Gu Yixin remained in the bowing posture humbly for a long time, until he felt that the surrounding environment was abnormally quiet, and then raised his head in confusion.

From the moment he appeared, several big men seemed to have been pressed the still button, and there was no reaction at all.

Lu Mingshi, who was about to stand up, snapped and sat back.

Almost stepped on Hei Che's feet.

The expression on Lin Rui's face was unpredictable, he had already pinched his finger bones secretly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Hei Che rubbed his eyes in disbelief, thinking that he could see you everywhere.

Wei Junshan was the fastest, and he had already reached the top of the stairs before Gu Yixin appeared.

Gu Yixin first saw Wei Junshan standing in front of him.

Although President Wei Da lives in different legends all year round, he has indeed not shown up for a long time.

At this time, Wei Junshan, who was about to leave in a hurry, seemed to be in a hurry to go to the bathroom, opening his mouth wide, as if he could stuff a duck egg.

Gu Yixin questioned: "Ms. Wei? Are you one of the big guys that Director Wang said?"

Wei Junshan slowly closed his mouth.

"Are you the rookie male number one director Wang said?"

Gu Yixin nodded.

Wei Junshan was in a trance and grief.

——Fuck, why didn't you tell me earlier that you wanted to act? I just shut down the entertainment company to concentrate on real estate to let you come to my house to move bricks!

Gu Yixin carefully let go of the steps.

"Ms. Wei has something to leave now?"

Wei Junshan wiped his face and said, "I am in a hurry. I will be back when I go to the toilet."

Sending off Wei Junshan, Gu Yixin turned sideways again, facing the big bosses in front of him.

Director Wang keenly noticed that Gu Yixin's facial muscles twitched like never before.

"Wang, Director Wang."

Gu Yixin asked tremblingly.

"Are they what you call'the most domineering president of the city'?"

That's it for Wei Junshan. At any rate, people are playing a domineering president very playfully. Even if he is a playmaker in his heart, you can't deny that he is at least superficially domineering.

These few people...

At this moment, Gu Yixin was extremely confident that he had no future in acting.

Director Wang chuckled and said, "Yes, they are all young talents of the same kind of talent, some of the best younger generations in our family."

"Look at me, this is Lin Rui. When you didn't come just now, we had decided that he would take you to the rooftop outdoor swimming pool of the eight-star hotel, the 18-hole golf course of Erque Mountain, and Shilipu. Huangyangtang Hot Spring feels the wonderful life of the rich second generation!"

Following the introduction of Director Wang, Lin Rui's lips showed a gentle smile, as if facing a lover who desperately needed to please him.

Lin Rui opened her lips slightly: "Yes, Lin must do his best to open the door to a new world for this kid."

Lu Mingshi couldn't sit still.

Lu Mingshi just wanted to speak, but Hei Che snatched the conversation.

"I think this matter can be considered again."

Everyone was a little surprised.

Lu Mingshi's first reaction: What the hell, does Hei Xiaopang have other thoughts too?

It's not that Lu Mingshi is too sensitive, it's that he has been scared too many times.

Wei Junshan couldn't forget the moment he saw it.

Lin Rui, love and hate are intertwined and can't let go.

Take a trip to the far door... His husband is not guaranteed when he arrives a little late!

In addition, Lu Mingshi was affected by progesterone, and he had a perverted possessive desire for everything that was assigned to his chassis. How could he not overreact.

Lin Rui only raised her brows lightly, and glanced at Hei Che very meaningfully.

Hei Che was the least and purest person present.

Of course he would not have thought of how many associations and guesses Lin Rui and Lu Ming had given his simple sentence, but sincerely once again said to Director Wang——

"This matter needs a long-term discussion!"

Hei Che certainly didn't really have any thoughts about Gu Yixin, but he was a super S-level loyal dog attack with a loyalty attribute of 1,000,000,000,000 points in the original book.

His deep friendship for An Luoyu is higher than the Kilimanjaro Mountains and deeper than the Mariana Trench.

Since last time at An Luoyu’s house, Gu Yixin helped An Luoyu untie his heart knot, and he, who had never touched An Luoyu for eighteen years, finally had a close contact with his sweetheart for 0.00001 seconds, which is even more magical. Helped him heal the excessive cleanliness that has troubled him for many years.

Gu Yixin now is his benefactor of Hei Che!

There are a lot of rumors circulating about Lin Rui, and Hei Che has certainly heard about it.

Although the other party’s conversational style was very decent and pleasant when I saw it today, the impact of rumors on the impression cannot be completely disappeared because of a short contact.

Therefore, when the benefactor is likely to fall into the hands of the ghost animal emperor, he is black and can never stand idly by!

