artist watched as he lost half of his wages and sighed.


The role Gu Yixin is going to play is actually very good.

This play is a collection of the four works of mythical beasts on xx.com. They have the titles of evil charm and madness, which are as follows:

"President's Domination: Where is the Scrap Little Wife Fleeing"

"The Elderly One Hundred and One Secret Ex-husband"

"Indifferent hacker prince's personal school flower"

"Murahua counterattack: 50 babies of wealthy mothers"

What do these books have in common?

Of course it's rich!

Then the focus of acting is to show the awe-inspiring president.

As soon as the kind came out, it flashed blindly in the eyes of the hostess, crying bitterly, "I love you and I sleep with you, but I can't be with you because your mother gave me a bunch of money to make me GUN (please hurry up) After solving the troubles at home, come and chase me. I am waiting for you in **** city **** unit x0x. You must come)” temperament.

Gu Yixin has very few lines, and he can express all his emotions with only one word from beginning to end.




The first day of shooting was passed without incident.

But Gu Yixin was dissatisfied with his performance.

He found the director sadly: "Director, I don't think I am suitable for acting."

The director puzzled: "Today is in a pretty good state."

"Especially in the fourth scene where the heroine and the heroine's mother are torn and forced to be bumped into by the hero, the entanglement and embarrassment on your face are really in place!"

Gu Yixin said frankly: "That's actually because I'm hungry."

The director's expression paused, then he remembered something, and praised:

"In the penultimate scene, when the female protagonist's secret love diary was accidentally seen by the male protagonist, how good the surprise you showed. At this level, even the old drama bones have to be brewed for a long time to be so natural! "

Gu Yixin scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Director, that's because I thought that I would be able to close my work soon..."

The director finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

The director stopped the passing drama and asked for eight boxes of lunch, which were kindly placed on the table in front of Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin finished eight boxes of lunch with satisfaction.

"Thank you director, then I will stop work and go home?"

The director patted Gu Yixin on the shoulder.

"Little Gu, I was negligent."

"If you have no experience, it is naturally difficult to deduce a real domineering president."

"Well, I will find you a few real domineering presidents in two days."

"You eat, live, sleep and play with them for a week, and feel what a real domineering president is."

Director Wang waved his hand to finalize the matter.


A few days later, the director took Gu Yixin to the suburbs by car.

"Xiao Gu, today is a less formal gathering, so you don’t have to be cautious in front of these people. They are my nephews, and they still want to sell me a lot of face. Now that they promised to do me a favor. , Naturally will not embarrass you."

Gu Yixin hurriedly said: "Director, I'm not nervous, just seeing the route of this car is a bit familiar..."

When the car drove through the door, Gu Yixin cried inwardly.

This is more than familiar.

Isn't this the villa in Honggu District?


No. 88, the second floor meeting room.

The meeting place selected by Director Wang.

Before Director Wang and Gu Yixin arrived, the villa welcomed a few guests.

The first one arrived was Lu Mingshi.

Since his belly became more and more visible, he would be the first to be there no matter where he went.

This can avoid being the focus of everyone when you walk in.

Lu Mingshi looked around, found the big sofa in the corner, sat down, took a newspaper to cover his body, and waited quietly for Director Wang and the children he said he would bring to them.

Hei Che was the second to arrive.

He appeared at the door like an iron tower, blocking the light instantly.

Lu Mingshi looked up and greeted each other with restraint.

Hei Che greeted him, looked around, and sat on the sofa in the middle.

Lin Rui was the third to arrive.

Lin Ruiman stepped in the door carelessly, and first met Hei Che.

The two were unfamiliar, so they got up and shook hands politely.

Lin Rui glanced at Lu Mingshi in the corner.

Lu Mingshi covered his face with a newspaper, pretending not to see him.

Hei Che had a good impression of this strange beauty and invited Lin Rui to sit next to him, so Lin Rui agreed with a smile.

Wei Junshan was the fourth one.

Wei Junshan was still wearing his long windbreaker, even if it was so cold that he wanted to sneeze when he got out of the car, he still had to show his face, put his hands in his pockets, and walked in arrogantly.

Hei Che and Lin Rui both stood up and shook hands with him. Wei Junshan showed his stylized welcome smile, which fully demonstrated the good self-cultivation of a son of a family.

Then he saw Lu Mingshi in the corner.

Lu Mingshi also saw Wei Junshan.

Two people "hum" from their noses at the same time.

Lu Mingshi finished humming and held up the newspaper again to cover his face.


After Wei Junshan finished humming, his respiratory tract was irritated, and his throat and nose were itchy.

He wanted to sneeze.


Hei Che had a bad feeling.


Hei Che felt that he shouldn't be standing here, but why is this mysterious premonition?

"Ah-ah-ah sneeze!"

Wei Junshanshi's shocking sneeze was as loud as Lexington's gunshots, and countless spit stars rushed like a rain of bullets, covering all surfaces in contact with the air.

Lin Rui had already hid behind Hei Che in time and wit, and fortunately stayed away from this disaster.

Lu Mingshi gloated at the touching story between Wei Junshan and Hei Che.

Everyone knows what amazing cleanliness the Hei family has.

Wei Junshan has always regarded himself as a son of a family who knows etiquette.

Let alone Lin Rui's cynicism, even Lu Mingshi, who was almost the perfect benchmark for domineering presidents in the past, was very scornful.

I, Wei Junshan, is the most perfect and domineering man in this country!

Wei Junshan, who has the love of his mother, deserves this confidence.

But at this time, the unexpected situation made the perfect man a little flustered.

He first tried to take a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to Hei Che, then he regretted to find that he had never put anything in his pocket for the sake of demeanor.

So there are only hands in the pockets, no handkerchiefs.

Then Wei Junshan immediately apologized to Hei Che and sincerely stated that he would compensate him for all the dry-cleaning costs of the clothes on his body, and he would come to the house with gifts the next day to apologize.

Hei Che waved his hand indifferently.

"No... no more."

I'm used to it.

Hei Che explained emotionally: "I'll tell everyone, my habit of cleanliness has been cured!"

None of the three seemed to believe it.

"it is true!"

"Since I once stopped to criticize someone because someone sneezed at me, I wasted time and almost missed my major event. I have understood a truth."

Hei Che paused.

Then shook:

"Tolerance is the best character in the world!"

The three were silent for a long time.

Then they applauded.


Wei Junshan finally declined the invitation of Lin Rui and Hei Che, and sat down at the absolute farthest position from Lu Mingshi in the entire space.

Almost as soon as he sat down, Director Wang appeared.

After a few people exchanged greetings with Wang Shibo, Lin Rui asked curiously: "Shibo, the kid you said didn't come today?"

Director Wang smiled beautifully.

"I'm here, I'm a little impatient for a while, let's get out of company for a few minutes, and then come in later.

When he looked at Wei Junshan and Lu Ming, he was surprised: "You sit so far away, can I hear you? Come on, everyone sit closer and sit in the middle."

Dao Wang is accustomed to managing people on set, and he is an elder when he is with these children, so he is naturally more casual.

It’s just that the situation at the moment is really like the time in college.

The teacher asked the students in the last three rows to sit in front, but in the front, only the first row was left.

As a result, some students who just wanted to make up for their sleep were forced to come to the first row and fall in love with the teacher's voice.

Just like at this moment, Hei Che and Lin Rui each occupy one of the four-person sofa in the middle, just vacating the two closely connected positions in the middle.

Lu Mingshi's expression was stiff.

Wei Junshan is unbelievable.

However, Wang Shibo still smiled and urged gently and affectionately:

"Sit over, sit over, sit in the middle. That kid is very nice, you guys will take a look at it later. You can't see clearly if you sit far away."

Lu Mingshi thought to himself, no matter how good-looking, can my husband be good-looking?

Wei Junshan thought to himself, no matter how good you look, can you have a sweetheart?

Hei Che thought to himself, I won't look at it no matter how good it looks.

Lin Rui thought to himself, if it is really good-looking, then I will treat him hehe.

The four of them were thinking about each other, and only listened to the words of Director Wang:

"I've mentioned my intention to come today. I want to introduce a kid. He and my crew now need to act like an overbearing president. So today, I invite you all over here. I hope you can help. He found this trait."

Lin Rui smiled and asked, "Why does Shi Bo want to find us?"

"Of course it's because you are the leader among the domineering presidents of this city." Director Wang said kindly.

"However, considering that you have different schedules, and based on feasibility considerations, we still have to find one from you who best meets our requirements to bring this kid, not four people..."

The four thought that Wang Shibo was really confused.

Which one of us seems to be so free to have time to lead people to play?

Four people went on together.

It would be fine if this kind of work was directly handed over to Lin Rui, and only he was most interested.

Sure enough, Lin Rui took the lead with a smile and said, "Why not let me come--"

The other three people said yes.

Director Wang was skeptical: "Are you so sure?"

Hei Che, Lu Mingshi, Wei Junshan: Nodding.

Director Wang let out a sigh of relief, and put down the teacup he hadn’t drunk in his hand: “Okay, young people are busy, and old people won’t delay your time much. Lu Shinephew, Hei Shinephew, Wei Shinephew, if you are busy, why not Go back first, I will ask the butler to take you off. Lin Shinephew stay for a while, and I will introduce the kids to you."

The three of them had already stood up, ready to say goodbye to Wang Shibo, and exchanged greetings like paying attention to health first.

But I heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

A familiar figure stepped vigorously from far to near from downstairs.

Two strands of hair emerged first, then forehead and eyes.

Lu Mingshi was reaching out his hand to Director Wang, half of his words had been said: "I have something else, first--"

His voice stopped abruptly.


Before Gu Yixin went upstairs, he had already typed up the draft in his heart.

So as soon as he stepped on the last step, he didn't look at the faces of several presidents, and closed his eyes with a bow.

"Hello everyone! I am Gu Yixin. The director told me that I must act well. In the future, I can't live without you! If I have you, I will work hard. You let me go east, and I will never go west. In the future After leaving a teacher, I will not forget you!"


Thanks to endless, Wenyan Fusheng, charged Ameow x2, Oreo, Maoxihe, kin, rock seaweed, Sonic, sunshine, serryu, Yu Xijun’s mines!

Thank you YeolWhite for the grenade!

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