Hei Che looked at Director Wang sincerely, and Director Wang coughed slightly and turned his gaze to Lin Rui, who was silent.

"Lin Shinephew, look at this..."

Lin Ruizheng said: "Wang Shibo, I have said good things. If Young Master Hei can't come up with a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid it will be unacceptable."


They are here for you and me, and Lu Mingshi crazily hinted at Gu Yixin, who was looking out of shape.

He blinked hard at Gu Yixin.

Originally, Lu Mingshi wanted to blink his left eye, but he didn't want to make this action because of his own genetic defects and lack of practice, so that it looked like it was not wink at all, but eyelids twitched.

Gu Yixin looked at him blankly:? ? ?

what happened to him?

Lu Mingshi was anxious, and repeated the action just now.

This time Gu Yixin understood.

Probably Lu Mingshi's eyes were uncomfortable and he needed his help.

Gu Yixin squatted down and crossed Lu Mingshi's head with both hands, and carefully checked his eyelids.

Then he breathed into both eyes.

Hei Che, who is organizing language:...

Lin Rui, who is about to start his tongue,:...

They have developed to this level? ?

Director Wang was shocked: "Xiao Gu, what are you doing?"

Gu Yixin answered politely: "President Lu's eyes are fascinated by the dust. I will help him blow."

Director Wang aphasia: "You, do you know Lu Shinephew?"

Gu Yixin nodded.

Lu Mingshi said quietly, "Wang Shibo, I'm afraid he knows everyone here."

Director Wang was shocked: "Why... why?"

Gu Yixin's identity registered with him, but fitness coach Gu Wumao!

How could he know.

The little brother in front of him.

Gu Yixin, a model worker in the city that no one knows about, the little sun of the proletariat, and the four big men who are jealous for their struggles, who can obviously eat with their faces but have to move bricks? ?

Gu Yixin bowed sorry to Director Wang.

"Sorry, to avoid some trouble, I used my pseudonym."

Lu Mingshi said that it was not a pseudonym, but clearly a nickname.

Gu Yixin kept smiling.

What can Director Wang say? Director Wang is also very melancholy.

"In that case." Director Wang asked puzzledly, "Why did you grow up with Lu Shinephew when you were young, and you are very familiar with several other life nephews, but you don't know anything about the life of the rich second generation?"

Gu Yixin scratched his head embarrassedly, not thinking how to say it.

When Lu Ming saw him embarrassed, he explained it for him.

"This is because he was introverted since he was a child—"

Lin Rui said shit.


So it beat me for two hours.

"Never go to high-end consumer places, my daily hobby is knitting sweaters at home."

The first time I saw him, I opened 28 bottles of Louis XIII in a nightclub private room.

Director Wang suddenly realized.

Director Wang regretted: "This is really a waste of conditions. Since Xiao Gu has always lived in Lu's family, I don't think I will be close to the water platform this time..."

Lin Rui's eyes moved, and he just wanted to retort, but he heard an energetic shout next to him——

"I disagree!!"

Everyone looked at it.

Pretending to go to the bathroom, Wei Junshan, who had been eavesdropping at the corner of the stairs, finally lost his breath.

He walked over on the red carpet calmly and ably, and stood a T-step, using the solemn tone of his speech at the annual meeting.

"Since he has not learned how to be a domineering president in the Lu family for so many years, it shows that Lu Shao is not good at teaching presidents at all!"

President teaching.

As soon as this new term came out, everyone else in the room was stunned.

Wei Junshan's expression was calm, his deep gaze swept across everyone's face, and he slowly said:

“If you don’t accumulate steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles. If you don’t accumulate small streams, you can’t make a river. In theory, learning how to be a domineering president should be done gradually and subtly to show the true presidential temperament.”

"But Lu Shao's failed teaching wastes a whole eighteen years of time."

"Therefore, now we have to use another method to improve quickly."

"That is, the president has a big transformation!"

Everyone was stunned.

Wei Junshan is full of enthusiasm.

He spoke eloquently about his plan for half an hour. It surpasses Lu Mingshi's take-home teaching and Lin Rui's teaching in high-consumption places. Instead, Gu Yixin can experience the life of a real boss in every aspect from work and life to emotion!

Finally, Wei Junshan made a summary statement in one sentence.

"I am the one who is most suitable for this important task."

Wei Junshan is stern: "I heard that Shao Lu has been in trouble for several months and has not been to the company in the past month. Lin Shao's family is in charge of the eldest brother, and has little contact with the business. Hei Shao looks very honest and respectful, but from his temperament It doesn’t seem to meet the requirements of Director Wang very much. So—"

Wei Junshan leaned slightly towards Wang Dao.

"Let me take Yixin back."

Director Wang was almost convinced.

Hei Che felt that as long as he wasn't Lin Rui, he had a clear conscience and had no intention of stopping.

Lin Rui looked at Wei Junshan thoughtfully.

From the corner of Gu Yixin's eyes, he glanced at Lu Mingshi, who had been silent for so long.

Director Wang: "What Wei Shinephew said is very reasonable, and I can't refute it. In that case..."

Director Wang was about to make a decision along the way, when the stagnant air was suddenly broken by a sound.

"No way."

Lu Mingshi's sentence was not loud, but it contained a strong warning.

Lin Rui looked at him unexpectedly.

Lin Rui and Lu Mingshi are very poor acquaintances.

In his cognition, compared with Wei Junshan's style of writing evil charms on his face, Lu Mingshi was considered gentle.

Things that really irritate him are really rare.

At least he has never seen it.

Maybe it counts as one when Gu Yixin ran away, think about the handwriting of advertising all over the world.

When Lin Rui looked at Wei Junshan, and then at Lu Ming, he felt that the two of them were about to work.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with me now.

Lin Rui shrank back with interest, grabbed a handful of the **** melon seeds bag in Hei Che's hand, and glanced at each other.

The two shrugged their hands.

The stage is left to you, you continue.


Wei Junshan narrowed his eyes.

"Why not?" He questioned, "Do you want to break his wings, cut off his dreams, and lock him in Luzhai like a canary in tears all day?"

Just as Gu Yixin wanted to interrupt, Lu Mingshi pressed his wrist and said in a deep voice, "I didn't want to do this."

Wei Junshan grinned and didn't believe it at all: "You forgot how you hunted him all over the city?"

"I have a reason to do that."

Lu Mingshi glanced at Gu Yixin: "Wei Junshan, I won't let him go to you."

"I like him."

The sudden confession flashed to the waists of Lin Rui and Hei Che who were silently eating melon seeds.

Wei Junshan was furious: "I will not give him to you! I like him too!"


The room was silent.

Director Wang was shocked.

Two world nephews, you came out in front of me, do your parents know?

For a long time, Gu Yixin raised his hand silently:

"Mr. Wei, I don't like you."


Hei Che and Lin Rui cast sympathetic glances at Wei Junshan.

I have changed for ordinary people, and my heart must have been messed up at this time. I turned around and told the world that I want to be strong.

But Wei Junshan is certainly not an ordinary person.

He roared out angrily:

"You nonsense! You obviously accepted the stone I gave, it symbolizes one-mindedness, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten!"

The shells of the melon seeds in Lin Rui's mouth spouted out loudly. Hei Che suffered again.

Why don't you say that the king is a rock and the concubine is a pampas grass?

Oh, maybe the main station at Wei is attacking by yourself.

Lin Rui took the handkerchief and wiped the melon seeds off Hei Che's body, while feeling deep sadness for Wei Junshan.

Guide Wang, who had never seen Wei Shinephew before, shook his body.

"Wei Shinephew, you collapsed."

He affirmed.

Wei Junshan was hit hard and slowly turned around to face Director Wang: " I have it?"

Director Wang announced: "Because Wei Shinephew's performance does not fit the indifferent and ruthless personality of the overbearing president in this play, this time the candidate will be positioned as Lu...Lu..."

He could not go on.

Because Lu Mingshi was not listening to what was being said at this time, he just pulled Gu Yixin's sleeve with a sad expression on his face.

"You tell me, is what Wei Junshan said is true?"

"He really gave you the token of love? Did you really accept it?"

"Tell me, none of this is true!"

Gu Yixin opened his eyes and patted Lu Mingshi on the shoulder, trying to stabilize his emotions: "Things are not what he said..."

No direct denial, it seems...

Lu Mingshi sniffed sadly.

"Forget it, you don't need to say, I know it all."

Gu Yixin tried his best to defend: "No, let me explain..."


This situation and situation.

Director Wang fell silent.

Lin Rui poured the melon seed shells into the trash can, and the voice of gloating sounded:

"How good is this? Both of them have collapsed. I can't compare it to..."

"Shall Gu Shao play golf with me?"

Gu Yixin was still rhythmically tapping Lu Mingshi's back, who was so angry that he was burping.

Hearing that he turned his head to look at Lin Rui, with a kind look in his eyes.

Gu Yixin said quietly:

"I wonder if Lin Shao still hurts his butt?"



So now Lin Rui started to hiccup too.


Thanks to Mo Yan x2, Rock Nori, Chen Nan, Sisissos, Feilang, Serryu, Kin. Hand-picked stars and moonstones have a fart x2 mine!

Thank you W, Yuexi, YeolWhite, and non-langjun for their grenade!

Thank you for your favorite comment nutrient solution, meme~